Famine in East Africa

"The Islamist movement al-Shabaab, which is labeled terrorist by the United States, check the southern and central Somalia where the situation is worst. Al-Shabaab is not a coherent organization and its behavior is moody: in some places is welcomed relief organizations, in other places they are banned.
- The security situation varies from day to day. The ability to have free access is determined sometimes just a few days before and then we deliver aid very quickly, says Ruth Feuk, UNICEF
Safety is important - for example, the UN organization WFP previously lost 14 employees.
Many of the hungry get knowledge where help is and try to get there from al-Shabaab-controlled area

Misery is spreading and the conflict between al-Shabaab, government forces and UN mission complicates further assistance"

This is a very good point you brought up.

Of course, it's important to raise awareness and drive up donation efforts. But, what complicates the situation and makes the matter worse is the geo-political environment in Southern Somalia.

THe al-Shabaab group is an extreme Islamist group who pledged alliance with Al-Queda. The group is labelled as terrorist group by the U.S. As such, many foreign aids are prohibited to be sent to that area. Many organizations do not want to send aid workers there because the region is one of the most dangerous lawless region in the world.

Many children there died from preventable diseases, such as measles, because the al-Shabaab group prohibit children from getting shots because they claim such practice "western influence".

The situation there cannot be solved only by donations. It's much more complicated than a humanitarian crisis caused by natural disaster such as the tsunami in Southeastern Asia and the earthquakes in Haiti. It's tricky to send monetary resources there as help organizations have no idea how much will be absorbed by the al-Shabaab group and how much will really get to the hands of the starving people.

The diring situation of people there really breaks my heart. I hope there is a real solution for the people in Somalia.
That's why it's better to send money to organizations who actually work there. They dont give the money to those people, there's nothing to buy anyway, they use it to buy food or medical supplies. I agree that it's a very complicated situation, in which western countries have a big responsibility.

And it's important to choose your charity wisely. Personally, I wouldn't give anything to USA for Africa, which has been having too many financial problems over the years, and which I don't trust. I think the good old days of WATW are over. But that's me.
That's why it's better to send money to organizations who actually work there. They dont give the money to those people, there's nothing to buy anyway, they use it to buy food or medical supplies. I agree that it's a very complicated situation, in which western countries have a big responsibility.

And it's important to choose your charity wisely. Personally, I wouldn't give anything to USA for Africa, which has been having too many financial problems over the years, and which I don't trust. I think the good old days of WATW are over. But that's me.

The problem is many organizations do not actaully work there because of the extremely volatile political climate in the al-Shabaab controlled southern Somalia. UN lost people in that region. Security is a big concern. Foreign aide workers are either driven out by the extremists or killed in the middle of violence conflicts. Some relief organizaions started air-lifing supplies and dropped them to the ground. But, that sure isn't the most far reaching or effective way of sending aides. The al-Shabaab group even blocked people from escaping the improvish region.

Unlike the previous famine a decade ago, the situation doesn't need to be this devastating. I do not know international law enough. I don't know what the United Nations can do to alleviate the situation. Can UN starts military intervention to reduce the power of the al-Shabaab group and prevent a more severe humanitarian crisis?

In the mean time, I guess what we can do is to make a donation to an organization like UNICEF.
I agree. The only thing you can do is donate to organizations that work in the refugee camps in Kenya, Ethiopia and Djibouti. So far, the UN don't seem to want to interfere in the civil war.
I agree. The only thing you can do is donate to organizations that work in the refugee camps in Kenya, Ethiopia and Djibouti. So far, the UN don't seem to want to interfere in the civil war.

Good point! Making a donation to organizations that actually work in the refugee camps is a great way to help.

It seems the NATO and the U.S. are focusing on Libya, Afghanistan and Iraq. May be they don't deem Somalia strategically important enough? I don't know. I feel people in the Horn of Africa are largely forgotten and ignored.
"The drought in Somalia, "used by external enemies," claims a spokesman for the Islamist Al-Shabaab.

- Their new strategy is to move people abroad, especially to Christian countries like Ethiopia and Kenya, so that their faith can be destroyed and they can get ratings and soldiers to the Christians, said Sheik Ali Muhamud Rage in operating the radio.
He argued that local merchants and Muslim helpers can provide the hungry with adequate relief."
That's the result of ignorance and bigotry.

