Dyslexia Writing Sample and MJ Just a thought NO offense

Why do you seem, or com across as sooooo offended, a lot of the words greatest people have been and are dyslexic.

Nah I'm not offended, yes I know that many great people have been dyslexic. MJ may have been, but I think the fact that he had weak spelling and writing was due more to a lack of practice and education.

If he was dyslexic it takes absolutely nothing away from this musical abilities, so it doesn't matter
The OP just observed similarities between Dyslexic people and MJ. It's a "could he have been?" thought. And if MJ was, so what? Nothing wrong with that. MJ was a genius and nothing could ever take that away from him. There are alot of famous people and geniuses with Dyslexia; Einsten, Bell, Da Vinci, Edison, and the list goes on and on and on. Dyslexia is not something that should be looked down upon, so please.

For example Da Vinci wouldn't necessarily be dyslexic. He also could have been a naturally left-handed person who was forced to act in a right-handed world. There's some research by now that indicates that forcing someone to to use the brain half that's non-dominant can cause some real drama in one's brain.

Da Vinci's ability to write mirror handwriting for example isn't really all that mysterious. People who have been forced to use the non-dominant hand can do that. I'm left handed myself and was forced as a child to write with the right hand- now I can write mirror writing in one hand and regular with the other hand. It's a result of messing with one's brain basically.

I know that's OT but there are many things going on with the human brain.
Well I'm discalculic- dyslexia in maths, and dyspraxic. I believe Michael wasn't a good driver and the handwriting thing, and wasn't good at remembering dates- one of his assistants -Evy testified to his lack of memory of dates/numbers once. Very interesting theory and might explain alot.
It does bug me that some fans spit feathers when anyone tries to put forward any theories of Michael having learning probs. Please be aware your reaction is very offensive to those with disabilities of any kind.
It does bug me that some fans spit feathers when anyone tries to put forward any theories of Michael having learning probs. Please be aware your reaction is very offensive to those with disabilities of any kind.

at the same time, we have to be aware that we find it easy to put MJ under the microscope, while finding it easy to protect ourselves.
For example Da Vinci wouldn't necessarily be dyslexic. He also could have been a naturally left-handed person who was forced to act in a right-handed world. There's some research by now that indicates that forcing someone to to use the brain half that's non-dominant can cause some real drama in one's brain.

Da Vinci's ability to write mirror handwriting for example isn't really all that mysterious. People who have been forced to use the non-dominant hand can do that. I'm left handed myself and was forced as a child to write with the right hand- now I can write mirror writing in one hand and regular with the other hand. It's a result of messing with one's brain basically.

I know that's OT but there are many things going on with the human brain.

i don't think mirror writing is a result of messing with one's brain. I can do it with both hands (im left handed) and i've never been forced to do anything right handed. It's a result of having asymmetric langauage centre organisation in the hemispheres of the brain apparently. Most left handers have it. Its a fun but useless skill :lol:

As for Michael being dyslexic, he may have been, I really don't know how he managed to get 'pen' wrong otherwise. :)
It really doesn't matter if he was or not. So many different 'experts' have speculated so much that Michael must have had every learning disability under the sun. But who cares if he did or did not anyway. Michael was always perfect.
It really doesn't matter if he was or not. So many different 'experts' have speculated so much that Michael must have had every learning disability under the sun. But who cares if he did or did not anyway. Michael was always perfect.

i don't think mirror writing is a result of messing with one's brain. I can do it with both hands (im left handed) and i've never been forced to do anything right handed. It's a result of having asymmetric langauage centre organisation in the hemispheres of the brain apparently. Most left handers have it. Its a fun but useless skill :lol:

As for Michael being dyslexic, he may have been, I really don't know how he managed to get 'pen' wrong otherwise. :)

For some reason, your post reminded me of the time I found out my mom was ambidextrous. I thought she was always right handed because well, I always saw her writing with her right hand. Then when I was in highschool, I asked her to sign something for me and she had the phone in her right hand and she signed my paper with her left hand! Oh man, I was like, "WTF?!?" And I asked her, you can write with your left hand? And she said, "yeah, didn't you know, I'm ambidextrous?" I said, "well, I do now!" haha.
It really doesn't matter if he was or not. So many different 'experts' have speculated so much that Michael must have had every learning disability under the sun. But who cares if he did or did not anyway. Michael was always perfect.

you took ...the words right out of my mouth..:D.....Michael was Perfect.....
I thought that Dyslexia encompasses both reading and writing? If so then it can't be true, it was a wide known fact that he read many books

I'm dyslexic, and I read books. Dyslexia is a very broad disability, you can still read. Dyslexia is a form of word blindness which manifests it's self in many different ways, and not all dyslexics have the same symptons. For example, I can read and my spelling is ok but I have a short-term memory when someone explains a task to me. Some dyslexics have bad orginisational skills.

The way Michael contructs his sentences in handwritten letters he wrote, are classic of a dyslexic. Michael may or may not of been dyslexic, he would have had to be tested to find out or for us to know. I didn't find out I was dyslexic until I was 32yrs old when I was doing a Masters Degree.

Many dyslexics are creative people working in the arts/entertainment and even science. Many people who set up there own successful business's are dyslexic like Sir Richard Branson who owns Virgin who has the dyslexic sympton of short-term memory. And in the music world John Lennon was dyslexic, and he like Michael was also very well read.

It doesn't really matter if Michael was or wasn't dyslexic, he was the greatest at music and entertainment.
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i don't think mirror writing is a result of messing with one's brain. I can do it with both hands (im left handed) and i've never been forced to do anything right handed. It's a result of having asymmetric langauage centre organisation in the hemispheres of the brain apparently. Most left handers have it. Its a fun but useless skill :lol:

As for Michael being dyslexic, he may have been, I really don't know how he managed to get 'pen' wrong otherwise. :)

Yeah, that's where it get's tricky. The same researcher I read was researching the natural occurrence of ambidexters and came to the conclusion that they are fairly rare by "nature". That the ambidextrous tendencies of many lefthanders are more a result of active imitation (even without anything you would consider "force") of a right handed world "standard.", or things going on during the birthing process.
I do know of other lefthanders and the majority of those does not know how to mirror write. Those that have ambidextrous tendencies however are the ones that do possess the skill.

It's really still a mystery but I guess it is safe to say that the majority of humans does exhibit a dominant side versus natural ambidexterous leanings.

Guess it's hard to say with absoluteness what the cause is but now, not all lefthanders who were always free to use their left hand know how to write mirror writing.

Sorry, total OT.