European Exclusive Michael Jackson Costume Exhibition

AM Ireland Website:é

Several pieces of Michael’s clothing will be on display in the Museum of Style Icons at the Newbridge Silverware Visitor Centre, Newbr...

6:35 minutes long

Michael Jackson's Costume Designer, Michael Bush, has brought some of his creations to Ireland.

Duration:3:08 mins

The celebrity designer Michael Bush joins us now to give us an insight into the man behind the myth.

8:47 minutes long

Really good info'. Makes me wanna' fly to Ireland to see the Exhibit. At least Michael Bush puts his working relationship with Michael in perspective, because that was what it was for 25 years, the relationship Michael Bush had with Michael Jackson. It was funny what Madonna's designer had to say about working with Madonna for the Super Bowl half time Show!!!
A lot of them were signed "To Bush Love Michael Jackson" so Michael must have given them all to him after he was done with them? I remember the Bad outfit wa signed at the left hand side anyway.

Oh I see. I wonder if Michael paid Bush for them. It seems strange to buy a costume from someone and then you sign it and return it to them.
Maybe Michael just signed the doubles for him? I can understand Michael gifting signed, worn clothes to anybody, but the person who was paid to design and produce it.
That's true it does seem odd but maybe Michael really wasn't bothered with where the clothes went? It maybe he knew that Bush would truly appreciate being able to keep them, as has proven to be the case with the magnificent display he has put on for us fans.

Maybe someone can ask him this during his book signing in Dublin at the start of next year.

By the way for anyone who is interested here is a short video of the tour- DON'T WATCH if you intend going to Newbridge, I would recommend you waiting to see it for yourselves.
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how i dressed the king of pop

Michael Jackson's image may have been tarnished by accusations of child abuse and drug-taking but his long-time clothes designer Michael Bush is devoted to the star's memory and never saw even a hint of anything that was alleged. He tells Donal Lynch about the star, the man and the most secret Jackson costume of all

At a purely knee-jerk level, one doesn't have the warmest of feelings towards Michael Jackson's retinue. Did they seriously imagine their spindly, clearly unwell man-child was ready for another gruelling tour? And before that: why didn't they tell the King Of Pop he should stop holding hands with that 13-year-old boy? Where were they when Michael was earning that particular nickname by melting his face, one cosmetic procedure at a time?

To meet Michael Bush, Jackson's long-time clothing designer, however, is to realise the Jackson entourage wasn't all shadowy 'yes' men with dollar signs in their eyes, as is often portrayed by the media. A softly spoken gentleman from the Appalachian mountains, where Ohio meets Kentucky, Bush was a friend to the star and his grief at his passing is still apparent: he wells up frequently when he reminisces on their lives together. Along with his partner Dennis Tompkins, Bush dressed Jackson for a quarter of a century. They crafted some of the star's best known looks; the Swarovski-embellished Bad tour leotard, a version of which Jackson wore at his legendary 1988 Pairc Ui Chaoimh show in Cork; the pearl-embroidered jacket which Jackson wore when he escorted Madonna to the 1991 Academy Awards; the gold and silver jumpsuit worn by the star on his epic HIStory tour. Highlights from Jackson's wardrobe are featured in an ongoing exhibition at The Newbridge Silverware Museum Of Style Icons

One Jackson costume must remain a secret, though. Only a few people have ever seen it. And the only thing we can say for certain is that, at Jackson's own request, it definitely didn't involve a single white glove.

"La Toya (Jackson's sister) was in charge of Michael's clothing arrangements," Bush tells me. "She asked me to do it. She told me nobody else could do it." Bush thought he would merely visit the mortuary in Forest Lawn, California, and hand over the clothes, which the family had chosen. But the Jackson clan had other plans.

"The mortician told us that the family want you to be here because there's things they don't want anyone to see," Bush tells me, his eyes welling up with tears. "They brought me and Karen (Jackson's make-up artist) into the room. They made us sign papers saying that we can't sue them, because seeing a dead body is traumatic. I will always remember sitting in that room with the fans turning overhead and the overpowering smell of formaldehyde all around. It was lit brighter than daylight. At Forest Lawn you could look through a crack in the blind. I could see what looked like every media truck in the world waiting out there. They were camped there 24/7. There were helicopters overhead."

After Bush dressed Jackson's corpse he was asked by the mortician to help to put the star into his coffin. "I was glad that I got to experience that in a way -- it was like a vision", he remembers. "It was the last of many memorable moments with him."

Those moments extended back to the mid- Eighties, when Jackson was already a pop deity and Bush, a former blackjack dealer, was a costume-maker for TV and film. Their first collaboration was on a 3D film for Disneyland. After that, Jackson went to New York to film the video for Bad in the city's subway system. Then Bush worked on the costumes for the seminal Smooth Criminal video and their professional and personal relationship deepened. Jackson invited Bush to go full time on the Bad tour with him. It was the first time that the clothing designer, who had grown up gay in a small and very conservative Bible Belt town, had ever left the United States.

"Over time I considered him one of my best friends," Bush tells me of his relationship with Jackson. "We were the same age. He wanted someone who would make him laugh. The Three Stooges was his all time favourite film. He loved classic slapstick. You could work for 36 hours straight with him and not notice the time go by because it was so much fun and so involving."

Before the tour, Bush spent hours alone at Jackson's Neverland ranch, watching him dance. "The costumes he had at that point were very non-stage friendly," Bush remembers. "He was fighting the clothing, twisting in it. I wanted to make clothes that would move and flow with him."

Jackson was relatively tall -- 5ft 10in -- and very thin. "If he turned sideways you'd miss him," Bush says. Perhaps because of this they settled on a military theme for many of his best-known outfits. "The military jacket is very form fitting and makes you stand up straight," Bush tells me. "The body is regimented and the clothing demands attention."

Jackson would tell Bush to "never let 'em see my legs. Because if my fans could see my legs I'd lose all of 'em".

"Even though he was a dancer he wasn't a sexual being," Bush recalls. "Sex wasn't a part of him. When he was on stage he made love to the audience but you can't touch him, ever." Jackson's vitiligo -- the skin-lightening condition he was said to suffer from -- was also an issue. "The misconception was that his skin was being bleached," Bush tells me. "But in fact it was a make-up technique to even out his skin. He had light spots but they would move around."

From that first tour Bush noticed that Jackson had trouble sleeping. He would take short naps instead of a full night's sleep. "It was difficult for him to relax. On his days off he was running a business, there was always something he needed to do. He had no body fat, he ate very, very little. From the beginning of the show to the last song he could lose five pounds of water. There was immense pressure on him because if you cancel one show it affects all the others."

Bush got to experience Michael insanity up close. "His whole life he had wanted to have a family," Bush tells me. "As an entertainer, he was owned by the world. All of a sudden the stars aligned for him and he lost part of his own childhood. Lisa Marie was the closest he ever got to having a partner. Debbie (Rowe -- the mother of Jackson's children, Prince and Paris) was the nurse of one of his dermatologists. She was happy to make him happy with the children -- to give him something to call his own. She didn't care about the fame."

Bush regarded others who came into the fold with more suspicion and was horrified at the child abuse allegations that dogged Jackson for much of his later career. "I saw nothing, not even a hint of anything that was discussed in the allegations," he says.

Of course, Jackson's ultimate bogeyman had a suit and earned a fat fee. Conrad Murray, Jackson's doctor at the time of his death, is currently serving a four-year prison sentence for involuntary manslaughter of the star. He prescribed the surgical sedative Propofol to Jackson, with ultimately fatal consequences. Bush says he met Murray only once and he seemed more like a music executive than any doctor he had met. Jackson's behaviour did not noticeably change after Murray began working for him, Bush says. The singer's overriding preoccupation by that point was that he be ready for his London performances, the first his children would see.

Rehearsals were happening at the Staples Center in Los Angeles, and Bush was on his way there with a carful of clothes when he got a call from Karen Faye, Jackson's make-up artist, telling him to turn on the radio. "I put the radio on in the car and it said, 'Michael Jackson is at the Ronald Reagan UCLA hospital'. The first thing I thought is 'here we go again. Michael has brought the child to hospital and now they think he's dead.' As I got to the Staples Center parking lot Karen called back. She said, 'You have to get here, now'. I got out of the car in such a hurry that I left the engine running and all of the clothes from the This Is It tour were in the back of the car unlocked. I ran into the center. Everyone's cell phone was going crazy. They kind of put us on lock down there. It was as though the world had stopped."

Immediately before Jackson's death was publicly announced, officials brought his staff on to the stage and broke the news to them. "The hardest part was that about 20 minutes after they told us they started ripping down the stage," Bush remembers. "I mean, I know it's business, they need the next guy to come in, but it shouldn't have been that fast."

Bush made his way home but life would never be the same again. Though he had designed catsuits for Britney Spears, his first priority was always Jackson. Strewn around the Havisham gloom of his studio were half-made sequinned jackets, unfinished rhinestone gloves. "And you thought to yourself, if I finish them he might come back."

More tragedy was to follow. The following December, his true love and design partner Dennis would pass away.

The clothing exhibition is, you feel, as much a silent tribute to him as it is to Michael Jackson. A book on the star's clothing is coming.

In the meantime, Bush contents himself with the knowledge that he is impervious to conspiracy theories. "I've heard the talk -- there are those fans who think he's alive, that he's hanging out somewhere with Elvis," he says. "That day in the mortuary I got to see the truth."

The Newbridge Silverware Museum of Style Icons, in association with Juliens Auctions, presents 'Icons and Idols' -- an exhibition of Michael Jackson's outfits. It will run until July 29 at the Newbridge Silverware Visitors Centre. See:

This article is incredible badly written, had to replace certain word with Michael various times.
If people are up to it, please leave comment on comment section, the author of this article is so disrespectful:-(
Title with small letters?
Yeah.... That's a pretty shocking interview, with a few questionable references. I think the worst thing about it though is tht the journalist ISN'T TRYING intentionally to be negative about Michael yet probably does so unknown to himself.

Other than that what Bush has to say in his interview is really sad. He seems like such a genuine friend of Michaels who seems to miss him dearly. Obviously his work is suffering now also because Michael must have been so much fun to dress. How can you dress anyone else after dressing Michael?

I left a comment underneath the article. It says it has to be OKd by the site so I don't know if it will go up as it is critical of the writer and paper.
Yeah.... That's a pretty shocking interview, with a few questionable references. I think the worst thing about it though is tht the journalist ISN'T TRYING intentionally to be negative about Michael yet probably does so unknown to himself.

Other than that what Bush has to say in his interview is really sad. He seems like such a genuine friend of Michaels who seems to miss him dearly. Obviously his work is suffering now also because Michael must have been so much fun to dress. How can you dress anyone else after dressing Michael?

I left a comment underneath the article. It says it has to be OKd by the site so I don't know if it will go up as it is critical of the writer and paper.

Thanks. I only posted it here as I liked what Bush had to say, but didn't like the interviewer's "view".

About the costumes in Newbridge. There were an inventory tag hanging on each costume. I cannot exactly remember all what was written to it but there were 1/1 or 2/2 written to them. I saw tag hanging on 1 costume with 2/2, so Bush made 2 of that same costume. So he owns one of that costume, and the other one must be Michael's vault or somewhere?
Guys you mention that some of the costumes have makeup stains or tears. This suggest that the costumes were used by Michael, so how did Bush get ownership of them? After Michael paid for them and wore them, wouldn't they belong to Michael? I thought most of the items Bush owned were extra outfits he made or garments Michael gave to charity and were resold and bought? Did anyone ask Bush where these garments came from?

Excellent question.

A lot of them were signed "To Bush Love Michael Jackson" so Michael must have given them all to him after he was done with them? I remember the Bad outfit wa signed at the left hand side anyway.

All the tshirts were large indeed which is unfortunate since I'm small but ended up getting an extra large t hurt nonetheless. Sharon what is bravado?

And no one thought it strange that MJ had 2 designers that worked closely on all the pieces, but only signed them to ONE of them?

This is so darn fishy, like everything & EVERYONE that surrounded MJ.
I really don't have the answer for your question there but all i can say is it was only Bush that you saw removing Michaels jacket onstage during Beat It for the HIStory tour. Maybe Michaels relationship with Bush was closest.

I find it hard to discredit Bush in this instance, he seems to be 100% genuine, although I HAVE been wrong before.
Anyone else have any input on this? Seems to be an interesting topic at the moment.
That's an interesting article with words from Michael Bush. It's a real shame it's ruined with the words of the idiot writer. I wonder if Michael Bush will read this article and how they insulted Michael like that? I'm sure he wouldn't be happy about that, considering how he opened up to them.

Michael Bush seems like a very nice man, who obviously still cares about MJ very much.

I left a comment on that site and I thought for sure they wouldn't post it because I called out the writer for being rude... but they did post it.
I see that my comment never made it as far to be approved in the comment section of that article.... How sad. I really don't get that. If they publish a tabloid-like article on a 'broadsheet' newsworthy Newspaper then we should be entitled to our opinions, just as much as the biased and uninformed journalist.

The mind boggles.
Thanks Green eye for posting there, and NCR for trying to post. Perhaps they got many replies for improper post and hopefully makes the changes to it.
I'd be shocked if that was the case. The headline in all Lower case letters spoke volumes about the publication! I'm gonna forget about it because it's annoying me too much. Ruined what would have been a beautifully sincere Interview with Michael Bush, who I would like to thank for that interview.
Did you guys notice what Mr. Bush said Michael told him about his legs?? He wanted to be sure that Michael Bush made his clothes so that his legs would never be exposed because he feared he would lose all his fans. :( That's sad. He must have thought his skin looked so bad.
What's worth mentioning is that there are other items there belonging to the Beatles, bob Dylan, Elvis and many movie stars.
Just back from it today; it was miles better than I expected.


For anyone wondering, yeah you can take as many photos and videos as you want though you need to be lucky with times, we got there nice and early and weren't forced to move quick with queues which happened later on. Everything is behind plexiglass so you obviously can't touch them but you can get insanely close and see the smallest details like little rips on the Bad Tour jacket and Dangerous leotard (both of which look even more amazing in real life). The wear and tear on the HIStory tour space-jumpsuit has left it looking a bit creased bit it's still a sight to behold. MJ has the biggest section of the museum, I'd say around half of it has his stuff with the rest holding stuff from The Beatles, Elvis, Marilyn Monroe, Audrey Hepburn and a few others. They have a big projection of MJ from the Dangerous and HIStory tours on the stairs as you come into the museum too! I took some pictures and uploaded them to a flickr photostream, take a look if you like but if you're going I'd recommend being surprised!

Photos from the exhibition, some but not all items:

I'll just post one here which was my favourite piece of the collection but rest assured there's plenty to look at, most of it signed and so donated away to others by Michael and considering it's free admission this is definite must for MJ fans as a whole. (One small little thing I did notice was that underneath the Jam military jacket from the Dangerous tour it had "BAD Tour 1988" which was slightly annoying, but the rest seemed pretty accurate!)

This is a board given to Michael to practice using the shoes with the grove cut out to connect with the underfloor pegs to do the Smooth Criminal lean on tour!


It says on the board "Michael, you must lean this way"

Between this and the Smooth Criminal video suit I nearly cried with excitement!
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Felt the exact same. Was lucky enough to go when it was relatively quiet also. I spent more than an hour going around the place. Glad you enjoyed it and examined it as much as I did! I ha forgotten about the Jam jacket and I remember sighing as everything else was almost labeled perfect and this jacket (one of his best known) was mislabeled! The Smooth Criminal suit was pretty overwhelming...
Felt the exact same. Was lucky enough to go when it was relatively quiet also. I spent more than an hour going around the place. Glad you enjoyed it and examined it as much as I did! I ha forgotten about the Jam jacket and I remember sighing as everything else was almost labeled perfect and this jacket (one of his best known) was mislabeled! The Smooth Criminal suit was pretty overwhelming...

I know I kept staring at the SC suit because it looked much thinner than it did when Michael was wearing it... My breath marks are probably still on the glass from being so close! I didn't get how all these touristy people were just walking past and going "Oh, look his white suit from the song he does..." I was like THIS IS FREAKING LEGENDARY HISTORY RIGHT HERE!!
I know I kept staring at the SC suit because it looked much thinner than it did when Michael was wearing it... My breath marks are probably still on the glass from being so close! I didn't get how all these touristy people were just walking past and going "Oh, look his white suit from the song he does..." I was like THIS IS FREAKING LEGENDARY HISTORY RIGHT HERE!!

Are you kidding me, one kid beside me kept saying "Look it's Michael Jackshing"... And the others were just strolling past quickly enough while I passed them out like 10 times easily.

I remember one little girl knocked the cardboard poster of Michael in the History beat it jacket, hitting the glass AND I NEARLY HAD A HEART ATTACK. Luckily the girl was ok and she didn't knock the glass with the jacket in it.

Still can't believe it was free!!
AliCat;3670681 said:
AM Ireland Website:é

Several pieces of Michael’s clothing will be on display in the Museum of Style Icons at the Newbridge Silverware Visitor Centre, Newbr...

6:35 minutes long

Michael Jackson's Costume Designer, Michael Bush, has brought some of his creations to Ireland.

Duration:3:08 mins

The celebrity designer Michael Bush joins us now to give us an insight into the man behind the myth.

8:47 minutes long

Really good info'. Makes me wanna' fly to Ireland to see the Exhibit. At least Michael Bush puts his working relationship with Michael in perspective, because that was what it was for 25 years, the relationship Michael Bush had with Michael Jackson. It was funny what Madonna's designer had to say about working with Madonna for the Super Bowl half time Show!!!

Thanks for all those links! I agree... if it weren't for my personal life in the way, I'd hop on a plane tomorrow to go see this! Fascinating to see those outfits. It's nice to hear Michael Bush explain them all. The white jacket with the pearls that he wore when he was with Madonna is just beautiful.
Thank you! Just beautiful...magnificent...I can go on and on, lol. I wish I could go there. :( le sigh

Just back from it today; it was miles better than I expected.


For anyone wondering, yeah you can take as many photos and videos as you want though you need to be lucky with times, we got there nice and early and weren't forced to move quick with queues which happened later on. Everything is behind plexiglass so you obviously can't touch them but you can get insanely close and see the smallest details like little rips on the Bad Tour jacket and Dangerous leotard (both of which look even more amazing in real life). The wear and tear on the HIStory tour space-jumpsuit has left it looking a bit creased bit it's still a sight to behold. MJ has the biggest section of the museum, I'd say around half of it has his stuff with the rest holding stuff from The Beatles, Elvis, Marilyn Monroe, Audrey Hepburn and a few others. They have a big projection of MJ from the Dangerous and HIStory tours on the stairs as you come into the museum too! I took some pictures and uploaded them to a flickr photostream, take a look if you like but if you're going I'd recommend being surprised!

Photos from the exhibition, some but not all items:

I'll just post one here which was my favourite piece of the collection but rest assured there's plenty to look at, most of it signed and so donated away to others by Michael and considering it's free admission this is definite must for MJ fans as a whole. (One small little thing I did notice was that underneath the Jam military jacket from the Dangerous tour it had "BAD Tour 1988" which was slightly annoying, but the rest seemed pretty accurate!)

This is a board given to Michael to practice using the shoes with the grove cut out to connect with the underfloor pegs to do the Smooth Criminal lean on tour!


It says on the board "Michael, you must lean this way"

Between this and the Smooth Criminal video suit I nearly cried with excitement!
sharon007;3662721 said:
Trains from Dublin to Newbridge leave from Heuston Station Click Here for Train times

Excuse me again, do you think its a good idea to buy the train tickets online or its easier to buy them once in Doublin Heuston Station?
Thank you all for all the pics and reviews of the exposition! I can´t wait to go!! :)
I just feel bad the clothes will be sold to all kind of people and God knows what will happen next. It's sad the Estate doesn't own the clothes.
A lot of them were signed "To Bush Love Michael Jackson" so Michael must have given them all to him after he was done with them? I remember the Bad outfit wa signed at the left hand side anyway.

All the tshirts were large indeed which is unfortunate since I'm small but ended up getting an extra large t hurt nonetheless. Sharon what is bravado?

Bravado is the company who sells official merchandise. There was a t-shirt on sale that was designed by Michael Bush and Michael Jackson. It was black with silver crowns on it. It was the same design as the jacket Michael wore for the This Is It Press Conference. MJ wanted his fans to wear it at the shows. Unfortunately they were all in XX Large sizes so i didn't buy it.
julianaka;3673004 said:
Excuse me again, do you think its a good idea to buy the train tickets online or its easier to buy them once in Doublin Heuston Station?
Thank you all for all the pics and reviews of the exposition! I can´t wait to go!! :)

Its best to buy them online as they are cheaper ;)