E.T. -Katy Perry ft. Kanye West

Moulin Rouge

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Her new video, i really like this song. the video is cool 2 but the deer legs at the end is kinda strange lol well the entire video is strange but that just doesn't seem to fit, good video overall imo.

I like the song, but the video really sucks. Some of Kanye's lines are a bit awkward, especially the bit about bars in Mars having no cars or something like that. I mean, how more captain obvious can you get, lol?

I honestly don't think Kanye had a place in this song--it's too frivolous and techno-y. He seems to me to be a bit um, better than that. I am also starting to get sick of the whole techno/dance/europop feel that all these musicians are starting to come up with. This is coming from someone who actually likes real europop, lol. Gaga's poor attempts at imitating it have met with success in a largely ignorant American market, and others have obviously started to (even more poorly) follow, since it sells so well right now. So, what we end up with is one hot American mess which makes knowledgeable people's ears bleed.

Funny thing is, I liked Katy Perry prior to Teenage Dream. I think the techno-y vibe works for "E.T." because of its alien/futuristic theme, but her other material would be better off without it. Ech.

Regarding this video specifically, it's too much of an attempt to conform with what's popular right now--modern, pseudo-symbolic bullsh*t, to put it in politest terms. It has no real storyline, no point, no message, nothing. Someone should come out with a video which actually has a point and a coherent, meaningful storyline. I'm sick of these ecstasy trips of music videos which make no sense and which are only half-baked scheiße their ignorant (or perhaps only lazy) authors wish to pass off as "metaphoric" when it isn't. Bah.

I've griped enough already lol.
I love the video. Is just amazing. The song is mediocre and i don't like it at all. Same boring sound,nothing special. This whole idea is saved by the fantastic video.
just ok video...ET is a kinda like a luv or sexy song when u read the lyrics...and the whole video sumwhat about alien coz its ET lol...i like the part where she's floating in the galaxy hehe......its quite cool at sum parts actually.

.....mind u this song is her 4TH NO. 1 SINGLE IN ONE ALBUM SINCE MARIAH....although her Teenage dream album have an ok song...its quite simple IMO...i luv the single teenage dream though.
First the remix version of E.T featuring Kanye was the #1 downloaded song on iTunes.
Then the fans of Katy got so pissed, because the Kanye version of E.T. was getting all the attention, they bumped the original version to the #1 downloaded song on iTunes.

-Then when the video dropped, the Kanye version is back on top.

Now what does that say about Kanye? :tease:
Cheers. :cheers:
Horrible video to me... Very similar to Lady Gaga's "Born This Way"... Horrible song. It brings about such unsettling vibes. Artists today are no longer human beings, they've become something else, and it's so mindblowing how transparent and ostentatious they can be.
People who loves this video, can you please tell me why? Can't you see the messages in it?

The devil in hands with an albino man? How is this cool?
Pentum;3328280 said:
People who loves this video, can you please tell me why? Can't you see the messages in it?

The devil in hands with an albino man? How is this cool?

Right..For those that want to be spared of watching this video, or to be told what it consists in...

Well, Katy Perry is shown being metamorphosized from an extraterrestrial into a more human-looking humanoid with reptile eyes. She's flying among planets. Then, a quick subliminal follows: a fox that is shot, and a scary open mouth Perry's. Her appearance is that of an ET witch. More subliminals following: a struggling wounded bird, melting glaciers falling, a white parrot. Perry is becoming even more alien-looking, her eyes red, then more confusing world scenes follow: a huge explosion, a tiger roaring, a lizzard capturing a spider with her tongue, war soldiers being splashed by a bomb, a tiger killing a deer, a cheetah capturing another deer, then they're showing a baby deer walking their first steps in life, then a close-up of the dying eyes of the deer killed by the cheetah..(too many deer subliminals, maybe an allegory on the death of innocence, of victims standing no chance before their predators). Perry's eyes have kept metamorphosizing, now they've got this liquid-blue jelly-fish color and texture. She, looking like a female landing on a planet, Earth, that looks to have been destroyed by a major explosion, what's interesting is that the predominant elements on there are machines and car wheels (an allusion, most likely, to dying as victims of our own creations). She is reviving a perhaps wounded ET among the ruins, and she looks to be in total awe of it, all this time, there are so many subliminals on there toward the end, like the two horses having sex, the cherries and worms, a scared-looking deer, war planes flying, the new-born baby, the two monkeys having sex, the explosion, all the while, Katy looking as though being possessed... Strange combinations of elements, really. Apocalyptic scenes. When Katy is kissing that ET turning into a scary-looking naked albino male (maybe a postmodern depiction of Adam and Eve), it looks like the world exploded, and they survived. That must mean, the world perished, and aliens surived. Then there were those classified objects by aliens, most likely, among the ruins: pi-ge-on: A common bird, went extinct 2030; human sunglasses: circa 2011 (an evident allusion to man being on the verge of extinction himself this year), that Perry is putting on. She's got non-human claws, and then they're showing how she got transformed, turned into a hybrid (humanoid + animal -- the deer legs).. Both of them are holding hands facing sunlight, in a destroyed world filled with machine remains created by humans. That's the future for us, people, and it sure looks 'cool', doesn't it? They're shoving it in our faces and we're loving it.

E.T. Lyrics

You're so hypnotising,
Could you be the devil, could you be an angel?
Your touch, magnetizing,
Feels like going floating, leave my body glowing.

They say be afraid,
You're not like the others, futuristic lovers,
Different DNA, they don’t understand you.

You're from a whole other/another world
A different dimension,
You open my eyes
And I'm ready to go, lead me into the light.


Kiss me, k-k-kiss me,
Infect me with your love, and fill me with your poison,
Take me, t-t-take me,
Wanna be your victim, ready for abduction.
Boy, you're an alien, your touch so far away
It's supernatural, extraterrestrial.

You're so super sonic,
Wanna feel your powers, stumb me with your lasers,
Your kiss is cosmic, every move is magic.

You're from a whole other/another world,
A different dimension,
You open my eyes
And I'm ready to go, lead me into the light.

Chorus: ..


There is this transcendental, on another level,
Boy, you're my lucky star,
I wanna walk on your wave length
And be there when you vibrate,
For you, I risk it all.




--sorry about the typos and everything, being very tired..
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People who loves this video, can you please tell me why? Can't you see the messages in it?

The devil in hands with an albino man? How is this cool?

Oh, brother! Really? :smilerolleyes:

I honestly don't want to hurt anyone's feelings but this type of thing is so offensive to me. Don't you think you're reading too much in to things? Why try to cause hysteria? Does it make you feel better about yourself to try and find evil in everything you see? Anyone can do so if they try hard enough. Big Bird could be satan's right hand man if I tried hard enough. Thankfully, I'm of sound mind and consider my time to be of more value. I'm sorry, but stuff like this makes my blood boil. It's stupidity at it's best. This is the type of thought process that had innocent people burned at the stake. The song and video are about an alien. NOTHING MORE. Not the devil, not God, not Jesus, not anything else. Just Katy Perry, Kanye, and aliens. And besides, Katy Perry is a christian woman. Seriously, why must someone bring up some crazy ass notion to discredit an artist? This is the same type of ish crazies tried to say about MJ (taking baths in blood, etc). So silly. Would it kill you people to lighten up and stop being so damn apocalyptic? :smilerolleyes:

P.S. All the disturbing images flashing in Katy's extraterrestrial eyes is supposed to illustrate that her character is absorbing information and understanding of what happened to the planet she is reaching out to (and helps restore life).
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First the remix version of E.T featuring Kanye was the #1 downloaded song on iTunes.
Then the fans of Katy got so pissed, because the Kanye version of E.T. was getting all the attention, they bumped the original version to the #1 downloaded song on iTunes.

-Then when the video dropped, the Kanye version is back on top.

Now what does that say about Kanye? :tease:
Cheers. :cheers:

It tells you that people like the original better but then people bought the Kanye version because of the video.
just ok video...ET is a kinda like a luv or sexy song when u read the lyrics...and the whole video sumwhat about alien coz its ET lol...i like the part where she's floating in the galaxy hehe......its quite cool at sum parts actually.

.....mind u this song is her 4TH NO. 1 SINGLE IN ONE ALBUM SINCE MARIAH....although her Teenage dream album have an ok song...its quite simple IMO...i luv the single teenage dream though.

That is an awesome feat and very cool that it hasn't happened in so long. And to think, she did this WITHOUT a re-release. "ET" was an instant favorite and while I personally loved it, I wasn't sure how it would fare on radio. Turns out, I was totally wrong and happily so. However, I much prefer the album version (can't stand Kanye). He nearly ruins the song, but thankfully in the video they didn't completely cut out Katy's bridge like in the radio cut. So at least there's that. The video itself is all kinds of awesome. FINALLY, some real effort and thought put in to a music video. It's so beautiful. The visuals are stunning.
It tells you that people like the original better but then people bought the Kanye version because of the video.

If that was true, the original would have been on top from the very beginning, and it wasn't.
It's funny how you always hate on Mr.West.
Just deal with the fact, that Kanye is a great artist, like it or not. You just cant deny it.

I wonder which song is number 1. :scratch:
If that was true, the original would have been on top from the very beginning, and it wasn't.
It's funny how you always hate on Mr.West.
Just deal with the fact, that Kanye is a great artist, like it or not. You just cant deny it.

I wonder which song is number 1. :scratch:

I can and do. Being popular or being #1 doesn't make you a great artist. Kanye has talent, and I won't deny it, but I do believe that it's over hyped and that he's certainly not as good as he believes himself to be.
I can and do. Being popular or being #1 doesn't make you a great artist. Kanye has talent, and I won't deny it, but I do believe that it's over hyped and that he's certainly not as good as he believes himself to be.

I agree, being #1 doesnt make you a great artist, just look at Justin Bieber. lol
Kanye completed a whole album in just 3 weeks, now that's talent.
I wont argue if he can sing or not, cause surely he cant.
But dont forget that, not only does he sing & rap on his albums, but he also produces them = talent.

In my opinion, he's one of the best rappers out there.
Again, thats my own opinion, but you can't deny he's got talent. :cheers:
Oh, brother! Really? :smilerolleyes:

I honestly don't want to hurt anyone's feelings but this type of thing is so offensive to me.
Don't worry, you will never come close to hurting my feelings, my friend.

Don't you think you're reading too much in to things? Why try to cause hysteria?
Reading too much in to things? I saw the video, posted my opinion on it. I found it disturbing. In my opinion, this isn't how music videos should be like.
Does it make you feel better about yourself to try and find evil in everything you see?
Are you judging me already? Have you read all of my posts on this forum?
Thankfully, I'm of sound mind and consider my time to be of more value. I'm sorry, but stuff like this makes my blood boil. It's stupidity at it's best.
If you think this is stupidity at its best, then I feel bad for you. Really.
This is the type of thought process that had innocent people burned at the stake.
What on earth?
The song and video are about an alien. NOTHING MORE. Not the devil, not God, not Jesus, not anything else. Just Katy Perry, Kanye, and aliens. And besides, Katy Perry is a christian woman.
Yes, maybe it is. Maybe it's not? How do you know for sure? Did you write it? Or do you just assume things?
Seriously, why must someone bring up some crazy ass notion to discredit an artist?
Everyone are allowed to share their opinions. Should we be shot down if it's something you don't agree with?
This is the same type of ish crazies tried to say about MJ (taking baths in blood, etc).
Uh, no, it's not.
So silly. Would it kill you people to lighten up and stop being so damn apocalyptic? :smilerolleyes:
There it is again. Judging.

Had a bad day,.. Mr. Travis?
It is one disturbing video, I agree with most of your post, Pentum.. I, personally, posted the description of the video, and nothing more, and that was very self-explanatory. Late hours here, can't develop further other than the posted, will just say that nobody here has proclaimed the video to be containing apocalyptic themes, the video contains such themes and lots of unsettling subliminal imagery. Katy Perry is showing as an alien in continuous transformation, very scary, and if that's not clear, or everything else is not clear from the very video, then more time dedicated to clarify on this is lost.
Oh, brother! Really? :smilerolleyes:

I honestly don't want to hurt anyone's feelings but this type of thing is so offensive to me. Don't you think you're reading too much in to things?

