Earthquake in Chile

Man what the hell is happening to our world? Mother Nature is pissed off and she's letting us know about it.

We've been expecting the big one to hit....but not down in Haiti, Chile or Japan. I've been wondering all this time when the San Andreas finally erupts and devestates California. It's just a matter of time. When was the last major strike there? LA in the 1990s I believe....

Good to hear you are ok PCR. Minnesota, USA sends l.o.v.e and prayers to you, your family and your country.

Keep The'll get through this. :)
a friend who was telling me about her family and friends who live in chile hen she said the planet is decaying
Guys, you are great, you know?
My family (here in Santiago and also in the South of the country) and me are all doing well. ANd you can tell this is a miracle. Now that I have had a chance to see some more reports (no electricity, no phones, no internet for hours and hours), I truly and deeply believe it it is such a huge miracle.

The situation is terrible.

Geeezz... I have lived another earthquake years ago (8 grades) and of course several 5 or 6 grade movements, in Chile there are earthquakes and volcanos every now and then, so we are sort of "used to" it, but truth is you are never ready enough.

But this thing.... MY GOD... it has been the most powerful thing I have ever felt and it was like never-ending. For us it was like some 3 minutes, which such a huge noice coming from the ground, I could hardly hear to my parents as we were all holding each other out in the yard, praying for this to end. A nightmare, but thanks Jehovah we are all fine.

But not my country.... for now, there's a lot of confusion, the country is calm, but it is just because we are now getting to understand what has really happened. And it's terrible. This was way stonger than the one of Haiti, much, much more and there was also tsunami. Our country is used to earthquakes you hopefully victims shouldn't be that much, but... then... I have just seen on tv some footage from the South of the country, in the coastal cities.... OMG... A SHIP IN THE MIDDLE OF A STREET, AND A HUGE TV, AND THEN ANOTHER BOAT BY A TREE!!!

Sorry... I am watching this right now, the earth keeps moving over and over again and we can only wait and pray our people will be helped and rescued.

Sorry, this is really very random talking, but you know, I am quite nervous.

Wwowow... I read one of you have a friend in academic exchange in Chile, if so, you can PM me, so I could try to help you find about him/her (that's my field).

Love you and to be honest, very, very honest: I HAVE FELT YOUR LOVE!!! I know this might sound silly, but I give you my word I have felt your thoughts and love. Wowww, I am so shock, but it is true. Good think in my case is that last night I was enjoying my Opus and Michael-ing late at night, so I went to be to 3:15... and the earthquake began just minutes later, at 3:36, so I was still rather awake so I could react quickly, get my lap (all my info and job is here!!) and wake up my parents.


I had to left, there was another aftershock, very strong, and as I write, the earth keeps moving. I am leaving for a while.

Love you all and thanks for your love!!!!!!

That sounds so scary but great to hear you're ok! My friend's friend is there as an exchange student but she already updated her facebook status that she's ok though she is in big SHOCK. Just reading everything she writes makes me so scary, the earth was shaking while she was writing, she thought they're all gonna die and she never been so scared in her life.. :( I pray for all of you who are there!

Man what the hell is happening to our world? Mother Nature is pissed off and she's letting us know about it.

We've been expecting the big one to hit....but not down in Haiti, Chile or Japan. I've been wondering all this time when the San Andreas finally erupts and devestates California. It's just a matter of time. When was the last major strike there? LA in the 1990s I believe....

Good to hear you are ok PCR. Minnesota, USA sends l.o.v.e and prayers to you, your family and your country.

Keep The'll get through this. :)
I'm so worried about the San Andreas too.. like you said it's just a matter of time and when it comes it will be a big one. Be safe everyone!
I'm so worried about the San Andreas too.. like you said it's just a matter of time and when it comes it will be a big one. Be safe everyone!

Excuse my ignorance but what is this about? I've never heard of that before.
Excuse my ignorance but what is this about? I've never heard of that before.
San Andreas is a fault between the Pacific plate and the North American plate near California which has lots of tension in it. The big earthquake is already late and now the fault is just gathering tension and it's only a matter of time when it will explode, and you can imagine the concequences in that area..
Dear all, your words are very, very meaningful and important to me. I am learning the real meaning of "We are family, you have to know that". This is true.

Maybe you have seen some of the news... but things are getting worst by the hour, since there are many problems to really get to the places affected. I just don't know what to say. We are sad, we are scared, but yet, we have to move on.

To give you some idea: this was the was weekend of our Summer period, so there was many, many people in the coast and in the South, places we visit during Summer. Many bridges and main high ways have been destroid, and as there is no electricity in those places, they can't sell gasoline. So this people can't buy gasoline and they can't leave the places and if they leave, they have to be extra careful, for the roads have many problems.

So far, there are more than 700 victims, but the numbers are growing fast. I am extremely blessed to live where I live and in the house I live, since we had no problem. A miracle. Haití was strong, this one was some 500 times stronger. We have had many aftershocks, the main early this morning: 6,2 grades (what could be considered an earthquake in other countries).

Woww... no words to describe this tragedy. The earthquake is terrible and if you add to it the tsunami. It's crazy.

Also.. PCR . please can you tell us your first name, PCR seems so impersonal.... Be safe xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Claire... sorry, babe, you are right.
My name is Paola.
Hi!!! :hello:

Thanks for each of your messages!!
PCR (Paola),

Thank you for the update. We are keeping positive thoughts and hope in our hearts. :wub: You and everyone else affected are in my prayers. While the damage seems to be getting worse; I pray that the recovery is quick. Stay strong and know that we are all here for you. :angel:

Peace, love and hugs,
windy09 (Kim)
Thanks, Windy!!
Wowoww... the earth keeps moving so much here!! I read there was an earthquake today in Taiwán, but that was 6,1... we have had several aftershoks of 6+ !!!
This is crazy and sad. Last night there was an aftershock of some 5 and I just broke into tears and had to get out of the bed. This is breaking my nerves!!! (not to mention my hear) :cry:
That must be so difficult for you and everyone in Chile. Hang in there, Paola... :better: