Eminem Talks Michael Jackson, Addiction, 'Different' New Songs

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That's the only time when he confessed it... I'm sure he did drugs after that.
Allowing the doctor to give you a several shots of strong medication in 10 hours is something that non adict would hardly do.
However, we can't discuss this here, so it's better to not argue it...
Just my opinion...

:brow: Yes, because he would have completely coherent, completely lucid at that time to know what Murray was giving him and to beg for propofol that late in the morning when had hadn't seen his kids yet, hadn't eaten breakfast and had rehearsal to get ready for and go to. Sorry, but Murray has consistently lied and I chose not to believe everything he says.
you assume murray's story was true, many things lead me to believe he lied alot and his accounts of the amounts, why , how, when he gave these drugs were not trustful at all .
Funny how Eminem says he don't know what stories are true about MJ.....but, yet he wrote a song about shit he don't know nothing about MJ anyways! That's the Genius of Eminem........*rolls eyes* WHAT A F-ING JOKE! He needs to find a seat and sit his A.SS down!
I don't care about Em.

Just loose it was too much. Not fun at all. Not only because it was made against MJ, but no one should do that agains one another.
:brow: Yes, because he would have completely coherent, completely lucid at that time to know what murray was giving him and to beg for propofol that late in the morning when had hadn't seen his kids yet, hadn't eaten breakfast and had rehearsal to get ready for and go to. Sorry, but murray has consistently lied and i chose not to believe everything he says.

thank you!
Again like I said before Em needs to get his facts straight before he goes on about MJ being an addict. The Autopsy DOES support MJ not being an addict that because of it's findings that Michael's internal organs were "normal", with the slight inflammation of his lungs which can be attributed to Michael having Lupus because Lupus causes that. No drug addict, with a long history of abuse of narcotics that so many have claimed they believed Michael had or was going through over the years would have internal organs deemed as "normal"; no way no how. My aunt and grandmother are both nurses and said the exact same thing. So it is beyond irritating when you have idiots like Eminem commenting and calling Mike an addict as if it were fact. Medical facts beg to differ. I stand by what the autopsy report says and NOT by speculation and hearsay. Regardless if it was from people who "knew him" or as in the case of Eminem people who didn't. Michael needed rest and trusted someone who proved to be untrustworthy to help him get that and well...now we know what happened.

Eminem needs to get his facts straight and to even put himself in the same sentence as Mike is an insult. And to even trust Murray or his word on what happened is not something I will do, considering how many flippin' times this man has changed his story. Anything he says is an attempt to save his own behind...but whatever this thread isn't about that...moving on.

As I said if Eminem is clean good for him, but don't even try and compare or whatever your situation with what Michael was going through because they are totally different.

I'm done here...Eminem has always ticked me off for all the crap his done towards Mike so even wasting my time talking about him is really a pain and a hassle that I don't want inflicted on myself.

So anyway, just stay respectful guys and this is all I have to say about it.

Peace out.

**walks out of thread**
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he is as clean as steven taylor

he took cocaine , since when people took cocaine to SLEEP moron , is the trend now to balme it on insomina to justify being a crackhead " I WANTED TO SLEEP ONLY"
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Feminem should NOT even be talking about Michael, he shouldn't even be saying his name! He needs to stop trying to compare himself to Michael. He is just trying to get more attention, since his last stunt at the MTV movie awards I haven't heard much of anything about Feminem in the media, but then again I don't search for it. Anyways he just says things to keep attention on him. He can go suck a member.
no, i dont think so, i mean he's been treated, Michael never did that, Michael thought he was OK

Rewind, Michael was treated in the early to mid 90s for being addicted to prescription drugs. Who knows if he was "addicted" at the time of his napping. That's just what people are "saying". I mean take a look at the coroner's report, it said his organs were fine. Meaning he was NOT a "long time" drug addict like people keep "claiming" If he was a long time drug addict like people keep "claiming" then his organs would NOT be fine/ in good condition, but they are.
Feminem should NOT even be talking about Michael, he shouldn't even be saying his name! He needs to stop trying to compare himself to Michael. He is just trying to get more attention, since his last stunt at the MTV movie awards I haven't heard much of anything about Feminem in the media, but then again I don't search for it. Anyways he just says things to keep attention on him. He can go suck a member.

haha,you know there's a Bosnian female trio called Feminem? :D

... edit post because sjdkjsdlkfjlsdfj

and good for Feminem that he's sober.
hope he can stay that way.
but he should not even say MJ's name.
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Anyone who wants to call Mike a Drug Addict again needs to effN' read the autopsy report over and over again.


I'm really gonna explode.

Well, he may not have been a "drug addict" per say..but he obviously had a lot of trouble sleeping at night..To even get to the point of taking something like Demerol leads me to believe he had some sort of dependence of sleeping medication :( . Going through what he did in his life..I don't blame him for having any dependence on anything..

About Eminem...I found it pathetic to make fun of a situation where Michael almost died...
I lost all respect for Eminem when he made fun of Michael in that stupid song. That was completely uncalled for and there is never an need to attack other artists.

Agree !!
i HAAAAATE that stupid motherfucker
sorry but i'm really mad :mad:
:wtf: oh sweet baby jesus why did i came back to this thread.

Tsukiji as much as i would like to reply to your post... i can't without being a bit rough.
so yea this is last post for this thread.

.... Demerol ???... when is demerol known as sleeping medication? :wtf:

peace and love everyone Y-.-Y
hearing what....? :wtf:

sorry if i offended anyone? >_>

some fans believe the autopsy report leaked was fake because in their minds noway mj was healthy, he was an addict for years , aeg knew that, feed his addcition and finally killed him .
in their attempts to prove the conspiracy theory , there is nothing wrong in saying mj was taking demerol, cocaine, heroine, morphine,....etc nothing off limits when it comes to prove the conspiracy theory .
no, i dont think so, i mean he's been treated, Michael never did that, Michael thought he was OK
no...the report mentions that what went on with MJ is alleged. though they go back and forth, even eminem admits, no one knows what is true or not regarding the Michael Jackson reports. this report is calling him a pill popper. MJ was not considered a pill popper.
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