Elvis Presley vs. Michael Jackson


Proud Member
Nov 1, 2006
Trying to reach Michael...I cant see him but I fee
Mods...I searched 4 this topic and since i didnt find it, I thought i'd post it here. Please y'all, VOTE For Michael. ELVIS Is ahead by 3 votes. I know y'all can do it!

I believe that Elvis Presley was good back then, but he stole the throne from the rightful owner of the King of Rock n Roll. That was Little Richard. I like Michael Jackson better, he is the rightful king.

I will vote but I wish these comparisons would stop! They were both great. I mean Elvis is King for some people and Michael is King for some others like myself. For me personally Michael is in a league of his own and shouldn't be compared with anyone.
Voted. :)
They really shouldn't be comparing them though. They're both great in many different ways.
Wow, yet another "Let's spike the dumb survey" thread.

Lol... :lol: well sorry hun, its ok if u dont wanna participate. But This kinda thing is good 4 our brains right now(well for me i guess) with all the Crap thats going on in the media. u no what i mean?

and it doesnt hurt to just click on the link and vote...but if it does 4 u...no pressure...:D
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I just voted and Michael is leading by 64 votes. Yah, I think the comparison is really unnecessary also. They are from two different generations and both have unprecedently impacted the musical landscape.

But Michael is my one and only king so I gotta represent! ;)
Elvis was an icon in his time and he is a good singer, but as far as I'm concerned Michael wins it hands down. Elvis didn't write his own songs, Michael did. Michael could sing and dance and he was a lot more creative than Elvis.
Michael was way better than Elviz.I'm so sorry if there are fans here but Elviz was just interesting and different artist for his time... but Michael... he was a true phenomenon... the God of the dance and the melody... the nature of music... the genius... the power... the histeria... the voice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Do this on a michael jackson forum and guess who will win... WHAT A SUPRISE! btw why would you compare elvis with michael jackson. Doesnt make sense at all
OK I think we don't need to copmare them,really
I love elvis ,and I love MJ more,but they where both kings,for some people elvis is better,for some michael,they are both great :)