Fans needed to feature in uk’s guardian newspaper

too many times, year in year out, fans have gotten sick of their words being twisted or not even being included, or fed up being used by the media to create yet another cazy J***o story! Every single time Michael is around,theres some journo hanging around, listening in to our conversations, trying to get an angle, pretending to be a fan. They were there in the court in London in November, even though Michael wasnt even there, trying to interview us, hanging around the The Lanesborough 2 weeks ago etc.

When will they get the message, Michael Jackson fans are not interested, we just want to be left alone. We do not go to hotels/ events to get on tv or in the papers. We are there out of love for Michael, plain and simple. We are not spokespeople for the fan community, we are not a way for you to get to Michael to interview him or photograph him, we dont care about publicity, we dont care about ratings for your tv show, or exclusives for your paper or magazine.

So take that camera out of my face, turn your dictaphone off and go back to your office, YOU ARE NOT WANTED HERE.