Enough with the auto tune!!!!

^^ You will, you'll find any excuse cause its MJ, like all the MJ fans who gives excuses for the invincible album

Crap is still crap no matter who does it, but then again it depends who perceives it as 'crap' in the first place.

Yet, my problem with autotune is not even the electronic effect that it gives the singer's voice, but the fact that so many use it for pitch correction rather than just relying on good old fashioned practice. The electronic effect is a bit overdone, but it's other use is way more worrisome. Don't want to go an vocalist's live show only to hear a sub-par vocal performance. To me that's way worse than any electronic alteration of anyone's voice.
Yet, my problem with autotune is not even the electronic effect that it gives the singer's voice, but the fact that so many use it for pitch correction rather than just relying on good old fashioned practice. The electronic effect is a bit overdone, but it's other use is way more worrisome. Don't want to go an vocalist's live show only to hear a sub-par vocal performance. To me that's way worse than any electronic alteration of anyone's voice.

Pitch correction because not everyone sounds or can sing like Mariah carey, Artheina Franklin or Mary j Blige (and even she used it), they digitally brush their vocals like Britney has always been doing and Gaga does now, it has nothing to do with auto-tune, both are 2 different things redcrush
If your so tired of autotune, why not try listening to OTHER types of music BESIDES mainstream. It makes no sense to wonder why a industry that is not even about music does the things it does. Its been this way for years and looks like its not going to get any better. There are other artists that make good music that dont use auto tune that dont play on the radio.

I don't really need a radio conglomerate to brainwash stuff for me to listen to, so the mainstream means nothing to me. I don't listen to the radio, the music on there is there because of payola. Whoever pays the most money gets the most plays.

:perrin:who the F*ck invented that cr*p.... ugh :puke: sorry 'bout my lenguage, but i just cant stand autotune!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Stop pressuring me, You make me wanna SCREAM! :scream: :rant: