Ever wished you lived somewhere else?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Planet earth
I love my neighbourhood. I feel safe and I have nice surroundings.. But sometimes I wish I could see more of the world, live somewhere else and just see Tokyo's streets when I look through my window or have a nice beach 5 mins away or live on the country side and wake up to the sound of cows in the morning..

I need some change.. I get so bored from seeing the same thing day in and day out.. And yet if I went on vacation for a week I'd miss my home!!

Anyone have experience from long backpacking travels?
i've always had wanderlust....that's why i made sure to apply ONLY to schools outside of the state so i couldn't change my mind and stay home. i go somewhere at least once a year out of town, usually 2 or 3 times. i just need to see the world.

but mainly, i wished i lived some TIME else. I've always wished that i was born a generation earlier, i hate this time period. love the technology, but would have thrived even more if i had been born in 1960 and had my 20s during the 80s and all. but can't really do much about that :( guess it's easier to change location than time periods, huh? :cry: i just dont FIT this time.
There's not one day that goes by,that i don'twish i lived in another place.To be more specific,i wish i was born in another country because mine,is way to "behind the moon" for my taste.
I so much wish i was,i lives in USA...
Since i know myself as person,i am crazy for this country.plus,my heart and thought are always there.And i am not saying this because of Michael...but because the one i love,is from there
Yes I want to live in California.. I really dread the state I live in now. Its very depressing here. I'd give anything to move back out there, someday I feel I just may.
i've always had wanderlust....that's why i made sure to apply ONLY to schools outside of the state so i couldn't change my mind and stay home. i go somewhere at least once a year out of town, usually 2 or 3 times. i just need to see the world.

but mainly, i wished i lived some TIME else. I've always wished that i was born a generation earlier, i hate this time period. love the technology, but would have thrived even more if i had been born in 1960 and had my 20s during the 80s and all. but can't really do much about that :( guess it's easier to change location than time periods, huh? :cry: i just dont FIT this time.

oh Im so with you.. I would have given anything.. I was born in the wrong era :cry:
oh Im so with you.. I would have given anything.. I was born in the wrong era :cry:

Me too, oh what it would have been like to be a teenager in the 80's. ugh. My parents are lucky. :p

I wish I lived in another state or country. I'm sick of my current state. haha. Seriously, we rarely vacation. I just want to go SOMEWHERE. I plan on traveling more after I graduate. I wish I could live in a place like Italy though. Seems so beautiful. I have a great neighborhood and everything but...I'm freakin' bored here...
I was always a traveller at heart. I was 10 years old and I already knew that when I'm older I'm going to see the world.
I've been backpacking around Europe since a very tender age of 14.
And when I was 22 I moved to Australia.
I got caught up in establishing my life here in the last 5 years, but I'm going to go back to travelling very soon. :)

I tell you something too - I never appreciated good old Poland when I was living there, and I miss it so much now! lol

"Don't know what you got til it's gone", these words ring so true sometimes. :)
I am sooo with you guys...on location and era. I was just talking to my Dad about this the other day even. I truly wish I had fully experienced the 70's-80's. Man, those were the times. These days we have amazing technology - but that's like it. I'd take grand excitement and experiences over good technology any day. Not to say great experiences aren't possible now of course...but, I really think the times we are currently living in are pretty boring...comparitively speaking with other eras.

As far as location - I'm currently living in Hot Springs Arkansas. Arkansas, guys. For those that know the USA...you will know how NOT HOT that statement is. LOL. It's SOOOO boring here. I'm in hicktown for oldies. Granted, it's beautiful and served me well for awhile - but I am definitely a traveling soul. Since the age of 13 it has been my dream to travel the world. I can't even live in a house for 4 or 5 months before I start to get the itch to find someplace new again. I love change...I thrive on it. I have a 4 year old daughter though, and I work from home on an internet based job that I just can't really make traveling happen at the moment. But I so ache for it. I am constantly thinking about schemes of how to get myself out of here. I will prevail soon!!!
I am sooo with you guys...on location and era. I was just talking to my Dad about this the other day even. I truly wish I had fully experienced the 70's-80's. Man, those were the times. These days we have amazing technology - but that's like it. I'd take grand excitement and experiences over good technology any day. Not to say great experiences aren't possible now of course...but, I really think the times we are currently living in are pretty boring...comparitively speaking with other eras.

