E.T. -Katy Perry ft. Kanye West

You OBVIOUSLY can't handle opposing views. And excuse you, you are making a lot of presumptions about someone you don't even know and you have ZERO right to tell anyone to shut up. Especially when you're the one in the wrong. They expressed their opinion, that Kanye sucks as an artist, and I tend to agree. Is it right? To us, yes. That's what having an opinion is about. It doesn't matter how much his half assed album sold in it's first week or collectively. That don't mean jack. Who cares? Kanye is still a big headed ungrateful jackass! And don't even try to compare that whiny bitch to the great Michael Jackson. Kanye hasn't done anything that can even be compared to MJ's leftovers, sales or not. :smilerolleyes:
Holy, wow, the irony!!!!
Holy, wow, the irony!!!!

That's usually what someone does win they've lost and have nothing better to follow up with.

This sums it up better - :smilerolleyes:

Don't go around trolling me just because I pointed out the obvious (that your views are superstitious, irrational, and hokey). Yes, you're entitled to have them, just as I am entitled to evaluate those very views. Just because you don't like it that I called you out on your conspiracy theories doesn't give you the right to troll me. I apologize that you are obviously offended, but as I've said, your views are very offensive to me (totally out of line).
Forgive me, Lord!

I'm sorry, but you'll just have to accept my opposing opinion. You're free to debate it, but it still stands (just as I can debate yours). Having a debate doesn't mean that I can't accept different views. I can and do. However, I still can disagree and express myself accordingly. That's something you'll have to live with. You think that just because I'm disagreeing and saying so very firmly that I'm intolerant. Sorry, but that couldn't be any further from the truth. I'm just honest.
I think you are using your brain too much! :) Feel free to have any opinion you want.
I think you are using your brain too much! :) Feel free to have any opinion you want.

I think that's the one thing that can't be overused. But you're right in a way... common sense goes a long way. Anyway, I'm glad we've come to a peaceful understanding. :flowers:
I'm obsessed with this song...LOVE IT! Though I prefer the version WITHOUT Kanye...lol. Will watch the video in...5...4...3...2...

yeah the version i have on my ipod is without kanye, i listened to it on repeat for like half the day yester day lol

.....mind u this song is her 4TH NO. 1 SINGLE IN ONE ALBUM SINCE MARIAH....although her Teenage dream album have an ok song...its quite simple IMO...i luv the single teenage dream though.
I think that's why it's successful, it's simple. Her lyrics aren't very deep but the melodies are catchy and the songs are fun. I love the teenage dream single too, i hope she starts to grow as an artist because her fan base will start getting older and i can't see grown folks like 30+ getting too into her music.
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yeah the version i have on my ipod is without kanye, i listened to it on repeat for like half the day yester day lol

I think that's why it's successful, it's simple. Her lyrics aren't very deep but the melodies are catchy and the songs are fun. I love the teenage dream single too, i hope she starts to grow as an artist because her fan base will start getting older and i can't see grown folks like 30+ getting too into her music.

I'll be 30 this summer and I'm definitely in to her music... :(

Side note: Holy crap, I'll be 30 this summer! Time flies by once you hit 20. Seriously! I don't feel any different than I ever did, and I'm not upset by numbers, but it's still crazy to think that I am truly an adult. Where did the time go?
This song is so good that I just bought a 14-track promo cd from Ebay.

I do think "ET" is a great song. The lyrics and theme are clever, and the video is the cherry on top. Top notch pop goodness. ^_^
I love the video. I was singing "KISS ME KI-KI-KISS ME" to my boyfriend for quite a while after I heard that song haha
You are one very stubborn kid, you know that right?
The album that was done in 3 weeks, sold 450,145 copies in its first week.
Let's compare that to "Michael".
"Michael" sold 228,000 copies in it's first week.

When you obviously don't know music & music-production, you should seriously consider to shut your mouth.

Please tell me you did not just compare Kanye West to Michael Jackson...
Even though I think he (Kanye) has little talent, he is a popular artist with the general public today, the younger generation who purchase music on iTunes. Unfortunately, Michael is not. Many fans also did not buy Michael because of the Cascio tracks and this also put a lot of the public off from buying the album because they thought it was all sung by an impersonator.

How would you know what I know about music production? No, I will not shut my mouth because I, like you and like everyone else on this forum, has the right to their own opinion.