Favourite instruments?

What is your favourite type(s) of instruments?

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Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
if i was forced to choose one, an electric piano called Fender Rhodes has to be it, and i have a handful of other close ones even though i appreciate just about all the instruments, their unique sounds and how they're used.

but i'm sure you've got a few sounds that give you that extra buzz?

i've listed as many types as possible within the 20 poll limit. you can obviously choose more than one, and i know a lot of categories are broad but expand on your choices in here if you like..
Can't get any more basic than the human voice, the drums, and piano...

I'll go with Trumpet after last night :)
Acoustic guitar for sure!!
I picked also acoustic piano & human voice :)
Say what?? no bagpipes?

:lol: I joke :D

I went with um Brass cause I just lurrrve the sax
also went with the acoustic piano and I chose ethnic cause I couldn't find a more fitting catergory for my love of chinese musical instruments I especially love the Erhu, I have a cd which I bought from a man who was playing one of these instruments in the streets in the middle of Melbourne and it was just beautiful to hear.

Also known as a chinese violin, it's a two string fiddle ^_^
The human voice is my absolute favorite instrument. God created an amazing thing when he created our ability to make music with our voices.

I also like violins, cellos, basses.

Ethnic instruments are also a favorite of mine. I enjoy the Kazakh dombra, is a plucked string instrument, as well as many other instruments from around the world. Asian music of varying cultures, Middle Eastern music, both Jewish and non-Jewish, African music, Native American music, etc. I just like and appreciate the ethnic sound. Would Slavic and various other Eastern European music be considered "Ethnic"?

And call me weird, but I actually do like bagpipes. :)
Ahhhhh, I've never had to actually pick one that I liked the most! ArXter, you made this very difficult! I can't live without half the instruments that make up the orchestra, so I had to choose strings, brass, horns and woods. I love it when I hear a great beatboxer. I am a singer so I had to also choose the human voice. I also play decent piano and had to choose both acoustic and electric piano. Nothing like a Wurlitzer for me! But the one instrument that I love the most, and absolutely cannot live without, and also cannot play is the electric guitar.
That's my absolute favorite instrument that I cannot live without. Hearing a clean tone coming from a Fender Strat is heaven to me. I'm a blues lover at heart, so the electric guitar is my all time favorite instrument. Listen to Stevie Ray Vaughan and you will understand what I mean!
I love the drums...I can't wait to learn to play them properly though ;)
Probably synths and electric pianos because of their versatility. I don't like it when they are overdone (hence why I don't care for some of Stevie Wonder's late-80's concerts and I'm dying for MJ to do a more acoustic set where he sings live. He sung live on the Bad tour, but his music was heavily synthed. I want the best of both worlds: live singing and live instrumentation).

I love blazing, wailing electric guitars in R&B music. Not too many R&B arists utilize a nice guitar solo, but man, when done right they are awesome. I love Dave Hollister's "My Favorite Girl" solely because of the guiatar solo. Prince is amazing in this regard.
Acoustic piano, electric guitar, drums, bowed strings, human voice, inventive/industrial :D

I also like how the shamisen sounds :yes:
Say what?? no bagpipes?

:lol: I joke :D

I went with um Brass cause I just lurrrve the sax
also went with the acoustic piano and I chose ethnic cause I couldn't find a more fitting catergory for my love of chinese musical instruments I especially love the Erhu, I have a cd which I bought from a man who was playing one of these instruments in the streets in the middle of Melbourne and it was just beautiful to hear.

Also known as a chinese violin, it's a two string fiddle ^_^
They played that on the opening ceremony of olympics, didn't they?
Ok, that was tough, but I voted for a heap of stuff. Wasn't easy either; I love pretty much any and every musical instrument when it's well played, so I may as well have picked everything on the list. :D Cool poll though. :yes:

I'm a bit confused; why is sax listed under brass? Isn't it usually included with woodwinds/reeds? And then you've got horns and woodwinds as well; are horns woodwinds/reeds, or brass, or both? Or did you mean like car horns, bullhorns... :lol: I'm sorry, I'm just goofin' around, arX. :)

Wot, no one likes a good tune when it's well whistled? I do... darn, I shoulda picked that one too.
Well I play the Piano so i'm kinda biased to that instrument lol, but I also love the acoustic and electric guitar.
Human Voice

Acoustic Piano
Brass ( I absolutely love the sax)
Guitar (bass, acoustic & electric)
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Every type of piano/keyboard.
(maybe except organs as I rarely listen to music made with organs). Simply because it’s the most flexible and versatile instrument ever and everything can be played on it in almost every genre. I also love drums (rather its softer sound) but only for providing rhythm accompaniment for other instruments.
I picked several - reed, human voice, ethnic - but my absolute favorite is BANJO!! Especially the way it was picked in that movie "Deliverance"...

as for organ sound i've always loved this classic solo:

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^ kudos to you, i'm really disappointed over the organ votes lol

who is that? that sounds like a Vox Continental or Farfisa (Rick Wright used to play this organ a lot in early Floyd days).

i'm obsessed with the Hammond, used on so many soul/gospel/jazz tracks. i posted this Hammond B3 solo from James Brown in the soul thread:


you can just jam on an organ all day long.
that's Ray Manzarek from The Doors (song called Light My Fire), he's also great keyboardist, one of the best ever i'd say. he defined The Doors' sound in similar way as Rick defined Pink Floyds'.
here's another track you can hear his keyboard talent:

The Doors - Riders On The Storm

i have no idea what the type of organ it is, i'm no expert, lol.
ahh i knew it sounded familiar, i've never delved into The Doors (yet), great stuff. Riders On The Storm is all about my favourite instrument, the Rhodes.
Ha, I like the label of weird in inventive/industrial. Well that’s what it is.. I like industrial and ebm, but not to the extent of being my favourite. I love anything bass/guitar and piano based. The combination of heavy riffs and piano or acoustic guitar alone.
Ha, I like the label of weird in inventive/industrial. Well that’s what it is.. I like industrial and ebm, but not to the extent of being my favourite.
heh, i call it pots and pans music. i love sampling "industrial"/everyday sounds (especially for rhythm sections), but only when they click into place in the right piece.