Farrakhan gives address on Michael Jackson (interesting quote about lawyer)


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
London, UK
Farrakhan gives address on Michael Jackson

Associated Press - July 26, 2009 6:24 PM ET
CHICAGO (AP) - Nation of Islam Minister Louis Farrakhan says a lawyer for Michael Jackson contacted him a week before the pop star's death and asked him to get in touch with Jackson.
Farrakhan told a crowd in Chicago Sunday morning that the lawyer was afraid Jackson wouldn't be able to fulfill his obligation to perform 50 concerts in London and could be sued.
Farrakhan says he wasn't able to speak with Jackson before his death.
Farrakhan spoke at Mosque Maryam on the city's South Side, the Nation of Islam's headquarters. Before his speech, several singers performed Jackson songs.
The speech was entitled, "The Crucifixion of Michael Jackson and All Responsible Black Leadership."
Jackson used Nation of Islam bodyguards during his prosecution on child molestation charges.

Yeah, I am beginning to think that there is some truth to this notion that Michael may have not been ready for this tour. Just because he was rehearsing doesn't mean they were ready.
It would be interesting to find out which lawyer is being spoken of here.....maybe that blabber mouth Brian Oxman?
Some more info on the speech btw:

On Sunday, Nation of Islam Minister Louis Farrakhan delivered a speech in Chicago from Mosque Maryam about the death of superstar, Michael Jackson.
The speech, entitled “The Crucifixion of Michael Jackson and All Responsible Black Leadership” was broadcast live via world wide webcast from the Nation of Islam Web site.
In his speech, Farrakhan spoke of how he counseled the King of Pop during times of deep depression and how the singer revealed to him he never had a childhood.
“When he met with Shirley Temple Black, they both sat down and cried together, because Shirley Temple Black was a childhood star that I remember as a little boy and you know, when you’re gifted like that, you don’t have a childhood,” said Farrakhan.
Jackson spoke to Farrakhan of the tumultuous relationship he had with his father, Joe Jackson, and the minister told him, “…don’t be angry with your father because even though you didn’t have pillow fights and sleepovers, those who had pillow fights and sleepovers—they’re the ones buying your records… You had a purpose for your life.”
Minister Farrakhan spoke of Jackson’s “This Is It Tour” and said “Michael was on his way to the cross, because Michael had touched the hearts of people all over the world. Michael touched the hearts of every race, every culture, every ethnic group, every tribe.”
According to ABC News, Jackson had several ties to the Nation of Islam. He used members of the Nation as bodyguards during his trial for child molestation charges and his brother, Jermaine Jackson, converted to Islam in 1989.


edit: here's their website: http://www.noi.org/
Was he or wasn't he ready is still the big question on everyones mind, huh.

But why would a lawyer call Farrakhan if they thought Michael would get sued? What could Farrakhan do?
You can actually listen to Minister Farrakhan's address "The Crucifixion of Michael Jackson and all Responsible Black Leadership" here:


Click the 'Archive Player' right under the banner for the "The Crucifixion of Michael Jackson and all Responsible Black Leadership" address.

You have to sign up (it's free) to listen to the archived addressed.

I've been listening to it for a few minutes and it sounds positive about Michael so far. It's negative on the media and all those talking bad stuff about Michael. It's very interesting, IMO. It looks like it's about 3 hours long!

Umm. . . don't know what you guys are gonna think about this, but apparently you can purchase a CD/DVD of Farrakhan's speech. Just saw an ad of it right next to the video player. . . :(

But I am DLing the stream, so I'll try to youtube it as well. ;)
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Was he or wasn't he ready is still the big question on everyones mind, huh.

But why would a lawyer call Farrakhan if they thought Michael would get sued? What could Farrakhan do?

This is just speculation, but it seemed that Michael turned to all sort of spiritual leaders from all religions to find answers to questions.

Maybe the lawyer thought that Farrakhan could talk to Michael and give him some spiritual advice about what to do with the TII concerts, maybe a spiritual boost or something like that.

