EXCELLENT ARTICLE: Year Before 2005 Trial FBI Found NOTHING on Michael Jackson’s Computers

The Whole day i've been emotional, I think tomorrow and friday will be the saddest for me. Christmas w/out Mike...:cry: Never thought it would happen.

Going back to the point...I dont think the media or anyonelse has the GUTS to say they are WRONG!!! But I dont care anymore about that cuz, God, His fans and family/friends Know the truth!!! GOD Will give what they deserve...I'm counting on it. Cuz what goes around will come back around and kick their @$$'z.

But What gets me the most about these stories about the FBI that are coming out is that, You can see clearly that they wanted Michael one way or another, thats why they didnt share anything with T-mez. My heart hurts...really really hurts. :cry:

So my solution for this is To just sit back, and LOVE Michael More and spread his love and just do someting, anything to change the world little by little. This will get them(media and others that are against Mike) Pissed Off!

God will see this Through the end, and this is just the begining!!!

You know, I wanted to be a lawyer but things like these makes me sick!

How can the public trust the law when the authorities themselves are built to destroy you!

I really hope that one day MJ fans will be able to make their own documentary one day. We are more reliable than the media.
Surprisingly good article yeah. But this part...

In truth, the Jackson-Sneddon feud had been fueled by Michael. After the 1993-94 Jordy Chandler case, Michael fanned the flames by tautning Sneddon in song. It was a mistake. Sneddon was a no-nonsense guy. He didn’t wear designer suits. He reminded those of us in the court room of an old gym teacher. He wasn’t “hip.” And you could tell, he didn’t like the hip crowd one bit.

Michael had every right to do that, i certainly can't disagree with Michael there, not one bit. Sneddon was a no-nonsense guy? He was a full of shit guy...that's what he is. Nothing good about that asshole at all.
im on the verge of tears right now. How can his own country treat him like hes a piece of shit when he did nothing wrong? I do not understand this why are they treating him this way when now they have the proof that he WAS 1,000,000,000% innocent?!

From what I have seen on TV, I lost my last hope to the media. Before I prayed everyday Chandler could confess and clear up michael, but right now I know chandler's confession cannot help michael at all, the media will always find the way to twist the truth. I just cannot take it anymore, Michael jackson was 100% innocent, but the evil media still make him look like guilty, why there are so so so many evils in the world, why the most innocent, pure man always connected with the evil child molestation. His name should have been connected with love, peace and humanitarian in stead of those stupid false allegations. I am so so mad today. I cannot focus on anything, my whole mind filled with anger and injustice. I cannot take it anymore, this is too much for me! but when I think that I am just one of his fans, I keep asking myself how did michael feel when the whole world tortured him. He was my hero, he really is. I am so proud of being his fan.
I do not like this part though

nd it was all for nothing. Regardless of Michael’s naive comments about children, or anything that might have happened years earlier, he was innocent. He was guilty, like Chris Tucker and a bunch of other people, of being conned by the Arvizos.

Please Roger, use your brains. The Chandlers was basically the same...it was one big extortion attempt. Nothing 'might' have happened years earlier, i don't get it when they make such a good article but still put these things in.
It's not nessecary.
This crap, the FBI, files the Train kid and... im going to lose my mind here because people have nothing better to do with their life and time then to put down a dead man for something he didn't do. Its hard to find evidence when there is none to find. The media is doing with these documents what i knew they would and no one is standing up for Michael. Everyone still believes he is guilty even with this proof that he was innocent!

I have done a damn good job at keeping my nose out of his biz. i didn't read any of the court documents when they came out in 93,2005 or anything else. I wanted my memorys of Michael to be pure and clean just as he is/was. Michael never did anything wrong. People want to rip him apart because his life was better than there's. He did good things for people who needed it and this is the treatment he gets in return! it f*cking pisses me off that they STILL treat him this way 6 f*cking months after he was MURDERED. But there again the bigger story is being swept under the rug. Someone killed someone famous and no one is doing anything about it.

I hate that people are doing this i hate that Michael had to go through this when he was alive and i hate that he is made to look like an evil man long after he is gone. These papers came out in bad taste these were only wanted to put him down and make him look like a monster,.... WELL ASSOCIATED PRESS YOU GOT YOUR FUCKING WISH I HATE EVERY MEDIA OUTLET OUT THERE AND I DONT CARE WHO KNOWS IT.

sorry for my rant i guess i found the words.

im on the verge of tears right now. How can his own country treat him like hes a piece of shit when he did nothing wrong? I do not understand this why are they treating him this way when now they have the proof that he WAS 1,000,000,000% innocent?!

I totally know how you feel!
I can't sleep at nights because all of that. The most upsetting is that we have doubters here on this board! I thought I was going to explode last night reading what some “fans” have to say here!

I just can't understand the hate towards the gentle soul who had an enormous amount of love and empathy for all people in the world.
He suffered so much in his life and he never gave up to give us love, care and hope. And anyone who talks bad about him need to shut up! I’m sick of seeing his name all over the news about stupid things he did not do!

On the other hand, they can write and broadcast whatever they want, Michael Jackson is the most loving person ever lived! Period!

NOTHING compares to MJ and NOBODY compares to MJ!

YO Legacy team,
It's time for a major media email bomb.

C'mon people, we need more of you to sign up for email alerts. Every fan forums, every contact list from every fans.

We don't need to spam them if 100 thousands of us email and call them together.

I'm not watching any media any more so you guys have to report the guilty ones to


We've already sent a first strike to Inside Edition this week.
Surprisingly good article yeah. But this part...

In truth, the Jackson-Sneddon feud had been fueled by Michael. After the 1993-94 Jordy Chandler case, Michael fanned the flames by tautning Sneddon in song. It was a mistake. Sneddon was a no-nonsense guy. He didn’t wear designer suits. He reminded those of us in the court room of an old gym teacher. He wasn’t “hip.” And you could tell, he didn’t like the hip crowd one bit.

Michael had every right to do that, i certainly can't disagree with Michael there, not one bit. Sneddon was a no-nonsense guy? He was a full of shit guy...that's what he is. Nothing good about that asshole at all.

The truth is that Tom Sneddon hated that song, that old man is a hater and a bast*rd and he hated that Michael made him look bad on D.S, Michael was naive by mention him, as he was INNOCENT he did it, another one, a smart as* person like say Madonna (which i dont like artistically) would have not even mention that bast*rd, then again Michael was TOO sincere, so he did mention him, and he did fueled Sneddon's hate, saying D.S iwhich means T.S which we have all seen he first wrote the lyrics with the T for Tom Sneddon, i bet Michael would have put the T if he was not advised not to do it.

But i prefer a sincere man (at least in Michael's case) than a kind of prevented person like most celebrities are, cause they are less interesting and more boring, Michael was unique, he was sincere, but he wouldnt have been Michael Jackson if he wasnt like that, he would probably be alive if he was not that sincere, but, but, but this is a key question: would that prevented person be Michael Jackson????... he was too much into his art and world, he was just too into his own world... he in a way was different, not in a bad way, but noone except for some really got to understand him. Now that many things are beeing told many are just beggining to understand him, young ppl are understanding him, but is more difficult for old ppl like Tom Sneddon or restricted adult people, their minds are just too close...but some do understand him, intelligent ppl does more than common average people
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the FBI files are a vindication for Michael, no matter how much emotional pain they dredge up in us. past is past, we can't do anything about it anymore, and though media will again try to twist the facts to put Michael in a negative light, the facts are there, free for download, to prove they're wrong. even the trip to Manila was a waste of time because the couple they interviewed did not pass the test. otherwise, why didn't they bring them in as witnesses? another waste of taxpayers' money.

the trial should never have happened, but i am thankful for small blessings like this, which hopefully will continue to pile up, to clean up every bit of stain on Michael's name.

ETonline UK had a nice take on it. relieves some of the pain in a way...makes the FBI look stupid, but it's a LOL


So, while the Federal Bureau of Investigation wasn't catching Osama Bin Laden, it was piling up the paperwork on Michael Jackson.
The FBI today released seven files it compiled on the late singer from 1992 to 2005—333 pages of evidence-gathering, rambling letters from a guy who thought he was John Gotti's son and really hard to read handwriting. Highlights include a heretofore undisclosed 1995 child-porn investigation, which went nowhere.
You can read all the files here yourself, or you can peruse the best lines, quotes and other stuff we found in 'em. Let's get started:
• "My interest is that half of Michael's estate is mines."—Faux Gotti Frank Paul Jones, who name-checked Jackson, President George W. Bush and, sure, why not, Earth Wind & Fire, among others, in a series of threatening letters from 1992.
• "I'll commit mass murder at a Michael Jackson concert if necessary, in an to murder Michael."—Same genius, upon becoming frustrated that his letters weren't having their intended effect: to get a meeting with Janet Jackson.
• "My Phone Sex With Star"—British tab article on pop star that FBI dutifully clipped out as part of its in-depth probe of unfounded 1993 Jackson child-molestation allegations.
• "Michael Jackson's Neverland Favorites An All Boy Anthology"—Label on a VHS tape "connected with Jackson," per the FBI's account. In 1995, the agency was called in by U.S. Customs to analyze the tape. Its findings: The tracking was, like, totally super-sucky. No charges were filed.
• "Nothing."—What the FBI found over and over again when it did a forensic search of Jackson's computers for the 2003-05 child-molestation case that resulted in Jackson's acquittal.
• Michael Jackson was a Mac! All the computers probed by the FBI were Apples.
• "A known New Black Panther Party member was observed to be present in the crowd during Jackson's first court appearance and was attired in black BDUs [Battle Dress Uniform]."—A 2004 "urgent" report on a request by local authorities for FBI assistance in policing the Michael Jackson trial, aka a "soft target for terrorism."
• The King of Pop had a driver's license?! Just like a regular, non-King of Pop person?! Yup. For a good time, go to page 8 of this file. The man even smiled for the DMV. (Not a bad picture at all.)
(Originally published Dec. 22, 2009, at 3:45 p.m. PT)
A Year Before 2005 Trial FBI Found Nothing on Michael Jackson’s Computers

By: Roger Friedman // Wednesday December 23, 2009

The FBI files on Michael Jackson show a concerted effort by the Santa Barbara District Attorney’s office to convict the pop star for child molestationin 2003-2005.

The DA even brought in the FBI for assistance. But the Bureau’s examination of all the computers seized from Neverland found nothing in April 2004 — ten months before Jackson’s trial. They went through a bunch of computers seized at the ranch, and ran “keyword searches” through them, looking for kiddie pornography. They came up with 18 pages of nothing.

Michael’s defense attorney Thomas Mesereau expressed surprise to me about the FBI files yesterday. “I never saw them,” he said. “Shouldn’t they have shared them with me?”
It didn’t matter. Mesereau’s masterful handling of the case got Michael acquitted of all charges in his 2005 child molestation/conspiracy case. But why did the DA go ahead with the case at all if the FBI turned up nothing?

Mesereau told me: “They heard all these stories, they read stories in the tabloids, there was the 1993 case. They had to proceed. Plus DA Tom Sneddon had gotten legislation passed since the first case making it impossible not to go ahead. And he did it because of Michael.”

Jackson was innocent of those charges. Whatever else happened to Michael Jackson in life, he was set up by Janet Arvizo to take a fall. Luckily, several people stepped in to save Michael.


Roger Friedman did a wonderful article, DONT JUDGE HIM, he-s the only one making the most sincere and PROFESSIONAL ARTICLE, nothing tabloidlike

Thanx for posting. I pray to God that the world will know the truth some day about how truly innocent Michael was. These important facts would SHOCK the public if they only knew.

Michael has the worlds support despite the truth hidden from them, despite constant lies bashed through them daily so could you imagine if they knew what we knew?
The Whole day i've been emotional, I think tomorrow and friday will be the saddest for me. Christmas w/out Mike...:cry: Never thought it would happen.

But What gets me the most about these stories about the FBI that are coming out is that, You can see clearly that they wanted Michael one way or another, thats why they didnt share anything with T-mez. My heart hurts...really really hurts. :cry:

So my solution for this is To just sit back, and LOVE Michael More and spread his love and just do someting, anything to change the world little by little. This will get them(media and others that are against Mike) Pissed Off!

God will see this Through the end, and this is just the begining!!!

yeah they were so after him... so sad, i am like WHY??? i mean WHY??? was it jelousy??? what was it??? anyway nothing will bring Michael back.... tomorrow and the 25 will be just so sad for us, i mean Michael is a part of me, i dont know:( i think that when is 12 am i'll be all smiling but inside something will be in pain, it will be melancholic... cant believe it, and think just six months ago i was so happy for him.... i thought this was going to be his comeback and i will finally see him shine, i thought this was my and his year.... cant believe it, thanks Murray, Sneddon, Chandlers, media...
Thanx for posting. I pray to God that the world will know the truth some day about how truly innocent Michael was. These important facts would SHOCK the public if they only knew.

Michael has the worlds support despite the truth hidden from them, despite constant lies bashed through them daily so could you imagine if they knew what we knew?
i think young ppl and intelligent ppl are and will understand him, i dont think the squared minded ppl will, but some of them will, i mean how square minded one can be???, well... stupid question, but even some square minded will
Hey everyone,

I saw this too today on Entertainment Tonight. Yes I was swearing up and down because I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

So let me offer this. For those who don't know, we have the Legacy Project that is in progress here on MJJC. Part of the Legacy Project is to address stories such as these through the Media Advocacy team. I am a member of the Media Advocacy Email Alerting team. So is MJJLaugh and Memefan. Go to this post to see details.


You'll see references to the alerting system in the following forum locations:

The Fans Take Action MJJC Legacy Project - Media Advocacy E-Mail Alert System Enough Is Enough MJJC Legacy - Media Advocacy E-Mail Alert System The Legacy Project Room Meeting Notes - E-mail Alerting System
If you send an email to legacymjjc@hotmail.com, we'll add you to the distribution list. Then when the Media Monitoring and Media Advocacy teams see a story that we feel should be addressed, we'll send out a communication to all on the list. This is a story we can address. So if you want a chance to make a difference, this is a good way to do it. Plus, we've already sent out two emails to the list. Also several people sent a letter regarding pictures of Michael's children being sold in a store at Universal Studios. I and others have received confirmation that the pictures have been pulled from the store's inventory by request of Universal Studios. So you see it does work. The posts referenced above will provide additional information on the project. I hope this helps give you some hope. :)

"I'll never let you part, for you're always in my heart" :angel:

im on the verge of tears right now. How can his own country treat him like hes a piece of shit when he did nothing wrong? I do not understand this why are they treating him this way when now they have the proof that he WAS 1,000,000,000% innocent?!
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so why was Roger Friedman banned from these and other boards??

Also, I can't believe some molestation stories are coming up in the media again...now their trying to ruin his legacy??? fat chance that's going to happen! Do they have nothing better to talk about!!! They make me sooo angry!
so why was Roger Friedman banned from these and other boards??

Also, I can't believe some molestation stories are coming up in the media again...now their trying to ruin his legacy??? fat chance that's going to happen! Do they have nothing better to talk about!!! They make me sooo angry!

No they would rather belittle a dead man then actually report any real news.
Believe nothing. “'Lies run sprints, but the truth runs marathons".

I just watched ET and I couldn't believe how they can get away with the crap that they do! Claiming the FBI reveals more allegations towards children inc some 1992 incident in a train WTF! God how I wish I was a Jackson or a close friend of Michael's cause I would NOT let them get away with that crap NO WAY!

Instead Michael's family feed these bastards by going on their show for their upcoming reality series or whatever else, it makes me sick.
so why was Roger Friedman banned from these and other boards??

Also, I can't believe some molestation stories are coming up in the media again...now their trying to ruin his legacy??? fat chance that's going to happen! Do they have nothing better to talk about!!! They make me sooo angry!

Yes they will try to ruin it. Why wouldn't they if they did the same thing before?
The media are so stupid... think of the ratings and headline makers they would gain if they reported the truth about Michael! They honestly would earn more money (the aim of everything they do...) and clear Michael's name. The abuse Michael has copped is so old.. Seriously the media go around in circles trying to tarnish his name.. when in reality so much more could be done with telling the truth.. Win-win for everybody. Instead they choose to continue to do the complete opposite of what journalism is ... and continue to lie lie lie and show absolutely no respect to one of the most beautiful human beings to have graced this earth. Makes my blood boil.

I pray for the day when justice is served; Murray in jail, and the media change their attitude towards Michael.
This is what upsets me most about the media: Why not just tell it like it is? Why do the media demand we, as the public, hate Michael Jackson? Why can't the public hear the truth for a change?

The fact of the matter is, Numerous departments did their investigations, including the FBI, and came out on the other side with nothing, I repeat, NOTHING. They investigated every single accusation, including claims sold to tabloids, and again found NOTHING. When Michael Jackson was taken to court, he was acquitted on every charge. Not Guilty. Nothing. Every charge. How could they possibly IGNORE this? And here I was stupid enough to believe that him being found Not Guilty would shut the media and haters up once and for all. I guess I was wrong.

Nothing will ever change the minds of these people, and I've given up on them. Seriously, given up. Michael proved his innocence in a court of law, but even that still wasn't enough. The FBI did their investigations, clung onto whatever information they could get their hands on, including tabloids, and couldn't find one damn thing, and still that wasn't enough. The Santa Barbara Sherrifs Department investigated. The Los Angeles Police Department investigated. The Department of Child and Family Services investigated. All these departments investigated Michael. After spending YEARS investigating, travelling all over the planet looking for victims, issuing 150 search warrents, setting up a website urging people to come forward, collecting the "evidence" from Michael's homes and taking pictures of Michael's body, spending taxpayers money like no one's business, putting more forensic experts and people on this case then they do with serial killers, after ALL that, guess what they found? Numerous regular heterosexual magazines and two legal over-the-counter art books from the 1960s. A decades worth of investigation and this is all they found? Hang on, wait a minute, they also managed to find a family of welfare cheats who were trying to sit on the witness stand and claim that Michael Jackson had a financial motive to kidnap them, put them in a hot air balloon and fly them across the damn country. That Michael some how managed to show them a porn magazine that was published 5 months after they last saw each other, and that Michael miraculously managed to molest this kid whilst simultaneously being investigated for it by two separate departments who subsequently CLOSED their cases because, yet again, they couldn't find anything, not ONE THING to say he was a child molester.

So what are we expected to believe? That every last one of these departments got it wrong? Deparments that were hell bent on convicting this man, even going so far as trying to introduce legal art books as child pornography? Investigating and reviewing a VHS tape they picked up from US customs just because the guy who sent it to customs had "Michael Jackson" in the title? Looking into people who had sold their stories to tabloids instead of going to police like any other sane person would do? The jury, who sat through this trial for 5 months, listened to all the evidence, saw these witnesses themselves, got it wrong too I suppose. Everyone was in the wrong, all except 2 measly accusers. One who wanted nothing to do with investigations, and another who's family had a history of coming up with false accusations.

