Famine in East Africa


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May 13, 2010
Hobbiton, Middle Earth
Famine in East Africa: How you can help

By Natalie Angley, CNN
July 21, 2011 6:00 p.m. EDT


Nearly half a million children in the Horn of Africa are at risk of dying from malnutrition and disease.


  • Eleven million people are facing a hunger crisis in East Africa
  • The United Nations warns that the crisis could spread
  • Relief organizations are calling on the international community to join together to end the crisis
  • If you want to help, donations can be as simple as sending a text

(CNN) -- Eleven million people are facing a hunger crisis in the Horn of Africa, and they are in desperate need of help.
The United Nations declared a famine Wednesday in parts of southern Somalia, calling for a widespread international response to end the suffering.
Thousands of Somalis have been fleeing the country each week in search of food, water and shelter -- many of them walking for days in the sweltering sun toward refugee camps in Kenya and Ethiopia.
Nearly half a million children are at risk of dying from malnutrition and disease.
Relief organizations are calling on the international community to join together to end the crisis, and they're working to gain entrance into areas with limited humanitarian access.
There are ways you can help.
UNICEF is asking for $31.8 million over the next three months for relief efforts. The money will help provide therapeutic treatment for women and children with severe malnutrition, access to clean drinking water and vaccinations to prevent deadly diseases like measles and polio.
"The earlier we act, the more children we can save. Americans are a generous people, and a little goes a long way -- just $10 can feed a child for 10 days," said Caryl Stern, president of the U.S. Fund for UNICEF.
To help UNICEF's efforts, text "FOOD" to 864233 to donate $10 from the United States or visit the website.

International Medical Corps has teams on the ground in Somalia, Ethiopia and Kenya to provide food, water, hygiene, sanitation and mental health services to people in refugee camps.
Visit the website to donate from various countries or text "AFRICA" to 80888 to donate $10 to the group's drought relief response from the United States. It will show up on your next mobile phone bill.

In central Somalia, the International Rescue Committee is giving cash and other assistance to families whose livestock, pastures and farmland have been decimated and helping to repair boreholes and wells for those left behind.
In overcrowded camps in Kenya, the group has helped establish reception centers for newcomers to receive food, health screenings and medical referrals. In Ethiopia, the organization is bringing in water and installing water-supply systems in three camps serving 82,000 refugees.
Visit the website to make a donation from various countries.

The United Nations World Food Programme has plans to airlift high energy biscuits and highly nutritious supplementary foods for children and pregnant or nursing mothers into southern Somalia.
Donations can be made from various countries online or via text. To donate $10 from the United States, text "AID" to 27722; to donate $5 from Canada, text "RELIEF" to 45678; to donate £3 from the United Kingdom text "AID" to 70303.

World Vision is working to regain safe humanitarian access in south central Somalia where millions of children are in urgent need of food and assistance.
The organization continues to implement programs in Somaliland and affected areas in Puntland. For families fleeing the drought, World Vision is providing nutrition supplements to malnourished children and improving healthcare and sanitation.
To donate to relief efforts from the United States, visit the website, call 1-888-56-CHILD or text "4AFRICA" to 20222 to donate $10.

Oxfam America is responding to the crisis by providing life-saving water, sanitation services, food and money. The organization aims to reach 3 million people, including 700,000 in Ethiopia, 1.3 million in Kenya, and 500,000 in Somalia.
Visit their website to donate from various countries.

Staff members from Catholic Relief Services are visiting a refugee camp in Dadaab in eastern Kenya and in surrounding communities that are hosting refugees. Workers are on the ground determining the level of food, water and sanitation needs.
In Ethiopia, the group is leading a Joint Emergency Operational Plan that is feeding more than 400,000 people.
Visit their website to make a donation from around the world or call 1-800-736-3467 in the U.S.

Mercy Corps has teams in Ethiopia, Somalia and Kenya distributing food and water and expanding critical relief efforts. The group is currently on the ground helping more than 150,000 people in the region survive.
Visit the website to make a donation from various countries.

ShelterBox, which provides tents and essential supplies to people who have been displaced after disasters, has a response team in Ethiopia and a second team on the way to Kenya.
The teams will be working with the Norwegian Refugee Council and Rotarians to establish how they can be of assistance during the crisis.
To help, visit the website to donate from various countries or text "SHELTER" to 20222 from the U.S. for a one-time $10 donation. Location and time specific donations cannot be accepted.

Save the Children has launched a major humanitarian response in Kenya, Somalia and Ethiopia feeding underweight children, providing life-saving medical treatment, and getting clean water to remote communities.
Visit the website to donate from various countries or text "SURVIVE" to 20222 to donate $10 from the United States to Save the Children's East Africa Drought and Food Crisis.

AmeriCares is preparing to send urgently needed medical aid to areas of East Africa. The organization will ship medicine and supplies to help medical teams serving refugees in Mogadishu.
Visit the website to make a donation from various countries or call 1-800-486-HELP from the United States.

Doctors Without Borders is operating nine medical-nutritional programs in south-central Somalia. These programs, along with three projects in refugee camps in Kenya and Ethiopia, provide thousands of medical consultations each day. Teams are treating more than 10,000 severely malnourished children.
Donations can be made online in the U.S. and by following this link in other countries.

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Let´s start giving
<iframe width="480" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/iw9x197gGh4" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Sooooooo sad. :( If everyone does their part, things can improve... for sure. Prayers for Africans. :angel:

MIST;3441501 said:
Let´s start giving
<iframe width="480" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/iw9x197gGh4" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Let's make a change. Africa is beauty & strength. Please let's help.


Uplifting the spirit for the people of Africa
Ladysmith Black Mambazo- The Moon Is Walking

Paul Simon: Diamonds on the soles of her shoes, South Africa / concert in zimbabwe1987. ladysmith black mambazo, joseph shabalala, ray phiri, miriam makeba

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Oh my goodness... :( This is heartbreaking. I was thinking maybe we should do something as a community to raise money for this and help. I will get thinking as to what we can do. Feel free to PM me any ideas or suggestions.
It's awful seeing this on the news. These poor people :( If anyone wants to do anything the DEC are running an appeal for East Africa which you can find here: http://www.dec.org.uk/item/507

If you have a contract mobile if you text 7000 with the message HELP £5 will be added to your next month's phone bill
I saw this coming, i knew there was gonna be a famine and i feel there will many more to come in the world.
Oh my goodness... :( This is heartbreaking. I was thinking maybe we should do something as a community to raise money for this and help. I will get thinking as to what we can do. Feel free to PM me any ideas or suggestions.

I think it's a great idea Stacey.
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Somalia's famine will become worse unless world increases food aid, Australia minister says

By: The Associated Press
Posted: 07/24/2011 9:02 AM

DOLO, Somalia - Australia's foreign minister says Somalia's famine will be five times worse by Christmas unless the international community increases its food aid.
Kevin Rudd is in a famine-struck area of Somalia to appeal to the world to help avoid a catastrophe. Rudd on Sunday talked with internal refugees who have had little to eat in recent days.
World Food Program's Executive Director Josette Sheeran said Sunday the program will open new feeding sites in and around Dolo by the end of the week. She said it is critical that WFP gets new funding to fight the three-pronged catastrophe of drought, conflict and high food prices.
The U.N. fears tens of thousands of people already have died in the famine in Somalia. Somalis are walking for days in hopes of reaching refugee camps in Kenya and Ethiopia.

It´s urgent to give now but it´s important to think about the future too.
Wars and some corrupt governments are big problems but if those are solved I think famines can be avoided in the future.
Agroforestry helps against the soil erosion and gives better harvests
I wrote about a project that I support here;
I found another one who works with agroforestry across the world
I got this mail from UNICEF
The U.N. has declared famine in parts of southern Somalia. This is the worst starvation seen in Africa in 20 years. Thousands of children have died. More than two million children are desperate for food &#8211; many have just days to live.

But what really gets to me are reports from the region of unfathomable horrors...

Children 3 or 4 years old with bodies the size of 9 month old babies, wrinkled skin, sunken eyes. Unspeakable suffering borne by the most innocent and vulnerable among us.

Children in Africa need your help RIGHT NOW. Please STOP... take out your card... and donate to the U.S. Fund for UNICEF. You will save lives. Your gift will immediately be rushed to support UNICEF's relief efforts in the Horn of Africa.

As dire the news &#8211; know that this is not a lost cause.

UNICEF is in the midst of a massive mobilization. Late last week, UNICEF airlifted 5 metric tons of therapeutic food and emergency supplies to the region. More flights are leaving imminently. Hundreds of additional tons of food, clean water and medical supplies are on their way.

It doesn't matter where they are... Huge numbers of women and children are fleeing violence in Somalia. They travel under the scorching sun by foot, only to collapse and die on the side of dirt roads. UNICEF is doubling the capacity of mobile feeding centers to find, feed and treat these children.

Miracle food for just a few dollars... For the child staring death in the face, UNICEF is distributing therapeutic foods like PlumpyNut&#8482;. This is a fortified nut paste that with even just one feeding can pull a child back from the brink. Already, UNICEF has shipped more than 10,000 cartons of PlumpyNut&#8482; to Mogadishu. Just $10 can feed a child for 10 days.

This isn't just about being hungry... Severely malnourished children are highly susceptible to disease. And a thirsty child doesn't care if water is contaminated &#8211; she'll drink it. Already, UNICEF is providing 1.2 million people with clean water, and more water is being delivered &#8211; enough to reach 60,000 additional families.

Please donate &#8211; as generously as you can &#8211; and help fund this massive mobilization to save children from suffering and death.

A final thought... read this not just as an email. Read this and see it for it what it is: a cry for help from the world's most vulnerable children. Please don't turn away, don't ignore their plea for help.

We do not know the child we will save together. But we respond anyway, out of love, out of compassion and out of a belief that we have an obligation to help these children. Together, we can rescue them and give them hope for a better tomorrow.
Sent a text donation to UNICEF. :angel: You know I've been thinking of this and how in America how much food is wasted, yet in other countries people are starving to death. Something's not right there.
This is terrible. :( I hate to see people suffering. A lot of these issues could easily be fixed if people were just a bit less selfish with their money. If something as little as ten dollars can feed a child for ten days, I don't understand why more people won't donate.