But like I said, just speculating.
Some more info on the speech btw:

On Sunday, Nation of Islam Minister Louis Farrakhan delivered a speech in Chicago from Mosque Maryam about the death of superstar, Michael Jackson.
The speech, entitled “ and All Responsible Black Leadership” was broadcast live via world wide webcast from the Nation of Islam Web site.
In his speech, Farrakhan spoke of how he counseled the King of Pop during times of deep depression and how the singer revealed to him he never had a childhood.
“When he met with Shirley Temple Black, they both sat down and cried together, because Shirley Temple Black was a childhood star that I remember as a little boy and you know, when you’re gifted like that, you don’t have a childhood,” said Farrakhan.
Jackson spoke to Farrakhan of the tumultuous relationship he had with his father, Joe Jackson, and the minister told him, “…don’t be angry with your father because even though you didn’t have pillow fights and sleepovers, those who had pillow fights and sleepovers—they’re the ones buying your records… You had a purpose for your life.”
Minister Farrakhan spoke of Jackson’s “This Is It Tour” and said “Michael was on his way to the cross, because Michael had touched the hearts of people all over the world. Michael touched the hearts of every race, every culture, every ethnic group, every tribe.”
According to ABC News, Jackson had several ties to the Nation of Islam. He used members of the Nation as bodyguards during his trial for child molestation charges and his brother, Jermaine Jackson, converted to Islam in 1989.


edit: here's their website: http://www.noi.org/

Minister Farrakhan has taken the right approach to the Death of Michael Jackson by calling it the "The Crucifixion of Michael Jackson" , and it sounds like Minister Farrakhan knew the phone call from the Doctor was part of a bigger Plot already in the making. I am cetainly 100% behind him on this I remember when JVM on Nancy Grace was trying to implicate the NOI - Nation of Islam, I was like if the media and Michael's Murderers really want a War keeping knocking on the Nation's Door, because they fear no man and certainly not heathans and Murderers of the Elect, especially those hiding out in the Media and on Internet Forums and anywhere else. When you try to implicate the NOI in anything you better have all you ducks in row, because they dont mess with no one and they will make you reveal yourself down to your Murdering Soul.
How much more evidence and/or info coming out like this before we accept; Michael wasn't up for no 50 shows in London and nor did he agree to them?
How much more evidence and/or info coming out like this before we accept; Michael wasn't up for no 50 shows in London and nor did he agree to them?

What I have realize is there are young people very young on this forum and all MJ sites let me correct that and say Michael had fans of all ages and backgrounds, I am a member of everyone of his Fan sites, so the younger really believe everything is everything and it was suppose to be like they said. The more mature (only in age do I state this my children are 27 and 5, so the mature know its more to this and are more open to something is amiss here), me personal like I have stated before and will stick to it, it doesnt matter if Michael had agree with AEG to do 5, 10, 50 or 100, AEG already knew Michael Jackson was NOT going to do "1" because they had other plans for Michael's Life and Death. So some get It and some Dont, some because they cant get it and some because they dont want others to Get what this is really about. Michael was never coming to London, Michael was found DEAD one week before he was scheduled to bore a flight with his entorague and AEG knew he was NEVER going to make that flight and I put everything I have and everything I Love on that, and thats alot. I dont need to Accept this FACT, and in time as it goes on and the people involved in Michael Jackson's Death like AEG, The Executors, Sony/ATV, Estates Holders of Michaels Catalogue (like Paul thought it was safe to show up on stages on Latenite but he is not the only ones, The Presleys and others), Doctors, Accountants, Media, etc., etc., they are many but they are doomed for what they conspired to do to Michael Jackson. Others will start see and accept what has really happen some get it now some will get it Later but it will be NO denying in what really happened to our Beloved Michael Jackson, they murdered a Legend for Paper.
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What does he mean by that?

i think what he means is like jesus, mike was pretty much crucified like the way jesus was.

many ppl judged him so much and no matter no much michael protested his innocene on so many things, ppl still put him through hell.
Even many ppl that were fans once turned their back on him.I think it was right from the moment mikes skin colour started changing.

Ppl thought he was not loving his heritage and felt he lied bout his skin diease. Then come the child sex allegations...that really started a new kettle of fish surronding around mike.
What I have realize is there are young people very young on this forum and all MJ sites let me correct that and say Michael had fans of all ages and backgrounds, I am a member of everyone of his Fan sites, so the younger really believe everything is everything and it was suppose to be like they said. The more mature (only in age do I state this my children are 27 and 5, so the mature know its more to this and are more open to something is amiss here), me personal like I have stated before and will stick to it, it doesnt matter if Michael had agree with AEG to do 5, 10, 50 or 100, AEG already knew Michael Jackson was NOT going to do "1" because they had other plans for Michael's Life and Death. So some get It and some Dont, some because they cant get it and some because they dont want others to Get what this is really about. Michael was never coming to London, Michael was found DEAD one week before he was scheduled to bore a flight with his entorague and AEG knew he was NEVER going to make that flight and I put everything I have and everything I Love on that, and thats alot. I dont need to Accept this FACT, and in time as it goes on and the people involved in Michael Jackson's Death like AEG, The Executors, Sony/ATV, Estates Holders of Michaels Catalogue (like Paul thought it was safe to show up on stages on Latenite but he is not the only ones, The Presleys and others), Doctors, Accountants, Media, etc., etc., they are many but they are doomed for what they conspired to do to Michael Jackson. Others will start see and accept what has really happen some get it now some will get it Later but it will be NO denying in what really happened to our Beloved Michael Jackson, they murdered a Legend for Paper.

FIRST time I QUOTED a FULL long post. I'm NOT here to DISAGREE with you BUT to STAND behind and or die for everything you said. MY FRIEND, you are telling the truth many dare to speak up.

I respect Farrakhan for supporting Michael but I got to admit that I never liked this man. Hes a smart man with good points but most of what he says is outrages (and I'm black), EVERYTHING just seems like a conspiracy to him, everything has to do with black people, anyways let me stop, this man just gets on my nerves sometimes. And while I agree you can make some connections to Michaels and Jesus' life, it annoys the heck out of me when people compare Michael and Jesus all the time. Michael was above NO man on earth, he was extremely talented and a very caring a loving man, but no one can be equal or even come close to Jesus, Jesus died for sins. But we should strive to be like Jesus and love people, just like Michael said. I'm glad Malcom X changed before he died, he was for ALL people, not just black like the Nation.
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I respect Farrakhan for supporting Michael but I got to admit that I never liked this man. Hes a smart man with good points but most of what he says is outrages (and I'm black), EVERYTHING just seems like a conspiracy to him, everything has to do with black people, anyways let me stop, this man just gets on my nerves sometimes. And while I agree you can make some connections to Michaels and Jesus' life, it annoys the heck out of me when people compare Michael and Jesus all the time. Michael was above NO man on earth, he was extremely talented and a very caring a loving man, but no one can be equal or even come close to Jesus, Jesus died for sins. But we should strive to be like Jesus and love people, just like Michael said. I'm glad Malcom X changed before he died, he was for ALL people, not just black like the Nation.

applauds for your post!!:clapping:
I respect Farrakhan for supporting Michael but I got to admit that I never liked this man. Hes a smart man with good points but most of what he says is outrages (and I'm black), EVERYTHING just seems like a conspiracy to him, everything has to do with black people, anyways let me stop, this man just gets on my nerves sometimes. And while I agree you can make some connections to Michaels and Jesus' life, it annoys the heck out of me when people compare Michael and Jesus all the time. Michael was above NO man on earth, he was extremely talented and a very caring a loving man, but no one can be equal or even come close to Jesus, Jesus died for sins. But we should strive to be like Jesus and love people, just like Michael said. I'm glad Malcom X changed before he died, he was for ALL people, not just black like the Nation.

Well said. I'm glad someone else feels that way on this thread.

Farrakhan has preached some pretty hateful, anti-semetic, anti-white, and anti-gay rhetoric over the years:


The man also bashed Michael Jackson in 1984 at the height of Michael-mania, but after the media turned on Michael after the '93 allegations, he used Michael's name to preach from his soapbox, so I take what he says about Michael or ANYTHING for that matter w/ a grain of salt. Here's what he said about sweet Michael in a 1984 issue of People:

"[His] Jheri Curl, female-acting, sissified-acting expression is not wholesome for our young boys, nor our young girls," Farrakhan told People magazine in their November 27, 1984, issue.

So how did Michael's sweet nature became "wholesome" for children after nasty allegations? Michael didn't change, only the media did, but now FarraCON compares that "non-wholesome" man to Jesus? Wow, that's quite a jump! Especially in light of Michael always being the same beautiful person.

The only use for FarraCONS speeches is to print out and use for toilet paper.
Ok, I just finished listening to the whole speech and below are the main comments pertaining to Michael from Farrakhan's address:

Seems like Farrakhan is discussing the similarities of Jesus Christ and Michael Jackson. Says that Jesus said that someone will come after him (second coming prophecy) that will continue his (Jesus') work in his name. Farrakhan is using scipture from the Bible to connect MJ to the prophecy. There is A LOT of filler. But there is definitely a lot of interesting coincidences that Farrakhan is connecting from scripture/prophecy to MJ. Farrakhan also provides scripture that the second coming was prophesized to be a man of color (or basically not a white man).

