Earthquakes rattle Pacific Coast of USA

  • Thread starter Dangerous Incorporated
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Another previous So Cal resident voicing in-

The night I moved to San Diego from Ohio several years ago, sitting on the commode, the whole building started rocking and rolling, interesting yet truly frightening realization-

Then the Northridege quake a few years later.

When it starts, your only thought is, is this the "BIG ONE"?

My thoughts are with those experiencing any of this, stay safe, listen to warnings, please-
People are still experiencing aftershocks atm.
Baja earthquake was 7.2. Quake that devastated Haiti was 7.0


That looks scary! Hope all our members from there are ok.
Mother Earth is telling us something.....will we ever listen?
I think its scary how many earthquakes and other natural disasters there are now a days. It definitely seems like they´re getting more and more freuqent, and bigger and bigger. Am just waiting for the earth to fall to pieces!
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