Explain why you have the sig you have!!!!

Re: Explaine why you have the sig you have!!!!

I made my sig coz' This is It poster is so rad that I just have to make a siggy.... :D
Re: Explaine why you have the sig you have!!!!

Bacause I LOVE the TDCAU video...but it hurts soo much. :cry:
Re: Explaine why you have the sig you have!!!!

I made my siggy because I like both pictures..I LOVE the Bad era :D And I like the picture next to it, with the hat and the glove and the glasses..
And the sentence beneath my picture is from the Maya Angelou poem; We had him.
Re: Explaine why you have the sig you have!!!!

I made my siggy because I like both pictures..I LOVE the Bad era :D And I like the picture next to it, with the hat and the glove and the glasses..
And the sentence beneath my picture is from the Maya Angelou poem; We had him.

I love it!
Re: Explaine why you have the sig you have!!!!


but to be honest i did not make it...
I just found it in google search,
i do not know who made it!
hope he/she would not be against...
thanks him/her very much for this, it's miracle how it shows exactly what i feel..

i just wanted to say it's not me, cause i felt very uncomfortable
don't want to appropriate somebody else’s work....
Well, then you picked your siggy with a lot of consideration. :cheeky:
Re: Explaine why you have the sig you have!!!!

i just changed mine, i have like 5 custom made ones, so my previous reasoning doesn't make sense without the come together siggy, lol. as you can tell from my username i LOOOOOOOOOOOOVE the bad era, he was so sexy then, so i put together fierce, good looking moments and my girl shamz made my siggy. and he's just bad ass with his lean forward like "who's bad" in the gif. ilymoar michael
Re: Explaine why you have the sig you have!!!!

I think I don't have to say, haha. xD
Re: Explaine why you have the sig you have!!!!

Farewell my summer love is one of my favorite lil mike songs and i love to look at young little Michael and squeal and wanna pinch his cheeks. and the lyrics under my sig are one of my all time favorite songs 'dreaming of you' by selena and i thought they really summed up how i feel.

Oh and that link is just shameless self promotion to my graphics thread XD
Re: Explaine why you have the sig you have!!!!

Farewell my summer love is one of my favorite lil mike songs and i love to look at young little Michael and squeal and wanna pinch his cheeks. and the lyrics under my sig are one of my all time favorite songs 'dreaming of you' by selena and i thought they really summed up how i feel.

Oh and that link is just shameless self promotion to my graphics thread XD

Your sig brings tears to my eyes xx Its beautiful xx
Re: Explaine why you have the sig you have!!!!

i have my siggy cause i love the song and the video :wub: and props to sham who made it for me!
I had change my signature since I had first posted about it. I had kept the same picture because I still love that picture of Michael. But this time I had made it say 1958 to Eternity. Because Eternity sounded way better than forever. Forever just sounded too dead common. The font that I use for the heart is called angel. And that is what Michael is of course. And I gave it a raining effect to my signature. Because that is how the song Stranger In Moscow starts out. And at the bottom of my singnature it saids Forever Rest In Eternal Peace My Sweet Angel.
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