Fear of Seeing pic of our Michael in casket.


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011

This is my worst fear. That is after having already expirienced the loss. I know I will not be able to handle that and we all know how sensationlized the media are. Everyone( pap) will be trying to sneak and get this photo to smear all over the place. God I hope they won't be able too.
The media gave no warning when they showed Michael's last pic enroute to UCLA in ambulance recieving oxygen. My youngest was with me and saw it, I had to make him leave out of room but he was too concerned about me and was hesitant to go. And we all know and so did cnn, that Michael was already gone.
Today as my family and I shopped at Target(store), I saw the "ok" magazine with that enlarged photo on it's cover. My heart ached and I felt so much sadness for Michael and his loved ones all over again.
I do recongized that some may not be able to accept him being gone until or unless they have this kind of proof.
I just pray there are no leaks of this image. Does anyone elese feel this way?
I am sorry if this topic disturbs you.
Well, whenever there's a picture of MJ in his casket, it will be on every newspaper's front. There's no escaping it.
I know, I know. I just know I won't be able to get to the tv in time to change the channel.
We have had to turn the tv off alot at home for hours at a time, but this was for our children not necessarily for me.
I really don't think that image will be made available to the public and I'm glad.
i know how you feel, i feel the same.
i don't know whether there will be a picture or not, but i think it's better to get ready. Mentally and physically. One day we'll get through. The trick is to keep going from day to day for Michael's sake and for our families' sake.
Dangerous inc. thanks for link. I didn't see that thread until after I had already posted. Sorry for the haste on my behalf.
I know, I know. I just know I won't be able to get to the tv in time to change the channel.
We have had to turn the tv off alot at home for hours at a time, but this was for our children not necessarily for me.

change the channel? It will be on every channel.

Personally I'm okay with it. Michael is at peace. He's not on trial, he's not fighting a lawsuit, battling a rumour, in physical pain, in fear, stressed out, worried about his career, hiding from the paparazzi, crying, or taking drugs. He's at peace. And to see him sleeping like that will show he is at peace.
I may be entirely wrong here, but I would tend to seriously doubt that an open casket picture will be shown to the world. Just can't imagine Katherine/the family allowing anything like that. If it happens, it will be painful, but I think I'm prepared for if it does.
I don't really know how I feel about seeing him in a casket. On one hand I am a bit scared since he went through two autopsies, and also... I know that image will be burnt into my memory....so I don't know if I want to remember him like that. So I am not sure if I want to see it. When my dad died, I was with him at the hospital. He got an autopsy as well after he died and I chose not to see him anymore after that because I wanted to remember him the way he was and not as a dead person. However, like I said....when my dad died, I was there...I held his hand when he died. We all were there. I saw him die, it was obvious he is dead. In Michael's case...it was all so sudden. It all still feels so unreal. It is so hard to comprehend he is gone. I have to look at that last photo of him and read the news stories over and over again each day to try to make myself understand he is really gone and won't be coming back. So in a way seeing him in a casket would probably bring some sort of "closure". It may help to see him like that... if only to get my mind to understand he is gone. Right now we get footage from rehearsals and pictures of him we have not seen before, and all that is making it difficult for my mind to comprehend that he is no longer with us. So maybe if I see him, maybe I finally understand he won't be coming back. And I guess in a way it woudl feel good to see him one last time. Just one last time to say goodbye. Even if I won't be there...but just to see him one last time and know he is now at peace and free from pain. :cry: But I doubt the family will have his casket at the memorial.
I don't really know how I feel about seeing him in a casket. On one hand I am a bit scared since he went through two autopsies, and also... I know that image will be burnt into my memory....so I don't know if I want to remember him like that. So I am not sure if I want to see it. When my dad died, I was with him at the hospital. He got an autopsy as well after he died and I chose not to see him anymore after that because I wanted to remember him the way he was and not as a dead person. However, like I said....when my dad died, I was there...I held his hand when he died. We all were there. I saw him die, it was obvious he is dead. In Michael's case...it was all so sudden. It all still feels so unreal. It is so hard to comprehend he is gone. I have to look at that last photo of him and read the news stories over and over again each day to try to make myself understand he is really gone and won't be coming back. So in a way seeing him in a casket would probably bring some sort of "closure". It may help to see him like that... if only to get my mind to understand he is gone. Right now we get footage from rehearsals and pictures of him we have not seen before, and all that is making it difficult for my mind to comprehend that he is no longer with us. So maybe if I see him, maybe I finally understand he won't be coming back. And I guess in a way it woudl feel good to see him one last time. Just one last time to say goodbye. Even if I won't be there...but just to see him one last time and know he is now at peace and free from pain. :cry: But I doubt the family will have his casket at the memorial.

Summer - what do you do for work? I am a nursing assistant...never got a chance to see an autopsy (Thank the good Lord for that) but I have had to prepare bodies for the morgue.

I do agree with you I wouldn't be afraid of seeing his body. I think it would add closure for me. Right now things are very unreal...I even went on some website that said MJ was still alive! So, I think I wouldn't be afraid to see his body - it would be an ending of sorts. It would finalize everything that happened.
I heard that the body wasnt going to be at the memorial service on the7th someone that is working there I think it was the head of the whole thing said this in TV
I think that now we need to go to a "buddy system," as we did during the trial. Identify ONE person as support system, and support him/her, too. Exchange email addresses, IM, and phone. Let's get one another through this, ok?

I will post a thread in the Support Forum where you can pair up, ok?
Neither the body nor the casket will be there. That's one less thing to worry about. He needs to be buried now.
I sort of have to see it to believe it, like the same way the Jackson family had to see his body for one last time, just to get some closure.. I kind of feel that way now, like I have to see him one last time to believe its really TRUE. And not my denial..
Neither the body nor the casket will be there. That's one less thing to worry about. He needs to be buried now.

Did they say the body would'nt be there cause I was watching tv and they asked an official if it would be there and they said they did'nt know yet.
Did they say the body would'nt be there cause I was watching tv and they asked an official if it would be there and they said they did'nt know yet.

From what I understood, this would be a public memorial just for fans, the funeral will be held someplace else for the family.
Katherine Jackson and Janet know Michael would not want to be seen dead in a coffin. In fact, he didn't even want to be in a coffin. He told this to Bashir when Bashir asked him if he were going to be buried in that King Tut thingy he brought. Michael said, "No, I don't want to be buried.....I want to live forever". Now I believe Michael was speaking spiritually here, but you understand what he was saying.

I am so glad that they are gonna bury him on Tuesday in Forest Lawn...a very prestigious grounds that has good security. No one will bother him there. He won't be there long anyway. It will take about 30 to 45 days for Colony to get that permit, then they are gonna move him.
Katherine Jackson and Janet know Michael would not want to be seen dead in a coffin. In fact, he didn't even want to be in a coffin. He told this to Bashir when Bashir asked him if he were going to be buried in that King Tut thingy he brought. Michael said, "No, I don't want to be buried.....I want to live forever". Now I believe Michael was speaking spiritually here, but you understand what he was saying.

I am so glad that they are gonna bury him on Tuesday in Forest Lawn...a very prestigious grounds that has good security. No one will bother him there. He won't be there long anyway. It will take about 30 to 45 days for Colony to get that permit, then they are gonna move him.

Totally agree ATLF, i think his final resting place will be at Neverland.
Thank you guys for your responding and understanding.

Since I've been avoiding TV news channels, I didn't know Michael's casket wouldn't be at the memorial. The last word we heard from news was that, the staple center on Tuesday was being called the "furneral" for the public, so I assumed it would consist of everything?
I also didn't watch the press conference scheduled for today.

Glad you guys are on top of the details.
I sort of have to see it to believe it, like the same way the Jackson family had to see his body for one last time, just to get some closure.. I kind of feel that way now, like I have to see him one last time to believe its really TRUE. And not my denial..

fans from other boards are saying this too. I understand.
When I first heard of this Staples Center memorial, the worst feeling came over me because I thought that they would have his body laying up front and that people would be allowed to walk by and see him and the media would get that dreadful picture. But I am so glad the Jacksons are doing this thing privately. This guy has had two autopsies. He can't look his best. And that is what bothered me. The media has no shame and they would have disected his nose and everything else. I didn't want that and I think the family knew this too. They did the right thing. We don't have to see him in no coffin. Quite honestly, I didn't want to see James Brown that way. And I will never forget the dead picture of Elvis that was plastered all over the tabloids. It is just disqusting indeed. Glad Mike won't have to go through this. Put his body in the ground and let it be.
I am so glad that they are gonna bury him on Tuesday in Forest Lawn...a very prestigious grounds that has good security. No one will bother him there. He won't be there long anyway. It will take about 30 to 45 days for Colony to get that permit, then they are gonna move him.
You mean he's going to be buried in Forest Lawn and then taken up AGAIN to be buried in Neverland??????????
That's not a good way to do it, his soul wouldn't be able to rest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It'll interrupt his soul!!!!!!
They should get the permit asap and bury him where they intend him to be!!!
Whew, I'm glad to hear that ATLF, cause I was MAD stressin' about that. Seeing his body is the number one anxiety fear atm, so to do it privately would be great. But then again... maybe I do need to see it... for closure. Eh, I dunno.
I dont think i could handle even seeing the coffin itself. Just knowing that mike is in there is just scary.
This is something I was worried about too. I was worried that because Al Sharpton was part of James Brown's Memorial, he obviously doesn't see anything wrong with open casket and becasue he's a family friend, I was worried than he and some other family members would stupidly push the "Let the fans see MJ one last time" argument and could get their way. But i'm glad to read that the casket will not even be there.
When I first heard of this Staples Center memorial, the worst feeling came over me because I thought that they would have his body laying up front and that people would be allowed to walk by and see him and the media would get that dreadful picture. But I am so glad the Jacksons are doing this thing privately. This guy has had two autopsies. He can't look his best. And that is what bothered me. The media has no shame and they would have disected his nose and everything else. I didn't want that and I think the family knew this too. They did the right thing. We don't have to see him in no coffin. Quite honestly, I didn't want to see James Brown that way. And I will never forget the dead picture of Elvis that was plastered all over the tabloids. It is just disqusting indeed. Glad Mike won't have to go through this. Put his body in the ground and let it be.

Everything you said here is exactly how I feel! Thanks! I hope you are right, God I hope you are right!