

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Melbourne, Australia
Fish swims into boy's penis

A FISH swam the wrong way when it leapt upstream into a boy's PENIS and ended up in his BLADDER.

The 2cm daredevil caused all kinds of medical problems when it swam through the teenager's urethra.

The unfortunate lad was taken to hospital with complaints of pain, dribbling urine and acute urinary retention.

He claimed the fish slipped into his penis while he was cleaning his aquarium at home in India.

Professor Vezhaventhan and Professor Jeyaraman, who treated the boy and later wrote a paper on the case, said: "While he was cleaning the fish tank in his house, he was holding a fish in his hand and went to the toilet for passing urine.

"When he was passing urine, the fish slipped from his hand and entered his URETHRA and then he developed all these symptoms."

After finding the fish in the boy's BLADDER, the medics insert a special set of forceps down the patient's penis in a technique known as cystourethroscopy.

But the fish was too slippery, so the professors used a rigid ureteroscope with a tool attached – normally used for removing bladder stones.

The fish, which is thought to be a small member of the Betta genus, measured 2cm long and 1.5cm wide.

The patient was later offered counselling. Link


kinky little bugger. is this considered bestiality?
He's never going to see fish the same way again. Poor guy, he's going to have a mental breakdown the next time he's sees sushi.
LMAO, god that must have felt so uncomfortable all that wiggleing about going on down there i bet the boy was glad it wasnt a Piranha
Ok... :mello:

That sounded really weird :ermm:

Poor kid :no: I hope he will recover from this trauma :(


Can I see a picture... don't ask, I juss... wanna see a picture :trish:
I think he was getting freaky with the fish... he has learnt his lesson the hard way :nono:


Ok. I WILL go there. What the....omg. Did his PARENTS know this about his relationship with FISH?? Isn't there some psychological condition that explains this...wait a sec...I'm gonna look it
Ok. I WILL go there. What the....omg. Did his PARENTS know this about his relationship with FISH?? Isn't there some psychological condition that explains this...wait a sec...I'm gonna look it

LMAO Linda. OMG this thread. I am laughing so hard.. even though I know this is no laughing matter. :mello:
Here's a portion of an article from TIME on this...apparently, this is more widespread than I thought...


The debate has been crystallized by the completion of a government-sponsored study that was initially dismissed as a small sop to Reagan's New Right constituency. After hearing testimony in half a dozen cities on topics ranging from sex with fish to baroque forms of bondage, making three field trips to porn shops like Mr. Peepers in Houston, and spending $500,000, the Attorney General's Commission on Pornography issued a two-volume, 1960-page report. In ceremoniously accepting it from Chairman Henry Hudson at a Justice Department news conference, Meese seemed both proud and sheepish as he stood before a seminaked statue of a female figure called Spirit of Justice.
Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek! :eek:

I have heard a story like that before... omg if I were a guy i'd be put off going in the water for life! :lol:
He might've experienced what it's like for woman to have the Rover parked in her Garage :)