Estate Management Report

Yes, incompetent=unqualified.

And his so.called advisors and agents, representatives, or whoever who run MJs businesses, were evidently not capable.

14 months lasted for Estate (Branca and co.) to stabilize MJs (financial and business) empire, and everything seems to be perfect.

So they are all of a sudden capable and competent and erased almost all loans, debts and lawsuits.... throughout a year..., almost magically.... oh and get new deals and project for hundreds of millions....

Thats what I try to point out to...

in all honestly (and in an unfortunately sad way) it's not magical and/or an issue of capability , this is mostly due to the increased interest (by general public) in Michael due to his death.
Very simply put probate process is
- identify the decedent's assets
- pay all the debts and taxes
- once the above steps completed distribute the assets to the beneficiaries.

Depending on the number and complexity or the assets this process could take ranging from a few weeks to even few years.

In an estate as big and as complex as Michael's I would expect the probate process to last 2-3 years.

Thanks again Ivy.
The movie absolutely helped restore his image! People like us always loved him and knew the truth but the casual fan wasn't the same way. They simply liked his old stuff and thought in the end, he was odd, past his prime, washed up and couldn't do it like he used to, ala Howard Hughes maybe before he died. But when they saw the movie they realized that he was vital, that he could still sing and dance better than anybody half his age and that he wasn't some weirdo but an artist to his core! I watched it with people who aren't huge fans like us and they were completely surprised; it changed their perception of him and made them respect him like they didn't before.

But it wasn't just the movie. Rightly or wrongly, it was also finally seeing AND hearing his children out in public and speaking that made a lot of people who didn't like, weren't big fans or followers or who believed the bullshit think "Hey, how could he be that weird or crazy and have kids that seem so normal?"

The movie didn't do it by itself but let's not pretend like it didn't do a whole LOT to help people remember MJ was an artist above all else and a master at his craft. He reached more people with that movie in the theaters, on cable TV, and on DVD, than he ever would have reached at the those London shows.
The movie absolutely helped restore his image! People like us always loved him and knew the truth but the casual fan wasn't the same way. They simply liked his old stuff and thought in the end, he was odd, past his prime, washed up and couldn't do it like he used to, ala Howard Hughes maybe before he died. But when they saw the movie they realized that he was vital, that he could still sing and dance better than anybody half his age and that he wasn't some weirdo but an artist to his core! I watched it with people who aren't huge fans like us and they were completely surprised; it changed their perception of him and made them respect him like they didn't before.

But it wasn't just the movie. Rightly or wrongly, it was also finally seeing AND hearing his children out in public and speaking that made a lot of people who didn't like, weren't big fans or followers or who believed the bullshit think "Hey, how could he be that weird or crazy and have kids that seem so normal?"

The movie didn't do it by itself but let's not pretend like it didn't do a whole LOT to help people remember MJ was an artist above all else and a master at his craft. He reached more people with that movie in the theaters, on cable TV, and on DVD, than he ever would have reached at the those London shows.

Well said, and so true. Not only the casual fans, but many of his media critics too.
The movie absolutely helped restore his image! People like us always loved him and knew the truth but the casual fan wasn't the same way. They simply liked his old stuff and thought in the end, he was odd, past his prime, washed up and couldn't do it like he used to, ala Howard Hughes maybe before he died. But when they saw the movie they realized that he was vital, that he could still sing and dance better than anybody half his age and that he wasn't some weirdo but an artist to his core! I watched it with people who aren't huge fans like us and they were completely surprised; it changed their perception of him and made them respect him like they didn't before.

But it wasn't just the movie. Rightly or wrongly, it was also finally seeing AND hearing his children out in public and speaking that made a lot of people who didn't like, weren't big fans or followers or who believed the bullshit think "Hey, how could he be that weird or crazy and have kids that seem so normal?"

The movie didn't do it by itself but let's not pretend like it didn't do a whole LOT to help people remember MJ was an artist above all else and a master at his craft. He reached more people with that movie in the theaters, on cable TV, and on DVD, than he ever would have reached at the those London shows.

in all honestly (and in an unfortunately sad way) it's not magical and/or an issue of capability , this is mostly due to the increased interest (by general public) in Michael due to his death.
but why would 'casual fans' and the media go see this movie if they thought MJ was wahsed up, weird, and they only liked his old stuff? seems, by your logic, the only people that would be interested in, and go see this movie, are die hard MJ fans. that should tell you some hidden truths about the whole world always having been interested in MJ, throughout his life, no matter what they said.

i don't know about you, but if i'm casual, or i only like somebody's old stuff, and i think somebody is weird, then i'm not going to see a movie about them, even if they die.

during the trial, the whole world was interested in Michael. didn't matter what comments they made, the point is, the WORLD was interested. when 02 came along, it sold out, as if Thriller was just released. didn't matter what comments people said, it still sold out. and he was alive. that's the bottom line.

never has the adage 'to thine own self be true' been more relevant. just because somebody hates u doesn't mean they're not interested in you. chances are, if u go to please everybody, they'll lose interest in u. happens over and over.

if MJ wasn't true to himself, then, that movie wouldn't have mesmerised so many people, whether or not he was dead or alive. and 02 wouldn't have sold out.

so contrary to some opinions, everybody saying nice things about you is not the key to success. more often than not, artists who get nothing but critical praise, fizzle at the box office. certainly, Michael sold out 02 faster than any celebrity, who got totally postive critiques, sold anything, ever.(and in the Thriller era, MJ still had detractors)(some of them were at the victory tour)
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144,000, media and casual fans went to TII expecting to see a train wreck. They exited the movie in stunned disbelief.
144,000, media and casual fans went to TII expecting to see a train wreck. They exited the movie in stunned disbelief.
well who PAYS to see a 'trainwreck'?

and how come a LOT of those who bought tickets to 02 are not people who grew up in the thriller/bad eras? remember? of all the people that fought to be the first to get tickets to 02, the winners were two girls that were so young, they were nowhere near 20 years old yet. they were teenagers.

then there's the matter of the Augdier party in los angeles in 2008. No MJ fans there. no plan for him to be there. just a lot of people at a party there. general public. MJ made a surprise appearance. the reaction would make you think everybody there was a die hard MJ fan. then there are the various youtube vids of peoples' feet in the way of his SUV, demanding that he come into the usa for a leg of the tour that sold out at 02. i could go on. image was never an issue for MJ. the media just made some think it was an issue. the government made it an issue. and both were brutal. but MJ was ALWAYS popular for the music. fthroughout his life. for the commonality of mankind. for those that are spending the money.

no amount of 'weirdness' or 'normalness' means anything, in the end. just whether or not your music has power or magic. the most normal person in the world does not stand a chance, if his music sucks. the most 'odd' person in the world, cannot miss. if his or her music doesn't suck. and does have the magic and power. sometimes it's underestimated why people spend money.
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but why would 'casual fans' and the media go see this movie if they thought MJ was wahsed up, weird, and they only liked his old stuff? seems, by your logic, the only people that would be interested in, and go see this movie, are die hard MJ fans. that should tell you some hidden truths about the whole world always having been interested in MJ, throughout his life, no matter what they said.

i don't know about you, but if i'm casual, or i only like somebody's old stuff, and i think somebody is weird, then i'm not going to see a movie about them, even if they die.

real story

beginning of May 09, I met up with some old friends from music industry (musicians, managers, tour staff etc) for a performance at New York. After a show and partying during a 4AM breakfast the discussion, as always, came back to music industry.

As a MJ fan I mentioned the TII concerts and how quickly they were sold out, how Michael still ruled. Although especially the musician friends showed respect towards Michael's musical career, the consensus was that his peak times were over and people were highly skeptical about the comeback and his ability to perform/dance/sing anymore. I was mocked and labelled crazy as I was willing to spend a good amount of money to travel from US to UK for TII concerts. As any Michael fan , I had learned to ignore such comments long ago. I know I loved Michael and that he was the best and nothing and no one else mattered.