Now Farrakhan is talking about the role of the media in the crucifixion of not just Michael, but many other black leaders and motivators. He says that the media and those that fund the media have conspired against black leaders for many, many decades now. Farrakhan goes through a few examples of WB Dubois (one of the founders of the NAACP) and Paul Rosen (famous black entertainer in the 1950/60s that was targeted by the CIA), Malcolm X, MLK J. Then he says something interesting about these crucifixions in that not only do 'they' want to kill the body, but 'they' want to kill their IDEAS so that the generaation that comes after them doesn't get fueled by their ideas.

OK, Farakhan is finally getting into the nitty gritty of Michael. He talks about how Michael told him of his lost childhood, and Farrakhan looks emotional. Then he goes off on a strange tangent that basically ends up stating that Katherine Jackson was a very religious woman. Then says that Michael was born into this world for a purpose and that his destiny would be bigger than music.

Then Farrakhan starts to talk about Michael's physical appearance (I sort of cringed at this part) with the surgeries. But follows up with Michael telling him that 'They made me feel like I was ugly, that black people were ugly and that they make us feel like we only belong in the jungles in Africa' (something like that). Farrakhan then says that Michael told him he started to do research on Africa and Africans and learned that they are really a beautiful people. Michael wanted to produce a movie that showed the world how beautiful Africa and Africans are and went to directors like Spielberg and others and they refused. So Michael thought he could do it by himself. Then speaks about Michael's vitiligo, describes it a bit and says that's why his skin color changed. Then talks about this 'tabloid' details about Michael's body after dying that we don't discuss. Why he is talking about this, IDK. . . it's only like a few comments though.

Then says that he met Michael for the first time around the 1993 allegations and that it was Johnnie Cochran that introduced them. Farrakhan says he told Michael to use his pain to fuel his creativity, which resulted in the History album. Then Farrakhan quotes lyrics from 'HIStory' and from 'They don't care about us'. It's pretty powerful when Farrakhan starts quoting TDCAU (practically the whole song!), the whole audience stood up and cheered. Then he said that Michael was influencing people all over the world, different races, colors, etc and that Michael was becoming dangerous to those that wanted to keep him down, that didn't want a black man to be that powerful.

Then Farrakhan mentions that Michael was also a lecturer and talks about Michael's Oxford lecture. Gets emotional and says that Michael was much more than a man of song and dance, he was also a heart that beat for the love of humanity. Then quotes from Michael's Oxford speech. The most of interesting of the quotes that Farrakhan reads is Michael's pledge to forgive and love his father. That with time he understand why his father had treated him they way he did when Michael was younger. That he wanted a new relationship with his father without the burden of the past.

Farrakhan said that he loved Michael and said that he feels a deep sense of personal loss. That they had a relationship and Michael would call him on New Years. Said that Michael wanted to fight the powers that were controlling him and trying to steal his legacy. Now he's talking about Michael's publishing catalog and how it's worth more than $1 billion. Then Farrakhan says that when you have enemies, the first thing they do is destroy your reputation, then they destroy your wealth. Then 'they' give him back to the people because he is a 'broken' man. Then mentions that Michael had bought the rights to Little Richard's music (I supposed which was under ATV) and that Michael had returned the music rights back to Little Richard free of charge.

Then Farrakhan starts talking about the TII press conference and the rehearsal footage and said Michael's body language told him that MJ was a warrior, that he was fighting for his legacy. In the rehearsal footage, mentioned that MJ's dance moves were militant (in TDCAU). Now Farrakhan's talking about Peter King! He said 'Listen to what this CRIMINAL said. . .'!!!! Then he calls him a 'circumcised heathen' and then he says 'Farrakhan is ready to throw down! I don't give a damn about what people call me!'. Things get a little heated with the audience. This part is pretty powerful! I actually love this part.

OK, now Farrakhan is mentioning the allegations. Talks how the one time Michael went to court against these allegations, he WON. But that people didn't care that he was found not guilty, it was like he was already tried and convicted. Then Farrakhan talks about the 1993 accusers and talks about the phone call transcript with the boy's father that makes the boy's claims highly suspicious. You guys all know this phone call, right? Dictated the transcript and said that 'Can't you see the conspiracy in this?'.

