EW poll: Best Singer Of The Past 25 Years

In my opinion all these kinda polls are pretty senseless. I think in the end the singer who has the most internet-crazy fans will win, 'cause they keep voting and voting to see their star win. Come on... Madonna?! Don't be annoyed by that, we know that Michael is the best anyway. We don't need a poll to prove that for us.

That's how I feel about it. :D
I wouldn't waste my time EW from the moment they arrived on the scene has been a magazine completely anti-Michael he will never have a shot in any poll they do on a legitimate basis.

oh this figures, that's why Michael is in 5th place while madonna is in second...
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I wouldn't mind Whitney or Mariah beating him, but Madonna? Ridiculous. She shouldn't even be on that list.
What Bono? I mean he`s a great musician but the best singer? No way.

And what in hell - Madonna? She`s successful and professional but a good singer? Jesus, this poll is waste.
females voices are often favored as better vocally because of their range. but michael under maddy in a singer category . . . that just is not right :chichi:

And you know, that's a myth. Women don't have wider ranges then men. Gender has nothing to do with it, it's just based on talent. Michael in fact has a much larger range then Whitney. But whatever, this poll is wack anyway.
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It's only Entertainment Weekly, I wouldnt pay much attention, we all know Michael Jackson is #1.
rigged like the MSNBC poll :laugh:
oh well, let it be. we now the truth ;)
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I do not see the poll. I really want vote on this.

I went to the website and I do not see it. I think it would be best that if a member is telling fans to vote on the poll that they should tell the fans where exactly is the poll. It is a waste of time looking for a poll on the crappy website.
Michael Jackson will always be the best singer for me personally, so I don't care about that poll :shifty: