EXCELLENT ARTICLE: Year Before 2005 Trial FBI Found NOTHING on Michael Jackson’s Computers


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Jul 25, 2011
A Year Before 2005 Trial FBI Found Nothing on Michael Jackson’s Computers

By: Roger Friedman // Wednesday December 23, 2009

The FBI files on Michael Jackson show a concerted effort by the Santa Barbara District Attorney’s office to convict the pop star for child molestationin 2003-2005.

The DA even brought in the FBI for assistance. But the Bureau’s examination of all the computers seized from Neverland found nothing in April 2004 — ten months before Jackson’s trial. They went through a bunch of computers seized at the ranch, and ran “keyword searches” through them, looking for kiddie pornography. They came up with 18 pages of nothing.

Michael’s defense attorney Thomas Mesereau expressed surprise to me about the FBI files yesterday. “I never saw them,” he said. “Shouldn’t they have shared them with me?”
It didn’t matter. Mesereau’s masterful handling of the case got Michael acquitted of all charges in his 2005 child molestation/conspiracy case. But why did the DA go ahead with the case at all if the FBI turned up nothing?

Mesereau told me: “They heard all these stories, they read stories in the tabloids, there was the 1993 case. They had to proceed. Plus DA Tom Sneddon had gotten legislation passed since the first case making it impossible not to go ahead. And he did it because of Michael.”

Jackson was innocent of those charges. Whatever else happened to Michael Jackson in life, he was set up by Janet Arvizo to take a fall. Luckily, several people stepped in to save Michael.


Roger Friedman did a wonderful article, DONT JUDGE HIM, he-s the only one making the most sincere and PROFESSIONAL ARTICLE, nothing tabloidlike
finally some brains, i use to hate him, but i mean he-s doing a professional job, he is anti tabloid
Mr Friedman has always maintained Michael's innocence of those charges. So there is nothing surprising here. But as far as I know he is still banned from MJJC.
Thank you for sharing and there's more text and some very interesting comments...

The FBI files on Michael Jackson show a concerted effort by the Santa Barbara District Attorney’s office to convict the pop star for child molestationin 2003-2005.

The DA even brought in the FBI for assistance. But the Bureau’s examination of all the computers seized from Neverland found nothing in April 2004 — ten months before Jackson’s trial. They went through a bunch of computers seized at the ranch, and ran “keyword searches” through them, looking for kiddie pornography. They came up with 18 pages of nothing.

Michael’s defense attorney Thomas Mesereau expressed surprise to me about the FBI files yesterday. “I never saw them,” he said. “Shouldn’t they have shared them with me?”
It didn’t matter. Mesereau’s masterful handling of the case got Michael acquitted of all charges in his 2005 child molestation/conspiracy case. But why did the DA go ahead with the case at all if the FBI turned up nothing?

Mesereau told me: “They heard all these stories, they read stories in the tabloids, there was the 1993 case. They had to proceed. Plus DA Tom Sneddon had gotten legislation passed since the first case making it impossible not to go ahead. And he did it because of Michael.”

Jackson was innocent of those charges. Whatever else happened to Michael Jackson in life, he was set up by Janet Arvizo to take a fall. Luckily, several people stepped in to save Michael.

