

i couldn't help but notice you two have this constant battle going on between eachother...i also noticed , Bob, you said Grand Master was just a kid? ... according to your profile though Grand Master is actually older than you ^_^. i'm just confussed is all

Oh, I didn't check his age. I just assumed he was a lot younger than me. Sorry. When he brought up the whole "emo" thing I thought he must be about 12-14 since that's the generation that this new faze has seemed to crop up in. What they call "emo" today me and my friends called "mall goths". So that's where I made the age split. Sorry GMS if I was wrong about your age.
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..i've seen it?...maybe i haven't seen the whole thing!!!! *runs to youtube*

no no no. i'm not saying that. personally the fact he took mikes personal life (ANYONES PERSONAL LIFE..ESPECIALLY MIKES) is down right wrong..it has caused me to lose even more respect for him..but i'm just saying that some people who downright HATE eminem and curs his name to this day for no reasons BEYOND the fact that he's made fun of mike, is just silly. people have made fun of my sister who i love dearly...i get very upset with them..but harboring hatred and constant critisism over it is just a waste of time (and in my mind wrong spiritually..for God said that before we ask him for forgivness whe must forgive our neighbors..but that's just MY personal belief in the matter)

and this includes "wannabestartinsomething21" too. i'm not saying eminem was right, i personally don't like him much either, but don't keep hating him for this. sympathise with michael..don't hate eminem. eminem has appologized has he not?...so why keep it going? that's all i'm saying

Uh, I don't hate him. I never said I did. And I certainly don't think he sucks because of what he said about Michael. I think he sucks because I think he's a joke as an artist. What he did to Michael was wrong, but that's not the reason for my dislike of him. I never liked him. He kicked Michael when he was down and that show's a lack of character on Eminem's part, imo. It show's that he's small and it lowered my already low opinion of him. Michael's life was on the line and he was going through the hardest time he ever has, and that's saying a lot because Michael's been through the ringer boy.

Michael didn't cuss Eminem out though. Stevie Wonder did and Michael repeated it in his interview with Geraldo. A lot of people came down on Eminem for what he did and only then did he apologize. Kind of like Bill Gates finally giving in to all of the pressure to give more of his money to charity.
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..i've seen it?...maybe i haven't seen the whole thing!!!! *runs to youtube*

Uh, I don't hate him. I never said I did. And I certainly don't think he sucks because of what he said about Michael. I think he sucks because I think he's a joke as an artist. What he did to Michael was wrong, but that's not the reason for my dislike of him. I never liked him. He kicked Michael when he was down and that show's a lack of character on Eminem's part, imo. It show's that he's small and it lowered my already low opinion of him. Michael's life was on the line and he was going through the hardest time he ever has, and that's saying a lot because Michael's been through the ringer boy.

Michael didn't cuss Eminem out though. Stevie Wonder did and Michael repeated it in his interview with Geraldo. A lot of people came down on Eminem for what he did and only then did he apologize. Kind of like Bill Gates finally giving in to all of the pressure to give more of his money to charity.

ohh okay sorry ^_^. my bad. i thought you were saying that you hated him because ..yeah...see i agree..i don't like eminem.but for many more reasons that michael.. but i don't like a lot of artists in that music genre... just not my style :D

however everyone is entitled to his/her own opinion...

and to Ms. Elvis adkins (hehehe :D) DO YOU SEE THE TROUBLE YOU CAUSED IN STARTING THIS THREAD!!! lol. i'm just teasing.

and i still can't find where michael "quoted" stevie about eminem. i looked up michael and geraldo..and i can't find it. can anyone link me pretty pleeassee it's driving me insane!! lol i've seen an interview between michael and geraldo before..but i don't remember that
and to Ms. Elvis adkins (hehehe :D) DO YOU SEE THE TROUBLE YOU CAUSED IN STARTING THIS THREAD!!! lol. i'm just teasing.

and i still can't find where michael "quoted" stevie about eminem. i looked up michael and geraldo..and i can't find it. can anyone link me pretty pleeassee it's driving me insane!! lol i've seen an interview between michael and geraldo before..but i don't remember that

Yeah i know :lol: Hey its interesting to see people hate him tho...and explain their reasons, which all seem to have everything to do with that ONE song! :lol:

I wanna see that interview too! Ive never seen it either.

