Family Project - Submissions

ooh shannon i forgot to put my name and where i live on the songs i post :yes: :thinking: so i'm doing that know :yes: :)

Emilia Marinovic AKA Queen of Pop
To Katherine Jackson -

woman of beauty, nurturance, unconditional love
it is your DNA that helped to create those eyes
those angelic faces and radiant smiles
that have delighted the world!
you comforted the baby souls of our heroes
you carried 10 babies in your womb
even as you cried and strove under
impossible weight
you suckled them and made them strong
and as you held their tiny bodies on your bossom
your heart communicated the message
that they in turn shared with the world
you made your humble home a castle for
your princes and princesses
a Mother

woman of humility, patience and understanding
you gave them a sure foot to face the world
no matter where they went in life
they always remembered your worlds
they always will remember
the ways of compassion
no matter where they go
they always know where home is, through you
and you stood strong when the weight seemed impossible to bear
when evil attacked left and right
when your heart was broken, you never broke
and through your moral uprightness, through your deeds
and your words
your children heard and witnessed

the light of your love shines to the world
no matter what anyone says
history will show that there is none other like it
its from God and its through you
through you, it is through your children
through your children, we the fans, have known joy like
no other, we have felt your love, we have felt your beauty
we have felt your harmonies, and we have felt the Source
and only God knows why there has to be so much pain
and the true outcome that we all gain
but God chose you to head the throne
thank you for loving them so
thank you for being so strong, never giving up
thank God for you and your family
thank you for sharing your beautiful babies with the world
We will never forget your sacrifices
the love you give has multiplied
it is royal, it is eternal, it is You
A Queen
I have been a Michael Jackson fan, since I can remember, Ill always remember when i was about 6 dancing round my bedroom to "BAD" and walking round singing "Man in the Mirror" At the top of my lungs, I still do it to this day at 17.
This is just a suggestion: if you are looking for more art, there is a ton at Just do a search. I'm sure some of them will be willing to let you use their work for this project if you ask!
Can you please include mine? I hadn't time to make something earlier, because I don't have internet at home. But I've finished writing something this night and I wanted to post it just today :(

Hope you can use it, would be so kind

Thank you Katherine! Thank you for sharing your son Michael Joseph Jackson with the world!

Michael is a huge inspiration for my life and years ago he has taught me to be better person, to not be selfish, but to help people.
Everytime when I feel like giving up, I automatically think about Michaels song "Keep the faith" and about what a great fighter he was.
Everytime I get to my creative work Michael is my first thought. Not because I want to copy from him, but to be as him in the way he was thinking.
To be innovative, to create something new, to do something no one has ever done before, to do it with all of my heart and finish the work when it'S perfect.
Michael doesn't just influence me now but also in my past. Because of his lyrics I always wanted to learn english, I wanted to know it all. Still my
english isn't perfect, but I was ALWAYS the best in my english class.
Michael showed me the joy of singing and dancing. Dancing is still my passion, but I was never able to be as good as he was, so it remains a private passion.
He always showed me that it is ok to be a child by heart. While everyone was growing up around me, I remained and still remain a child.

Michael has given me so much in my whole life time: joy, excitement, hope, happiness, strength, comfort.
I'm so happy that I had the possibility to get to know Michael (sadly not in person), a man that will continue influencing people's life in decades to come.
I'm so thankful for Michael.

And that is why: Thank you Katherine! Thank you for sharing your son Michael Joseph Jackson with the world!

Jennifer Arp
Kiel, Germany
To our dear Jackson family,

On behalf of the largest, most dedicated and ‘proud’ fan family in the world I send you our eternal love, appreciation and blessings. God chose your sweet family to bless us and the world with the most precious gift of love, light, creativity-our beloved, sweetest, most beautiful Michael! As much as we thank God, we thank you for nurturing him and helping him be the glorious giant of a man he became, inspiring us not only artistically but also spiritually.
Michael has brought people of the world together in so many beautiful ways and our hearts bless him, honour him and love him forever for all the joy, bliss, inspiration he continues to bring into our lives. He has taught us to do good, be good, seek, find, be one with the Light of God and do our best to make this world a better place. He has taught us the most beautiful virtues of true love, compassion, honesty, integrity, innocence, purity, humility…and above all he has taught us to be courageous, to stand for Truth, to believe in ourselves and our own uniqueness and never ever give up! This world with all its evil and darkness never deserved him, and yet he came- as a special messenger from God, as our Angel and inspiration, shining his Light and helping us to see the Light of our own beings. We have been with him every step of the way- through the joys and sorrows, through every pain and heartache and we’ve always felt prouder and prouder to be his fans! Every day we’ve been inspired by him to fight the good fight of Truth, Justice, Goodness…He would lovingly call us his “Army of Love” and to us he was and still is our Captain Courageous! He’s not gone. He can never be gone. He’s just resting. He’s in the realm of Light, with God and the Angels, teaching them how to moonwalk J ! The Angels are keeping our beloved in their sweet care, blessing him rejoicing with him J! He can see us and hear us and feel us, just as we can see, hear and feel him all around us! And he’ll be back. The King of Pop and our hearts shall be back with the King of Kings with the triumphant return of Christ!!!
In the meantime, he knows he can trust us to keep up the good work, to carry on the good fight and to keep Michaeling J ! He did not lose. It’s the world that lost. Michael won every battle with his goodness, he has earned the reward to be with the Angels in the higher Heavenly realms and we, his Army of Love shall be victorious too! We shall do our best to be the Light he has inspired us to be, to heal the world, and to successfully establish absolute love, respect, appreciation, honour, admiration for our dear Sir Michael Jackson in the hearts of all beings forever! Yes! We shall keep his legacy gloriously, powerfully, brilliantly alive! (Amen)

And to the three sweetest, most beautiful, loving little ones, our dearest Prince, Paris and Blanket, with all our eternal love we want you to know that you have the largest, most loving, loyal family of aunts, uncles, brothers, sisters, friends from all over the world who are there for you always, no matter what! You’re blessed with the most wonderful daddy and we as his extended family shall love, bless, care for you forever dear ones! You are never alone. And together we shall do daddy proud! He continues to smile at us, bless us and love us and we want him to know that we truly love him more!!! I can hear him say, “ I love you even more” J! Thankyou Michael…
May the world learn to live in peace and to love from the heart just as you did and taught us to dearest one…May God bless you and all of us.

With kindest regards, all our love and respect,
India (Asia)

These are not mere words…these are the expressions in words to the absolute inspiration Michael has been and continues to be in my life…
As you, his dear family reads them I’ll believe they are being read by him…

You are…

We look into your eyes
And all that shines is love
We listen to your sweet voice
And all we hear is love
We feel your gentle touch
And all we sense is love
We behold the magical work you do
And all we see is love
We learn from you every moment
And all you teach is love
We learn to give the way you give
And all we give is love
We try to see the way you see
And all we find is love
So we try to be what we’ve learnt to be
In all those moments you’ve been with us
In truth, in spirit, as an angel, as a guide
Teaching us not just to exist or survive
But to seek and merge with the essence of life
Rising above pleasure, pain, sadness and strife
You’ve brought us to the light of our own being
Eternally blissful, beyond all hearing or seeing
The “all” as “One”, the “One” as “all”
You’ve brought us beyond comparisons of big and small
Like a bridge between earth and heaven above
All that you were, are, or will be …is love.

Thankyou Michael for being the light and love that you are…we love you Michael till eternity and beyond…

(Written Dec 14, 2005)

You bring me back..

There are times when I’m so angry and mad
I can’t even recognize myself, but in those moments, especially in those moments,
You bring me back to a smile..

There are moments when I feel so broken and weak
Like I can’t go on any more, and the pain seems too much to bear
But you bring me back to strength..

There are times when anxiety and doubt conspire to get hold of me
But I find my oasis within
As you bring me back to peace..

And in those treacherous moments of helplessness and despair,
When all seems lost, and my will wishes to surrender,
You bring me back to hope..

So many times, I’m misunderstood and hurt, even tortured
And my heart feels shattered and wounded
But you bring me back to forgiveness..

Many a time I feel so lost and fragmented,
And just as I feel I may never find myself again,
You bring me back to wholeness..

Often the world drives me to such frustration and sadness
I can’t believe how people can be so selfish and cruel, so wrapped up in themselves
Still, you bring me back to trust..

Every time I look around, all I see is pain
The earth being used and abused, innocent animals being hunted, men waging mindless wars and violence
But you bring me back to faith..

And yet, if I am ever tempted to be arrogant and proud,
Drowning in the sound of praise and applause,
You bring me back to humility..

And in all those times when I seem to forget my reason for being,
And I forget the reason for life to exist, you give it to me,
When you bring me back to love..

And then there are moments when my courage is tested, in so many ways,
While I continue to walk the path of Truth
But I emerge victorious
Because you bring me back to the Light..

(Written Sept 3, 2005)

Thankyou, thankyou thankyou Michael, now and forever…

The Phoenix is Rising

The Phoenix is rising, ready to fly
Lifting up his head proud and high
Unfurling his wings far and wide
All set out to rule the sky!

The world shall look up in awe and wonder
Marveling at his brilliance, glory and splendour
Ashamed of itself for causing him the pain
For always pushing him into the rain
All because he was too beautiful and bright
Standing for all that was just and right
Acting out of true love and compassion
He had become such a powerful inspiration!

All this was hard for the world to take
That only knew how to hurt and break
To kill and steal, despoil and hate
Then blame it all on God and fate.
But the Pheonix was spreading a different message
That we’re all beautiful souls in passage
Who’re here to do good, to bless and share
Be truthful, generous, honest and fair!

Now feeling grateful that he’s safe and strong
No more hurting from their lies or wrongs
We are blessed to be able to see
His magical flight so graceful, so free!

The Phoenix is risen, ready to fly
With his head held up proud and high
Wings unfurled far and wide
All set out to rule the sky!
Being who he’s meant to be
Soaring the highest is his destiny!!!

You are forever dear Michael!
Love always,
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i really hope that it's not too late .
here's my drawing.


Michael,you live forever in my heart.
Love you always,
Hong Kong
Your mother's beating heart.
(Dedicated to Katherine)

You were nourished from the rhythmn of your mother's beating heart,
That rhythmn got inside of you, and that was just the start!

You amazed us with your beauty, your talent and your smile,
To say just what you mean to me will take quite a while.

Michael you are magical, so honest and so true,
You have touched my heart and inspired me
Like no-one else could do.

It was your hearts desire
To make a difference to this world
and THAT you DID,
SO much did you give
in so many ways..................................

I will love and appreciate you all of my days.

To Katherine- from a mother to another..........Michael inspires me..........Your son Michael helps my son in ways that no therapist or doctor ever could. :)
With so much love to you all- Jenny and my son Rob- Sussex UK
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If it's not too late, I'd like to submit my latest drawing please.


I have it in higher quality if you need it.
What have they done to him
Look what they've done
What about all the good,
He has only done.
Would he ever be understood
Was there a time
What about everything good
He was told would be his.
Did they ever stop to notice
The toll their greed took on him
Did they ever stop to notice
The crying, weeping in his heart.
He used to dream
Of the world being one.
One in love and equality
Nobody would die hungry.
Hey! What about his family
What about him.
What about his fans
What about him
They are all in mourning
What about him.
Sometimes they can't even breathe
What about him
What about the void on earth
What about him
Can't we feel the wounds
What about him
What about his journey
What about him
He is in a peaceful place
What about that
He is smiling down on you
What about that
He is smiling down on us
What about that
I can say no more
What about that
Except that he no longer suffers
What about that
He has been set free
What about that
He says to you and us
What about you
"I love you more
And thank you for all your support
I am now resting in peace."

North Carolina
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I based my style of writing on the Earth Song. I hope it's alright and not too negative.
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getting there with my drawing, jsut been busy last few days, ive shown the work in progress to a couple of guys in the Chatroom! its coming along! please dont send it all off yet!

Michael's Agony
written by : Maggie

The child who must grow within,
Has to be the kind of father he never knew to his own kin.
He laughs and plays until the break of dawn,
Till he and his children become tired and worn.

How much more can Michael give to us before his fragile shell breaks,
Of putting on acts that everything's great?
It's effecting his album which keeps being pushed back,
And everyone around him is constantly giving him flack.

Michael appears angry, sad and somewhat forlorn,
About his life, his children and the world which he was born.
He's only human, he can't heal the entire world,
Of it's complexities, hunger, hatred and turmoil.

One day we will all hear the news that Michael has retired,
To the world of peace and quiet he so desires.

His star will go on shining throughout eternity,
Echoing his words to all, "you are not alone,"
"I'm here with you, in song, in dance and I'll always be in hearts.
for we shall never ever part!"

Your poem and your picture both are lovely!
Ok here is my drawing I hope its not too late.!


By: T. Corinne Atkins

Titled: Be God's Glow
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Your Legacy..
Your presence still I can feel,though we're far apart
Between the skies and the fields
Your melodies fillthe winds with a thousand joys
Walking us to the moon
Like dew at noon,you are gone too soon
Leaving the world to heal on its own
You have our word,no doubts,don't you worry
We'll always be there,you're never alone
You rock our world,this I'm telling you
You brought us love and all things new
You told us we are the world,we are the children
We unite as one,lifting eachother's burdens
You may be gone from our very eyes,
But your legacy lives on and never dies..

to michael,with love,leanna.
Hi There

I think this is a wonderful idea.

I am an artist and if you include my name and send my love too please take a photo of my picture. It isn't quite finished but please email me back of you wish to have the final product. Im so inspired by MJ's work so please contact and I will send you a a bigger photo of my artwork.

It can be viewed here :-

My email is or email me via this forum or from flickr link (above).

Wishing you the best,
Good luck and hope to hear from you.

Hi There

I think this is a wonderful idea.

I am an artist and if you include my name and send my love too please take a photo of my picture. It isn't quite finished but please email me back of you wish to have the final product. Im so inspired by MJ's work so please contact and I will send you a a bigger photo of my artwork.

It can be viewed here :-

My email is or email me via this forum or from flickr link (above).

Wishing you the best,
Good luck and hope to hear from you.


I clicked on your link so I can see the picture and it said your photo has been deleted.
Unfortunately the project was over long ago.. this thread should be closed maybe?

There is talk of others that people can contribute to.