fan meets MJ in LA. shares her story

Hi, I am the original poster. I can't stop anyone from "not buying" it. I just thought to share a piece of my happiness. And I think not the true fans are those who reveal details that M wouldn't want to be heard. It's the paps making up stories like the previous one. They are following fans and then making up stories.
Thanks for posting your story!!! :yes:
how lucky :wub:
to all the romanins on this board a hug and to the original poster girl dont worry about a thing. you havent sayed anything bad so why worry?

thanks for the story I LOVE IT. :) and as i sayed before we romanians rock. :)

i really hope mike liked the cd's what music did u gaved him? on another forum i sayed i hope u gaved him some 3 sud est some mihai traistariu si ceva manele just for fun lol. hope he enjoyed it.

thanks again for ur story girl u rock. :)
Thanks Crisa for your story. Some fans want to hold on to the tabloid trash rather than the truth. Can't accept Michael working hard. He has always been known to be one of the hardest working people in the business. Even the dancers stated they work long hours.