If local merchants had anything to give, they would, the whole area is affected. The refugees have no money anyway. As far as Muslim helpers go, the International federation of the red cross and red crescent is involved.

But that moron also said it was better for those people to die than to benefit from western countries. One more who has never read the Coran. SMH
And it's important to choose your charity wisely. Personally, I wouldn't give anything to USA for Africa, which has been having too many financial problems over the years, and which I don't trust. I think the good old days of WATW are over. But that's me.

Really? It seems they did well with the 25th anniversary cover of WATW for Haiti...

WE ARE THE WORLD @ 25 http://www.usaforafrica.org/watw25.html

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Last thing I read about USA for Africa was that there was doubts about how the money was distributed. It was 2 years ago, I cant remember where I read it though. Oh well, hey, I say, as long as you're sure...
Good point! Making a donation to organizations that actually work in the refugee camps is a great way to help.

It seems the NATO and the U.S. are focusing on Libya, Afghanistan and Iraq. May be they don't deem Somalia strategically important enough? I don't know. I feel people in the Horn of Africa are largely forgotten and ignored.

I find this post Sick! :puke: Please stop spreading negativity via Opinion there's a Famine happening People are dying we do not need political negative opinion.

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Souldreamer7, maybe you could explain your point of view? There's no need to attack anybody, we're all allowed to have our opinions and express them.
:( People need to remember this everytime they waste food. I've seen so much food wastage in my life. The saddest thing is, there is enough food in the world for everyone, it's just not distributed evenly. If people care enough, and do their bit, it will go a long way in easing the hunger of others.

I'm gonna do my bit, and donate. I also see to it I never waste food. Thanks for the links.
Souldreamer7, maybe you could explain your point of view? There's no need to attack anybody, we're all allowed to have our opinions and express them.
I am not attacking anyone I find it sad that people think that people in the U.S. aren't helping and do not care. my post states my thoughts clearly above. I am allowed to have my point of view & express them just the same. and like I said what matters is helping.
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I am not attacking anyone I find it sad that people think that people in the U.S. aren't helping and do not care. my post states my thoughts clearly above. I am allowed to have my point of view & express them just the same. and like I said what matters is helping.

Well, the adjective you used was not very nice, it's all I meant. No offense.

I dont think this post was about the American people, but more about the US government. The help that comes is mostly through organizations which receive donations from the public, whether it's in the US, Europe or anywhere else. Which is quite sad, because unless politicians of richest countries decide to really do something, our donations won't have a lasting effect.

What matters is helping, it's true. But you cant separate the political causes for this from the natural ones. :(
Well, the adjective you used was not very nice, it's all I meant. No offense.

Well, I didn't mean it exactly towards that poster I meant it as the words are sick. I was expressing my view & hurt not attacking. It wasn't very nice for them to say:
It seems the NATO and the U.S. are focusing on Libya, Afghanistan and Iraq. May be they don't deem Somalia strategically important enough? I don't know. I feel people in the Horn of Africa are largely forgotten and ignored.
That's not fair to state something like that (in bold) to single out one country and state that 'insert certain place' dosen't care that 'they' don't deem Somalia important. when many people from the country is sending aid & prayers & both. Then again why would someone point fingers at one certain goverment and only them when infact other goverments are doing the same and that is fact.
It's just that a lot of people that aren't from America or never stepped foot here think that The People are heartless I read it here often and that's not true the people care deeply & the us is full of people from so many countries. It's just when you read this type of thing so often that you soon want to be a voice to set things straight from someone who lives here point of view - so all know that the us is a huge place full of many people but there is compassion,love & giving and just like many other countries it has it's ugly side as well.

I dont think this post was about the American people, but more about the US government. The help that comes is mostly through organizations which receive donations from the public, whether it's in the US, Europe or anywhere else. Which is quite sad, because unless politicians of richest countries decide to really do something, our donations won't have a lasting effect.

This^^ This is where I'm coming from. :yes: That is how I feel too. I'm not naive to actually believe that this horrible (tradgey) don't have polictical undertones,because it does have polictical undertones, of course it does. And like you stated above one of the first thoughts when I heard the news of this taking place in real time a month or so ago now (people/animals etc. dying) was where are the countries like the uk,europe & the states etc. and the millionaires who have resources to help quickly.. besides being totally sadden & wanting to help with what little I have to send and praying for the people and land. This world in certain places IMHO are so unbalanced in many things such as money, the extremely rich and the poor..very poor.

What matters is helping, it's true. But you cant separate the political causes for this from the natural ones. :(

It is true. But I do try & separate it becuase I,myself have to find 'Heart' in the problem and look at it from all sides that way I can understand it more and when you understand things more & more you may find a way to help further.

I find this post Sick! :puke: Please stop spreading negativity via Opinion there's a Famine happening People are dying we do not need political negative opinion.


I am not attacking anyone I find it sad that people think that people in the U.S. aren't helping and do not care. my post states my thoughts clearly above. I am allowed to have my point of view & express them just the same. and like I said what matters is helping.

Well, the adjective you used was not very nice, it's all I meant. No offense.

I dont think this post was about the American people, but more about the US government. The help that comes is mostly through organizations which receive donations from the public, whether it's in the US, Europe or anywhere else. Which is quite sad, because unless politicians of richest countries decide to really do something, our donations won't have a lasting effect.

What matters is helping, it's true. But you cant separate the political causes for this from the natural ones. :(

Thanks Ben! Thanks for helping to explain my point of view.

Souldreamer, I have no idea my post can offend you. If you read all my posts in this thread, it's actually quite clear that I do not point fingers to the U.S. people at all. I actually live in the U.S. myself and I see first-hand how generous and self-less many Americans are.

I wanted to say that the femine in East Africa is actually made worse by geo-political problem. It's true that the al-Shabaab group that controlled the area is labelled by the U.S. as terrorist group. The al-Shabaab group forced foreign aide workers out and refuse to let people get vaccination because they don't want any western influence there. The problem will not be solved without a political and/or military intervention unfortunately. Like Ben mentioned earlier, one cannot simply separate the political cause. I don't think I have spread negative opinion whatsoever.
Well, I didn't mean it exactly towards that poster I meant it as the words are sick. I was expressing my view & hurt not attacking. It wasn't very nice for them to say:

That's not fair to state something like that (in bold) to single out one country and state that 'insert certain place' dosen't care that 'they' don't deem Somalia important. when many people from the country is sending aid & prayers & both. Then again why would someone point fingers at one certain goverment and only them when infact other goverments are doing the same and that is fact.

It's just that a lot of people that aren't from America or never stepped foot here think that The People are heartless I read it here often and that's not true the people care deeply & the us is full of people from so many countries. It's just when you read this type of thing so often that you soon want to be a voice to set things straight from someone who lives here point of view - so all know that the us is a huge place full of many people but there is compassion,love & giving and just like many other countries it has it's ugly side as well.

This^^ This is where I'm coming from. :yes: That is how I feel too. I'm not naive to actually believe that this horrible (tradgey) don't have polictical undertones,because it does have polictical undertones, of course it does. And like you stated above one of the first thoughts when I heard the news of this taking place in real time a month or so ago now (people/animals etc. dying) was where are the countries like the uk,europe & the states etc. and the millionaires who have resources to help quickly.. besides being totally sadden & wanting to help with what little I have to send and praying for the people and land. This world in certain places IMHO are so unbalanced in many things such as money, the extremely rich and the poor..very poor.


I actually didn't single U.S. out at all. I mentioned NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) which includes many western European countries. Again, I didn't point fingers at Americans or Europeans. Like I said, I actually think the tragedy is made worse by the volatile political climate in Somalia. The root of the problem is that the area is ruled by an extrem Islamist group that is killing its own people everyday. And, it's true that relatively less foreign political or military intervention has taken place. I do not mean Americans are heartless. Nowhere did I suggest that. I asked a question. I asked "may be they don't deem Somalia is strategically important enough?" I mean the U.S. government and the governing body of NATO may not see the urgency like they saw the urgency in Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan. I didn't make an assumption. I asked a question. People can answer and give an opinion. I didn't spread negativities or hatred. I didn't use any bad word to describe Americans or Europeans.

I'm sure many Americans and Europeans want to help. Many people (myself included) are donating what they can, sendinng love and prayers to the people in East Africa. But these donations will not reach the people in Africa unless the country become a safer place with a more reasonable and stable governing body. It doesn't matter how many millionaires can make sizable donations. The welfare of the people in Somalia cannot be improved unless the political situation improves.

