fan meets MJ in LA. shares her story


Proud Member
Apr 18, 2009
A fan met Michael in LA and here is her story.. :) Lucky girl

I wouldn't normally post this, but I wanted other fans to be as happy as I was during the past 4 days and because I want no more rumors and tabloid topics on this forum.
During the span of four days, M went to work for 3 days, and only was able to relax and watch a movie with kids on Sunday. For 2 days he went to full rehearsals (working with the whole crew for more than 8 hrs a day) and one day (for 12 hours) to a video recording studio. We were able to hear fragments of a few songs they were rehearsing, but please don't ask which as I will never tell. M really wants everything to be a secret and security is very very tight. He looks beautiful and gracious. I was really blessed. I love him forever.

(answering questions from other members below)

I have no clear idea if M sees this as stalking, but I was in LA and hung out with fans and had the time of my life. No, M didn't allow us in with him at rehearsals. But I saw the dancers coming out and they were psyched and full of energy.

Yes indeed. It was surreal. I am glad I got to thank him for working so hard to make millions of people happy. And I held his hand and I was in heaven. His hand was soft and warm (mine was cold from the emotion nice combination hehehe. I still have to pinch myself to see if it's real or not.

1. He usually sticks his hand out of the car window to greet fans while talking to them.
2. Yes, he did have the curls!!!!!
3. He seemed content, driven and in control. We gave him our love and support and he told us he loves us. His speaking voice was truly music to my ears.

I gave him some CDs with Romanian music. There was another Romanian girl there too. In fact there were fans from all over the world: UK, Japan, Australia, Germany, France....The girl from Australia asked if he's going to Australia to tour and he said he would like to, of course.

I don't know what he was shooting there. For sure something for the concerts, as the first time he was there with Kenny. But my personal opinion and hope is that he was doing something else too, being there for so long...."
Aww, that's awesome! She's so lucky.
12 hrs in a video recording studio ? WOW I C A N N O T W A I T
this man is busting is azz for us...........that's why they look so tight and firm.........

sorry.. I digress..................he is the best!
wow thank you for sharing the story with us.

it did made me smile cause sounds like SO MUCH EXITMENT IS COMMING UP. cant wait. :)

thats so sweet that mike tooked sunday off to be with the kiddies :)

thanks again for the story. :)

off topic i wanna ask the mods whats wrong with my emoticons i dont have them anymore :( can i fix it in someways? please help me. :)
This 'fan' heard them rehears? Sorry I call BS. This is like when another fan "said" that Michael said to them that he didnt want to do 50 shows.
Sweet! Lucky girl! I can't wait to see the video they shot in that studio! :wild:
This 'fan' heard them rehears? Sorry I call BS. This is like when another fan "said" that Michael said to them that he didnt want to do 50 shows.
It's not hard to hear rehearsals when you're outside a venue. The last concert I went to we could hear the soundcheck when we were standing outside.
It's not hard to hear rehearsals when you're outside a venue. The last concert I went to we could hear the soundcheck when we were standing outside.

Some of the details this fan relates is more than just over hearing a soundcheck though.

Im sorry but this is still hearsay and something just doesnt ring true for me. Michael has kept so much of TII secret that I dont believe that a fan is able to know things like:
During the span of four days, M went to work for 3 days, and only was able to relax and watch a movie with kids on Sunday. For 2 days he went to full rehearsals (working with the whole crew for more than 8 hrs a day) and one day (for 12 hours) to a video recording studio.

Nope thats it Im gonna have to do it. Im gonna raise the flag.......

What happened about that in the end? Did everyone realise it was BS or they still adament MJ said that.

P.S. It is BS though, lol

I think those with common sense realise its BS.

Just because someone is a fan doesnt mean they're telling the truth. I'll eat crow if there is more to it than this though but atm I aint buying it.
Hi, I am the original poster. I can't stop anyone from "not buying" it. I just thought to share a piece of my happiness. And I think not the true fans are those who reveal details that M wouldn't want to be heard. It's the paps making up stories like the previous one. They are following fans and then making up stories.
Hi, I am the original poster. I can't stop anyone from "not buying" it. I just thought to share a piece of my happiness. And I think not the true fans are those who reveal details that M wouldn't want to be heard. It's the paps making up stories like the previous one. They are following fans and then making up stories.

Thanks for sharing, hun. Some of us appreciate harmless fringe info that doesn't interfere with Michael wanting things to be kept secret. It's just enuf to keep ppl excited without ruining anything? If you know more but are keeping it quiet for Michael's benefit, good for you! Please don't be tempted to reveal anything you shouldn't just to prove anybody wrong. I saw the tweets about MJ at the theater on Sunday. I hope he enjoyed whatever movie he saw. Good for you that you got to meet him. :flowers:
Hi, I am the original poster. I can't stop anyone from "not buying" it. I just thought to share a piece of my happiness. And I think not the true fans are those who reveal details that M wouldn't want to be heard. It's the paps making up stories like the previous one. They are following fans and then making up stories.

Thank you Crisa! I really appreciate when other fans can give us info like this. It was thoughtful of you to share with us.

Everybody can't be that close and see what's going on even though we want to be, by coming online and reporting back to us makes it almost feel like we were there too.

Thank you, Thank you.