Oh my goodness... :( This is heartbreaking. I was thinking maybe we should do something as a community to raise money for this and help. I will get thinking as to what we can do. Feel free to PM me any ideas or suggestions.

That's a wonderful idea.
This is terrible. :( I hate to see people suffering. A lot of these issues could easily be fixed if people were just a bit less selfish with their money. If something as little as ten dollars can feed a child for ten days, I don't understand why more people won't donate.

And so many celebrities who earn millions and spend a lot of money with so many petty things.... :doh: It kills me when I think about it. :( Some celebrities should follow the example of Michael. If I were a millionaire, I would do much more, for sure.

Oh my goodness... :( This is heartbreaking. I was thinking maybe we should do something as a community to raise money for this and help. I will get thinking as to what we can do. Feel free to PM me any ideas or suggestions.

Great idea!
And so many celebrities who earn millions and spend a lot of money with so many petty things.... :doh: It kills me when I think about it. :( Some celebrities should follow the example of Michael. If I were a millionaire, I would do much more, for sure.

Yes, more people should follow in Michael's footsteps. Absolutely. :yes: I would do much more if I were a millionaire too.
Just to let you guys know, we are working on something at the moment to help with this, as a community. We will let you know more soon. :)
And so many celebrities who earn millions and spend a lot of money with so many petty things.... :doh: It kills me when I think about it. :( Some celebrities should follow the example of Michael. If I were a millionaire, I would do much more, for sure.

Yes, more people should follow in Michael's footsteps. Absolutely. :yes: I would do much more if I were a millionaire too.

But more importantly all these billion dollar companies who have both the resources and the spare cash that can make a massive difference........

I guess we just gotta pray that relief does reach them quickly :angel::angel::angel::angel:
Women Raped as the Food Crisis Expands in East Africa
by Amelia T.
July 26, 2011
Violence against women is on the rise as the food crisis continues in the Horn of Africa. As they flee to refugee camps with their children, women are vulnerable to robbery or sexual assault. When they reach the camps, the threat of violence is still severe. According to a UNHCR report, sexual and gender-based violence has quadrupled in several camps over the past six months.

“Women have told me about being raped on the way to the refugee camp,” said Alexandra Lopoukhine of CARE Canada. ”We’re noticing a lot of trauma among the refugee population.”

The surge in violence continues even as the world attempts to bring aid to drought-stricken Somalia. The UN declared famine conditions in two areas of Somalia last week, but the funding for aid just doesn’t seem to be there. Oxfam estimated that $1 billion is needed to deal with the crisis, and castigated the international community for failing to step up.

The process of getting food into the country is highly fraught. Somali Foreign Minister Mohamed Ibrahim has warned that 3.5 million people may starve, but the Islamist militant group which controls large segments of Somalia is making it difficult for the UN to administer aid. Al-Shabaab, the militant group, has banned the UN’s World Food Program from its areas, so people are fleeing into the capital, where a weak African Union-backed government controls some neighborhoods.

The crisis is growing in Somalia. And it will continue to grow unless the international community steps up. Although the total amount of money needed to lift Somalia out of its dire conditions is vast, the WFP has information about how you can do your part. Follow this link to learn more about how you can save lives in drought-stricken East Africa.
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So far they've received very little help. THe countries of the G20 got together to TALK, and then left without promising any help. Those people are not a priority.

FYI, The FAO warned the UN about this crisis in NOVEMBER 2010, and no one cared. Nothing had been done since the 80's when more than 1 million people starved to death, in the very same area.
So far they've received very little help. THe countries of the G20 got together to TALK, and then left without promising any help. Those people are not a priority.

FYI, The FAO warned the UN about this crisis in NOVEMBER 2010, and no one cared. Nothing had been done since the 80's when more than 1 million people starved to death, in the very same area.

I don´t know much about Oxfam, but I must have signed a petition sometime and now I get mail from them.
Now they say they have a group of generous donors who will match every dollar we give, deadline in 10 hours

I wonder why these generous donors just don´t donate at once and if Oxfam don´t reach the goal of 2 million , will the group of donors keep the money or will they donate it anyway?
Maybe people want to give more if it will be a double effect.
The problem is, the people from Somalia fleeing the drought are seeking refuge in Kenya, where they're lacking water already. If they don't have rain in the weeks to come, famine could be declared there too.
"The Islamist movement al-Shabaab, which is labeled terrorist by the United States, check the southern and central Somalia where the situation is worst. Al-Shabaab is not a coherent organization and its behavior is moody: in some places is welcomed relief organizations, in other places they are banned.
- The security situation varies from day to day. The ability to have free access is determined sometimes just a few days before and then we deliver aid very quickly, says Ruth Feuk, UNICEF
Safety is important - for example, the UN organization WFP previously lost 14 employees.
Many of the hungry get knowledge where help is and try to get there from al-Shabaab-controlled area

Misery is spreading and the conflict between al-Shabaab, government forces and UN mission complicates further assistance"