I'll play Devil's Advocate (no pun intended LOL!) and say this: why have most pop songs/videos in recent times had eerily similar themes/sounds/scenes/imagery? I think it's obvious that no one signed to major labels, especially "rising" or otherwise non-permanently established artists like Perry, Gaga, Rihanna, etc. has a large amount of freedom in what they choose to do musically, etc. It's obvious that this commercial music isn't meant to be either artistic or meaningful, and that they're all in it for the money, basically. Even if the musician him/herself isn't (fat chance, but let's say they're not), the amount of power they have to call the shots as compared to the people who actually run these labels is nothing. The ones taking the gamble by investing on a specific musician are the companies--do you honestly think they're going to let them have free reign over something they've put so much money into? No. They do their homework and investigate what's popular, and have these musicians singing about it constantly (there's a reason why the themes behind songs are oh so eerily similar no matter which artist you choose) and present newcomers as "edgy," or "different," when in truth they're just more of the same in the end.

In any case, my point is--if these people are the ones who have the control over what gets put out there, why are specific themes chosen time and time again? More recently, why are things like aliens, zombies, monsters, cannibals, etc. coming up in one video/song after another? I honestly disagree with Alma and the other poster, because I'm an atheist and I don't believe in demons or whatever else they claim is behind these things--but corporate greed and power-hungry people are things I certainly believe exist, with plenty of proof to back up my support of it, and I can see how it would apply to the mainstream industry.

Therefore, it wouldn't at all surprise me if people who had some sort of stock or tie to the mainstream music industry were utilizing these foolish, fame-hungry young girls to spread an agenda of sorts. It's been done before--everyone knows the media and propaganda are very powerful (see Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia, or read The Art of Propaganda for Dummies by Dr. Joseph Goebbels. Ok, that last one was a joke, but you get my point.) Then, you get into the, just because you don't see it, doesn't mean it's there, sort of thing. The goal in mind seems to be to dumb down society and make us all into promiscuous animals with no capacity for complex thinking--which is what is modeled in videos and popular media (and some people's lives lol) time and time again. One ought to wonder why.

I think that's a very legitimate question, the answer to which would be most interesting. If you examine the evolution of popular music, it seems to get sexier and sexier (and dumber and dumber lol) from Elvis Presley gyrating his hips and singing songs with grammatical errors, to modern-day strumpets who can't even form a coherent thought or concept in their songs appearing pretty much naked in their videos, and having extremely sexually suggestive choreography that would make Elvis blush lol. Then, of course, it gets creepy--with then-minor Miley Cyrus and her "Can't Be Tamed" video, with the highly-sexualized former Disney channel (as if that means anything anymore lol) star.

It's obvious she didn't write the song, and she probably didn't come up with the idea for the video, so one ought to wonder why anyone would want to have a 17 year old girl depicted in such a way. Then again, the same could be said for the young women who are portraying themselves in similar fashion for profit, really, if we want to look at things cynically. I've heard the explanation about it being "art" or "metaphoric," but in order to truly be either of those things, the material has to have meaning--something neither these pop songs nor videos have in any recognizable way. It's just a lame excuse used to justify what to some is barbaric sexualization, and to me, is sheer laziness and lack of creativity.

What is certain is that we absorb from our environment more than we are conscious of--and one ought to wonder why these mainstream music industry creeps are sending these same messages to people. This generation will take the messages from these videos and apply it to themselves in some way or other, to varying degrees depending on how gullible and idiotic they happen to be, and that is how one ends up being the reflection of the other--hence the nature of the incessant mass appeal.

Anyway, I've run out of things to say, and since I don't really have a strong personal stance either way, I won't say anything further on this. I just wanted to have a fun time playing devil's advocate, meaning, attempting to support a stance I don't really feel strongly towards.
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Don't worry, you will never come close to hurting my feelings, my friend.

Reading too much in to things? I saw the video, posted my opinion on it. I found it disturbing. In my opinion, this isn't how music videos should be like.

Are you judging me already? Have you read all of my posts on this forum?
If you think this is stupidity at its best, then I feel bad for you. Really.

What on earth?

Yes, maybe it is. Maybe it's not? How do you know for sure? Did you write it? Or do you just assume things?

Everyone are allowed to share their opinions. Should we be shot down if it's something you don't agree with?
Uh, no, it's not.

There it is again. Judging.

Had a bad day,.. Mr. Travis?

I stand by everything I said. You are making something out of nothing. It's just a video (a cool video, but just a video). Katy Perry and Kanye aren't trying to brainwash the masses with some big evil satanic agenda. I understand that we are all entitled to our opinions, but yours is over the top and quite frankly, absurd. However, you are indeed entitled to have it, just as I am entitled to respond to it. I'm sorry if my reply is offensive to you, but as I've already said, yours is to me. I LOATHE it when people try to make things out to be satanic this, satanic that. It's insulting to not only my intelligence, but yours as well.
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I'll play Devil's Advocate (no pun intended LOL!) and say this: why have most pop songs/videos in recent times had eerily similar themes/sounds/scenes/imagery? I think it's obvious that no one signed to major labels, especially "rising" or otherwise non-permanently established artists like Perry, Gaga, Rihanna, etc. has a large amount of freedom in what they choose to do musically, etc. It's obvious that this commercial music isn't meant to be either artistic or meaningful, and that they're all in it for the money, basically. Even if the musician him/herself isn't (fat chance, but let's say they're not), the amount of power they have to call the shots as compared to the people who actually run these labels is nothing. The ones taking the gamble by investing on a specific musician are the companies--do you honestly think they're going to let them have free reign over something they've put so much money into? No. They do their homework and investigate what's popular, and have these musicians singing about it constantly (there's a reason why the themes behind songs are oh so eerily similar no matter which artist you choose) and present newcomers as "edgy," or "different," when in truth they're just more of the same in the end.

In any case, my point is--if these people are the ones who have the control over what gets put out there, why are specific themes chosen time and time again? More recently, why are things like aliens, zombies, monsters, cannibals, etc. coming up in one video/song after another? I honestly disagree with Alma and the other poster, because I'm an atheist and I don't believe in demons or whatever else they claim is behind these things--but corporate greed and power-hungry people are things I certainly believe exist, with plenty of proof to back up my support of it, and I can see how it would apply to the mainstream industry.

Therefore, it wouldn't at all surprise me if people who had some sort of stock or tie to the mainstream music industry were utilizing these foolish, fame-hungry young girls to spread an agenda of sorts. It's been done before--everyone knows the media and propaganda are very powerful (see Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia, or read The Art of Propaganda for Dummies by Dr. Joseph Goebbels. Ok, that last one was a joke, but you get my point.) Then, you get into the, just because you don't see it, doesn't mean it's there, sort of thing. The goal in mind seems to be to dumb down society and make us all into promiscuous animals with no capacity for complex thinking--which is what is modeled in videos and popular media (and some people's lives lol) time and time again. One ought to wonder why.

I think that's a very legitimate question, the answer to which would be most interesting. If you examine the evolution of popular music, it seems to get sexier and sexier (and dumber and dumber lol) from Elvis Presley gyrating his hips and singing songs with grammatical errors, to modern-day strumpets who can't even form a coherent thought or concept in their songs appearing pretty much naked in their videos, and having extremely sexually suggestive choreography that would make Elvis blush lol. Then, of course, it gets creepy--with then-minor Miley Cyrus and her "Can't Be Tamed" video, with the highly-sexualized former Disney channel (as if that means anything anymore lol) star.

It's obvious she didn't write the song, and she probably didn't come up with the idea for the video, so one ought to wonder why anyone would want to have a 17 year old girl depicted in such a way. Then again, the same could be said for the young women who are portraying themselves in similar fashion for profit, really, if we want to look at things cynically. I've heard the explanation about it being "art" or "metaphoric," but in order to truly be either of those things, the material has to have meaning--something neither these pop songs nor videos have in any recognizable way. It's just a lame excuse used to justify what to some is barbaric sexualization, and to me, is sheer laziness and lack of creativity.

What is certain is that we absorb from our environment more than we are conscious of--and one ought to wonder why these mainstream music industry creeps are sending these same messages to people. This generation will take the messages from these videos and apply it to themselves in some way or other, to varying degrees depending on how gullible and idiotic they happen to be, and that is how one ends up being the reflection of the other--hence the nature of the incessant mass appeal.

Anyway, I've run out of things to say, and since I don't really have a strong personal stance either way, I won't say anything further on this. I just wanted to have a fun time playing devil's advocate, meaning, attempting to support a stance I don't really feel strongly towards.

I respect your opinion but I will have to respectfully disagree. You know my feelings on this sort of "thing" so I don't need to explain any further. This is right up there with the "Illuminati" nonsense for me. And again, that's just me. Funny that a video for once represents the song itself, and is creative, and it gets turned in to some convoluted conspiracy theory. Ya just can't win with some people. LOL!
I respect your opinion but I will have to respectfully disagree. You know my feelings on this sort of "thing" so I don't need to explain any further. This is right up there with the "Illuminati" nonsense for me. And again, that's just me. Funny that a video for once represents the song itself, and is creative, and it gets turned in to some convoluted conspiracy theory. Ya just can't win with some people. LOL!

Like I said, I have no definitive stance on this matter, however, it's not entirely out of the question. The "illuminati" secret society/satanic symbols stuff is absolute nonsense, but corporate greed and agendas aren't, in my humble opinion, and it's a known fact that mainstream artists have little freedom in regards to their image, material, etc. That's why they all churn out the same stuff, and it's a fact that attitudes towards sex in the media and music have drastically changed since their beginning in the 1950s. I have no problem with sex (Marquis de Sade fan here lol) as long as the material has some sort of meaning, but these pop songs/videos do not have any meaning, and they're just barbarically thrown together without reason nor regard. One ought to wonder why these people want to dumb down society in such a manner--nowadays, not even the songs make any sense. It's all just so lazy and disengaged, yet people are gobbling it up by the truckful. Shame.

In regards to the song/video specifically, I personally don't find anything wrong with it. I think it's an improvement that, for once, the video actually has something to do with the song, lol. Then again, Perry's always been good about that (California Girls being the only notable exception.) The Kanye West rap was a bit awkward in some places, and I honestly think the song was better without him. I like him, but I just don't think he fits in well with it and his lines are kind of cheesy. I also really like Perry, and I guess I don't want her to turn into yet another auto-tuned dance/techno/electronic b-tch. "Thinking of You" was absolutely brilliant, and her entire One of the Boys album was pretty damn good, for mainstream. I was looking forward to Teenage Dream, but it just disappointed. She didn't seem entirely "there." It wasn't anywhere as heartfelt nor as witty as OOTB, and it was an obvious attempt to fit into the new dance-oriented nonsense. The only song the techno/autotune thing really works for is E.T., like I said in one of my prior posts, but personally--I think she's better off without it. Autotune is for people who can't sing or whose habits ruined their voices, not for Katy Perry. I mean, her voice isn't the best I've ever heard, but it's decent, not ruined by smoking or drugs, and too good for auto-tune.
Like I said, I have no definitive stance on this matter, however, it's not entirely out of the question. The "illuminati" secret society/satanic symbols stuff is absolute nonsense, but corporate greed and agendas aren't, in my humble opinion, and it's a known fact that mainstream artists have little freedom in regards to their image, material, etc. That's why they all churn out the same stuff, and it's a fact that attitudes towards sex in the media and music have drastically changed since their beginning in the 1950s. I have no problem with sex (Marquis de Sade fan here lol) as long as the material has some sort of meaning, but these pop songs/videos do not have any meaning, and they're just barbarically thrown together without reason nor regard. One ought to wonder why these people want to dumb down society in such a manner--nowadays, not even the songs make any sense. It's all just so lazy and disengaged, yet people are gobbling it up by the truckful. Shame.

In regards to the song/video specifically, I personally don't find anything wrong with it. I think it's an improvement that, for once, the video actually has something to do with the song, lol. Then again, Perry's always been good about that (California Girls being the only notable exception.) The Kanye West rap was a bit awkward in some places, and I honestly think the song was better without him. I like him, but I just don't think he fits in well with it and his lines are kind of cheesy. I also really like Perry, and I guess I don't want her to turn into yet another auto-tuned dance/techno/electronic b-tch. "Thinking of You" was absolutely brilliant, and her entire One of the Boys album was pretty damn good, for mainstream. I was looking forward to Teenage Dream, but it just disappointed. She didn't seem entirely "there." It wasn't anywhere as heartfelt nor as witty as OOTB, and it was an obvious attempt to fit into the new dance-oriented nonsense. The only song the techno/autotune thing really works for is E.T., like I said in one of my prior posts, but personally--I think she's better off without it. Autotune is for people who can't sing or whose habits ruined their voices, not for Katy Perry. I mean, her voice isn't the best I've ever heard, but it's decent, not ruined by smoking or drugs, and too good for auto-tune.

The important thing to take from this is that we can disagree but still carry a conversation and be respectful towards one another. I wish more could do that. Just because I don't agree in this case doesn't mean I don't respect you. We're cool like that. ;)
That is an awesome feat and very cool that it hasn't happened in so long. And to think, she did this WITHOUT a re-release. "ET" was an instant favorite and while I personally loved it, I wasn't sure how it would fare on radio. Turns out, I was totally wrong and happily so. However, I much prefer the album version (can't stand Kanye). He nearly ruins the song, but thankfully in the video they didn't completely cut out Katy's bridge like in the radio cut. So at least there's that. The video itself is all kinds of awesome. FINALLY, some real effort and thought put in to a music video. It's so beautiful. The visuals are stunning.

yeah & interesting..as u can see top artist now are female stars...strong competition I say...Perry had 4 no. 1 single in one album...Gaga had 6 six weeks no. 1 single (although her album is yet to be released)...Swift had 20 million album sales & most downloaded artist...while Rihanna & Kesha both always have top 5 songs (they have more sales on single tracks than album though)...and of course Brit had debuted 2 no. 1 songs.

.......pretty nice competitions these gals have, hehe
I'll play Devil's Advocate (no pun intended LOL!) and say this: why have most pop songs/videos in recent times had eerily similar themes/sounds/scenes/imagery? I think it's obvious that no one signed to major labels, especially "rising" or otherwise non-permanently established artists like Perry, Gaga, Rihanna, etc. has a large amount of freedom in what they choose to do musically, etc. It's obvious that this commercial music isn't meant to be either artistic or meaningful, and that they're all in it for the money, basically. Even if the musician him/herself isn't (fat chance, but let's say they're not), the amount of power they have to call the shots as compared to the people who actually run these labels is nothing. The ones taking the gamble by investing on a specific musician are the companies--do you honestly think they're going to let them have free reign over something they've put so much money into? No. They do their homework and investigate what's popular, and have these musicians singing about it constantly (there's a reason why the themes behind songs are oh so eerily similar no matter which artist you choose) and present newcomers as "edgy," or "different," when in truth they're just more of the same in the end.

In any case, my point is--if these people are the ones who have the control over what gets put out there, why are specific themes chosen time and time again? More recently, why are things like aliens, zombies, monsters, cannibals, etc. coming up in one video/song after another? I honestly disagree with Alma and the other poster, because I'm an atheist and I don't believe in demons or whatever else they claim is behind these things--but corporate greed and power-hungry people are things I certainly believe exist, with plenty of proof to back up my support of it, and I can see how it would apply to the mainstream industry.

Therefore, it wouldn't at all surprise me if people who had some sort of stock or tie to the mainstream music industry were utilizing these foolish, fame-hungry young girls to spread an agenda of sorts. It's been done before--everyone knows the media and propaganda are very powerful (see Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia, or read The Art of Propaganda for Dummies by Dr. Joseph Goebbels. Ok, that last one was a joke, but you get my point.) Then, you get into the, just because you don't see it, doesn't mean it's there, sort of thing. The goal in mind seems to be to dumb down society and make us all into promiscuous animals with no capacity for complex thinking--which is what is modeled in videos and popular media (and some people's lives lol) time and time again. One ought to wonder why.

I think that's a very legitimate question, the answer to which would be most interesting. If you examine the evolution of popular music, it seems to get sexier and sexier (and dumber and dumber lol) from Elvis Presley gyrating his hips and singing songs with grammatical errors, to modern-day strumpets who can't even form a coherent thought or concept in their songs appearing pretty much naked in their videos, and having extremely sexually suggestive choreography that would make Elvis blush lol. Then, of course, it gets creepy--with then-minor Miley Cyrus and her "Can't Be Tamed" video, with the highly-sexualized former Disney channel (as if that means anything anymore lol) star.

It's obvious she didn't write the song, and she probably didn't come up with the idea for the video, so one ought to wonder why anyone would want to have a 17 year old girl depicted in such a way. Then again, the same could be said for the young women who are portraying themselves in similar fashion for profit, really, if we want to look at things cynically. I've heard the explanation about it being "art" or "metaphoric," but in order to truly be either of those things, the material has to have meaning--something neither these pop songs nor videos have in any recognizable way. It's just a lame excuse used to justify what to some is barbaric sexualization, and to me, is sheer laziness and lack of creativity.

What is certain is that we absorb from our environment more than we are conscious of--and one ought to wonder why these mainstream music industry creeps are sending these same messages to people. This generation will take the messages from these videos and apply it to themselves in some way or other, to varying degrees depending on how gullible and idiotic they happen to be, and that is how one ends up being the reflection of the other--hence the nature of the incessant mass appeal.

Anyway, I've run out of things to say, and since I don't really have a strong personal stance either way, I won't say anything further on this. I just wanted to have a fun time playing devil's advocate, meaning, attempting to support a stance I don't really feel strongly towards.

I appreciate your opinion, Mik, thanks.

It is obvious that such recurrent themes can be found virtually in every mainstream act these days. So much occult symbolism that it is hard, if not impossible to miss. It is not just a complete coincidence all these videos are touching upon subjects of this kind, that Mikage listed, whatever the agenda is behind that, the music agents and corporations are hindering their artists' input more and more, because of the blatant said similarities.

I don't wanna start arguments around here, at the end of the day, most will perceive things the way they want to perceive things, but it is just too ostentatiously and painfully evident that there is a serious agenda going on meant to brainwash people by startling them, some pleasantly, and others horrifyingly. Sorry about this opinion, which I realize may be offensive, but this is something I, as well as some other people who share this view and have done extensive research and perusing on such topics, cannot help but express it. Sorry, again.
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Just deal with the fact, that Kanye is a great artist, like it or not. You just cant deny it.

I can deny it. Whether you like it or not, everyone has their own opinions and their own personal tastes. To you, Kanye is a great artist. To me, Kanye is not a great artist, he is so terrible it's hard to call him an artist. You can't deny that.

Kanye completed a whole album in just 3 weeks, now that's talent.

A whole album in just 3 weeks?! Wow, he must be really talented. It must be the best album ever recorded because he spent so little time on it. I'm all for quality, not quantity. I'd rather he spent years on an album and made it a good one.

I can paint a picture in 1 day. Does that make me a talented artist?
I can deny it. Whether you like it or not, everyone has their own opinions and their own personal tastes. To you, Kanye is a great artist. To me, Kanye is not a great artist, he is so terrible it's hard to call him an artist. You can't deny that.
A whole album in just 3 weeks?! Wow, he must be really talented. It must be the best album ever recorded because he spent so little time on it. I'm all for quality, not quantity. I'd rather he spent years on an album and made it a good one.

I can paint a picture in 1 day. Does that make me a talented artist?

You are one very stubborn kid, you know that right?
The album that was done in 3 weeks, sold 450,145 copies in its first week.
Let's compare that to "Michael".
"Michael" sold 228,000 copies in it's first week.

When you obviously don't know music & music-production, you should seriously consider to shut your mouth.
You are one very stubborn kid, you know that right?
The album that was done in 3 weeks, sold 450,145 copies in its first week.
Let's compare that to "Michael".
"Michael" sold 228,000 copies in it's first week.

When you obviously don't know music & music-production, you should seriously consider to shut your mouth.

You OBVIOUSLY can't handle opposing views. And excuse you, you are making a lot of presumptions about someone you don't even know and you have ZERO right to tell anyone to shut up. Especially when you're the one in the wrong. They expressed their opinion, that Kanye sucks as an artist, and I tend to agree. Is it right? To us, yes. That's what having an opinion is about. It doesn't matter how much his half assed album sold in it's first week or collectively. That don't mean jack. Who cares? Kanye is still a big headed ungrateful jackass! And don't even try to compare that whiny bitch to the great Michael Jackson. Kanye hasn't done anything that can even be compared to MJ's leftovers, sales or not. :smilerolleyes: