Fear of Seeing pic of our Michael in casket.

we have already seen his body though...the media report the photo in the ambulance as the last photo of Michael but by all reports he was already dead, it just wasn't made official until an hour later at the hospital. They should never have published that photo, very disrespectful.
You mean he's going to be buried in Forest Lawn and then taken up AGAIN to be buried in Neverland??????????
That's not a good way to do it, his soul wouldn't be able to rest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It'll interrupt his soul!!!!!!
They should get the permit asap and bury him where they intend him to be!!!

Honey, Michael's soul is already gone. It was gone on July 21 the minute he passed away. What is in that coffin is just a shell that held Michael Jackson. Aint no soul wondering around anywheres. His soul has gone to God and he is at peace.
Personally I am okay with it too. Geees, I had to se my Mother in her casket. Death is a part of life and I am at peace with that. I think it will offer closure to many thousands even if they feel they aren't prepared for it. It's reality, it is what it is. Sad, but true. I am sure Michael didn't ever want to see James Brown for instance in a casket either, or Elvis's fans the same. We have to be strong. This is it.
Honestly, his face won't be touched by the autopsy.
Unless there was damage done to it that caused his death.
His hair will cover the stitches on top of his head.
His clothes will cover everything else.
The people who do autopsies are very respectful of the people they work on. They understand that some families have an open coffin during the funeral.

I'm not sure how I feel about seeing Michael now. I'd like to see him at peace. However it will be sad.
i have nightmares after seeing the paramedic...even until now...i'm afraid to sleep...yet its so painful to wake up

it is my biggest fear...and now i have to see it....i keep seeing things...imagining autopsy...
Honestly, his face won't be touched by the autopsy.
Unless there was damage done to it that caused his death.
His hair will cover the stitches on top of his head.
His clothes will cover everything else.
The people who do autopsies are very respectful of the people they work on. They understand that some families have an open coffin during the funeral.

I'm not sure how I feel about seeing Michael now. I'd like to see him at peace. However it will be sad.

Thank you for your sensitivity and understanding on this subject.
When I first heard of this Staples Center memorial, the worst feeling came over me because I thought that they would have his body laying up front and that people would be allowed to walk by and see him and the media would get that dreadful picture. But I am so glad the Jacksons are doing this thing privately. This guy has had two autopsies. He can't look his best. And that is what bothered me. The media has no shame and they would have disected his nose and everything else. I didn't want that and I think the family knew this too. They did the right thing. We don't have to see him in no coffin. Quite honestly, I didn't want to see James Brown that way. And I will never forget the dead picture of Elvis that was plastered all over the tabloids. It is just disqusting indeed. Glad Mike won't have to go through this. Put his body in the ground and let it be.
I agree
When I first heard of this Staples Center memorial, the worst feeling came over me because I thought that they would have his body laying up front and that people would be allowed to walk by and see him and the media would get that dreadful picture. But I am so glad the Jacksons are doing this thing privately. This guy has had two autopsies. He can't look his best. And that is what bothered me. The media has no shame and they would have disected his nose and everything else. I didn't want that and I think the family knew this too. They did the right thing. We don't have to see him in no coffin. Quite honestly, I didn't want to see James Brown that way. And I will never forget the dead picture of Elvis that was plastered all over the tabloids. It is just disqusting indeed. Glad Mike won't have to go through this. Put his body in the ground and let it be.


I agree
I kind of fear it too. But I also know he would look so peaceful and beautiful. So I don't know if fear is the right word for me. My heart is already broken, it might help to see him peacefully sleeping. I don't know...:(
I don't think it will be made public though, that kind of thing should be just for the family.
I kind of want to see it, because a part of me doesn't really believe he's dead. As hard as it would be to see him lying there dead it would be preferable to holding onto false hope that he might still alive and would one day come back to us.. that's just cruel and hard to take :(
I have worried about this also. And more to the point over the coming months I think the fans are going to have to endure many more pics we dont want to see, many more "stories" we dont want to hear and many more people backstabbing Michael. This is how we know he was truly a visionary, a remarkable man, a phenomenon and icon. Throughout history the truly great have suffered, and for me with every disgusting piece of unethical print media, although it hurts, the more I love that man and the more I know he was a miracle in this world. If you do see the picture, maybe just try to remember that this is just his beautiful body. But his even more beautiful soul is already in a place where they cant hurt him anymore.
Perfectly stated prettyyoungthing! And I shall take your advice and try and do just that: I will remember how beautiful his soul is among all elese.

I like everything you said in your post.
I kind of want to see it, because a part of me doesn't really believe he's dead. As hard as it would be to see him lying there dead it would be preferable to holding onto false hope that he might still alive and would one day come back to us.. that's just cruel and hard to take :(

So many other fans feel this exact same way...
This may sound bad
but i just want mj buried now so can have some closure and know hes at rest
not just waiting for his final resting place
it still hasnt sunk in i think it may take years
you watch his music and hes smiling and dancing and realise well hel never ever leave our hearts which is where it matters
i already never got to meet him, which kills me
but hopefully inshallah i will one day get 2 meet him
in the afterlife inshallah
not looking forward to seeing it, but I know I will see because the press and media will plaster it like second skin all over the place.
Mizz Mina is right..they will probably post it eventually in the media, but I wouldn't expect it soon. It would probably be too obvious who leaked it if it happened soon, so they will probably wait awhile to leak one, if there is one.
If the media have anything to do with it, there will be a image shown on every tv, newspaper and website in the land, just so they can get there last few cents / pennies from Michael Jackson
110% sure the body will not be viewed by the public

And you are right. The Jacksons will make sure of that. I can't see Ms Katherine wanting coffin pictures of Michael being printed in every tabloid every day. I just can't see it. Michael would not have wanted that. I think he would have wanted his fans to remember him doing what he loved best....performing and being a great humanitarian and father. Not dead in a coffin.

You people who want to see him in that coffin...it's just not gonna happen.
This may sound bad
but i just want mj buried now so can have some closure and know hes at rest
not just waiting for his final resting place
it still hasnt sunk in i think it may take years
you watch his music and hes smiling and dancing and realise well hel never ever leave our hearts which is where it matters
i already never got to meet him, which kills me
but hopefully inshallah i will one day get 2 meet him
in the afterlife inshallah

I also feel this way. I want it to be over so he can be at rest. Finally. His spirit and his remains. At rest and in peace without prying eyes of the voultures!
from what I heard there won't be an open casket.... his family don't want a ceremony as James Brown, they specifically indicated no such thing will happen.... thats what I heard anyway.

According to michael's will, he don't want to be buried, so my suggestion would be cremated.... that would feel a whole lot better than being buried...
No caskets please...I don't want to see him there lying all by himself...alone...and his body should be taken to Neverland the sooner the better so he can sleep in peace and that his family could visit when ever they miss him...
I'm kind of scared of seeing his children...I'm gonna have the ultimate breakdown if I see them sad. :cry: I don't know how I could ever deal with that....that will break my heart. :cry: :cry:
There will be no casket, no Michael...
he will be buried before the memorial..., so... the memorial will be poinless...
