Fans needed to feature in uk’s guardian newspaper


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Cardiff, UK
I have been personally contacted by a feature writer for the Guardian newspaper. She is looking for a dozen Michael Jackson fans to be featured in the Guardian’s Weekend magazine.

Here’s the info I have so far:

Looking for: Fans in the UK of all shapes, sizes, ages, sexes, nationalities

What for: Short interview and a photoshoot

Where: Preferably in London

When: To be arranged, in a few months time

If you are interested please send a PM including your name and email address and I will gladly pass it on.

Any questions feel free to ask.
i wouldnt bother considering the crap they write about mj. number one rule of fandom dont talk to the press
i wouldnt bother considering the crap they write about mj. number one rule of fandom dont talk to the press


unless it is someone TRULY positve....

but that of course is basically nonexistant right now :rollseyes:
unless you consider Whoopie Goldberg and Ellen Degeneres "the press"
although they are more like interviewers and hosts they are still part of the media....and thankfully not the circus....
and they have also written libleless stories and articles and given free inches to ppl who created documentries and worked for said paper about mj that spent and hour calling him a pedo.

are we supposed to be thankful cause some paper wrote a article that didnt spend its entirity slagging mj off. anyway fans will do what they want but shouldnt complain when they get the channel 5 negative docu that is being filmed now just to ready to be aired in july when the concerts start. and the fans who have already put their foot in it when speaking to them
Is Channel 5 really making a documentary?? That's news to me, I must live under a rock or something... lol
Is Channel 5 really making a documentary?? That's news to me, I must live under a rock or something... lol
sadly. expect a good ole effort by the media to crap on mj come july
Every paper in the world have slagged off on Michael Jackson. That doesn't mean that we shouldn't set them straight.

If you guys do the interview, have your facts ready and if you're asked a stupid question simply don't answer it. Don't allow any paper/magazine make you look like a fanatical idiot. Ask what the article is about and ask for details.
Every paper in the world have slagged off on Michael Jackson. That doesn't mean that we shouldn't set them straight.
most wont allow you. their editors see to that

If you guys do the interview, have your facts ready and if you're asked a stupid question simply don't answer it. Don't allow any paper/magazine make you look like a fanatical idiot. Ask what the article is about and ask for details.
yes. the problem being the fans who always wanna talk to the media arent these type of fans.
i wouldnt bother considering the crap they write about mj. number one rule of fandom dont talk to the press

OMG, they were all over the fans in London!! :lol: I think anyone who wanted to be in the papers would have gotten their 15 minutes of fame with no problems! :lol: This guy from the Times was behind me at MJ's hotel and something he said pissed me off, so I turned around to set him straight and then he was like *takes out his notepad* "Oh you know more than I do!! What's your name?" and I was like "Oh...NO...I don't wanna be anywhere in newspapers. Thanks!" *summer turns around again to wait for MJ to come out of the hotel* :lol: :lol:

Every paper in the world have slagged off on Michael Jackson. That doesn't mean that we shouldn't set them straight.

If you guys do the interview, have your facts ready and if you're asked a stupid question simply don't answer it. Don't allow any paper/magazine make you look like a fanatical idiot. Ask what the article is about and ask for details.

And if you guys do choose to talk to prepared to have your words twisted and things you said being taken out of context to make whatever you said suit their agenda. You've been warned.
This guy from the Times was behind me at MJ's hotele and something he said pissed me off, so I turned around to set him straight and then he was like *takes out his notepad* "Oh you know more than I do!! What's your name?" and I was like "Oh...NO...I don't wanna be anywhere in newspapers. Thanks!" *
that young guy? he was trying to get a quote out of us for hours lol flicking his dictaphone on every second and he thought we wouldnt notice. i think by the end he wished he didnt work for murdoch lol

And if you guys do choose to talk to prepared to have your words twisted and things you said being taken out of context to make whatever you said suit their agenda. You've been warned.
exactly. say what u want to them during the interview aint gonna make any difference
that young guy? he was trying to get a quote out of us for hours lol flicking his dictaphone on every second and he thought we wouldnt notice. i think by the end he wished he didnt work for murdoch lol

exactly. say what u want to them during the interview aint gonna make any difference

Well he wasn't THAT young, I think. In his 30's maybe? But yeah, that tall kind of blondish guy with glasses. "I'm here to see Michael"...:lol: And yeah, he was sneaky with that little machine of his. I didn't even notice it until I was done "ranting" at him (well, I didn't really "rant"...just told him the facts after he had said something totally false about MJ) and was just about to turn around again. Then I saw it and just thought "SHIT!" :doh:
and they have also written libleless stories and articles and given free inches to ppl who created documentries and worked for said paper about mj that spent and hour calling him a pedo.

are we supposed to be thankful cause some paper wrote a article that didnt spend its entirity slagging mj off. anyway fans will do what they want but shouldnt complain when they get the channel 5 negative docu that is being filmed now just to ready to be aired in july when the concerts start. and the fans who have already put their foot in it when speaking to them

I agree with you Elusive..
summer;1837402 And if you guys do choose to talk to prepared to have your words twisted and things you said being taken out of context to make whatever you said suit their agenda. You've been warned.[/quote said:
Like what summer said guys
if any of u do, do the interview with this paper
be careful of what u say....they are more likey not to write all of what u have said.
I should think intelligence is the main factor needed. If you can't be strong in your convictions then you aren't doing anyone any favors.

Getting the positivity out there is a wonderful thing and if we don't do it who the hell will? Believe it and live it.

Just be careful, know what you are talking about and answer appropriately.
Whatever it is, they will put MJ and the fans that go in a '*****' and negative light. They will build him up, then come July, start writing sh!t again!

All the papers did it around the time of the press conference. They were really positive, and nice towards him and then fans, then over the next few days start slagging his face off, saying he was drunk and all sorts

Just beware
well.... just make sure what they will say about him . Ask them if it will be positive or negative or neutral ... Ask them full of questions before accepting the deal , how they will turn the documentary . Tell them strongly that you DONT WANT to be part of a negative press; and they have to assure you via a contract that it wont be biased , or negative ..but neutral , ask them if they investigated etc....
The Telegraph is a tabloid pretending to be something better, they have written garbage about Michael, most recently quoting Ian Halperin, having interviewed and paid him.

I wouldn't talk to them, they like so many others are just jumping on Michael's bandwaggon, interviewing fans is their way of trying to get the fans to buy the paper. I think the most significant thing to say to them or anyone else is that they have disrespected Michael and until they appologise we are not going to help them sell newspapers.

Sometimes what you don't say, and saying nothing has the biggest impact. Because we are treating them with the contempt they deserve and ignoring them.
If anyone decide to talk to them, bring a recorder of some sort.
And anyone being interviewed has a right to demand viewing the things being written before they are put in print ( you can sign an agreement on that).
And if nobody wants to talk to them, the only thing that will happen is that its the people wanting some minutes of feeling important that are going to be presented as fans ( and most likely the wrong sort of people).
Point is: he has fans of all ages, and all sorts of people. I think it would be nice to let people see that so it would be more difficult to portray the fans as some crazy fanatics.
And yes; it would be very, very difficult to find any newspaper or magazine that has not printed garbage. We live in a time where most newspapers have economical problems (they rarely have the funds to do good old fashioned research) and that results in a copy- paste journalism that influence even world news regarding politics, economy good ethics in news regarding entertainment news is practically non existing.
There are actually good journalists out there, but they have a hard time getting space.
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I would be very carefull before agreeing to anything. The paper probably has in mind already what kind of story they want to bring. That includes how they want to portray the fans. IF you want to participate, I would ask in advance what their intentions are. I wouldn't even hesitate to ask in write that it's going to be done in a positive way.

I work in the media, I'm not just saying something. Be carefull, that's all...
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I personally think Guardian is a really good quality paper--good balanced fair reporting on any subject on touch on...want to have a browse see it for yourself - good quality webpage, good quality articles..

MJ example
I think they are fair..

but I live in Sydney..

I checked all the articles they have written online and what I already have. It is one of the good ones.
That includes how they want to portray the fans. IF you want to participate, I would ask in advance what their intentions are. I wouldn't even hesitate to ask in write that it's going to be done in a positive way.
at the end of the day u have no comeback.get something in writing all u want. when it doesnt turn out what u gonna do sue them? hardly. papers are all the ame when it comes to mj regardless of how respectable they are. giving inches to halpeirn etc in order to create a story. having ppl who work for them creating documentries about mj that spend the entire show spawning every lie going and freely giving them publicity for their show
If you sign up the whole story will just be manipulated to make you look like a nutter. Don't trust them.
My advice to any fan, if you want positive interviews, do it live, just like fans who did the BBC interview and the fanclub president on Sky.

Believe me, when you are live, the fans know what to say and the media can't twist, they come off as being ignorant or biased towards Michael.

But if you want to be used for negative stuff, then you go with these pre-recorded interviews. What Bashir did to Michael is what the media wants. Don't think that the guy who interviews you will go back to his desk, suddenly be enlightened and write a positive piece.

Even if he does, the editors who are biased and sneer at Michael will edit and twist it.

Why would a newspaper want a collection of fan's photos?
Have they done it for Madonna, U2 or Prince?

All they want is a headline "***** fans" or something insulting.

Why don't they conduct an interview with 1 or 2 people, like a fan club president?
It's because if they slander one or two people, they will be sued for libel. But with a big group, they can play you off each other. They can say it was a general observance and they were not referring to so and so.

And if yoou decide to do a recorded interview, let it be about his music, not his personal life. If they ask you about his personal life, tell them you don't care, he was acquitted, that's all that matters and that you like his music.

Don't delve into the case, his vitiligo or anything else. These are the same idiots who won't bother to read the court transcripts or report truthfully about vitiligo, so don't think they will try to do anything different.
Should they ask to take your photo and use it in the publication, set terms under which your photo may be published, all written down, including no negative article with insulting names towards Michael, or twisting the truth about his acquittal or medical condition, or any implication, direct or indirect, that Michael fans are crazy, weird, or bizarre

If you lock them in as to how they may use your photo, with a written undertaking, you will see they will have no interest in taking your photo.

And if they do provide a written undertaking, then you can be sure it's not going to be a negative piece, as they know the legal implications if it is.
Definitely tread very cautiously is about all I can say. And re-read rsw22's posts AGAIN.

The Guardian can talk to dozens of people and ultimately opt to use only those of their choosing; and/or edit heavily.

Uncomfortable talking about it, but, minutes after the trial verdict was in I received a call from USAToday newspaper asking my thoughts about the verdict. I spoke for about 20 minutes with the journalist/rep, choosing my words as cautiously as I could. What then appeared in the actual article was so chopped and edited, I couldn't believe my eyes. It ended up sounding like I was some fanatical completely blinded "fan". So that is why I say re-read some of the advice that has been written in this thread.

(I could explain how they got my phone number, but would need to okay it with staff)
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