Two of those people were Frank (Tyson) Cascio and his friend Vinnie Amen. They were working for Michael in the winter of 2003. Jackson put them in charge of catering to the Arvizo family right after Martin Bashir’s “Living with Michael Jackson” aired on ABC. All hell broke loose because Michael bragged about Gavin Arvizo “sharing” his bed. Gavin and his brother were featured on the program. Chaos ensued.
District Attorney Tom Sneddon, Michael’s nemesis from the 1993 case, determined to destroy Jackson at that point. He sought out Janet Arvizo, not realizing she was a welfare cheat, a pathological liar, and a big cup o’crazy. On the witness stand, Mrs, Arvizo told Jackson’s defense attorney, Tom Mesereau, she believed Michael was going to steal her children in a big hot air balloon, and fly away.
After that, no testimony mattered. We in the Santa Maria courtroom knew Michael would moonwalk home, free as a bird. And deservedly so.
Earlier that year, I wrote in my old column that when Frank and Vinnie brought Janet home to her L.A. apartment from Neverland, Sneddon’s card was under her door. She called the number. He invented her. Then he involved the FBI. The results are in the newly released files. Manpower was revved up, resources were used. And it was all for nothing. Regardless of Michael’s naive comments about children, or anything that might have happened years earlier, he was innocent. He was guilty, like Chris Tucker and a bunch of other people, of being conned by the Arvizos.
In truth, the Jackson-Sneddon feud had been fueled by Michael. After the 1993-94 Jordy Chandler case, Michael fanned the flames by tautning Sneddon in song. It was a mistake. Sneddon was a no-nonsense guy. He didn’t wear designer suits. He reminded those of us in the court room of an old gym teacher. He wasn’t “hip.” And you could tell, he didn’t like the hip crowd one bit.
In the FBI files, you can see how Sneddon, using Court TV’s willing Diane Dimond, ginned up the anti-Michael cause. He even sent ADA Ronald Zonen — listed in the FBI files incorrectly as Richard — to New York to persuade Jordy Chandler to testify. Chandler declined, and threatened to fight a subpoena legally. The word was that he left the U.S. for the duration of the trial.
Sneddon et al had little luck getting anyone else from the so-called conspiracy to kidnap the Arvizos onto the stand. And Vinnie, I can tell you now, let me publish dozens and dozens of receipts he’d kept while babysitting the Arvizos. Eventually it all came out during the trial: rather than being kidnapped, the Arvizos were treated to movies, clothes, hotel stays, and spa treatments. Sneddon, of course, knew this. He just pretended that it never happened. Janet Arvizo received a full body waxing, courtesy of Michael Jackson. The FBI was taken to the cleaners.

Why ever since Michael's death as Friedman done a complete 180 on Michael? I remember the stuff he used to write about him and it was so bad he got banned from here. Ever since Michael died he's written nothing but positive articles. I admire him for changing his stance but there is one thing we all want from Friedman. An apology.
Yeah..., you know what is the point of his articles? Some of the fans here should explain why he was/is banned here and on the other MJ boards!!!
Thank you for sharing and there's more text and some very interesting comments...

The FBI files on Michael Jackson show a concerted effort by the Santa Barbara District Attorney’s office to convict the pop star for child molestationin 2003-2005.

The DA even brought in the FBI for assistance. But the Bureau’s examination of all the computers seized from Neverland found nothing in April 2004 — ten months before Jackson’s trial. They went through a bunch of computers seized at the ranch, and ran “keyword searches” through them, looking for kiddie pornography. They came up with 18 pages of nothing.

Michael’s defense attorney Thomas Mesereau expressed surprise to me about the FBI files yesterday. “I never saw them,” he said. “Shouldn’t they have shared them with me?”
It didn’t matter. Mesereau’s masterful handling of the case got Michael acquitted of all charges in his 2005 child molestation/conspiracy case. But why did the DA go ahead with the case at all if the FBI turned up nothing?

Mesereau told me: “They heard all these stories, they read stories in the tabloids, there was the 1993 case. They had to proceed. Plus DA Tom Sneddon had gotten legislation passed since the first case making it impossible not to go ahead. And he did it because of Michael.”

Jackson was innocent of those charges. Whatever else happened to Michael Jackson in life, he was set up by Janet Arvizo to take a fall. Luckily, several people stepped in to save Michael.

Two of those people were Frank (Tyson) Cascio and his friend Vinnie Amen. They were working for Michael in the winter of 2003. Jackson put them in charge of catering to the Arvizo family right after Martin Bashir’s “Living with Michael Jackson” aired on ABC. All hell broke loose because Michael bragged about Gavin Arvizo “sharing” his bed. Gavin and his brother were featured on the program. Chaos ensued.
District Attorney Tom Sneddon, Michael’s nemesis from the 1993 case, determined to destroy Jackson at that point. He sought out Janet Arvizo, not realizing she was a welfare cheat, a pathological liar, and a big cup o’crazy. On the witness stand, Mrs, Arvizo told Jackson’s defense attorney, Tom Mesereau, she believed Michael was going to steal her children in a big hot air balloon, and fly away.
After that, no testimony mattered. We in the Santa Maria courtroom knew Michael would moonwalk home, free as a bird. And deservedly so.
Earlier that year, I wrote in my old column that when Frank and Vinnie brought Janet home to her L.A. apartment from Neverland, Sneddon’s card was under her door. She called the number. He invented her. Then he involved the FBI. The results are in the newly released files. Manpower was revved up, resources were used. And it was all for nothing. Regardless of Michael’s naive comments about children, or anything that might have happened years earlier, he was innocent. He was guilty, like Chris Tucker and a bunch of other people, of being conned by the Arvizos.
In truth, the Jackson-Sneddon feud had been fueled by Michael. After the 1993-94 Jordy Chandler case, Michael fanned the flames by tautning Sneddon in song. It was a mistake. Sneddon was a no-nonsense guy. He didn’t wear designer suits. He reminded those of us in the court room of an old gym teacher. He wasn’t “hip.” And you could tell, he didn’t like the hip crowd one bit.
In the FBI files, you can see how Sneddon, using Court TV’s willing Diane Dimond, ginned up the anti-Michael cause. He even sent ADA Ronald Zonen — listed in the FBI files incorrectly as Richard — to New York to persuade Jordy Chandler to testify. Chandler declined, and threatened to fight a subpoena legally. The word was that he left the U.S. for the duration of the trial.
Sneddon et al had little luck getting anyone else from the so-called conspiracy to kidnap the Arvizos onto the stand. And Vinnie, I can tell you now, let me publish dozens and dozens of receipts he’d kept while babysitting the Arvizos. Eventually it all came out during the trial: rather than being kidnapped, the Arvizos were treated to movies, clothes, hotel stays, and spa treatments. Sneddon, of course, knew this. He just pretended that it never happened. Janet Arvizo received a full body waxing, courtesy of Michael Jackson. The FBI was taken to the cleaners.

Thanks you for that additional info, Roger did RIGHT, i have always followed him when he was on the fox site
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Ive added some facts to the comments of the article.

(btw, It was Roger Friedman who reported years ago that he had a source who could confirm that the pics and some video records of MJs private parts were seen by unauthorized people at the DAs office, just ask him...)
Why ever since Michael's death as Friedman done a complete 180 on Michael? I remember the stuff he used to write about him and it was so bad he got banned from here. Ever since Michael died he's written nothing but positive articles. I admire him for changing his stance but there is one thing we all want from Friedman. An apology.
dont say things wrong Roger never said Michael was guilty NEVER, he was always giving reasons why he was NOT GUILTY, he was the only one who was saying he was going to be found NOT GUILTY, i read a lot in those times he was THE ONLY ONE saying Michaelwas going to be found INNOCENT, the only thing he talked bad about Michael was about his money state, the money, but ROGER ALWAYS SAW THROUGH THE SMOKE, he would INVESTIGATE and he always had right info about the fake molestation cases, but he knew Michael was not that good with the money, i personally think that was not bad, i mean everybody has money issues
He still flip flop over 93 though, so I can care less about what he writes about 03/05 "investigations"! If he can't understand how STUPID it is to believe that MJ at the age of 35, living in Neverland already almost 5yrs would just one day decide to ruin his life and become a molester out of the blue and then wait ten yrs later to do the same thing again LMAO.... then I have nothing to say to roger or anyone else who would believe such SHIT!

^^ ^Roger never said anything bad about the 93 accusations, he once showed an interview he did to two young boys (now men) who were at Michaels house around the 90's and he pointed out that the boys were there and Michael did nothing to them absolutely nothing
the only bad thing he said about Michael was that Michael was having big money troubles, thats why i hated him, but who doesnt have money trouble??????
it was all over ET.

i have so much i want to say but dont know how to put it into words.
And believe me if he would have had anything incriminatory he would have showed it... but the truth is NOONE HAS ANYTHING INCRIMINATORY, not even the FBI...

The money troubles were from him yes, but he knew Michael was beeing fouled.... he knew it, he was the only one saying Michael was going to be found NOT GUILTY, and for that i respect him.
What's all over ET?

This crap, the FBI, files the Train kid and... im going to lose my mind here because people have nothing better to do with their life and time then to put down a dead man for something he didn't do. Its hard to find evidence when there is none to find. The media is doing with these documents what i knew they would and no one is standing up for Michael. Everyone still believes he is guilty even with this proof that he was innocent!

I have done a damn good job at keeping my nose out of his biz. i didn't read any of the court documents when they came out in 93,2005 or anything else. I wanted my memorys of Michael to be pure and clean just as he is/was. Michael never did anything wrong. People want to rip him apart because his life was better than there's. He did good things for people who needed it and this is the treatment he gets in return! it f*cking pisses me off that they STILL treat him this way 6 f*cking months after he was MURDERED. But there again the bigger story is being swept under the rug. Someone killed someone famous and no one is doing anything about it.

I hate that people are doing this i hate that Michael had to go through this when he was alive and i hate that he is made to look like an evil man long after he is gone. These papers came out in bad taste these were only wanted to put him down and make him look like a monster,.... WELL ASSOCIATED PRESS YOU GOT YOUR FUCKING WISH I HATE EVERY MEDIA OUTLET OUT THERE AND I DONT CARE WHO KNOWS IT.

sorry for my rant i guess i found the words.
This crap, the FBI, files the Train kid and... im going to lose my mind here because people have nothing better to do with their life and time then to put down a dead man for something he didn't do. Its hard to find evidence when there is none to find. The media is doing with these documents what i knew they would and no one is standing up for Michael. Everyone still believes he is guilty even with this proof that he was innocent!

I have done a damn good job at keeping my nose out of his biz. i didn't read any of the court documents when they came out in 93,2005 or anything else. I wanted my memorys of Michael to be pure and clean just as he is/was. Michael never did anything wrong. People want to rip him apart because his life was better than there's. He did good things for people who needed it and this is the treatment he gets in return! it f*cking pisses me off that they STILL treat him this way 6 f*cking months after he was MURDERED. But there again the bigger story is being swept under the rug. Someone killed someone famous and no one is doing anything about it.

I hate that people are doing this i hate that Michael had to go through this when he was alive and i hate that he is made to look like an evil man long after he is gone. These papers came out in bad taste these were only wanted to put him down and make him look like a monster,.... WELL ASSOCIATED PRESS YOU GOT YOUR FUCKING WISH I HATE EVERY MEDIA OUTLET OUT THERE AND I DONT CARE WHO KNOWS IT.

sorry for my rant i guess i found the words.

Whatever they say, those FBI files did nothing but convinced me even more that Michael Jackson is innocent ans always have been. They can distort reality but in the course of history, these biases in the media will be replaced with the truth!
im on the verge of tears right now. How can his own country treat him like hes a piece of shit when he did nothing wrong? I do not understand this why are they treating him this way when now they have the proof that he WAS 1,000,000,000% innocent?!
^^ ^Roger never said anything bad about the 93 accusations, he once showed an interview he did to two young boys (now men) who were at Michaels house around the 90's and he pointed out that the boys were there and Michael did nothing to them absolutely nothing

But, still I don't like how he was sitting next to Diane Dimond (who he now calls out all of a sudden) on Court TV in 05 like buddy buddy saying they were privately talking and saying how they can make a list of boys they know of and laughing about it and then roger and Diane started throwing out names out of their mouths like Jimmy Safe chuck and blah, blah, blah! He is very all over the place and i don't save is articles but, I can swear I read he was never as sure of 93 as he is of 03/05 allegations!
im on the verge of tears right now. How can his own country treat him like hes a piece of shit when he did nothing wrong? I do not understand this why are they treating him this way when now they have the proof that he WAS 1,000,000,000% innocent?!

Girl.... I don't know anymore either....

It hurts.. gosh... it hurts.... My heart feels like it's being torn to pieces all the time. How much more pain can we handle? God please help us... I dont know....
Girl.... I don't know anymore either....

It hurts.. gosh... it hurts.... My heart feels like it's being torn to pieces all the time. How much more pain can we handle? God please help us... I dont know....

Your right it does hurt and there are sometimes that i wish this was all some bad dream and we are going to wake up from it at any moment. But then reality sets in and thats not going to happen. They will never remember Michael for the right th-thing and that p-pisses me off even more because he did so many good things and so many things we dont know that were good.

OK. i need to take a breath. I need to visit the manhood section or something this is getting to hard atm
im on the verge of tears right now. How can his own country treat him like hes a piece of shit when he did nothing wrong? I do not understand this why are they treating him this way when now they have the proof that he WAS 1,000,000,000% innocent?!

Oh, I feel ya hun :better:

I know it sucks how the press are twisting this. The FBI files are available free for all, but I know many will just believe whatever they've been told from the media outlets. I just watched the news report that said Michael was invested in 85/86 for molesting two Hispanic boys and the FBI covered it up. But they failed to mention that the archives were searched, that files were searched, and that there was no reference to this investigation anywhere. Meaning that the above investigation never took place. It was right there in front of them, staring them in the face on the same page they got the story from, yet they conveniently forget to mention it?

I will never ever understand it. EVER. You put it out there that Michael was investigated in 85 for molesting two boys, but you don't make it known that it was stated that no information connecting to this investigation could be found? Not even by the FBI who was supposedly doing the investigation to begin with? Annoys the cr@p outta me! But don't worry, I really don't think the media are fooling anyone with this. Most people should know that if you have the FBI on your back looking for information, and THEY can't find anything to put to away after more than a decades worth of investigation, then I think it's safe to say you are innocent. This isn't some Police Department we are talking about. This is the FBI! Hello?!

So, even though I had my issues with Mr Friedbrains in the past, I have to commend him for these articles. Thank you Roger Friedman. :agree:
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im on the verge of tears right now. How can his own country treat him like hes a piece of shit when he did nothing wrong? I do not understand this why are they treating him this way when now they have the proof that he WAS 1,000,000,000% innocent?!

First, don't waste your tears on haters

Second, the U.S. didn't request this info from the FBI, some person somewhere who thought he/she was entitled to invading Michael's privacy yet again. And more than one person requested this information and most likely it is so called journalists and the media.

No person in the world can relate to what Michael had to endure due to the constant invasion of privacy by haters, media, etc. etc. etc.

Third, this release is more of a vindication since between the FBI and SB they couldn't find one thing to convict Michael on.

Fourth, we all know what the allegations were about. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

No matter what people say or do Michael is INNOCENT, Michael was INNOCENT, and Michael will always be INNOCENT.

Our country is made up of 300+ million people. And millions and millions of Americans love Michael, has always loved Michael and will always love Michael.
Oh, I feel ya hun :better:

I know it sucks how the press are twisting this. The FBI files are available free for all, but I know many will just believe whatever they've been told from the media outlets. I just watched the news report that said Michael was invested in 85/86 for molesting two Hispanic boys and the FBI covered it up. But they failed to mention that the archives were searched, that files were searched, and that there was no reference to this investigation anywhere. Meaning that the above investigation never took place. It was right there in front of them, staring them in the face on the same page they got the story from, yet they conveniently forget to mention it?

I will never ever understand it. EVER. You put it out there that Michael was investigated in 85 for molesting two boys, but you don't make it known that it was stated that no information connecting to this investigation could be found? Not even by the FBI who was doing the investigation to begin with?

So, even though I had my issues with Mr Friedbrains in the past, I have to commend him for these articles. Thank you Roger Friedman. :agree:

