Euthanizing My Best Friend Soon....

I´m sorry to hear that Fancy isn´t feeling good now.
Hugs to you and Fancy.
I just wanted to post this picture here hope its okay. Taken last night from my cell. Shes laying in my lap

Aww no. Keep the faith, think positive, visualize she is very well ..
I have the same situation now.
Fancy is hanging in there but this is her last christmas. Its only a matter of time.
She needs an IV to keep her hydrated.

Here is a recent pic of the 2 of us cuddling


Sooo beautiful. I'm terribly sorry to hear that she isn't feeling well.

I just wanted to post this picture here hope its okay. Taken last night from my cell. Shes laying in my lap


Thanks for posting. She is a complete sweetheart. I'm sure you guys are making sure her last days are filled with love and nurturing. At this point i don't think that poor little darling expects or wants anything more.

God bless Fancy and God bless your entire family.
RE:RE:RE: Euthanizing My Best Friend Soon....

Sooo beautiful. I'm terribly sorry to hear that she isn't feeling well.

Thanks for posting. She is a complete sweetheart. I'm sure you guys are making sure her last days are filled with love and nurturing. At this point i don't think that poor little darling expects or wants anything more.

God bless Fancy and God bless your entire family.

Thank you so so much. Tomorrow, I am going to get the IV she needs and its just a little bit for a few seconds / minutes into her. Injected afew times a day- shes a rollar coaster ; some days Fancy is doing a lot better! Then the next day, Fancy could just be very lithargic. We certainly will give her anything Fancy wants!! I already spoil the heck outta her so why not. LOL. I will send Fancy all your love & thank you again.
thanks ^^ yes she seems to be doing well. We joke and say that Fancy just faked her being sick for attention lol. She seems to be really sick for awhile, then get 10x better and stay better for a longer time
fancy is so cute....I am glad she is feeling a little better now..:)