Explosive, new article by British journalist Charles Thomson at the Huffington Post ~ on June 13.

One of the Most Shameful Episodes In Journalistic History


This is a must read for us all!
Please read it and spread it, everywhere.
It's very long so I wont post the whole thing here but please take your time to read it all.

Here are some parts.

"Looking back on the Michael Jackson trial, I see a media out of control. The sheer amount of propaganda, bias, distortion and misinformation is almost beyond comprehension. Reading the court transcripts and comparing them to the newspaper cuttings, the trial that was relayed to us didn't even resemble the trial that was going on inside the courtroom. The transcripts show an endless parade of seedy prosecution witnesses perjuring themselves on an almost hourly basis and crumbling under cross examination. The newspaper cuttings and the TV news clips detail day after day of heinous accusations and lurid innuendo. "

"During cross examination Jackson's lawyer, Thomas Mesereau, showed the boy a copy of Barely Legal and repeatedly asked if it was the specific edition Jackson had shown him and his brother. The boy insisted that it was, only for Mesereau to reveal that it was published in August 2003; five months after the Arvizo famil...y had left Neverland."

"The media did a number on its audience and it did a number on Jackson. After battling his way through an exhausting and horrifying trial, riddled with hideous accusations and character assassinations, Michael Jackson should have felt vindicated when the jury delivered 14 unanimous not guilty verdicts. But the media's irresponsible coverage of the trial made it impossible for Jackson to ever feel truly vindicated. The legal system may have declared him innocent but the public, on the whole, still thought otherwise. Allegations which were disproven in court went unchallenged in the press. Shaky testimony was presented as fact. The defense's case was all but ignored."

"when asked about those who doubted the verdicts, the jury replied, "They didn't see what we saw."
They're right. We didn't. But we should have done. And those who refused to tell us remain in their jobs unchecked, unpunished and free to do exactly the same thing to anybody they desire.
Now that's what I call injustice"
Re: One of the Most Shameful Episodes In Journalistic History

That was long but definitely worth reading. An excellent article, showing the true ugly face of the twisted media. Poor Michael..what he had to endure.
Everyone MUST read it, not only the fans.
Re: One of the Most Shameful Episodes In Journalistic History

Brilliant article. Should be posted to every person in the world.
Re: One of the Most Shameful Episodes In Journalistic History

this is an amazing article.
Re: One of the Most Shameful Episodes In Journalistic History

Very interesting article!
Makes me sick, getting me mad, and finally makes me sad to read.
I don;t know anything about the journalist's history on KOP but to be honest i don't think it is relevant. I am very happy that he has written this brilliant article. I just read it and it brought tears to my eyes. I am going to share it on my facebook.
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Re: One of the Most Shameful Episodes In Journalistic History

Another well thought out and researched article by charles Thomson! :)
I for one do believe that a person's history has a bearing on what they say. It is sad that he is only getting support from some of these people after his death. Don't get me wrong, I am glad that even now some positive articles are being released. And, I guess I can say better late than never. But it is a shame that there was no one that ws a longstanding member on his side that is doing these things.

That's what really makes me sad. All the articles written now do very little to soothe the torment of someone who was really alone in the world. To be so recognizeable but to be so estranged from everyone. And then to have the very people who spit in your face then do a 180 is insulting. With so many good things coming out about MJ being few and far in between I guess I can try and detach myself from the total hypocrisy of some of these people and look at it objectively and say, "GREAT JOB!" But in all honesty, it really makes my heart heavy.:2cents::no:
I for one do believe that a person's history has a bearing on what they say. It is sad that he is only getting support from some of these people after his death. Don't get me wrong, I am glad that even now some positive articles are being released. And, I guess I can say better late than never. But it is a shame that there was no one that ws a longstanding member on his side that is doing these things.

That's what really makes me sad. All the articles written now do very little to soothe the torment of someone who was really alone in the world. To be so recognizeable but to be so estranged from everyone. And then to have the very people who spit in your face then do a 180 is insulting. With so many good things coming out about MJ being few and far in between I guess I can try and detach myself from the total hypocrisy of some of these people and look at it objectively and say, "GREAT JOB!" But in all honesty, it really makes my heart heavy.:2cents::no:

co-sign .well put
The following is what I posted on the Huffington Post:

Thank you, Mr. Charles Thomson for your "real" hard journalistic work.

Michael Jackson your fans love you forever, and we will never forget our sweet victory against
Evil on June 13, 2005.
Watch the Beautiful Victory Video below and
"Keep the Faith":
I read the article last night and it's very sad, of course. I had read about the trial at the time but my source of information was the NY Daily News and cable news. I only began to see the other side FOR Michael's defense AFTER his death (coming to this forum helped). There was so much I did not know. I never thought he was guilty though. I could never bring myself to believe he was capable of such things. Like Geraldo said in his piece last night it was just an instinctive feeling that he was innocent. Michael always conveyed an innocense of spirit to me. But now that I have read almost everything about this case INCLUDING the defense testimony and facts it just makes me angry. There are still people out there for which being acquitted on 14 counts is not enough for them.

I will post this article on my Facebook tonight.
As an author of the article correctly states, he was vindicated in court, however in the eyes of public opinion he's still seen as guilty, or at least suspected :sad:
This article is amazing in stating the role of media in creating this distorted image.

Like Geraldo said in his piece last night it was just an instinctive feeling that he was innocent. Michael always conveyed an innocence of spirit to me. But now that I have read almost everything about this case INCLUDING the defense testimony and facts it just makes me angry. There are still people out there for which being acquitted on 14 counts is not enough for them.

Do you know if that commentary by Geraldo is available anywhere online to view? And yes... I believe even for people that didn't know much about MJ that would still be an instinctive feeling that he was innocent, if they bothered to listen to 2-3 lines of what he had to say...
What happened to my message? Was It deleted?

Well, anyway I wonder why the article does not appear in Google search.

Probably it is intermingled with articles about Joe.
This is a brilliant, well researched article that needs to be spread. But I just find it so awful that Michael had to go through this all in the first place, the media hate and torment and for what? Murray may have been the one to finally kill Michael but the media with its Orths, Dimonds, Bashir's, etc have been doing it for years. They helped to kill him. No one should ever have to go through what he did and it made me sick the way the media sucked up to him when he died, proclaiming as one of the greatest. Maybe if they had written more positive pieces and not been salivating vultures Michael would still be alive.
I for one do believe that a person's history has a bearing on what they say. It is sad that he is only getting support from some of these people after his death. Don't get me wrong, I am glad that even now some positive articles are being released. And, I guess I can say better late than never. But it is a shame that there was no one that ws a longstanding member on his side that is doing these things.

That's what really makes me sad. All the articles written now do very little to soothe the torment of someone who was really alone in the world. To be so recognizeable but to be so estranged from everyone. And then to have the very people who spit in your face then do a 180 is insulting. With so many good things coming out about MJ being few and far in between I guess I can try and detach myself from the total hypocrisy of some of these people and look at it objectively and say, "GREAT JOB!" But in all honesty, it really makes my heart heavy.:2cents::no:
I've posted the article on my facebook so all my friends can read it, they NEED to read it. They need to know the truth, not the lies printed in every single magazine, paper and the internet.
OMG isn't this guy "twisted vision" from "MJ Star",,,, he worships Roger Friedman and he is one of his big supporters... he was trying to brainwash the fans that MJ is gay, faking the vitilago and lupus strory. if MJ read his posts he would punch him in the face.

even karen faye deleted him from her fan page because the fans were offended by his comments.

i know that he is a big and loyal fan of MJ but still he has very bad veiws, and the change of heart might be similar to that of his idol "Fishman".

I know you have every right to your opinion, but I have to disagree. We should be lucky we have someone in the media supporting Michael. I have read many articles from him and he is definitely an objective, unbiased reporter. idk about those articles you spoke of, all I know is that he has been loyal to him since I've known of him. Aprodite Jones was also not very friendly about MJ, but changed her tune and realized she was wrong. Ppl can always change - isn't that what Michael always taught us "make a change"? Friedman I'm skeptical of, but at least he does write some positive pieces about Michael and right now I will take that any time and at least the Friedman quotes in this article are positive about Michael.

idk, but right now it is my imho as fans, we should be grateful to this guy. Who else do we have defending Michael in the media, Aprodite Jones, maybe Geraldo and maybe one or two others, but that's it. Do we really want to dismiss this guy? No- Not me anyway!

Also,if you haven't read this article please go and read his article,it is excellent!
Well, I shared the article on my Facebook page. It's too bad it's on the Huffington Post site. My conservative "friends" will just ignore it as liberal biased material (not me). Oh well, gotta keep trying to get through...
What happened to the article? It says "Page not found" now.....
The article is still there but the comments section is closed already...strange. All the comments were positive about Michael and scathing about the media......
Well, I shared the article on my Facebook page. It's too bad it's on the Huffington Post site. My conservative "friends" will just ignore it as liberal biased material (not me). Oh well, gotta keep trying to get through...

Did the same thing!