Finally an unbiased journalist dares to speak the truth about Michael Jackson

  • Thread starter WomanInTheMirror
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Re: Michael Jackson: It's Time For Outlets to Take Responsibility in Covering the Rock Star

Good article,although this bit bugged me:

" I was contacted by the Sun and asked to supply information about the 1993 allegations.....When I read the finished article I was stunned to find that all of my information had been discarded and replaced with the very myths I had advised them to avoid."

This is clearly an intelligent person writing here,yet they weren't aware of the suns reputation in regards to Michael Jackson?


"anything for money...."

He was employed as a 'Jackson expert'. If I was employed as a Jackson expert I'd expect the newspaper to listen and print what I said. He was asked to give information on 1993, he did and they didn't use what he gave them. Maybe Charles Thompson thought he could make a difference. Lets not judge the guy, he writes all of these positive blogs for Michael, things he tried and failed to get the Sun to print. These blogs get him no money, he's doing it because he believes in the cause.
Gene Simmons shouldn't throw stones when he himself is in a glass house:

Gene Simmons Bashes Michael Jackson, But He Should Not Throw Rocks in a Glass House
by Jay David Murphy on July 11, 2009

Gene Simmons took a cheap shot at Michael Jackson, but he should remember he chases young girls and pays for their pleasures in Las Vegas.

It looks like Gene Simmons has jumped on the bash Michael Jackson bandwagon. In an article on the Digital News, Simmons spreads rumors that, “Jackson brought young children to Brazil at 10 times.” Simmons went on to say that, “there were police reports on these incidents that had not previously been made known to the public.”

These disturbing unsubstantiated statements were made by Gene Simmons on the Dean Blundell morning radio talk show based out of Toronto, Canada.

Gene Simmons is the last person who should be talk about shacking up with teens. Simmons is notorious for having teen girls bought and brought to him during his stays in Las Vegas.

You can learn about one true story on in the book ‘Garbage People, The Clown’. There is an account there of a young teen hooker in Vegas who was purchased to have sex with Simmons.

She said, “He had nothing going for him, but his tongue.” She was referring to his small male appendage. The prostitute now in her mid 20’s said, “He was lame in bed, and liked little girls.” At the time she looked like she was 14 and was being pimped out to celebrities with a thing for teen girls.

With all the bravado this rocker throws out there, it became apparent, in years of conversations with this Vegas prostitute that during her liaison with Gene Simmons that he had a hard time picking up women and found it better to just pay it.

There are other celebrities that this young prostitute known as Jessica was bought and paid for and a few of them are mentioned in the book.

The lesson here is, if you throw rocks in a glass house; expect the glass to get shattered. In the case of Gene Simmons, think before you open up your mouth, especially when the stone you throw, is the same one you sleep with.
I said this when I first heard about this mess on this board. That was my comment. Gene, for a FACT, mess with underage girls. he was wild in the 70's and 80's when KISS was big. Also, I have always said when you find people who want to believe in lies about Michael and other, it is often a window into thier own lives in what they maybe doing. that is why I want to believe so hard (even when facts show MJ was innocent) to believe MJ abused a child.
Re: Michael Jackson: It's Time For Outlets to Take Responsibility in Covering the Rock Star

He was employed as a 'Jackson expert'. If I was employed as a Jackson expert I'd expect the newspaper to listen and print what I said. He was asked to give information on 1993, he did and they didn't use what he gave them. Maybe Charles Thompson thought he could make a difference. Lets not judge the guy, he writes all of these positive blogs for Michael, things he tried and failed to get the Sun to print. These blogs get him no money, he's doing it because he believes in the cause.
So true.
great read, thx for posting...

the whole world should read this text at least twice, maybe then... sigh
Charles Thomson has just gone top of my preferred journalists list. Much respect to the guy :)
Theres a thing going around the net at the moment trying to get fans to comment on the Huffington Post article. The more positive comments it gets the more likely they are to ask him back and get him to write more pro-MJ articles for them.

The fans are saying to leave coherent and supportive messages and to not leave them under any nickname with MJ in it. Leave them under neutral names because it makes it look like its not just MJ fans who are supporting him.
the study and analysis of media irresponsibility in the case of Mr. Jackson should make for an interesting book. i'm waiting for the day that media would be called out in a huge way and finally be made accountable for what they did and continue to do to this man. they truly deserve a boycott, among other things. making money by putting out lies and running him to the ground is outright cheap and dirty...actually, despicable.
Finally too. they will never hire this guy in the news media, he tells the truth about the bull that Mike's been getting.
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great article, thanks for posting :yes:

I wish people could just WANT to find out the truth for themselves!!!
It isn't that hard to do- people just don't want to take the time to look, and now they're brainwashed anyway..
The Hotline calling part of the worldwide initiative to get the Batten story picked up by major media outlets is now over. The story is now convieniently considered 'old' and most likely will not now be given coverage.

It was, however, important that we tried.

Clearly mainstream media has no intention of publicizing the Batten story - but we are not defeated. There is nothing to stop people from posting key excerpts from the rebuttal part of the Batten interview on the general web ourselves - to get it out there. Please could we all now focus our dedicated energy on raising general awareness about Charles Thomson, and urge as many people as possible to head to the Huffington Post to add their comments.

Charles Thomson believes the truth about Michael Jackson's innocence is being suppressed.

We have waited a long time for the media to hear us.

One journalist has.

But he is only one man.

If we do not support his efforts effectively we will have no-one to blame.

But ourselves.

Our focus is now on making Charles Thomson's blog at the Huffington Post the most commented article in Huff Post history.

When you comment there please use 'normal' names not fan names e.g not mj'sloveiseternal etc.

Huffington Post, one of the most widely read online blog sites, reaches millions of people daily.

Help dispel the popular media-driven misconceptions about Michael Jackson's supporters - and add your cogent, informed, well-spaced comments underneath Thomson's blog at Huff Post.

"It starts with us. Us. Or else it'll never be done." Michael Jackson (This Is It.)
I said this when I first heard about this mess on this board. That was my comment. Gene, for a FACT, mess with underage girls. he was wild in the 70's and 80's when KISS was big. Also, I have always said when you find people who want to believe in lies about Michael and other, it is often a window into thier own lives in what they maybe doing. that is why I want to believe so hard (even when facts show MJ was innocent) to believe MJ abused a child.

Terrell: can you explain this for me? you want to believe Michael abused a child? I don't understand.
Terrell: can you explain this for me? you want to believe Michael abused a child? I don't understand.

I think that she may have made a typo there. She meant "This is why I find it so hard to believe that he would abuse a child" type of sentence.

And Gene is green with envy towards Michael. He seems to be mad at him for something to spread untrue crap like that especially after Michael Jackson's death he did'nt seen to try to do this when Mike was alive because he was afraid of a lawsuit.
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