Then Farrakhan said that when you saw Michael's skin go from black to white, that was the outside journey. But the inside journey of Michael, he was going from white to black.

Now Farrakhan is mentioning all of Michael's philantropic achievements. Said that Michael was going to go to the Million Man March with him and sing 'Man in the Mirror', but after Farrakhan left, somebody persuaded him not to do it. Michael then donated $100,000 to the MMM. Now talking about Michael's fight against the record companies. Farrakhan said that he would speak out in support of him and Michael said 'you would do that for me?' and Farrakhan said 'Yes, because I want you to see that I'll be there for you.'

Now talking about the lawyer that called him a week before Michael passed away. The lawyer said that Michael's in serious trouble. Said that the lawyer told him that Michael only agreed to 10 concerts, but 'they' booked him for fifty and we're afraid that he won't be able to do them, then he'll be sued and this will be a way for 'them' to take his legacy and catalog from him. Found out that Michael died when he was in Africa. Then said that he was invited to the memorial, but not to say anything 'maybe because it would have been too much'. Said that same people that were controlling and putting on the concerts were putting on his memorial. SAid that he was proud of Al Sharpton's words. Also said that CNN kept calling him to talk, but it didn't happen.

Says that he thinks Michael should be buried at Neverland in a great mausoleum. Reminisces the times he was with Michael at Neverland, riding the bumper cars.

Now he's closing. . . says that he called Michael the Archangel of sound, song, and dance because Michael's sound touched people of every race, culture, ethnicity, sexual orientation, etc.

OMG, Farrakhan said that he gave a 37 min interview to Don Lemon at CNN, but Don couldn't get CNN to air it besides a few weak soundbites! Farrakhan said that CNN was afraid of airing it because he mentioned Michael as a messianic voice.

Now is talking about similarities to Obama. But said that Michael's sound and his words united the world, touched so many people. When you heard Michael sing, he could connect with you on an emotional level. His enemies thought that was dangerous because they saw that Michael realized that he could use his tremendous popularity to speak the words that he sang.

Farrakhan said that he calls Michael the Archangel of sound, song and dance.

Closing comments were a bit general but said that Michael wanted to see people heal the world and that is what the Messiah is going to do.

All in all, I thought it was a very interesting and powerful speech. It was a speech in COMPLETE support of Michael. Think Al Sharpton's speech and magnify that about 10 times. Yes, it was filled with comparisons that were really reaching and a lot of racial overtones. But I have to admit, I'm catholic and I've thought of the similarities btw Michael and Jesus Christ before I heard anyone publicly say so. Like Corey Rooney (sony executive) said in his interview, he and many others see Michael as a 'Christ-like' figure. Also, I do believe that race has something to do with Michael's downfall because even Michael himself spoke out against the racism he felt from others. I'll leave it at that.

I finished downloading it and will edit the parts specific to Michael and post it on youtube in the next few days. If you have time to spare, I hope you are open to watch them.
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Ok, I just finished listening to the whole speech and below are the main comments pertaining to Michael from Farrakhan's address:

Seems like Farrakhan is discussing the similarities of Jesus Christ and Michael Jackson. Says that Jesus said that someone will come after him (second coming prophecy) that will continue his (Jesus') work in his name. Farrakhan is using scipture from the Bible to connect MJ to the prophecy. There is A LOT of filler. But there is definitely a lot of interesting coincidences that Farrakhan is connecting from scripture/prophecy to MJ. Farrakhan also provides scripture that the second coming was prophesized to be a man of color (or basically not a white man).

Now Farrakhan is talking about the role of the media in the crucifixion of not just Michael, but many other black leaders and motivators. He says that the media and those that fund the media have conspired against black leaders for many, many decades now. Farrakhan goes through a few examples of WB Dubois (one of the founders of the NAACP) and Paul Rosen (famous black entertainer in the 1950/60s that was targeted by the CIA), Malcolm X, MLK J. Then he says something interesting about these crucifixions in that not only do 'they' want to kill the body, but 'they' want to kill their IDEAS so that the generaation that comes after them doesn't get fueled by their ideas.

OK, Farakhan is finally getting into the nitty gritty of Michael. He talks about how Michael told him of his lost childhood, and Farrakhan looks emotional. Then he goes off on a strange tangent that basically ends up stating that Katherine Jackson was a very religious woman. Then says that Michael was born into this world for a purpose and that his destiny would be bigger than music.

Then Farrakhan starts to talk about Michael's physical appearance (I sort of cringed at this part) with the surgeries. But follows up with Michael telling him that 'They made me feel like I was ugly, that black people were ugly and that they make us feel like we only belong in the jungles in Africa' (something like that). Farrakhan then says that Michael told him he started to do research on Africa and Africans and learned that they are really a beautiful people. Michael wanted to produce a movie that showed the world how beautiful Africa and Africans are and went to directors like Spielberg and others and they refused. So Michael thought he could do it by himself. Then speaks about Michael's vitiligo, describes it a bit and says that's why his skin color changed. Then talks about this 'tabloid' details about Michael's body after dying that we don't discuss. Why he is talking about this, IDK. . . it's only like a few comments though.

Then says that he met Michael for the first time around the 1993 allegations and that it was Johnnie Cochran that introduced them. Farrakhan says he told Michael to use his pain to fuel his creativity, which resulted in the History album. Then Farrakhan quotes lyrics from 'HIStory' and from 'They don't care about us'. It's pretty powerful when Farrakhan starts quoting TDCAU (practically the whole song!), the whole audience stood up and cheered. Then he said that Michael was influencing people all over the world, different races, colors, etc and that Michael was becoming dangerous to those that wanted to keep him down, that didn't want a black man to be that powerful.

Then Farrakhan mentions that Michael was also a lecturer and talks about Michael's Oxford lecture. Gets emotional and says that Michael was much more than a man of song and dance, he was also a heart that beat for the love of humanity. Then quotes from Michael's Oxford speech. The most of interesting of the quotes that Farrakhan reads is Michael's pledge to forgive and love his father. That with time he understand why his father had treated him they way he did when Michael was younger. That he wanted a new relationship with his father without the burden of the past.

Farrakhan said that he loved Michael and said that he feels a deep sense of personal loss. That they had a relationship and Michael would call him on New Years. Said that Michael wanted to fight the powers that were controlling him and trying to steal his legacy. Now he's talking about Michael's publishing catalog and how it's worth more than $1 billion. Then Farrakhan says that when you have enemies, the first thing they do is destroy your reputation, then they destroy your wealth. Then 'they' give him back to the people because he is a 'broken' man. Then mentions that Michael had bought the rights to Little Richard's music (I supposed which was under ATV) and that Michael had returned the music rights back to Little Richard free of charge.

Then Farrakhan starts talking about the TII press conference and the rehearsal footage and said Michael's body language told him that MJ was a warrior, that he was fighting for his legacy. In the rehearsal footage, mentioned that MJ's dance moves were militant (in TDCAU). Now Farrakhan's talking about Peter King! He said 'Listen to what this CRIMINAL said. . .'!!!! Then he calls him a 'circumcised heathen' and then he says 'Farrakhan is ready to throw down! I don't give a damn about what people call me!'. Things get a little heated with the audience. This part is pretty powerful! I actually love this part.

OK, now Farrakhan is mentioning the allegations. Talks how the one time Michael went to court against these allegations, he WON. But that people didn't care that he was found not guilty, it was like he was already tried and convicted. Then Farrakhan talks about the 1993 accusers and talks about the phone call transcript with the boy's father that makes the boy's claims highly suspicious. You guys all know this phone call, right? Dictated the transcript and said that 'Can't you see the conspiracy in this?'.

Then Farrakhan said that when you saw Michael's skin go from black to white, that was the outside journey. But the inside journey of Michael, he was going from white to black.

Now Farrakhan is mentioning all of Michael's philantropic achievements. Said that Michael was going to go to the Million Man March with him and sing 'Man in the Mirror', but after Farrakhan left, somebody persuaded him not to do it. Michael then donated $100,000 to the MMM. Now talking about Michael's fight against the record companies. Farrakhan said that he would speak out in support of him and Michael said 'you would do that for me?' and Farrakhan said 'Yes, because I want you to see that I'll be there for you.'

Now talking about the lawyer that called him a week before Michael passed away. The lawyer said that Michael's in serious trouble. Said that the lawyer told him that Michael only agreed to 10 concerts, but 'they' booked him for fifty and we're afraid that he won't be able to do them, then he'll be sued and this will be a way for 'them' to take his legacy and catalog from him. Found out that Michael died when he was in Africa. Then said that he was invited to the memorial, but not to say anything 'maybe because it would have been too much'. Said that same people that were controlling and putting on the concerts were putting on his memorial. SAid that he was proud of Al Sharpton's words. Also said that CNN kept calling him to talk, but it didn't happen.

