Elizabeth Taylor tweets about This is it


Proud Member
Sep 14, 2009
I was honored with the great privilege of seeing "This Is It" last week. I was sworn to secrecy, but now I can let you know about it.
It is the single most brilliant piece of filmmaking I have ever seen. It cements forever Michael's genius in every aspect of creativity.
To say the man is a genius is an understatement. He cradles each note, coaxes the music to depths beyond reality.
I wept from pure joy at his God given gift. There will never, ever be the likes of him again.
And we have this piece of film to remind us forever and ever that once there was such a man. God kissed him.
God blessed him and squandered nothing, but loved it all. Michael knew how to put together every tone, every nuance to make magic.
To say he was a genius seems so little. I wish my vocabulary encompassed what I feel.
You owe it to yourselves and your loved ones to see this again and again. Memorize it and say to yourselves, "I saw genius in my lifetime"
I loved genius in my lifetime. God was so good to me. I will love Michael forever and so will you, if you don't already
I hope I don't sound condescending. I'm sure you already know what I'm talking about, but go to see it again and again.
I meant to repeat myself. I love you. I remember Michael loved you. He was totally up to now and the message of today in all his songs.
If you listen to his lyrics they are those of a modern day prophet and it beseeches us to listen to him and what he sang.
I won't use words like preaching because that is off-putting, but listen. Listen to his messages.
From "Black And White", "Man In The Mirror". The inspiration behind "We Are The World". We must take his words of responsibility seriously.
We cannot let his life be in vain / and always done with love. Remember that. Remember him and thank God for him and his genius.
Kenny Ortega did a masterful job of directing the process that goes into making a complete show before hitting the stage.
From A to Z you get Michael's input on every level. Michael's genius at work with the dancers. Mr. Ortega catches Michael in his every mood.
You see in front of your eyes Michael's genius blossoming on this piece of film thanks to Kenny Ortega and his crews.
I truly believe this film should be nominated in every category conceivable.

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I follow her and her tweets are making me cry so hard. She is truly a dear friend to MJ. I love her very much. And yes I also hope this is it gets lots of nominations. This was MJ's baby. :)





Bow down to the QUEEN!!






Bow down to the QUEEN!!


WOW!!! She was so beautiful! I truly wish that Liz was around Michael's age as I believe they are true soul mates. Could you imagine if she was his age? They would of been happily married for decades with 10 children! They would of been the most glamorous, most famous and beautiful couple ever.
As I opened this thread "Heal the World" had just come on.....

what moving words by Dame. but with the backdrop of micheal singing heal the world....

i am in tears... tears of joy... because a man i have loved, respected and admired is the man she is writing about.

I am so blessed to have lived when Michael Jackson lived.

I will always love you Michael, we all do!!!!

Thank you Liz. As always you are at MJ's side.
I´m going on Saturday and again next week on Monday and Friday. Then I´ll write my own review.

I trust Miss Taylors words very much but I must judge for myself.

But I must say Taylors words get's me all excited
Wow, that was amazing to read! I love Elizabeth! A true and loving friend to Michael since they met!

Gosh, she has got me even more excited for this movie now!!!
Liz Taylor is the only person apart from his children that I completely trust her opinion on when concerning anything about Michael Jackson. So because of her touching words, I am SO EXCITED now more than ever about this film!!! :woohoo:

God bless her.
wow...thank you for the post.....Thank you Ms,LiZ.......It is nice to finally here from Liz..finally a close friend has made a statement....A statement that speaks volumes..:cry:.....I miss you Michael.....It is going to be so hard to see This is it.....but I will...to honor you.
Liz Taylor is the only person apart from his children that I completely trust her opinion on when concerning anything about Michael Jackson. So because of her touching words, I am SO EXCITED now more than ever about this film!!! :woohoo:

God bless her.

Wow, what a lovely message.
I truly can't wait to see this and I will forever be grateful to have witnessed such a man as Michael Jackson in my lifetime. I will never forget just how much he's inspired me and how much his music has moved me since I was little.

Liz Taylor's words were lovely and touching. :heart: She's a sweetheart and a true friend. Thanks for posting this.
Lovely words indeed, thank you. I just can't get over that he's gone.
it's an honour for Dame Elizabeth to say that... michael was special indeed and always will be. Can't wait to see it.
Beautiful words from Dame Elizabeth. God bless her. This is also making me more excited about TII.