Finally an unbiased journalist dares to speak the truth about Michael Jackson

  • Thread starter WomanInTheMirror
  • Start date


I don't guys if you've read this article already, but it deserves attention. This journalist does fair reporting and gives a lesson of decency and objectivity toward the figure Michael Jackson. It's really interesting and speaks out clearly and loudly on how the media coverage has been blatantly inclined to stain Michael's image either by omitting crucial facts or releasing doubtful information.

Check it out
Perhaps we should register to the Huffington Post site so that we can commend this gentleman on his work.
Thanks for posting. I remember his blog from before. This is a good article. I'm a bit surprised the Huffington Post would publish it to their blog.
Nice read. Thanks for posting.
Finally a sensible journalist.

Although Jackson's innocence looked increasingly likely, most news outlets had made their bed and to this day they seem unwilling to do anything but lie in it.

Well said.
i appreciate his being unbiased. kudos to him. i know he wants to protect his comrades, but they are sinister, and conspiratorial.
Michael Jackson: It's Time For Outlets to Take Responsibility in Covering the Rock Star

If you want to see the media bias, I encourage you to read this article.. it's very eye-opening. It's about Hene Simmons interview in which he mentions "facts" about MJ, boys and his tours, you NEED to read this!! If you feel that truth is at all important, please take a few minutes to read this and also, SPREAD IT!!

Let me know if the link doesn't work.
Also, I hope I'm not dubble posting anything, couldn't find it here when I looked.
Re: Michael Jackson: It's Time For Outlets to Take Responsibility in Covering the Rock Star

Thank you so much for your research and for sharing this story, Indra!!!
I put this article on my facebook page! :)
Re: Michael Jackson: It's Time For Outlets to Take Responsibility in Covering the Rock Star

Oh I was just gonna post this very same article! :D Yea I think this guy has it right! The general public and especially the MEDIA should read this and learn a valuable lesson!!! Good reading for the fans as well!:clapping:
Re: Michael Jackson: It's Time For Outlets to Take Responsibility in Covering the Rock Star

thank you!! I posted this on my facebook too!
Re: Michael Jackson: It's Time For Outlets to Take Responsibility in Covering the Rock Star

Thanks for posting. We need more articles about how the media's bigoted and unture view of Michael. I truly believe there is a large element of racism in the media against Michael.
Re: Michael Jackson: It's Time For Outlets to Take Responsibility in Covering the Rock Star

Was the story ever really that big in the first place? I don't particularly follow mainstream media sites or newspapers that much, but I never heard a single thing about it until Jennifer Batten's rebuttal.
Re: Michael Jackson: It's Time For Outlets to Take Responsibility in Covering the Rock Star

To be honest I never heard nothing about this in Australia. I think in this article, that part was exaggerated. This story only spread online on gossip sites.
Re: Michael Jackson: It's Time For Outlets to Take Responsibility in Covering the Rock Star

Good article,although this bit bugged me:

" I was contacted by the Sun and asked to supply information about the 1993 allegations.....When I read the finished article I was stunned to find that all of my information had been discarded and replaced with the very myths I had advised them to avoid."

This is clearly an intelligent person writing here,yet they weren't aware of the suns reputation in regards to Michael Jackson?


"anything for money...."
Re: Michael Jackson: It's Time For Outlets to Take Responsibility in Covering the Rock Star

To be honest I never heard nothing about this in Australia. I think in this article, that part was exaggerated. This story only spread online on gossip sites.

The Gene Simmons ""interview" was printed in the magazine Classic Rock and on
The e-mail alerting group sent a letter via e-mail to the magazine and the website to refute these untruths about MJ. It is also very refreshing to read the comments on the article as they were all pro-MJ.

Charles Thomson is a wonderful and conscientious writer who actually does research and knows what he is talking about. RESPECT for Charles Thomson!
The good thing is that Gene got ATTACKED. I do not think anyone believe his nonsense. I am sure even some some KISS fans said "what the @#$" with Gene".
The Gene Simmons ""interview" was printed in the magazine Classic Rock and on
The e-mail alerting group sent a letter via e-mail to the magazine and the website to refute these untruths about MJ. It is also very refreshing to read the comments on the article as they were all pro-MJ.
Ugh, I hadn't actually read the whole article that started this. Aside from all the other BS in it that's already been discussed, I love how one of his seeming arguments that MJ was a bad guy is that out of all the 4600 women Gene's slept with, none of them ever said they'd gotten down with Michael. OMG, thank God for that! :puke: I think I'm going to be sick. So because MJ didn't fool around with Kiss groupies, he must be a bad guy. Wow, now there's some logic for you :rolleyes2:
Ugh, I hadn't actually read the whole article that started this. Aside from all the other BS in it that's already been discussed, I love how one of his seeming arguments that MJ was a bad guy is that out of all the 4600 women Gene's slept with, none of them ever said they'd gotten down with Michael. OMG, thank God for that! :puke: I think I'm going to be sick. So because MJ didn't fool around with Kiss groupies, he must be a bad guy. Wow, now there's some logic for you :rolleyes2:

I love the way you have used the word "dares" in the thread title. It's so true
Re: Michael Jackson: It's Time For Outlets to Take Responsibility in Covering the Rock Star

Good article,although this bit bugged me:

" I was contacted by the Sun and asked to supply information about the 1993 allegations.....When I read the finished article I was stunned to find that all of my information had been discarded and replaced with the very myths I had advised them to avoid."

This is clearly an intelligent person writing here,yet they weren't aware of the suns reputation in regards to Michael Jackson?


"anything for money...."

Nevermind, he gave his information to The Sun in 2009, hadn't read the whole article first, you may have a point.
Gene Simmons shouldn't throw stones when he himself is in a glass house:

Gene Simmons Bashes Michael Jackson, But He Should Not Throw Rocks in a Glass House
by Jay David Murphy on July 11, 2009

Gene Simmons took a cheap shot at Michael Jackson, but he should remember he chases young girls and pays for their pleasures in Las Vegas.

It looks like Gene Simmons has jumped on the bash Michael Jackson bandwagon. In an article on the Digital News, Simmons spreads rumors that, “Jackson brought young children to Brazil at 10 times.” Simmons went on to say that, “there were police reports on these incidents that had not previously been made known to the public.”

These disturbing unsubstantiated statements were made by Gene Simmons on the Dean Blundell morning radio talk show based out of Toronto, Canada.

Gene Simmons is the last person who should be talk about shacking up with teens. Simmons is notorious for having teen girls bought and brought to him during his stays in Las Vegas.

You can learn about one true story on in the book ‘Garbage People, The Clown’. There is an account there of a young teen hooker in Vegas who was purchased to have sex with Simmons.

She said, “He had nothing going for him, but his tongue.” She was referring to his small male appendage. The prostitute now in her mid 20’s said, “He was lame in bed, and liked little girls.” At the time she looked like she was 14 and was being pimped out to celebrities with a thing for teen girls.

With all the bravado this rocker throws out there, it became apparent, in years of conversations with this Vegas prostitute that during her liaison with Gene Simmons that he had a hard time picking up women and found it better to just pay it.

There are other celebrities that this young prostitute known as Jessica was bought and paid for and a few of them are mentioned in the book.

The lesson here is, if you throw rocks in a glass house; expect the glass to get shattered. In the case of Gene Simmons, think before you open up your mouth, especially when the stone you throw, is the same one you sleep with.
Michael Jackson: It's Time For Outlets to Take Responsibility in Covering the Rock Star

Michael Jackson: It's Time For Outlets to Take Responsibility in Covering the Rock Star
Charles Thomson
Posted: March 2, 2010 10:10 AM

Last week Michael Jackson's guitarist discredited widely reported allegations about the star's behaviour on the road. So why is the media refusing to publish her comments? British writer Charles Thomson explores media bias against black music's biggest star.

Aging glam-rocker Gene Simmons made international headlines last month when he claimed to know that Michael Jackson had molested children. In an interview with Classic Rock, Simmons alleged that Jackson was on tape ordering alcohol for children and that during the star's 2005 trial a travel agent had testified to importing Brazilian boys for Jackson's amusement. He also claimed that a musician friend had quit a Jackson tour after seeing 'boys coming out of the hotel rooms.'

What followed was a classic example of copy and paste journalism. Within hours the story had been duplicated by hundreds of blogs, forums and news websites from Australia to India to the USA. None of them had fact-checked the story before they re-hosted it. Jackson was never on tape ordering alcohol for children. There was never any testimony during his trial about young Brazilian boys. Both of these claims were easily disproven by trial transcripts.

As a relative Jackson expert, I was also unaware of any musician ever leaving one of the singer's tours midway through. So when I sat down a fortnight ago for an interview with Jackson's long serving tour guitarist Jennifer Batten, I ran the story by her.