Says that he thinks Michael should be buried at Neverland in a great mausoleum. Reminisces the times he was with Michael at Neverland, riding the bumper cars.

Now he's closing. . . says that he called Michael the Archangel of sound, song, and dance because Michael's sound touched people of every race, culture, ethnicity, sexual orientation, etc.

OMG, Farrakhan said that he gave a 37 min interview to Don Lemon at CNN, but Don couldn't get CNN to air it besides a few weak soundbites! Farrakhan said that CNN was afraid of airing it because he mentioned Michael as a messianic voice.

Now is talking about similarities to Obama. But said that Michael's sound and his words united the world, touched so many people. When you heard Michael sing, he could connect with you on an emotional level. His enemies thought that was dangerous because they saw that Michael realized that he could use his tremendous popularity to speak the words that he sang.

Farrakhan said that he calls Michael the Archangel of sound, song and dance.

Closing comments were a bit general but said that Michael wanted to see people heal the world and that is what the Messiah is going to do.

All in all, I thought it was a very interesting and powerful speech. Think Al Sharpton's speech and magnify that about 10 times. I finished downloading it and will edit the parts specific to Michael and post it on youtube in the next few days. If you have time to spare, I'd give it a listen.

I can't wait until you upload it so I can watch it. The bolded parts I agree with.
There are stories out there now - from several different sources (the fans, leonard rowe, his family and now farrakhan) - that Michael didnt wanna do 50 shows. That he only signed up for 10 and to later add 19 more if the demand was high.

We need to see the contract between MJ and AEG asap. However, the worst part is if the contract states 50 shows and has MJ's signature on.. who knows if it's real or not.
I respect Farrakhan for supporting Michael but I got to admit that I never liked this man. Hes a smart man with good points but most of what he says is outrages (and I'm black), EVERYTHING just seems like a conspiracy to him, everything has to do with black people, anyways let me stop, this man just gets on my nerves sometimes. And while I agree you can make some connections to Michaels and Jesus' life, it annoys the heck out of me when people compare Michael and Jesus all the time. Michael was above NO man on earth, he was extremely talented and a very caring a loving man, but no one can be equal or even come close to Jesus, Jesus died for sins. But we should strive to be like Jesus and love people, just like Michael said. I'm glad Malcom X changed before he died, he was for ALL people, not just black like the Nation.

I couldn't agree more. Thank you!
oh this is getting hefty!
I think the Truth's just starting its marathon run.
I'm a little happy and getting a little scared at the same time because it's too big too powerful--both the speech and MJ's legacy.
I listened to the whole speech today. It was a LONG speech but worth every minute. He broke it down and I understood every point he made in regards to the messianic figures to the crucifixion references to the media and everything else. It's definitely something worth listening to. I'm sure if the media gets ahold of it they will take his words out of context. I just hope people listen to the whole thing before the media spin is put on it.
"The only use for FarraCONS speeches is to print out and use for toilet paper. "

LOL I agree this nonsense with this conspriacy theory needs to stop. No one killed MJ purposly, it was negligence.
Farrakhan actually said the lawyer called him and said Michael was in big trouble and they wanted Farrakhan to get involved to help Michael. When Farrakhan asked what kind of trouble Michael was in the lawyer said "Michael only agreed to do 10 shows but now he is being forced to do 50 shows." Farrakhan said he asked what was it that they wanted him to do and the lawyer said he wanted Farrakhan to talk to Michael and offer guidance on what to do.
As salaam alaikum, brother! How I would LOVE to hear that speech.

And how sad that MJ was under such pressure that he had to worry rather about the money (that he would have lost) than about his health. I'm sure D. Wisener was right when he said MJ only signed for ten shows
Farrakhan actually said the lawyer called him and said Michael was in big trouble and they wanted Farrakhan to get involved to help Michael. When Farrakhan asked what kind of trouble Michael was in the lawyer said "Michael only agreed to do 10 shows but now he is being forced to do 50 shows." Farrakhan said he asked what was it that they wanted him to do and the lawyer said he wanted Farrakhan to talk to Michael and offer guidance on what to do.

That is a Big Fat Lie, Lie, Lie don't believe for one minute anybody told Farakhan anything. He just looking at the news and making up stories as he get info from the media.