Souldreamer, I will appreciate if you would tell me why you think my post is inappropriate and share your point of view first before calling my post "sick". Somtimes, what you read is not what other means. English is my second language. So, there may be times that I do not make my point come accross correctly. I don't mind giving clarification.

Calling people's posts sick and inserting a "puke" smilie is quite offensive in itself. You said you did not mean to hurt. But, I do feel insulted. No wonder people always tell me not to discuss politics. It's indeed a very touchy topic.
Hi your love is magical :waving:

If you re-read my last post the first one atop this page I state my reasons why I feel sick (see where it says it's not you & it's the words see where it says I read so much about how people think certain countries are full of bad people) and if you continue to read & try to look at it through my eyes you'll understand where I'm coming from even more. Hopefully you understand it. It's about words and The terrible Famine in Africa and people coming together more than political view. And you're right sometimes what or how you read something is not exactly how another means. Read my post atop this page. I've also made other post on the very first page.
you said that you was warned not to post political posts because it's touchy and yes that's true... but when one does post about it someone may not completely agree with you that's just how life works. be prepared to find common ground or agree to disagree..because everyone has their own point of view & feelings just the same as you do. :)

I'm sorry that you feel insulted. I am. I should have explained in that very post that the puke smilie was not intended towards you it was more from all the political stuff that's been said through-out the thread & everywhere news etc. I can now understand where you are coming from and I can find it in myself to see your view point on some things.. so I hope you can look within and find where I am coming from as well. :)

by-the-way I think that your english is great. :)

what matters is helping which has been my view all along at the core so we have a common ground there.

I wish you much Love & Light

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Can you imagine to lose 4 children within 24 hours because you have no food to give them?
^^hi souldreamer7 :hiya:

thank you so much for your post. i can definitely hear your concern. i'm glad that we can now understanding each other. :huggy:

in a world with so many conflicts, it's indeed very important for people to find commongrounds and work our differences out.

i wholeheartedly agree with you that the most important thing is to offer a hand. i read a tweet yesterday that UNICEF will set up a special fund for michael jackson. we can donate to help with the famine relief in his memory.
^^hi souldreamer7 :hiya:

thank you so much for your post. i can definitely hear your concern. i'm glad that we can now understanding each other. :huggy:

in a world with so many conflicts, it's indeed very important for people to find commongrounds and work our differences out.

i wholeheartedly agree with you that the most important thing is to offer a hand. i read a tweet yesterday that UNICEF will set up a special fund for michael jackson. we can donate to help with the famine relief in his memory.

Hello I feel very happy we've come together and perhaps both of us has understood even more which will allow us to help Africa further.
A :huggy: to You & Ben for having an open mind & love in your heart.
Thank You for the information above on donations under MJs name towards the people of Africa. I'll check that out. One of the things Michael Jackson Fans & Admirers are great at is coming together through hard times.
I continue to pray for the people of Africa (& the world) & their land to heal.

With :heart:
Hello I feel very happy we've come together and perhaps both of us has understood even more which will allow us to help Africa further.
A :huggy: to You & Ben for having an open mind & love in your heart.
Thank You for the information above on donations under MJs name towards the people of Africa. I'll check that out. One of the things Michael Jackson Fans & Admirers are great at is coming together through hard times.
I continue to pray for the people of Africa (& the world) & their land to heal.

With :heart:

I just did a quick searh in the UNICEF website and don't see anything about a special fund set up for the meomory of Michael Jackson... :unsure:

But still, I think making a donation to UNICEF is one of the best ways to help.
From what a friends told me, you can make a donation in memory of someone, maybe that's what they meant? I doubt the UNICEF people have time for creating special funds right now.
I read there were gunfire when aid workers handed ut food to starving people in Somalia.
They said it was soldiers from the government trying to steal the food.
In another camp they are dying in measles.
New Bob Marley And The Wailers Video Raises Awareness Of East Africa Crisis

Posted by Billy Johnson, Jr.

Click here to make a donation to Save The Children.
On Tuesday, the Bob Marley estate, Simon Fuller, and Island Records founder Chris Blackwell globally released a new video for Bob Marley & The Wailers' 1973 song "High Tide Or Low Tide."
The video documents the East Africa Crisis that is affecting more than 9 million people dying of starvation.
Edited by Kevin Macdonald, director of "Last King Of Scotland" and the forthcoming "Marley" documentary, the "High Tide Or Low Tide" video includes recent footage of expressionless mothers caring for their children, oblivious toddlers playing amidst skeletons of wildlife, and numerous frail, sick babies.
In one of the more poignant images, a mother draws a bucket from a well only to find it filled with dirt and not one drop of water.
It's fitting that this song from Bob Marley & The Wailers' debut album would be selected to help raise awareness of the tragedy.
The "High Tide Or Low Tide" lyrics still provoke chills nearly 40 years after the song's debut. Marley, a late icon, who used his music to encourage social change, sings about one of his mother's prayers.
"A child is born in this world, he needs protection," Marley sings, quoting his mother. During the song's chorus, he pledges unconditional friendship: "In high seas or-a low seas, I'm gonna be your friend."
Partnering with Save The Children, the Marleys, Fuller, and Blackwell are hoping to make an impact. Universal Music Global has agreed to donate all profits from the video.

Happy to see everyone has gotten together for releif for Africa.
Here's the video.
Bob Marley & The Wailers 'High Tide Or Low Tide' (Save The Children's East Africa Appeal

DONATE LINK: http://bit.ly/nVt23n DOWNLOAD TRACK: http://bit.ly/o96urw

Millions of children are facing starvation right now -- this doesn't have to happen. Save The Children has launched an emergency aid response in Africa. Please watch this video, share with friends and download Bob Marley's single 'High Tide or Low Tide' with all proceeds going to the East Africa food crisis appeal. YOU CAN HELP NOW.


Happy to see everyone has gotten together for releif for Africa.
Here's the video.
Bob Marley & The Wailers 'High Tide Or Low Tide' (Save The Children's East Africa Appeal

DONATE LINK: http://bit.ly/nVt23n DOWNLOAD TRACK: http://bit.ly/o96urw

Millions of children are facing starvation right now -- this doesn't have to happen. Save The Children has launched an emergency aid response in Africa. Please watch this video, share with friends and download Bob Marley's single 'High Tide or Low Tide' with all proceeds going to the East Africa food crisis appeal. YOU CAN HELP NOW.



Thanks for posting! :)

Somali famine: Ghana schoolboy raises aid money


Andrew Andasi (L) met WFP representative Ismail Omer to ask for advice

An 11-year-old Ghanaian schoolboy has so far raised more than $500 (£300) for victims of the famine in Somalia.
Andrew Andasi launched his campaign last week after watching footage of people walking in search of food.
He told the BBC he wanted to raise a total of $13m during his school holidays from private donations.
After a meeting with the UN World Food Programme Bank director in Ghana to ask for advice, Andrew set up a bank account for donations on Tuesday.
"I'm very very sure that I can raise it in just one month," he told the BBC.
"I want individuals, companies, churches, other organisations to help me get 20m Ghana cedis."
TV guest He said that UN organisations had advised him to raise money rather than food for his Save Somali Children from Hunger campaign.http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-14474860#story_continues_2

"If they send it to Somalia they can buy it [food] somewhere around Somalia… because if we gather the food items it will take a long time and the plane will cost a lot," he said.
The BBC's Samuel Bartels in the capital, Accra, says the boy's determination has impressed Ghanaians and he has been appearing as a guest on TV and radio shows in recent days.
Ismail Omer, the WFP representative in Ghana, said he was impressed with his efforts.
"He is doing a lot of work and that is laudable," Mr Omer told the BBC.
"When he came to my office and said this is what he is doing, I was so delighted - I became emotional.


The UN says about 3.6 million people are at risk of starvation in Somalia
"I hope he can be a good leader to his generation."
Andrew, who has printed flyers and stickers for his campaign, said he was moved to act by seeing the images of Somali women and children walking for days in search of food.
He said he wanted to use his time off during his summer school holidays to help them.
"There has been serious hunger and death for [a] long time [in Somalia] - and if it goes on their country will be useless," he told the BBC at the headquarters of Ecobank Ghana in Accra after setting up a special bank account for donations.
"If I get the opportunity to go to Somalia I will talk and I will let the UN to make an announcement the warring groups in Somalia should stop because of the sick children and women," he said.
The UN says about 3.6 million people are at risk of starvation in Somalia.
More than 11 million people across the Horn of Africa have been affected by drought this year - the region's worst for 60 years.