She told me that no musician had ever quit a Jackson tour. Two musicians had been fired but both were let go before the show hit the road, so they couldn't possibly have witnessed anything going on inside hotels.

When Sawf News published Batten's rebuttal I observed an all too familiar phenomenon. Although the story appeared on Google News and was picked up fairly swiftly by the Examiner, nobody else seemed willing to touch it. Whilst Simmons's speculative and ultimately baseless accusations had been reproduced the world over, Batten's expert rebuttal was being suppressed.

I soon began receiving emails from Jackson's fans telling me that they were sending the story to every celebrity news outlet they could think of, including several of those which published Simmons's initial allegations.

But more than 48 hours later, typing an exact quote from Simmons's rant into a search engine produced almost 350 webpages. The number of news outlets hosting Batten's rebuttal? Three.

This was not the first time I'd had a Jackson story suppressed. After Evan Chandler's suicide in November 2009 I was contacted by the Sun and asked to supply information about the 1993 allegations. I spent quite some time compiling my research, advising the newspaper of common myths and how to avoid them, being careful to source all of my facts from legal documents and audio/visual evidence.

When I read the finished article I was stunned to find that all of my information had been discarded and replaced with the very myths I had advised them to avoid. I alerted staff to the inaccuracies but my emails were not replied. The same inaccuracies appeared in every single article I read about the suicide.

The same bias manifested itself the following month when Jackson's FBI file was released. Across more than 300 pages of information there was not one piece of incriminating evidence -- but that's not the way the media told it.

A videotape seized at customs in West Palm Beach and analysed for child pornography was repeatedly referred to as belonging to Jackson. In actuality, files stated merely that the tape was 'connected' to Jackson and that connection appeared simply to be that somebody had written his name on the sticky label.

In another document the FBI logged a telephone call from a tipster claiming that the bureau had investigated Jackson during the 1980s for molesting two Mexican boys. The files made no other mention of the supposed investigation and the claim was ascribed no validity -- the call was merely noted. But the media persistently referred to the anonymous tipster's unsupported allegations as the FBI's own conclusions.

Jackson's FBI file overwhelmingly supported his innocence but its contents were routinely manipulated to give the opposite impression.

Many are quick to scoff when Jackson's fans speak of a media conspiracy to destroy the star's reputation and I used to scoff with them. As a member of the industry I prefer not to think of it as sinister and conspiratorial, but I find it increasingly difficult to explain away the bias with which Jackson is treated.

I wonder whether the problem is pride. When the 1993 allegations broke, the vast majority of information available was released, either officially or unofficially, by the prosecution. Jackson, meanwhile, remained characteristically silent.

Perhaps because the prosecution's version of events went almost completely unchallenged (although I imagine that drama and selling newspapers had something to do with it, too), the media primarily chose to portray Jackson as guilty.

But as the facts started to trickle out it became increasingly apparent that the case was full of holes. The allegations had been instigated not by the boy but by his father, who had demanded a scriptwriting deal from Jackson before he went to the police. He was on tape plotting to destroy Jackson's career and dismissing his son's wellbeing as 'irrelevant'. Then the boy told cops that Jackson was circumcised, but a police body search concluded that he was not.

Although Jackson's innocence looked increasingly likely, most news outlets had made their bed and to this day they seem unwilling to do anything but lie in it.

Whatever the motivation, be it pride, profit or plain old racism, the bias against Jackson is undeniable. The suppression of Batten's comments proves once more than when it comes to Jackson the media is interested not in fact or reason but negativity and sensationalism. Batten accompanied Jackson on all three of his world tours and was known for a decade as his 'right hand woman'. But Simmons -- who self-confessedly did not know Jackson -- has been given over 100 times more media coverage for his inaccurate ranting than Batten has for her firsthand experience.

It is time for outlets to assume responsibility for their own content. Websites should not re-host other publishers' stories unless they can be completely certain that the content is factual. Even if the media refuses to print the truth about Jackson, they should compromise by not printing the lies either. At least that way he can rest in peace.

You can leave message for Charles Thomson.
Re: Michael Jackson: It's Time For Outlets to Take Responsibility in Covering the Rock Star

already here :)
Re: Michael Jackson: It's Time For Outlets to Take Responsibility in Covering the Rock Star

This makes me feel sick.
but thankyou to charles thompson