Eminem Threatens Mariah in New Song

Go away M&M! I'm tired of M&M, someone needs to put him back in his wrapper, add some preservatives and sell him for 50cents
Eminem is picking on someone who likes butterflys, glitter and charmbraclets, the most girlest girl in hollywood.. come on. thats lame.
Whatever they did Mariah should have never got involved with him, he's obviously mentally disturbed. Any man that would write lyrics about killing the mother of his child is not playing with a full deck
and if he could say those things about his ex-wife what did Mariah think she was getting herself into...

But I'm proud of her for coming back at him.

Even though the whole thing is lame... I mean Eminem beefing with Mariah Carey
really??? Let it go
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the fact that he claims he still has her voice mails from what, almost ten yrs ago does kind of indicate that he must be slightly obsessed still... I dunno about you guys, but I dont keep voice mails longer than a week even from people that i love dearly.

yeah same here, he sounds like a crazy stalker! LMAO
Eminem, if you want to show what a tough guy you are go pick on someone who's just as much of a prick as you are yourself. Don't insult some girl just because you think it will help you to sell a few more records filled with your pathetic sexist nonsense. :(

i agree.
Im so tired of eminem...

I came across the interview where Michael was talking about him..
it really breaks my heart what he did to him..
Im so sorry Michael, sorry you had to see that disguisting video and hear that horrible noise.
I remember Em was fighting through rap with another rapper before, the name has totally escaped me lol! I hate Mariah, she thinks she's all that, and I love most of Eminems music but I still think it's childish and stupid what the two of them are doing.
em is a rapper mind you, he is not supposed to let anyone talk about him, especially an R&B diva like mariah carey, imo she deserves it, she hasnt been makin me happy lately anyways lmao
Eminem is a loser. And he can't stand a joke at his expense. 'nuff said.

Right? What a loser! He can dish it out but he can't take it. The way he responded just makes him look even more obsessed and pathetic, IMO! If it weren't true what she sings, or if it didn't "hit home" for him, why would he be so bothered by it? LOL. Eminem is so immature, and SO nine years ago. :)
Ehhh, whatever. This has always been Eminem's gimmick. This is how he makes his money. I don't really take what he says about other celebs seriously because I know he does it on purpose. He enjoys pushing people's buttons, and has grown quite wealthy because of it. Yes, he's an ass--but he's a hustler--that's just what hustlers do. *shrug*