Facebook Users, Please Vote For Michael Jackson Over Elvis Presley As 'Ultimate King'

keep voting! The once who havent yet voted(course)

there's a woman, a Michael hater i cant stand her, she seems obsessed, ugh... stupid B*tch...
god the Elvis fans are just terribly rude on there it just makes no sense at all. people are getting out of hands. they just do not want to give the man his due. he is the king.
those elvis fan goes to hard I will be voting for MY MOOMOO but good lord at the elvis fans :lol:
It worked for me you have to be on Facebook and then add the app to gain access to the poll :)
Oh...its working now.. my internet wouldn't work there a wee second ago.
voted! 45%/55% MJ wins. ;)
It's just sad to read how rude they are there. Both MJ and Elvis fans. Why can't they just love their idols and accept that other people may feel different about it...?
Join to my facebook, i just open one for this...im Dod Alfay on facebook, so to the fellow members here invite me!!! i will accept!!!! :yes:
