feeling quilty by buying tickets for the tii movie


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Hardenberg, Netherlands
I can,t stop the thought that i would be feeling quilty towards michael by buying tickets to the this is it movie.
We all know that those shows he was rehearsing for contribued to his death.
By buying a ticket i feel like contributing to michael,s death.
I don,t know, i just don,t feel well and comfortable with this.
As a fan i really want to see the movie.......i want to see him doing his thing.......
But..........but............sigh..It,s so hard...
Don,t know how to handle my feelings with this........
Anyone feels te same?
the proceeds are going to the jackson family, and michael wasn't forced to rehearse, this is something that he wanted to do. CONRAD killed mike, not the tours.
I feel lousy about it but at the same time I want to see how he was doing...
the proceeds are going to the jackson family, and michael wasn't forced to rehearse, this is something that he wanted to do. CONRAD killed mike, not the tours.

^ agreed with this. These rehearsals didn't kill Michael, that negligent b*stard of a doctor did. No need to feel guilty.
Michael was happy about the tour, I am sure of it. He saw once again, that he was loved by lots of people, who bought the tickets and were waiting to see him. He knew he was not forgotted. I am sure he looked forward to performing again...
I can't remember but wasn't it posted in early June that a DVD with the rehearsals will be released? A Making of of sorts? That they're recording EVERYTHING?
Hmm. I don't. In fact, in the days after he passed and I heard rehearsals had been filmed, I said, "If they don't let us see this footage now it would be just downright cruel."

Like others have said here, he didn't die because of the rehearsals or the tour, but because a doctor who didn't know what the **** he was doing. Murray screwed up. I understand the thinking that if there hadn't been the tour, if we hadn't bought tickets, etc, etc that he may not have needed the stuff to sleep, may not have wanted Murray around and so on, but obviously if anyone would have known this was going to happen... well, there was no way we could have known. I fully believe that if it weren't for propofol (+ negligence) we'd have seen Michael kick ass at the O2 all summer. :cry:
You shouldn't feel guilty. Michael wanted to do the shows for us. The movie is the next best thing.
theres no need to feel guilty jenny, i have mixed emotions too but in a way i will be saying my goodbyes at the showing. i couldn't go to his memorial and obviously not his funeral but this i can attend.
i have been guilt ridden because i never had tickets for the concert, not that i didn't want to go.... i so did want to go. when the tickets went on sale i couldn't justify spending out on a ticket as i had quite a few big bills to pay plus other things going on financially. part of me says if i was such a big fan i would of found the money from somewhere ... but i never. thats my gulit.
its some consolation but i did see him at Wembley in 88 .
now i need to say my farewells and feel that TII movie is a fitting place.
I've decided not to go but I fully respect those who want to :) I just don't think that he being a perfectionist would want his rehearsals made into a movie... on the other hand I put my hands up and say I could be wrong as maybe given this situation he'd want the fans to see what he could still do... I don't like that AEG will make money from this but that is down to my own opinion on the company.
I don't feel guilty about buying them, what it is is what it is, I'm sure Michael would like for his fans to see this if he passed. These rehearsals didnt kill Michael, if anything it probably helped make him really happy. It was the drugs that killed him.
I will go to see him on the screen. He did it for us Fans and his kids. I don't want to let him down. He rehearsed with all his will to give us the best..
Thanks Michael.
Murray and others never made it hapen live..
Michael wanted to do This Is It, he wanted to rehearse. Conrad Murray killed Michael, not his tour preparations. I think he'd WANT us to see what he had instore for us. He worked hard on it.
Michael would WANT you to see what he worked so hard on.
These rehearsals didnt kill Michael, if anything it probably helped make him really happy. It was the drugs that killed him.

I wholeheartedly do not agree with this...but I understand fans wanting to see it, and trying to justify it in this way.

Ultimately/technically it was the drugs that essentially killed him, this is obvious fact that can not be disputed...BUT the number/intensity of the rehearsals, Michael's stress, weight loss, lack of eat/sleep, and the very people who are making the movie, and also will profit from it, ALL played a part in his death. He would still be alive if he hadn't been (financially) forced into the tour by the same peope...

He wasn't ready for us to see it yet...
He said.


He also was not in full hair and makeup and wardrobe which he would never approve of to be shown on the big screen for a movie.

I feel so sorry for him :(
Still being used and abused.
I will go to see him on the screen. He did it for us Fans and his kids. I don't want to let him down. He rehearsed with all his will to give us the best..
Thanks Michael.
Murray and others never made it hapen live..

me too.. I think he would want to show us what he was working on..
But God it will be so hard to watch. Bring lots of tissues! :cry:
Michael worked hard to show his performances and he said he was happy during the rehearsals. What's the problem? You pay your money.. Part of it goes to Michael's kids. Seeing him singing happily and dancing happily will be awesome.
paisley, that,s what i mean.........that,s the feeling what is saying to me......jenny...nono...it,s not good.
Butr my selfisch fan feeling says..yes yes.go watch......
The big grin on his face at the end of the rehearsal footage shows how much he wanted to do this :)
I wholeheartedly do not agree with this...but I understand fans wanting to see it, and trying to justify it in this way.

Ultimately/technically it was the drugs that essentially killed him, this is obvious fact that can not be disputed...BUT the number/intensity of the rehearsals, Michael's stress, weight loss, lack of eat/sleep, and the very people who are making the movie, and also will profit from it, ALL played a part in his death. He would still be alive if he hadn't been (financially) forced into the tour by the same peope...

He wasn't ready for us to see it yet...
He said.


He also was not in full hair and makeup and wardrobe which he would never approve of to be shown on the big screen for a movie.

I feel so sorry for him :(
Still being used and abused.

Oh God...poor Michael. :cry:
I'm dreading this whole thing.
I kind of feel the same, though i do want to see it. Even those of you saying 'the concerts didn't kill him, Murray did..' .. but Murray was there because of the concerts..?
I can,t stop the thought that i would be feeling quilty towards michael by buying tickets to the this is it movie.
We all know that those shows he was rehearsing for contribued to his death.
By buying a ticket i feel like contributing to michael,s death.
I don,t know, i just don,t feel well and comfortable with this.
As a fan i really want to see the movie.......i want to see him doing his thing.......
But..........but............sigh..It,s so hard...
Don,t know how to handle my feelings with this........
Anyone feels te same?
I feel the same. Mike named the tour 'This is it' and said 'it is final curtain calls' - man he felt it. Didn't he...end was nearing. :(
If MJ hadn't decided to tour he wouldn't have hired this doctor and we suspect that 'others' behind MJ's death, it means if Mike hadn't decided to tour, 'they' would've let Mike to breathe.
Ultimately/technically it was the drugs that essentially killed him, this is obvious fact that can not be disputed...BUT the number/intensity of the rehearsals, Michael's stress, weight loss, lack of eat/sleep, and the very people who are making the movie, and also will profit from it, ALL played a part in his death. He would still be alive if he hadn't been (financially) forced into the tour by the same peope...

He wasn't ready for us to see it yet...
He said.


He also was not in full hair and makeup and wardrobe which he would never approve of to be shown on the big screen for a movie.

I feel so sorry for him :(
Still being used and abused.

Yes I agree with you Paisley. This is not the same as it would have been live on stage. He was not in full hair and makeup and wardrobe and he was not going flat out in the rehersal as he would have been on stage. I do not know if Michael would have wanted us all to see him in rehersal mode. He was very specific about how he wanted this show to be, how he would project himself with all the lighting, props and special effects and the sponteneity of a live show. That rapport cannot be recreated in a movie.

I have misgivings about it as I don't think that Michael would have settled for second best. Having said all this I too feel compelled to go see it, simply because I need to see him one more time and I really want to see a glimmer of the show that I was so looking forward to seeing live ~ those wonderful shows who's loss along with that of their star I have still not come to terms with
The big grin on his face at the end of the rehearsal footage shows how much he wanted to do this :)

Okay, he wanted to do it.
But it was part of the thing what killed him.
Without these concerts no stress, more sleep, more eating and so on and so on.
Michael got killed over the last few years, slowly..... and dr murray gave him the final shot that really killed him.......
From what I understand, they filmed more than one rehearsal? I'm sure they'll edit and put the best of the performances on the final film. I thought I heard somewhere that at least one of the rehearsals was done with the actual wardrobe?
Yeh I thought they said there was a full dress rehearsal
Yes I agree with you Paisley. This is not the same as it would have been live on stage. He was not in full hair and makeup and wardrobe and he was not going flat out in the rehersal as he would have been on stage. I do not know if Michael would have wanted us all to see him in rehersal mode. He was very specific about how he wanted this show to be, how he would project himself with all the lighting, props and special effects and the sponteneity of a live show. That rapport cannot be recreated in a movie.

I have misgivings about it as I don't think that Michael would have settled for second best. Having said all this I too feel compelled to go see it, simply because I need to see him one more time and I really want to see a glimmer of the show that I was so looking forward to seeing live ~ those wonderful shows who's loss along with that of their star I have still not come to terms with

I'm 50/50 about it myself.I agree with a lot of what yourself & Paisley said.I think the estate should release Bad 88 & Victory tours for people to see & remember MJ at his very best.Surely thats how MJ would like to be remembered.At his best.
Part of me feels guillty about the 'This Is It' screenings, but Michael worked hard in the weeks before he passed away to make this show a spectacle. I would much rather see his work than for it to be hidden away for years. It's bad enough not being able to see any of his tours apart from Dangerous on DVD - imagine trying to get the TII footage released?? I'm glad they've chosen to show it, but I hope it's done tastefully.

Michael told us that he wanted to do these concerts. It was a career choice. We did not kill him.
look at this way - he would have wanted us to see his effort and his greatest masterpiece - plus... it's a movie. and he wanted to do movies. so in a way , you are making his dream come true... don't worry...
I honeslty feel if it was not for this tour he would still be here. IMO

I will not promote this, especially since they are adding footage from the funeral.

The estate get 90%, but this is just a pacifier watch what happens after the movie. Already starting. The clothing tour. AEG get 50% estate 50%. Why should AEG get 50%. What they got to do with Michael's belongings. This is just the start.

And Sony, uhggg, I can't stand them and will not give them a dime of my money. I rather send the ticket money directly to kids and then get it bootleg. (F U Sony - you will pay)