then the dreaded June 25th came. Several of those friends that I keep in touch through Facebook, email, phone and in real life showed reaction, sadness etc towards Michael's death. But perhaps the more relevant thing in regards to our discussion, is their reaction towards TII movie. I know for a fact that all of them went to see the movie because we discussed their reactions/ comments through Facebook and it was my turn to mock them about going to see a concert rehearsal movie when they were highly skeptical about the concerts just a few months back.

why did they go to see the movie and why wouldn't they? - well majority of them were curious about the concerts that never happened, some of them wondered whether he can perform, some went to see the movie after hearing the positive comments and that Michael's performance was good. By that time Michael's death, TII concerts, whether he could do it or not has been discussed extensively on TV and people were curious at least. (only 2 of them were emotionally affected by Michael's death, the rest was just curious). And their comments about the movie was all positive, they were surprised to see that he still had it, and wished that the concerts had happened and he didn't die.

My personal experience is that TII movie had a really positive influence on the way non-fans thought about Michael.
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The movie TII had a great positive influence on critics, non-fans etc.

BUT - had MJ not died and performed the concerts, and one concert was broadcast live on TV and the TII real concert was released on DVD and BR after MJ had completed the series of concerts - THAT would have made an even more positive influence. Then what we got in the TII could have been released as a 45 min documentary as a bonus disc to the actual concert release of TII.

His dead was soo sad, and it's not fair to say that MJ'simage only got better after he died. Had he not died and performed all the concerts, breaking soo many records, making fantastic shows. That would have been even better for his image.
And their comments about the movie was all positive, they were surprised to see that he still had it, and wished that the concerts had happened and he didn't die.

.................... wonder hollywood makes so many 'spiritual' movies about 'if u had it to do over again'.

some people never get that right.

i'm sure the media would've convinced them to complain about something else. or...the same thing...if they had it to do over.

some people will always complain about stuff, and then be in the moment, enjoy it, then, forget they enjoyed it, and complain about it, after the moment is through.

still, that doesn't change what i said about the Augdier party. you wwitnessed it. we all witnessed it, via video.

let's call it the 'aura' effect. it's like the 2001 appearance at virgin megastore. remember? people were complaining about Michael's 'late' arrival? i'm sure they were saying all kinds of negative things about Michael..those that were complaining. but as soon as he appeared, those complaints turned into screams. haven't you ever witnessed a situation, where people complained about something, but when they actually came upon that thing, they were left dumbfounded, in awe, or speechless...or glad they were meeting the situation face to face? if confronted about the situation, you'd probably deny that you ever complained...or..if a person is asked, they'll say they wouldn't react or be in awe. they'd deny the idea that they'd ever be in awe, but then, when they came upon the situation, they were in awe, anyway?

there are people honest enough to admit that they don't know what they would do, if confronted by such a situation.

anyway, despite his aura, Michael being on the receiving end of so much negative skepticism prior to any possibility of him doing any project, for sooo many years, would logically, eventually take its toll. and it did.
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I think the fact that MJ sold out 50 dates told the world what we already knew.This Is It happened as way of making back their profits which was surpassed when the movie was sold out everywhere.I don't care to hear about the estate patting themselves on the back saying 'what a wonderful job we are doing'.

I wish they would look into what the fans actually would like rather than trying to be "the first" in innovative ways to sell brand MJ.
Some of us (I'm 31) don't have much interest in video games,virtual worlds,3D-Thriller & Disneyland rides.

Some of us would really fancy a Bad 88/89 dvd/bluray,a Victory tour dvd/bluray,another Dangerous tour (maybe 2nd leg or the first show from Munich) dvd/bluray,an album of unfinshed demo's/ideas.

Even the new box set "Vision" demonstrates their complete lack of originality or thought when it comes to marketing MJ.

MJ has,and will always be able to sell himself on the strength of how good he was/is.And now the estate sit back and tell themselves how much of a wonderful job their doing lol.
well, in the eyes of general public the film did help to "restore" his image or whatever you put it... I heard a lot of comments from all kinds of people who were in awe after watching the film and they praised Michael and were shocked even because they were so brainwashed by the tabloids they didn't think of Michael as a person and as a performer anymore, they just considered him this weird person. But the film did help to change their opinion about Michael.

you are right! us the fans always loved Michael and knew what a great artist he is, but for the general public This is it was a good thing!

and the estate must present this reports,is not just a way to praise themself,and i'm glad they are doing a good job!
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I think the fact that MJ sold out 50 dates told the world what we already knew.This Is It happened as way of making back their profits which was surpassed when the movie was sold out everywhere.I don't care to hear about the estate patting themselves on the back saying 'what a wonderful job we are doing'.

I wish they would look into what the fans actually would like rather than trying to be "the first" in innovative ways to sell brand MJ.
Some of us (I'm 31) don't have much interest in video games,virtual worlds,3D-Thriller & Disneyland rides.

Some of us would really fancy a Bad 88/89 dvd/bluray,a Victory tour dvd/bluray,another Dangerous tour (maybe 2nd leg or the first show from Munich) dvd/bluray,an album of unfinshed demo's/ideas.

Even the new box set "Vision" demonstrates their complete lack of originality or thought when it comes to marketing MJ.

MJ has,and will always be able to sell himself on the strength of how good he was/is.And now the estate sit back and tell themselves how much of a wonderful job their doing lol.

To be fair, the Estate administrators are not patting themselves on their back and flaunting on their abilities. They just filed a management report to the probate court to give the judge a status update, which is a required legal procedure. Of course, the media obtained a copy of the report and put a spin on it.

I'm 30 year old and I'm the same way as you. I have no interest in video game or online game. I have never been a gamer. I'll be definitely more excited if the Estate releases the BAD tour DVD, the second leg of Dangeours tour and the Victory tour. It'll be my dreams come true.

However, releasing those concert footage may not be an effective way to introduce Michael Jackson to the younger generation. The target audience of the game were just children when the HIStory tour took place. Imagine a young kid singing and dancing to Michael's tunes with friends and family, enjoying the songs, having fun, feeling the magic and becoming fan of Michael. That would be enough to make me a supporter of the dancing game.

The Estate cannot just think about pleasing fans, the administrators need to think about carrying on Michael's legacy. Like it or not, the game, the DVD set, the virtual world appeal to a broader audience and will help grow Michael's legacy.

Fans need to be patient. I'm sure footage of the tours will be released one day. I have faith.
To be fair, the Estate administrators are not patting themselves on their back and flaunting on their abilities. They just filed a management report to the probate court to give the judge a status update, which is a required legal procedure. Of course, the media obtained a copy of the report and put a spin on it.

I'm 30 year old and I'm the same way as you. I have no interest in video game or online game. I have never been a gamer. I'll be definitely more excited if the Estate releases the BAD tour DVD, the second leg of Dangeours tour and the Victory tour. It'll be my dreams come true.

However, releasing those concert footage may not be an effective way to introduce Michael Jackson to the younger generation. The target audience of the game were just children when the HIStory tour took place. Imagine a young kid singing and dancing to Michael's tunes with friends and family, enjoying the songs, having fun, feeling the magic and becoming fan of Michael. That would be enough to make me a supporter of the dancing game.

The Estate cannot just think about pleasing fans, the administrators need to think about carrying on Michael's legacy. Like it or not, the game, the DVD set, the virtual world appeal to a broader audience and will help grow Michael's legacy.

Fans need to be patient. I'm sure footage of the tours will be released one day. I have faith.

a lot of the younger generation are already fans of Michael Jackson. the number of young people and people in the general public who are already fans of Michael, is highly underestimated.
a lot of the younger generation are already fans of Michael Jackson. the number of young people and people in the general public who are already fans of Michael, is highly underestimated.

i agree with you. i see so many young kids are fans of michael. they are not even born when invicible was released. a 4-year old kid singing beat it in his parent's car. a 12-year old dancing to dangerous in a talent show in turkey. there are many videos of michael on youtube created by teenager girls. instead of falling into the bieber fever, these girls are drooling over michael, a man old enough to be their father. :D that's why michael's legacy is going strong.

but, a dancing game, in my opinion, definitely helps to broaden michael's appeal and is a good project for the estate to engage in.