As far as location - I'm currently living in Hot Springs Arkansas. Arkansas, guys. For those that know the USA...you will know how NOT HOT that statement is. LOL. It's SOOOO boring here. I'm in hicktown for oldies. Granted, it's beautiful and served me well for awhile - but I am definitely a traveling soul. Since the age of 13 it has been my dream to travel the world. I can't even live in a house for 4 or 5 months before I start to get the itch to find someplace new again. I love change...I thrive on it. I have a 4 year old daughter though, and I work from home on an internet based job that I just can't really make traveling happen at the moment. But I so ache for it. I am constantly thinking about schemes of how to get myself out of here. I will prevail soon!!!

arkansas?? damn, i so feel for you. I'm in Chicago so at least it's still some fun going on, but I prefer other places, like Los Angeles to live. And ITALY, omg, that was so gorgeous, along with Spain. I wish I knew spanish and italian so that I could just pack up and move to Madrid or Rome. The states are getting whack......

mm, what I wouldn't give to be rocking out to MJ, Cyndi Lauper, Prince, Madonna, Whitney Houston while it's happening, camping out and scoring tickets, hell, hopefully KNOWING these people (yeah right, bwahaha, but since it's a fantasy land anyway, let's say i snatched up MJ and married him) I've always loved the 80's anyway..the fashion, the music, the movies, EVERYTHING. Yeah, those would be the times

on era..i guess im proud to be born in the 80's it was a awesome decade. but i was so young i dont remember much other than watching Pee Wees Playhouse and The Muppet Show..great kid shows that that dont exist anymore!! it was an awesome decade to be a kid in america. but it would have been cool to be a teen in that decade as well. sometimes i wish i lived the 70s. it looked hella cool and sexy and the style was nice too. but even with modern technology today, i dont think our decade (espeically now that michaels gone, i dont think we dont have anything interesting anymore. style, famous people wise (michael was the only one i really loved, everyone else is second), movies&music even, atleast i dont think so. i think michael was lucky enough with his age that he got to see his idols of the 1940's and 50's, age and still around. and he got to see the 60's as a little kid, 70's as a teen, his 20's in the 80s, he got some amazing decades around him. i also think baby boomers like my mom got to experience all the cool decades. but anywho.

on location, i want to live in Los Angeles. its really not a hard dream, but it probably wont happen til next year. but i dont like where i am now. its depressing me , the midwest has to be the most boring spot in america let alone indiana. but until i can get there.
oh Im so with you.. I would have given anything.. I was born in the wrong era :cry:

***raises hand*** Me too! I wish I was born like 10 years earlier so I could have grown up in the 70s and been able to go to the Bad Tour in the 80s! :) I love 70s clothes and music and LOVE the "messages" of the 70s if that makes sense.. and the 80s were awesome, but I wasn't able to fully appreciate it until I got older in the late 80s.....

As for location. I have a love/hate relationship with NYC. We have an abusive relationship I call it. I'm so annoyed by just about everything here, the noise and the crowds specifically, but I just can't get away because there are other things that I absolutely LOVE.

I LONG to live in London!!! It just seems like THE most awesome place...
on era..i guess im proud to be born in the 80's it was a awesome decade. but i was so young i dont remember much other than watching Pee Wees Playhouse and The Muppet Show..great kid shows that that dont exist anymore!! it was an awesome decade to be a kid in america. but it would have been cool to be a teen in that decade as well. sometimes i wish i lived the 70s. it looked hella cool and sexy and the style was nice too. but even with modern technology today, i dont think our decade (espeically now that michaels gone, i dont think we dont have anything interesting anymore. style, famous people wise (michael was the only one i really loved, everyone else is second), movies&music even, atleast i dont think so. i think michael was lucky enough with his age that he got to see his idols of the 1940's and 50's, age and still around. and he got to see the 60's as a little kid, 70's as a teen, his 20's in the 80s, he got some amazing decades around him. i also think baby boomers like my mom got to experience all the cool decades. but anywho.

on location, i want to live in Los Angeles. its really not a hard dream, but it probably wont happen til next year. but i dont like where i am now. its depressing me , the midwest has to be the most boring spot in america let alone indiana. but until i can get there.
it was great being a kid in the 80s as well, with cabbage patch dolls, muppet babies, ORIGINAL movies and stuff....NOW they just do remakes of 80s movies, and a million sequels to ish already done. :yawn: my mom was born the exact year i wanted to be born, 1960, but she did NOT pay attention to/appreciate all that was going on..i'm like, were you SLEEP? she just stayed in the house and didn't do much. WOMP WOMP. I mean, being a kid in the 60s you got to experience motown, got to wear groovy bell bottoms and fros/farrah faucett flip in the 70s, lace and leather with big hair in the 80s....sigh, now im sad again, i SOOOOO want to flip lives with her, i would have rocked the hell outta that life
HeartbreakHotelMJJ said:
I wish I was born like 10 years earlier so I could have grown up in the 70s and been able to go to the Bad Tour in the 80s! I love 70s clothes and music and LOVE the "messages" of the 70s if that makes sense..

Hear hear!

my mom was born the exact year i wanted to be born, 1960, but she did NOT pay attention to/appreciate all that was going on..i'm like, were you SLEEP? she just stayed in the house and didn't do much. WOMP WOMP. I mean, being a kid in the 60s you got to experience motown, got to wear groovy bell bottoms and fros/farrah faucett flip in the 70s, lace and leather with big hair in the 80s....sigh, now im sad again, i SOOOOO want to flip lives with her, i would have rocked the hell outta that life

Dayum straight! To experience the 60's, 70's and 80's...omg the awesomeness. I'm getting sad talking about this too now...lol. You know what would make this era awesome? The invention of the TIME MACHINE. :punk:
i was born in 61 and grew up with michaels music.
during the 80s ied go to discos where michaels music was always played.
now i cant relate too music because most have copied earlier artists like michael.
wish i could relive that time again.

I so wish I could live in London.
I've been there 2 days in my life, but when I got there, I felt home.
I really want to go and live there but I don't know how.

You're right about the era too, wish I was born a bit before to be able to live the 80' entirely (born in 1981) and remember it.
I'm currently living in The Netherlands (Amsterdam for the Americans. Everytime I would tell an American that I'm originally from The Netherlands, they would always ask me if I was referring to Neverland..I wish lol). I hate the place. It's soooo boring.

The only reasson why I like being in The Netherlands, is because of my friends and family. I traveled all around the world, and seeing new places makes me even more depressed about ''home''.

I used to live in the Los Angeles area and I miss the place so much. I miss the people, they are way more out going and openminded, I miss the beaches, I miss how people randomly would talk to you on the streets, I miss the sun, I miss the earthquakes...IN N OUT! I MISS EVERTYHING ABOUT LA! :(:(

Probably moving back after my graduation...cant wait.
I've lived in Indiana all my life - its all I know..
Visited places like LA, Florida, Chicago, and lots of "busy" cities. I don't see me living there, its great to visit but defintly not to live. There's something about Indiana I love, the people are great! Very friendly mostly.. There's a lot of history, a lot of things to do. LOTS Of corn! Lots and lots lol..
I tell you something too - I never appreciated good old Poland when I was living there, and I miss it so much now! lol

"Don't know what you got til it's gone", these words ring so true sometimes. :)

miss Poland? Nice to hear... it's so rare :p I would like to get out of there sometimes...
But I'm not complain. I'm glad of what I have. I'm sure I would get bored of every place I go... few weeks in different country and everything getting normal...
If I could move somewhere it would be different world. This world is sucks... We are thinking about where to move but... someone wish to could even live ... it's so unfair... I would like to get out of there to "place with no name"...

_Polish dreamer...
I like Texas, but I Hate the weather here. 100 degrees plus in the summer..... Sometimes I suffer from dehydration (because I dont currently have an a.c. in my car)...

All I wish, is that I wished I lived somewhere, where like 85 would be the hottest days.
I live in England and I hate it. Not the weather, the people. There is so much hate in this country. Nobody looks out for each other, they prefer to keep themselves to themselves OR gossip about people they don't know. England has a strong "tabloid culture" which I hate - the need to wallow in other peoples misery. British people have a notoriously dark sense of humour but these days those boundaries have been pushed and the dark humour is now outright nasty.

If I had to choose one place to spend the rest of my life it would be Canada. Laid back people, not too hot (I'm not great with hot weather), SNOW!!!!!!!! and beautiful scenery. People who have emigrated to Canada have said it's like going back in time: children go outside to play, walk to school on their own and people don't feel scared to leave their doors unlocked during the day.

Any Canadians want to swap? lol
SO many good replies, thanks guys!!


I can't even live in a house for 4 or 5 months before I start to get the itch to find someplace new again. I love change...I thrive on it.

OMG I can so relate to that! Ive moved so may times and I get bored just after a few months too! I think we are sort of like animals.. Animals often change location.. Why should humans stay in only one place their entire life... I cant stand the thought of it.
I'm currently living in The Netherlands (Amsterdam for the Americans. Everytime I would tell an American that I'm originally from The Netherlands, they would always ask me if I was referring to Neverland..I wish lol). I hate the place. It's soooo boring.

The only reasson why I like being in The Netherlands, is because of my friends and family. I traveled all around the world, and seeing new places makes me even more depressed about ''home''.

I used to live in the Los Angeles area and I miss the place so much. I miss the people, they are way more out going and openminded, I miss the beaches, I miss how people randomly would talk to you on the streets, I miss the sun, I miss the earthquakes...IN N OUT! I MISS EVERTYHING ABOUT LA! :(:(

Probably moving back after my graduation...cant wait.

:toofunny::toofunny:that cracked me the hell up!
I wish I lived in London right now, because there's always something to do or see and the people are so diverse :D

But when I'm older I'd like to live in the USA or Canada, but I have no idea where. Any recommendations? :unsure:
I love Chicago, but I'm getting a little tired of it. I'd describe it as a big city full of small town folks. I don't feel like it pushes the limits enough especially in the art and music department. When I start grad school, I really want to go to New York or LA. I stayed in California when I was smaller, and I particularly miss the mountains. NY is just more exciting. Ultimately, I want to go to Japan. I love the culture there.
Yes. Every single day. I live in Texas, which is one of the WORST states to live in for allergy sufferers, and for people who like some stability with weather. I do like it here somehwhat, though, because I know the state very well, and my family lives here. But I really need to move somewhere where my allergies and other health problems won't become as insanely aggravated. I don't know where that place is yet... but I pray to God every single day that he will lead me to this place. Wherever it is, LOL.