Dyslexia Writing Sample and MJ Just a thought NO offense


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
New Zealand
As I am Dyslexic, I was on line looking at dyslexic hand writing articles when I came across an article analyzing MJs hand writing the article disgusted me, so I promptly wrote them telling them how my hand writing is very similar and how it's only because I am dyslexic and how deeply offended I was. After that I thought hay maybe. I looked at other samples of his hand writing, like a lot of people with dyslexia his hand writing is very erratic, and there were spelling mistakes, enough to say hmmmmm I wounder, He definitely uses the right hemisphere of his brain to the extreme, like he has invented (the Lean shoes) he could draw fantastically. He dances with grace and oh such power, he not only could create music, sing, bet box, he also made movies that captured the imagination and changed the world. I know MJ loved to read, alot of people with dyslexia do, once the master it, they tend to love to read books that captor the imagination, because people with dyslexia visualize everything, anyhow just want to know your thoughts???
I wont place the article, I will say it had nothing to do with dyslexia and has no place here.
Please don't be offended, it's just a thought, and a complement.
I know what you mean. He did often mistake words, such as the word pen, spelled it as "pin." And his writing was a little erratic. Gives it character though :) Although, not sure if he was Dyslexic for sure. I think he was just a genius at everything.
I had mild Dyslexia when I was younger, often confusing numbers and letters but I persevered and read books and now, I rarely have problems with it. The only time I get confused now is when I'm under stress and even if I am, rarely do I make mistakes. But yes, people with Dyslexia do visualize everything and like to read books and draw! I drew all the time when I was younger. Ohh and my older and younger brother has Dyslexia too and they are both amazing at building things, fixing computers and drawing. They won drawing contests all the time.
I know what you mean. He did often mistake words, such as the word pen, spelled it as "pin." And his writing was a little erratic. Gives it character though :) Although, not sure if he was Dyslexic for sure. I think he was just a genius at everything.
I had mild Dyslexia when I was younger, often confusing numbers and letters but I persevered and read books and now, I rarely have problems with it. The only time I get confused now is when I'm under stress and even if I am, rarely do I make mistakes. But yes, people with Dyslexia do visualize everything and like to read books and draw! I drew all the time when I was younger. Ohh and my older and younger brother has Dyslexia too and they are both amazing at building things, fixing computers and drawing. They won drawing contests all the time.

that is sooo cool that u have been able to over come it, your brothers are so lucky to be that talented. When I think of dyslexic people I think of Da Vinci and Albert Einstein grate minds:)
I wouldn't be surprised if he was Dyslexic. Many geniuses are. ;)
Hey, you never know...he could have been dyslexic..his handwriting was erratic, but I've often seen a lot that men's handwriting in general can be sorta messy (no offense to you guys!)
As I am Dyslexic, I was on line looking at dyslexic hand writing articles when I came across an article analyzing MJs hand writing the article disgusted me, so I promptly wrote them telling them how my hand writing is very similar and how it's only because I am dyslexic and how deeply offended I was. After that I thought hay maybe.
Please don't be offended, it's just a thought, and a complement.

I don't see why saying that someone is dyslexic is offensive. Its just a thing that some people have. This year I was told that i might have mild dyslexia, I took no offence, i just thought i needed to get tested to be sure. Being told you have dyslexia is not rude and is nothing to be embarrassed about. :)
^^ no, it's not an offensive thing...I think I may be dyslexic with numbers...I don't know...I've never been diagnosed, but I often see, for example...72, as 27, ...i do that a lot...
He probably was! its no surprise actualy, makes sense if he was. I don't know if you can tell by my writing that i am a bit dyslexic too. More specifically dyspraxic. Theres lots of types of dyslexia, and i think he fits the same catagory as me! (..this makes me feel awfully special! lol)

Dyspraxic people have 'organisation problems' (things like having messy handwriting and a messy room- but i like to call it organised chaos!) and are 'forgetful' and have difficulty telling the time and stuff. And can't spell. - my mum reckons its another way of calling me a scatter brain. = p

But i have no problem reading, never have had any problem, infact i was a proper book worm growing up. I have no other problems with literacy apart from the spelling- as of right now i'm studying for degree in creative writing! And they tend to be not so good at maths, which i was'nt, but not majorally so. Most girls tend not to be rubbish at it anyway! They also tend to be highly highly creative.

And i think its fits him like a glove! ...apart from the fact that dyspraxic people are a little clumsy....and considering his Awesome dancing ability hrmmm...i don't know. But its an interesting thought.
I know dozens of people with a crappy handwriting and a horrible grammar who are not dyslexic so please
I thought that Dyslexia encompasses both reading and writing? If so then it can't be true, it was a wide known fact that he read many books
i think he just missed some hours at school..especially when he was 7-8 years old..i'm a teacher and i know that if some things like handwriting and math are not properly learned in the first or second grade is very difficult later and you will always do some mistakes...
It just may be, but I am in no way a professional so my opinion on this is useless and doesn't really matter. If he had it, there is no shame in it at all. A lot of great and extremely intelligent people have/had dyslexia. CNN journalist Anderson Cooper is a good example of one.
I don't see why saying that someone is dyslexic is offensive. Its just a thing that some people have. This year I was told that i might have mild dyslexia, I took no offence, i just thought i needed to get tested to be sure. Being told you have dyslexia is not rude and is nothing to be embarrassed about. :)

It's not offensive in my books, but there are still some old school people out their that look at dyslexic people as dummy's, it's to them i was talking, and also I don't want people to think I'm trying to labile MJ. He's my hero.:)
MJ didnt have dyslexia, he just didnt have a formal education. Michael never learnt how to read sheet music either. It doesnt mean anything.
He probably was! its no surprise actualy, makes sense if he was. I don't know if you can tell by my writing that i am a bit dyslexic too. More specifically dyspraxic. Theres lots of types of dyslexia, and i think he fits the same catagory as me! (..this makes me feel awfully special! lol)

Dyspraxic people have 'organisation problems' (things like having messy handwriting and a messy room- but i like to call it organised chaos!) and are 'forgetful' and have difficulty telling the time and stuff. And can't spell. - my mum reckons its another way of calling me a scatter brain. = p

But i have no problem reading, never have had any problem, infact i was a proper book worm growing up. I have no other problems with literacy apart from the spelling- as of right now i'm studying for degree in creative writing! And they tend to be not so good at maths, which i wasn't, but not majorally so. Most girls tend not to be rubbish at it anyway! They also tend to be highly highly creative.

And i think its fits him like a glove! ...apart from the fact that dyspraxic people are a little clumsy....and considering his Awesome dancing ability hrmmm...i don't know. But its an interesting thought.

dyspraxic people have trouble with maths, I too have that, but I don't know about clumsy, even before I fell in love with MJ I was very good at dancing never taught, and when I was little I was alway chosen to sing for my school, I love karaoke:) but I am a very naughty smoker and it has done a lot of damage to my voice:( I do however have trouble judging distance verses time eg I can't tall how fast a car is coming toward me, I'm 38 and still don't have my drivers license for that reason I think I would be dangerous driving a car, and sport no good at.
MJ didnt have dyslexia, he just didnt have a formal education. Michael never learnt how to read sheet music either. It doesnt mean anything.

It has been proved today that kid excel more from home schooling and privet tutors, MJ didn't go to school but did have a privet touter. So he did have a formal education just not in a public school.
I know dozens of people with a crappy handwriting and a horrible grammar who are not dyslexic so please

The OP just observed similarities between Dyslexic people and MJ. It's a "could he have been?" thought. And if MJ was, so what? Nothing wrong with that. MJ was a genius and nothing could ever take that away from him. There are alot of famous people and geniuses with Dyslexia; Einsten, Bell, Da Vinci, Edison, and the list goes on and on and on. Dyslexia is not something that should be looked down upon, so please.
I think MJ was one of those people that wrote stuff without reading it(someti mes, not all the time). I do this myself. I personally called it for myself "writing from my heart and my hands are too slow in interpreting my thoughts".

I also think if it was something that he wanted to be remembered by he would put more interest in re-reading what he wrote until it sounded just right(i.e. a song / doing speeches) and if it was something he did at random/something he didn't really care about he would just write it and not think twice about it.(This is also how I operate).
people with a formal education write like that. hey..i know nobody means offence..

i know Michael was quiet, so people have a lot of thoughts and theories about him, but they are only thoughts and theories:)

i'm not trying to be offensive either, but human nature dictates that when we don't have an answer to something, we want to create one. and MJ has been the subject of more of that..creativity, than anyone.

personally i don't think a person should always be considered diagnosed, just because a doctor says they are different..that goes for a person who has been diagnosed as dyslexic..
it could be that a person just writes different..and could very well be advanced...

in other words i don't think there's necessarily a bad thing, when a person writes different. it could be a good thing...or a thing that is, just a different thing. a person in need of diagnosing, may be just in a world where they think their version of normal is normal, but perhaps the other version is normal.

and, of course, after experience in this world, the word normal has become a bad word, to me.
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people with a formal education write like that. hey..i know nobody means offence..

i know Michael was quiet, so people have a lot of thoughts and theories about him, but they are only thoughts and theories:)

i'm not trying to be offensive either, but human nature dictates that when we don't have an answer to something, we want to create one. and MJ has been the subject of more of that..creativity, than anyone.

personally i don't think a person should always be considered diagnosed, just because a doctor says they are different..that goes for a person who has been diagnosed as dyslexic..
it could be that a person just writes different..and could very well be advanced...

in other words i don't think there's necessarily a bad thing, when a person writes different. it could be a good thing...or a thing that is, just a different thing. a person in need of diagnosing, may be just in a world where they think their version of normal is normal, but perhaps the other version is normal.

and, of course, after experience in this world, the word normal has become a bad word, to me.

U have a very fascinating open way of thinking, I like:)
I think MJ was one of those people that wrote stuff without reading it(someti mes, not all the time). I do this myself. I personally called it for myself "writing from my heart and my hands are too slow in interpreting my thoughts".

I also think if it was something that he wanted to be remembered by he would put more interest in re-reading what he wrote until it sounded just right(i.e. a song / doing speeches) and if it was something he did at random/something he didn't really care about he would just write it and not think twice about it.(This is also how I operate).

Could well be.
It has been proved today that kid excel more from home schooling and privet tutors, MJ didn't go to school but did have a privet touter. So he did have a formal education just not in a public school.

Lol you may need to get yourself one of these privet touters
MJ didnt have dyslexia, he just didnt have a formal education. Michael never learnt how to read sheet music either. It doesnt mean anything.

Aaaaaaaaand I think we've nailed it. The guys education took a backseat since the time he started school. Of course he isn't going to spell extremely well, he wouldn't have spent much time doing it in his school days
Lol you may need to get yourself one of these privet touters

tactlessness. she said she's Dyslexic.

I don’t think it matters if Michael was Dyslexic or not, he was a genius. Period.
And btw many famous geniuses had dyslexia..so what?
Aaaaaaaaand I think we've nailed it. The guys education took a backseat since the time he started school. Of course he isn't going to spell extremely well, he wouldn't have spent much time doing it in his school days

Why do you seem, or com across as sooooo offended, a lot of the words greatest people have been and are dyslexic.
Lol you may need to get yourself one of these privet touters

can u paint like me, no lessons , I think it's easy, but I struggle spelling,not sooo easy,not all of us think with the same hemispheres of the brain , dyslexia was found in the 1800 s how do u think they discovered da vinci was dyslexic????he was from the 1500s it was from his writings and his amassing art.