Elizabeth Taylor tweets about This is it

WOW!!! She was so beautiful! I truly wish that Liz was around Michael's age as I believe they are true soul mates. Could you imagine if she was his age? They would of been happily married for decades with 10 children! They would of been the most glamorous, most famous and beautiful couple ever.

You ain't kidding!!!

I love Elizabeth Taylor so much! She reminds me of my late grandmother who always had wonderful, life-long moments and messages to share. Every one of her words seems thought out and processed before she speaks it. I love her elegance and timelessness.

It's a long shot, but I wish so much I could some how meet her before she passes away. I'd probably cry at the site of her knowing she was such a wonderful companion to Michael and all the love she's given him. Plus all the things she's been through in her own life before Michael came along.

What a woman to admire and look up to in this day and age.

People like her are dying out too quickly. And I wonder what kind of people are taking their places in this world. Makes me worry.
Just because she's MJs BFF and QUEEN SUPREME!





that's some high honorable wordage coming from the queen of the cinema. and she ain't being paid for it, either.
Thanks Elizabeth. You are a true friend. I am so ready to see this. It is suppose to storm Friday. Pray the storm off for everybody. I got to see this movie. My ticket are for Friday. Storm STorm go away come again another day.
Liz just left me speechless! We can all see why MJ loved her so much.

I just bought my ticket today for Saturday's showing and must say I am anxious to see it.
Liz Taylor is the only person apart from his children that I completely trust her opinion on when concerning anything about Michael Jackson. So because of her touching words, I am SO EXCITED now more than ever about this film!!! :woohoo:

God bless her.

I'm thirding this. God bless her, I'm grateful for every day Michael had Elizabeth as a friend.
Liz Taylor Calls Michael Jackson's Movie 'This Is It' the Best Flick She's Ever Seen
By Nancy Dillon
Monday, October 26th 2009, 8:47 PM

Los Angeles - Dame Elizabeth Taylor wants the world to see the new Michael Jackson movie.

The 77-year-old Hollywood legend took to Twitter Monday to gush about "This is It," calling the late King of Pop a "modern day prophet" and the flick the best she has ever seen.

"I was honored with the great privilege of seeing 'This Is It' last week. I was sworn to secrecy, but now I can let you know about it," she wrote. "It is the single most brilliant piece of filmmaking I have ever seen. It cements forever Michael's genius in every aspect of creativity."
She wasn't done there.

"To say the man is a genius is an understatement. He cradles each note, coaxes the music to depths beyond reality," she tweeted.

"You owe it to yourselves and your loved ones to see this again and again. Memorize it and say to yourselves, 'I saw genius in my lifetime.'"

Taylor, who recently broke the news about a minor heart surgery on Twitter, said she wished her vocabulary "encompassed" what she felt.

"If you listen to his lyrics, they are those of a modern-day prophet and it beseeches us to listen to him and what he sang," she wrote.

"We must his take his words of responsibility seriously. We cannot let his life be in vain."

The superstar's messages went out to 174,526 Twitter followers on the eve of the movie's premiere in Los Angeles.:clapping:

"You owe it to yourselves and your loved ones to see
this again and again. Memorize it and say to yourselves,
'I saw genius in my lifetime.'
by Elizabeth Taylor

LONG LIVE THE KING!!!!!!:agree:
Taylor is a beautiful, classy woman. It's obvious she loved and respected him to the max.
Dame Elizabeth is so amazing. Her love for Michael is truly eternal, and her words about him are filled with love and admiration. I really love to hear her speak about him; she's very eloquent.
Elizabeth Taylor is seriously the most beautiful woman I've ever seen in my life.

As a girl myself, I have no problem admitting that. She just defines grace and class.

I can see why Michael adores her so much.

I second the notion of young Mike and Liz as a couple. They would have been gorgeous together and Liz will definitely be there for Michael and never abandon him like so many did.
She is a wonderful person.

Her love is amazing.
Wonderful, wonderful, WONDERFUUUUUULLLLL speech that Elizabeth gave about Michael in the late 1980s! It was at the United Negro College Fund event. MJ looks really cute too!

You won't regret watching this and it will definitely make you love Liz more and more!

what an amazing woman. :bow:
i was on last night when Dame Liz was tweeting, i sat and cried as each tweet came in, re-read it now and am crying again.
just like Michael she is beautiful inside and out.
MY GOD. this film will be incredible.

Thank you Liz for sharing this :angel:
she's such a wonderful person, I'm so glad Michael had her in his life, she's been loyal since day one. I hope she's okay.

but this movie will be absolutley amazing... GAH! EXCITED NOW.

:bow: down to thee Dame Elizabeth Taylor!
Yeah gotta love Elizabeth, she is really amazing isn't she? She has always stood by Mike, ALWAYS.
Beautiful! Its so nice to hear what people who knew Michael and were so close to him think of the film.
Elizabeth also speaks the truth so if it didn't show the true Michael she would of said so.
This has given me a much needed positive boost for tomorrow when I go and see it :)
Thanks for posting :)
Ms. Taylor has always been there for Michael....just as she is now.
A sign of a true friend. Any reservations I may have had about
seeing TII are just about gone. I know it will still be emotional but
at least I am more at ease with seeing the film.
I bought my tickets on Sweetest Day, Oct.17th and I will go on
Halloween with my fam to see it.

Thank you.
I wept from pure joy at his God given gift. There will never, ever be the likes of him again.
And we have this piece of film to remind us forever and ever that once there was such a man. God kissed him.

I truly believe this film should be nominated in every category conceivable.


Liz I thank you and I know you both gave each other the strenght to move on. As I do now, I will cry badly during and after the movie. Heaven sent and heaven stole