Explosive, new article by British journalist Charles Thomson at the Huffington Post ~ on June 13.


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
At the moment, despite the best efforts of many of us, the truth is still only being heard by those who already know it. The truth is, it is facts not sentiment that will change doubting minds.

On June 13, journalist Charles Thomson's explosive new article hits the Huffington Post. If you can, please go to the Michael Jackson page on Huffington Post. You can ask for an alert when any blogger comments - so ask for an alert for Charles Thomson.

As soon as the article's online please post the URL onto all MJFacebook groups - including The Silenced Truth at FB, Inner Michael at FB , Reflections on the Dance, MJFamily facebook group, MJJC facebook group, Major Love Prayer on facebook, MJFC, Maximum Jackson, Lipstick Alley forum, Vindicate MJ, Michaeljackson.com and appropriate message boards.

* The message to post is: *

New Article Alert:

British Journalist, Charles Thomson: who successfully exposed Gene Simmons's accusations as complete fiction, and who believes the truth about Michael Jackson's innocence is still being suppressed by a media unwilling to confront its own bias; has written an explosive new article.

The article will be hosted by the Huffington Post on June 13.

Please support the article and author your comments with 'normal' names that reflect your commitment to the truth Michael Jackson's legacy.

Thank you.

* Re: Message to tweet is this: *

Explosive, new article on MJ by journalist Charles Thomson on Huffington Post June 13.
* Tiny URL* Please show your support by adding your non-fan-named comment.

People to tweet: Matt Semino, Aphrodite Jones, Randy Jackson, MJJ-777, Deborah Kunesh, Barbara Kaufmann, The Silenced Truth, Cory Rooney, 40 acres and a mule, Brett Ratner, Wade Robson, The Michael Jackson Tribute site, MJFC, MJJC, MJportal and any foreign MJ groups especially Chinese and Japanese ones, Jennifer Batten, Brett Barnes, Janet Jackson, Elizabeth Taylor, Kenny Ortega, MTV, Travis Payne, Orianthi, The Jackson Family, MajorLovePrayer, Macaulay Culkin, Susan Sarandon, Chris Apostle, Jay-Z, P-Diddy, Ebony magazine, Essence Magazine, Madonna, LisaMariePresley.

Thank you.
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That's what I call ABUSE of the forum. MJJC isn't supporting SPAMMING in any way. Try this at other forums.

This thread contains ZERO info, it just calls for MJJC users to spread sth of dubious content/source.

Even more interesting, the only postings you've made on this forum are about Charles Thomson. Very suspicious! :lol:
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Thank you for the heads up on this. Charles Thompson has been a voice of
reason and truth regarding the media. Looking forward to it.
Simply to spread information that is still only known by relatively few.

Why not head to the article tomorrow, and if you like it pass it on?

All those who care about the truth being known should be interested in this journalist's work. No-one is paid for their work on the Huffington Post, yet its readership is vast.

This has nothing to do with money, or selling something, or self-publicity. This is about all of us supporting someone in the media who seems to be aware of the industry-wide suppression of the truth about Michael Jackson, which as we all know - still continues.

Thank you.
You know, I am relatively new to this site. I read alot of posts that complain,
righteously, about the media and the treatment Michael received for so many years.
It was, and still is, vile and sick and I hate it as much as anyone. And a wonderful
person is now in Forest Lawn, forever, due in large part to the visciousness of
those people.

Charles Thompson is one, singular person who has the platform and the smarts and
the integrity to indict and call out those media types for past, and present behavior.
He does exhaustive research and has first hand knowledge of media manipulation,
particularly around Michael.

I would ask anyone who is quick to complain or judge him, to read what he has
to say first. Thus far, he has been very fair and straightforward.

Personally, I am very happy to have someone willing to take on the media. We
may not agree with everything he has to say, but what else, and who else will
do this? Aphrodite Jones is one; she has courage and has proven that.

Just stop complaining. Read the article. Then decide.
You know, I am relatively new to this site. I read alot of posts that complain,
righteously, about the media and the treatment Michael received for so many years.
It was, and still is, vile and sick and I hate it as much as anyone. And a wonderful
person is now in Forest Lawn, forever, due in large part to the visciousness of
those people.

Charles Thompson is one, singular person who has the platform and the smarts and
the integrity to indict and call out those media types for past, and present behavior.
He does exhaustive research and has first hand knowledge of media manipulation,
particularly around Michael.

I would ask anyone who is quick to complain or judge him, to read what he has
to say first. Thus far, he has been very fair and straightforward.

Personally, I am very happy to have someone willing to take on the media. We
may not agree with everything he has to say, but what else, and who else will
do this? Aphrodite Jones is one; she has courage and has proven that.

Just stop complaining. Read the article. Then decide.

:clapping: You took the words right outta my mouth. THankyou!

We say Dont judge but really we dont mean it right? I guess NOT Judging only applies for Michael and us fans? Well it belongs to everyone. Judging a person b4 knowing whats up is just plain IGNORANCE!

Personally, I've read an article he wrote about *KISS* Saying stuff about Michael, and Charles Defended Michael. So I'm curious to see what he's written. :D

If you dont want to read it, dont. And How is this SPAMMING?:mello:

Anyways...Tnx for the heads up Deb.

Awesome! Charles Thompson has been defending the memory of MJ very well and I believe he is genuinely concerned with the medias unfair treatment of Michael.

I will be checking out the article as soon as it comes out, I can't wait to read what he has to say.
Thanx for letting us know.

Its vindication day here today and i cant help but think bout it. I remember feeling scared that he would be sent to jail, but i thank the lord that he wasnt .
Hmm ok, well lets see what he has to say before deciding the course of the thread...
I'm all for the truth coming out of Michael Jackson's innocence. However, one needs to do more research. For example, Thomson thinks sodium amytal was used on J. Chandler. No, sodium amytal was used as an excuse to keep J. Chandler out of Sneddon's hands. There is a U.S. law that states once it is known that someone has been given sodium amytal, their testimony in court is rendered inadmissible. This is because courts cannot differentiate between what is real memory and was is fake memory (which is what sodium amytal creates "a false memory") and courts supposedly do not want to risk someone's freedom by putting said person on the stand to testify against the defendant. Chandler's lawyer most likely knew of this law and used it.
The Chandler's had no interest in cooperating with Sneddon. Therefore, the admittance of the use of the drug by E. Chandler to J. Chandler was a way they could keep J. Chandler off the stand and Sneddon's case went kaput. Also very important to note is that two grand jury's (one in SB County and the other in L.A ) refused to hand down a criminal indictment against Michael Jackson. Chandler wanted the cash, and unfortunately got it through an insurance company after dropping the actual abuse allegation citing "neglect" instead. So, no sodium amytal was ever used on the boy. Chandler's got the money, Michael got the stigma and the hell from media accusing him of settling and insinuating his guilt every chance they could and still do...just thought I'd make a few facts more clear.
OMG isn't this guy "twisted vision" from "MJ Star",,,, he worships Roger Friedman and he is one of his big supporters... he was trying to brainwash the fans that MJ is gay, faking the vitilago and lupus strory. if MJ read his posts he would punch him in the face.

even karen faye deleted him from her fan page because the fans were offended by his comments.

i know that he is a big and loyal fan of MJ but still he has very bad veiws, and the change of heart might be similar to that of his idol "Fishman".
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OMG isn't this guy "twisted vision" from "MJ Star",,,, he worships Roger Friedman and he is one of his big supporters... he was trying to brainwash the fans that MJ is gay, faking the vitilago and lupus strory. if MJ read his posts he would punch him in the face.

even karen faye deleted him from her fan page because the fans were offended by his comments.

i know that he is a big and loyal fan of MJ but still he has very bad veiws, and the change of heart might be similar to that of his idol "Fishman".

well, yes, its him.
But he is very supportive ... so far...
Its his perspective of seeing Michael, he has the right to have his opinion and view.
Just because he was/is negative with some issues, its OK. Why not. Michael was just a human being with (doing) mistakes.
So he exposed Gene Simmons as a liar, awesome. I really like to read that. Where can i see it????

OMG isn't this guy "twisted vision" from "MJ Star",,,, he worships Roger Friedman and he is one of his big supporters... he was trying to brainwash the fans that MJ is gay, faking the vitilago and lupus strory. if MJ read his posts he would punch him in the face.

Where have you read this? I have read many of his blogs and I didn't see anything like that in them. I've always found his writing very supportive of Michael.

Where have you read this? I have read many of his blogs and I didn't see anything like that in them. I've always found his writing very supportive of Michael.

I don't also think it was him who's telling this - In march he wrote an article very very interesting, some of you have probably already read it :

Why can;t i find the article yet? It's the 13th now.....where is huff post based? What time is it there? I am eager to read what Charles has to say. I think it's significant that it is out today on the anniversary of MJ's not guilty verdict.
dont really care for this guy due to his history on kop board.goes with what ever way the winds blow.
Charles submitted his article almost 24 hours ago. It seems to be stuck in processing at the moment. He's hoping it will be online before the end of the day as he wanted it to be published on the anniversary of the verdict.
The article was a depressing read...

There wasn't a shred of evidence connecting Jackson to any crime and there wasn't a single credible witness connecting him to a crime either.

But that didn't stop journalists and pundits from predicting guilty verdicts

In a media obsessed with soundbites, how to you reduce eight hours of testimony into two sentences and remain accurate? Looking back on the Michael Jackson trial, I see a media out of control. The sheer amount of propaganda, bias, distortion and misinformation is almost beyond comprehension

Allegations make good soundbites. Complex cross examination does not. This habit of reporting lurid allegations but ignoring the cross examination which discredited them became a distinct trend throughout Jackson's trial. You're not hearing how witness after witness is disintegrating on the stand. There is not one witness, at least lately, that hasn't admitted to perjuring themselves in previous proceedings either in this case or in some other case."

Diane Dimond appeared on Larry King Live days after Jackson's arrest and spoke repeatedly about a 'stack of love letters' the star had supposedly written to Gavin Arvizo.

"Does anyone here... know of the existence of these letters?" asked King.

"Absolutely," Dimond replied. "I do. I absolutely know of their existence!"

"Diane, have you read them?"

"No, I have not read them."

Dimond admitted that she'd never even seen the letters, let alone read them, but said she knew about them from "high law enforcement sources". But those love letters never materialized.

Michael Jackson should have felt vindicated when the jury delivered 14 unanimous not guilty verdicts. But the media's irresponsible coverage of the trial made it impossible for Jackson to ever feel truly vindicated. The legal system may have declared him innocent but the public, on the whole, still thought otherwise. Allegations which were disproven in court went unchallenged in the press. Shaky testimony was presented as fact. The defense's case was all but ignored.

When asked about those who doubted the verdicts, the jury replied, "They didn't see what we saw."

When Michael Jackson died the media went into overdrive again. What drugs had killed him? How long had he been using them? Who had prescribed them? What else was in his system? How much did he weigh?

But there was one question nobody seemed to want to ask: Why?

Why was Michael Jackson so stressed and so paranoid that he couldn't even get a decent night's sleep unless somebody stuck a tube full of anesthetic into his arm? I think the answer can be found in the results of various polls conducted in the wake of Michael Jackson's trial.
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well, yes, its him.
But he is very supportive ... so far...
Its his perspective of seeing Michael, he has the right to have his opinion and view.
Just because he was/is negative with some issues, its OK. Why not. Michael was just a human being with (doing) mistakes.

I remember this guy from the KOP. He was an ass and no matter what he says now he will always be an ass