LINK someone LINK! lol
Michael says in the interview, "Stevie Wonder said it's bull sh*t", but because it was on a network station, they bleeped out the word sh*t. That's why you're not hearing it. It was sort of surprising since Michael just doesn't ever curse in public. But it showed how pissed he was.
Michael says in the interview, "Stevie Wonder said it's bull sh*t", but because it was on a network station, they bleeped out the word sh*t. That's why you're not hearing it. It was sort of surprising since Michael just doesn't ever curse in public. But it showed how pissed he was.

Wheres the link to where he said that?
you know...it's been a loonngg time since i've seen that interview..but that almost sounds familiar..i think i HAVE seen that part..hmm...i'd still like to see it again jsut..refresh my memory..but no..it's not in youtube :no:
No, he did say it was bullsh1t. That article just censored itself.

MJ had a lot more to say in that interview than just quoting Stevie. He also said Eminem's jokes were elementary type of jokes. Things that kids say to other kids in the playground. So type of jokes like that just brush right off his back. Something like that anyway.
Yeah. Michael wasn't misinformed at all. Steive was mad, as he should have been, and so was Michael. It hurts to be made fun of like that, plain and simple. Michael acts strong, but he does have feelings.
Even if I did like MnM before and he did what he did to Michael I would have disliked him for what he dod. No I do not follow MJ's every word. I can think for my self. My conscience tells me that a man who is going up to trial for his life, doesn't need a famous and popular popstar to make a song which implies guilt for the case you are going to be tried for, where the whole world will see and hear it and take it to mean guilt. This was evidence tampering in the worst case and the only people who benefited from this was Sneddon and the Avirols family. Not Michael Jackson. I will never forgive him for that. Just like I will never forgive any other person who set upon an innocent man with the intention to destroy him, that includes Oprah winfrey. I was a big fan of hers, not anymore. These people are cold, and have no conscience. I do not like cold-bloodied people who cause harm to others just because it is the trend. No. And that person, Supersticious Mind, If you don't agree with me, please move on and leave my post alone. I state my opinion, there is no need to be calling people silly in here, that is not how we disagree. Shoots.
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Even if I did like MnM before and he did what he did to Michael I would have disliked him for what he dod. No I do not follow MJ's every word. I can think for my self. My conscience tells me that a man who is going up to trial for his life, doesn't need a famous and popular popstar to make a song which implies guilt for the case you are going to be tried for, where the whole world will see and hear it and take it to mean guilt. This was evidence tampering in the worst case and the only people who benefited from this was Sneddon and the Avirols family. Not Michael Jackson. I will never forgive him for that. Just like I will never forgive any other person who set upon an innocent man with the intention to destroy him, that includes Oprah winfrey. I was a big fan of hers, not anymore. These people are cold, and have no conscience. I do not like cold-bloodied people who cause harm to others just because it is the trend. No. And that person, Supersticious Mind, If you don't agree with me, please move on and leave my post alone. I state my opinion, there is no need to be calling people silly in here, that is not how we disagree. Shoots.

Thats not my username. If you are gonna say it at least get it right.
I am allowed to state my opinion as well. So i guess we're pretty much even.
Thats not my username. If you are gonna say it at least get it right.
I am allowed to state my opinion as well. So i guess we're pretty much even.
You are allowed to state your opinion, as I am, but you are not allowed to call posters names like 'silly' or 'foolish', just because they have a different opnion from you. That is insulting and it is against board rules. If it isn't your username, then you shouldn't respond to it. I will get it right when you get the rules of the board right.:mad:
You are allowed to state your opinion, as I am, but you are not allowed to call posters names like 'silly' or 'foolish', just because they have a different opnion from you. That is insulting and it is against board rules. If it isn't your username, then you shouldn't respond to it. I will get it right when you get the rules of the board right.:mad:

If you wanna continue to argue then uve picked the wrong person. I dont care if you dont like me, that makes no difference to me what-so-ever. I never once made a mistake and didnt follow the rules and if you think i have then ur just looking for something to gripe about.
Anyways im done with this arguing if you dont mind ^_^

Eminem anyone? :laugh:
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I hate eminem. He's a drug junkie with no talent, and an asshole who judges people without reason - ie. Michael Jackson. that disgusting, abominable, unacceptable 'music video' (aka piece of $hit) that he did about MJ was just absolutely disgusting, horrible, and revolting. eminem is a piece of $hit, and he deserves to crawl into a hole and die. I don't give a damn about him, and I just hope that he gets what's coming to him for the horrible things he's done. he is a jerk and god I can't wait until he gets his. f#ck any artist who can't make their own success without ridiculing another. eminem is a loser and a joke, and I hope he has a miserable, and short-lived, life.


PLEASE tell me the link works. it's the ENTIRE michael/geraldo show...the eminem part comes in during like the last 5th of the video..it doens't have minutes :-\. anywho...ENJOY!! and it's the whole thing..so you get so much more! ..but prepare yourself it's like 45 minutes long. ^_^




this will solve a lot of conflict that's been going on :yes:
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Yeah, I agree that wishing death on someone, no matter how much you dislike them is extreme. Personally, I think Eminem is talented. I own two of his albums and I still listen to them from time to time, but his personality is a different story. He has a habit of picking on easy targets (i.e. Michael, 'Nsync, Britney,etc.) so I basically think he's a punk lol. This is a case where I like the music, but not the man.
Looks guys, you're right. I don't REALLY wish that he dies, I just said that because I was angry, but I do still hope that he gets what's coming to him, and that karma applies here. To insult another artist through music and music video is wrong, as that is tainting the medium, and I agree with Stevie Wonder 200% when he says that what eminem did was bull$hit. Stevie, I couldn't agree with you more, mate.


PLEASE tell me the link works. it's the ENTIRE michael/geraldo show...the eminem part comes in during like the last 5th of the video..it doens't have minutes :-\. anywho...ENJOY!! and it's the whole thing..so you get so much more! ..but prepare yourself it's like 45 minutes long. ^_^




this will solve a lot of conflict that's been going on :yes:

Im glad you found that!!!!! :eek:
Well he definately dosent seem mad as some people say. He just adresses the issue and thats it.


Vinniram...Karma applies to everyone. Just remember that okay before you wish bad things upon other people.
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you're right, what I said was wrong. I shouldn't have said something I don't truly mean. I just wish he would apologize to Michael. I don't like it that eminem thought he had the right to create an abomination of a music video about Michael, which shows his nose falling off, children in compromising positions with him, and a charade of other disgusting images. I don't want anything horrible to happen to eminem, but I don't think that what he did to MJ should go unpunished. I believe that he should not be allowed to walk away without any consequences. Just my take. I was just really disgusted by what eminem did.
you're right, what I said was wrong. I shouldn't have said something I don't truly mean. I just wish he would apologize to Michael. I don't like it that eminem thought he had the right to create an abomination of a music video about Michael, which shows his nose falling off, children in compromising positions with him, and a charade of other disgusting images. I don't want anything horrible to happen to eminem, but I don't think that what he did to MJ should go unpunished. I believe that he should not be allowed to walk away without any consequences. Just my take. I was just really disgusted by what eminem did.

I know - we all say things sometimes when we're really mad that we dont mean.
What Eminem did...the timing was really wrong, but as ive said before you just cant take him too seriously. His music isnt about serious issues - i mean listen to "My Name Is" he sings songs to shock people and for fun. He doesnt mean anything by it. Ive said on here probably 3 times already that ive seen interviews where he was asked about it and he said it was just something he did - it wasnt out to like 'get Michael Jackson' it wasnt premeditated.
I cant see Eminem being punished for that song. People dont get punished for things like that...they dont just get punished cause some fans think he should. Thats just crazy.
Hes already expressed his emotions and said he basically didnt mean it to hurt and thats all he can say - it was YEARS ago. I think some of fans should just move on once and for all. Cause both Eminem and Michael have.
It's funny that you said Eminem just does things to shock people. Yet I kinda recall you calling Marilyn Manson untalented for doing the exact same thing. Hmm. I mean, whatever, you're entitled to your opinion but I just don't understand how Eminem can shock people and be considered talented but Marilyn Manson (who can actually play instruments, compose music, and write well articulated lyrics) is considered untalented.