As much as I don't like Roger Friedman, there needs to be more people in the press willing to tell the truth and get the real facts out there. I'm afraid to say it, but Friedman is one the few at least trying to do that.
Hey everyone,

I saw this too today on Entertainment Tonight. Yes I was swearing up and down because I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

So let me offer this. For those who don't know, we have the Legacy Project that is in progress here on MJJC. Part of the Legacy Project is to address stories such as these through the Media Advocacy team. I am a member of the Media Advocacy Email Alerting team. So is MJJLaugh and Memefan. Go to this post to see details.


You'll see references to the alerting system in the following forum locations:

The Fans Take Action MJJC Legacy Project - Media Advocacy E-Mail Alert System Enough Is Enough MJJC Legacy - Media Advocacy E-Mail Alert System The Legacy Project Room Meeting Notes - E-mail Alerting System
If you send an email to legacymjjc@hotmail.com, we'll add you to the distribution list. Then when the Media Monitoring and Media Advocacy teams see a story that we feel should be addressed, we'll send out a communication to all on the list. This is a story we can address. So if you want a chance to make a difference, this is a good way to do it. Plus, we've already sent out two emails to the list. Also several people sent a letter regarding pictures of Michael's children being sold in a store at Universal Studios. I and others have received confirmation that the pictures have been pulled from the store's inventory by request of Universal Studios. So you see it does work. The posts referenced above will provide additional information on the project. I hope this helps give you some hope. :)

"I'll never let you part, for you're always in my heart" :angel:

YES YES, I can't wait for this one. Put ET on top of the list PLEASE.

Can I post these links to other MJ fan forums?

Folks we need to this for Michael's beautiful children. Michael's in a much better place now but it's up to us to protect his kids. They're bound to see these stories one day.
This is what upsets me most about the media: Why not just tell it like it is? Why do the media demand we, as the public, hate Michael Jackson? Why can't the public hear the truth for a change?

The fact of the matter is, Numerous departments did their investigations, including the FBI, and came out on the other side with nothing, I repeat, NOTHING. They investigated every single accusation, including claims sold to tabloids, and again found NOTHING. When Michael Jackson was taken to court, he was acquitted on every charge. Not Guilty. Nothing. Every charge. How could they possibly IGNORE this? And here I was stupid enough to believe that him being found Not Guilty would shut the media and haters up once and for all. I guess I was wrong.

Nothing will ever change the minds of these people, and I've given up on them. Seriously, given up. Michael proved his innocence in a court of law, but even that still wasn't enough. The FBI did their investigations, clung onto whatever information they could get their hands on, including tabloids, and couldn't find one damn thing, and still that wasn't enough. The Santa Barbara Sherrifs Department investigated. The Los Angeles Police Department investigated. The Department of Child and Family Services investigated. All these departments investigated Michael. After spending YEARS investigating, travelling all over the planet looking for victims, issuing 150 search warrents, setting up a website urging people to come forward, collecting the "evidence" from Michael's homes and taking pictures of Michael's body, spending taxpayers money like no one's business, putting more forensic experts and people on this case then they do with serial killers, after ALL that, guess what they found? Numerous regular heterosexual magazines and two legal over-the-counter art books from the 1960s. A decades worth of investigation and this is all they found? Hang on, wait a minute, they also managed to find a family of welfare cheats who were trying to sit on the witness stand and claim that Michael Jackson had a financial motive to kidnap them, put them in a hot air balloon and fly them across the damn country. That Michael some how managed to show them a porn magazine that was published 5 months after they last saw each other, and that Michael miraculously managed to molest this kid whilst simultaneously being investigated for it by two separate departments who subsequently CLOSED their cases because, yet again, they couldn't find anything, not ONE THING to say he was a child molester.

So what are we expected to believe? That every last one of these departments got it wrong? Deparments that were hell bent on convicting this man, even going so far as trying to introduce legal art books as child pornography? Investigating and reviewing a VHS tape they picked up from US customs just because the guy who sent it to customs had "Michael Jackson" in the title? Looking into people who had sold their stories to tabloids instead of going to police like any other sane person would do? The jury, who sat through this trial for 5 months, listened to all the evidence, saw these witnesses themselves, got it wrong too I suppose. Everyone was in the wrong, all except 2 measly accusers. One who wanted nothing to do with investigations, and another who's family had a history of coming up with false accusations.

As much as I don't like Roger Friedman, there needs to be more people in the press willing to tell the truth and get the real facts out there. I'm afraid to say it, but Friedman is one the few at least trying to do that.
OMG THANK YOU...you just said EXACTLY what I've been saying to people (that I talk with about Michael) all along. It just doesn't make any damn sense...it really doesn't. Beautiful post, I couldn't have said it better myself.
This is what upsets me most about the media: Why not just tell it like it is? Why do the media demand we, as the public, hate Michael Jackson? Why can't the public hear the truth for a change?

The fact of the matter is, Numerous departments did their investigations, including the FBI, and came out on the other side with nothing, I repeat, NOTHING. They investigated every single accusation, including claims sold to tabloids, and again found NOTHING. When Michael Jackson was taken to court, he was acquitted on every charge. Not Guilty. Nothing. Every charge. How could they possibly IGNORE this? And here I was stupid enough to believe that him being found Not Guilty would shut the media and haters up once and for all. I guess I was wrong.

Nothing will ever change the minds of these people, and I've given up on them. Seriously, given up. Michael proved his innocence in a court of law, but even that still wasn't enough. The FBI did their investigations, clung onto whatever information they could get their hands on, including tabloids, and couldn't find one damn thing, and still that wasn't enough. The Santa Barbara Sherrifs Department investigated. The Los Angeles Police Department investigated. The Department of Child and Family Services investigated. All these departments investigated Michael. After spending YEARS investigating, travelling all over the planet looking for victims, issuing 150 search warrents, setting up a website urging people to come forward, collecting the "evidence" from Michael's homes and taking pictures of Michael's body, spending taxpayers money like no one's business, putting more forensic experts and people on this case then they do with serial killers, after ALL that, guess what they found? Numerous regular heterosexual magazines and two legal over-the-counter art books from the 1960s. A decades worth of investigation and this is all they found? Hang on, wait a minute, they also managed to find a family of welfare cheats who were trying to sit on the witness stand and claim that Michael Jackson had a financial motive to kidnap them, put them in a hot air balloon and fly them across the damn country. That Michael some how managed to show them a porn magazine that was published 5 months after they last saw each other, and that Michael miraculously managed to molest this kid whilst simultaneously being investigated for it by two separate departments who subsequently CLOSED their cases because, yet again, they couldn't find anything, not ONE THING to say he was a child molester.

So what are we expected to believe? That every last one of these departments got it wrong? Deparments that were hell bent on convicting this man, even going so far as trying to introduce legal art books as child pornography? Investigating and reviewing a VHS tape they picked up from US customs just because the guy who sent it to customs had "Michael Jackson" in the title? Looking into people who had sold their stories to tabloids instead of going to police like any other sane person would do? The jury, who sat through this trial for 5 months, listened to all the evidence, saw these witnesses themselves, got it wrong too I suppose. Everyone was in the wrong, all except 2 measly accusers. One who wanted nothing to do with investigations, and another who's family had a history of coming up with false accusations.

As much as I don't like Roger Friedman, there needs to be more people in the press willing to tell the truth and get the real facts out there. I'm afraid to say it, but Friedman is one the few at least trying to do that.

After spending the last 6 months on this forum.. this is the best post I have read. Thank you.:agree: