Dreams about MJ! (Merged)

The last couple of days Ive had some weird dreams about Michaels shows. I dont know if its sort of like a sign.. In the dreams I get dissapointed about something that happens at the show. One time I dreamt the stage was veeery little, that there was only like 50 people in the arena, another time that Michael didn't look like Michael Jackson, and that he was going to premier a new single, which he sang live and it sounded... awful!! Then he just left the stage and my mom and I was like "was THAT it?".. :mellow: in the dreams I always leave the concert in huge dissapointment.

I think the media and the people around me gives me these dreams, the media has done nothing but given the public a negative sigh of these shows, which in result have lead my friends and parents in doubt. They're all like "Don't get ur hopes too high, it might not happen!" they tell me that ALL THE TIME.. and Im always like "Pff, stop saying that. He WILL do the shows. Come on!!" but then in my dreams I begin to doubt :/
This morning I had a very odd & touching one. Sorry it's so long, but I had to explain it all. It's about Michael from today and Michael from a few years ago. I was sent back in the past by Michael to comfort himself. Wild. And I got to cuddle with him. Twice. :wub:

I was in some type of long, rectangular diner/cafe. Kind of reminded me of being decorated with all second-hand items from the 70's, or was just an old place. In the very back of the 'diner' was a little living room type seating area with a couch, a loveseat (2-seat sofa) and a chair. In the center of the seating area was a large coffee table. In the chair sat Michael's father. Across from him and to his right, on the couch were three men whom I felt a bit of suspicion about. They could have been attorneys or people dealing with something financial. I kind of got the feeling of a shady deal or at least something bad going on. Sitting next to his father to the left, on the loveseat, was Michael. But not Michael of today, but Michael from the past... around 2003-2005. So I was witnessing something from the past.

I was seeing this all from my seat about halfway up to the front of the building, sitting on a couch that was against the wall. And I was on that couch with..... who?.... Michael! (MJ of today/now.) He was holding me close, like we leaning/lying against each other, in each other's arms. Not like... that ;D, hehe, but in this beautiful, calming and caring way. It was a dream, so the logistics of it all doesn't make much sense, but it was kind of like we were wrapped around each other in a way, sort of like innocent cuddling :wub:

So, to our right and about 10 feet away at the back of the building was the scene from 2003-2005, and in front of us was a screen which was showing news clips from over the years. At one point Mary Hart from Entertainment Tonight was talking about Bad being released soon. I said, "Yes, I remember seeing this back then! I was so excited." You see, Michael seemingly wanted to know how I had felt about all these moments in time as they came up. He wanted me to explain to him what my emotions had been. At one point I said something like, "Of course, as a fan... well, I don't like using the word fan here because..." and I looked up at him and into those gorgeous eyes. The thought I was trying to get across was that "fan" sounded like I was just crazy about him and blah, blah, but I intended to say, "I love so very much" to try to let him know I was very serious, that I truly cared about him . "Fan" didn't seem like a good enough word to express depth. But it was like I got shy at that moment and couldn't finish my sentence!!! :smilerolleyes: And then I immediately knew I regretted having not said what I felt, but the moment had already passed. Agh!

A few moments later, Michael pointed to the back of the diner, at himself in 2003/2005. Past-Michael looked very upset and kind of angry about something. Today's-Michael said to me, "Now is when you need to go sit there with me... him. He's, I'm... going to get up and go to the restroom door and when I come back to that seat I will need you with me, sitting beside me there. Please..."

I said, quite concerned, "Are you sure? I mean, you look really annoyed there and you're not going to know me yet or anything. I'm afraid the you over there won't want me nearby!"

He said, "Yes, quite possible. But I will need you at this moment."

So I sort of reluctantly left my warm and comfy cuddling embrace with today's Michael and walked toward the seating area. I was really worried about the reaction, about me just barging in, uninvited. Past-Michael looked quite ticked off about something and got up and quickly left to the restroom. At this moment I just walked right up to the loveseat and sat next to where he had been. The others took little notice of me. When Michael came back out he sat down and at first, as predicted, looked annoyed at this person (me) who'd decided I could just sit there on his little sofa without permission. I wanted to explain that he himself, from the future, had told me to sit there (!), but knew I couldn't and that he wouldn't believe me anyway. I felt quite uncomfortable and worried about what his opinion of me was at this moment and so I sort of scooched over to my own side as far as I could.

He took his reading glasses out of his pocket and began reading something with fine print, like a long contract. He was so beautiful and I was finding it hard to not stare at him. Then, without hardly even glancing at me, he said softly, "Do you want to come over here? .... Come here..." and he patted his chest lightly. I came close and he held me close to him while he read the contract. :wub:

I felt almost overwhelmed with emotion, realizing this was somehow comforting him and this is what he needed at this moment, as today's Michael had told me. I could hear his heartbeat and a few tears fell from my eyes as I said inside my mind to his heart something like... I love you so much, keep beating strong, please never stop, I love you sooo, sooo much... :angel:
And that's where my husband decided I'd slept long enough for a Saturday morning and came in and woke me up!!!! Grrrrrrr!!!! When I told him my dream he said I had permission to beat him, lolol...
That is a sweet dream. It gives me the feeling or reminds me of maybe an angel. Like you're an angel sent to comfort him in a time when he needed comfort. Very cool. I love your husbands reaction too. So nice he's understanding instead of jealous. I'm glad you shared that.
The last couple of days Ive had some weird dreams about Michaels shows. I dont know if its sort of like a sign.. In the dreams I get dissapointed about something that happens at the show.
Nerves? Or, as you said, negative media. I had a dream like that back in March, that we couldn't see anything from our seats and the audience wasn't interested and MJ sounded awful, lol. That dream sucked! But it made me buy a 7th row tick on Viagogo, lol (because we had balcony ticks to the 2nd show we're seeing & in the dream I was like, "Uh, if he sounds bad, then maybe at least I could've SEEN him! Oh why oh why didn't we go ahead and spend the money for better seats on Viagogo?!!", lolol). Well, hopefully you'll get a GOOD dream about MJ now to counteract the bad. Maybe tonight!

That is a sweet dream. It gives me the feeling or reminds me of maybe an angel. Like you're an angel sent to comfort him in a time when he needed comfort. Very cool. I love your husbands reaction too. So nice he's understanding instead of jealous. I'm glad you shared that.
It was very cool, yes. I wish I could have some kind of connection with Michael like that in more dreams. Oh, I would go wherever/whenever he needed me, for sure :wub: And about my husband... I think any jealousy would be that HE himself didn't get to have a dream with Michael, lol. We both love him, met because of MJ, and I dream of him way more often than my husband ever has. He just wants a hug too, you know, lol.

^ ^ ^ What an amazing and beautiful dream you've shared with us, mjbunny. I sense it has loads of meaning and depth. That's one special dream! :) Thanks for posting it.
At first this morning I almost didn't want to share because it felt so personal somehow, but I love reading others' dreams about Michael, so I posted. Only you folks understand, you know :) I don't know about what meanings it has, wow. It was odd and disturbing and beautiful all at the same time.

Because of the aspect of going back in time to comfort him in the past, this morning I had to think of the research in Israel in the early 90's about "retroactive prayer". Long story short, they had a prayer group pray for the speedy recovery of patients in a hospital, while the other group of patients got no praying. What they didn't tell the pray-ers is that these patients' files were simply grabbed blindly out of the discharge records from years before. So the people weren't even currently in the hospital. After the praying, the researchers examined the files and found that the ones prayed for actually had done better than the ones not prayed for. And it was hundreds of files and way more than chance alone. If truly a blind study, it leaves questions open about the nature of time. Kind of messes with the mind.
alot of MJ dreams lately..specialy about the shows..I dreamt the show was down in our livingroom or something..I was upstairs in my room with my window open and then MJ came up the latter and I was like :eek:!!!!!!!!! OMFG OMFG !!!!
and he kissed me! and gave me a hug and said he's kinda nervous about the shows..and I was all hyped! I told him he's gonna do fine and to "go down there!!! the fans are waiting" so he climbed down the latter (LOL) and had the show.. And then I cries..cause MJ had just kissed me.omg.!!!.!!!

and THEN
I went downstairs and my whole family was stressing and cleaning because MJ was gonna come for dinner!!! and I had just gone out of bed so I was all :O sh*t I look terrible and jumped in the shower!
and then I kept planning I was gonna show MJ my "michael jackson car"..the one in my "pimp my car-the michael jackson style" thread..
and i ran up to my room and stared at all my MJ posters wondering WHICH ONE to get signed..I was in heaven! I was gonna meet Michael again!! and definately get him to sign my picture..so I wanted to pick the right one..and then I chose a picture from TWYMMF music video..

and i woke up =/
alot of MJ dreams lately..specialy about the shows..I dreamt the show was down in our livingroom or something..I was upstairs in my room with my window open and then MJ came up the latter and I was like :eek:!!!!!!!!! OMFG OMFG !!!!
and he kissed me! and gave me a hug and said he's kinda nervous about the shows..and I was all hyped! I told him he's gonna do fine and to "go down there!!! the fans are waiting" so he climbed down the latter (LOL) and had the show.. And then I cries..cause MJ had just kissed me.omg.!!!.!!!

and THEN
I went downstairs and my whole family was stressing and cleaning because MJ was gonna come for dinner!!! and I had just gone out of bed so I was all :O sh*t I look terrible and jumped in the shower!
and then I kept planning I was gonna show MJ my "michael jackson car"..the one in my "pimp my car-the michael jackson style" thread..
and i ran up to my room and stared at all my MJ posters wondering WHICH ONE to get signed..I was in heaven! I was gonna meet Michael again!! and definately get him to sign my picture..so I wanted to pick the right one..and then I chose a picture from TWYMMF music video..

and i woke up =/
:wild: LOL, cool dream! You got a kiss, even! :swoon:
^^haha thanks, yeah I knoooow :O
I hate waking up from MJ dreams.. :(
it's not that bad now though 'cause at least I can say "I AM gonna see him:O"
not.. "will I ever:(?"
Nerves? Or, as you said, negative media. I had a dream like that back in March, that we couldn't see anything from our seats and the audience wasn't interested and MJ sounded awful, lol. That dream sucked! But it made me buy a 7th row tick on Viagogo, lol (because we had balcony ticks to the 2nd show we're seeing & in the dream I was like, "Uh, if he sounds bad, then maybe at least I could've SEEN him! Oh why oh why didn't we go ahead and spend the money for better seats on Viagogo?!!", lolol). Well, hopefully you'll get a GOOD dream about MJ now to counteract the bad. Maybe tonight!

It was very cool, yes. I wish I could have some kind of connection with Michael like that in more dreams. Oh, I would go wherever/whenever he needed me, for sure :wub: And about my husband... I think any jealousy would be that HE himself didn't get to have a dream with Michael, lol. We both love him, met because of MJ, and I dream of him way more often than my husband ever has. He just wants a hug too, you know, lol.

At first this morning I almost didn't want to share because it felt so personal somehow, but I love reading others' dreams about Michael, so I posted. Only you folks understand, you know :) I don't know about what meanings it has, wow. It was odd and disturbing and beautiful all at the same time.

Because of the aspect of going back in time to comfort him in the past, this morning I had to think of the research in Israel in the early 90's about "retroactive prayer". Long story short, they had a prayer group pray for the speedy recovery of patients in a hospital, while the other group of patients got no praying. What they didn't tell the pray-ers is that these patients' files were simply grabbed blindly out of the discharge records from years before. So the people weren't even currently in the hospital. After the praying, the researchers examined the files and found that the ones prayed for actually had done better than the ones not prayed for. And it was hundreds of files and way more than chance alone. If truly a blind study, it leaves questions open about the nature of time. Kind of messes with the mind.
That is a really cool study. Very interesting outcome of it too. WOw.

i dreamt last night that it was the opening show and the opener was Dont stop till u get enough!
This morning I dreamt that there was some weird thing going on with tickets, like in order to actually get your tickets (either from Ticketmaster or Viagogo) you had to go to some box office location with some kind of PIN/password and even then it wouldn't be guaranteed you'd get your original seats. Like just because you had bought and paid for BK 112 doesn't mean you're actually going to get BK 112. You might get stuck in the balcony instead. Agh! :no: So it was like trying to be in line, hoping for tickets all over again!

Then, while trying to get my Viagogo ticks, I ended up in the O2, right along the front edge of the stage looking out to where the audience would be. The stage was being put together and the chairs were being put into place on the floor, but there was this big gap directly in front of the stage with no seats, like where section A2 would normally be. Huh?

I was told that there was to be a wide catwalk installed, so the stage would be extended straight out about 15 rows from the center. Ummmm, ok, but what about all the seats? I mean, tickets have already been sold for seats that were supposed to be right there!! The guy told me that to compensate, A2 had been split in half and moved to the sides.... in front of A1 and A3!!! So basically, if you had front row in A1 or A3, you're now in like row 16! :bugeyed WTF?! So my 7th row A1 was now like being in B1!!! :eek: All I could think of is how many people are going to be seriously pissed off when they find out!

So, great MJ dream one night, bad one the next, lol. And this is now the second dream I've had about a catwalk. Hmmm.
When it rains, it pours...

This morning I dreamt I was walking down a street in my old hometown when I suddenly heard "Beautiful Girl" being blasted from someone's backyard. It took me by surprise. I laughed to myself and knew I had to post this in the 'Hearing More MJ Music Out in Public?', lol.

But then... the music changed into some mid-tempo song with MJ singing and I thought... what? This is NEW! I've never heard this before! And again it changed into another mid-tempo song that was similar. Quite honestly, the songs didn't sound like much to me, so I was confused... are these new songs or what??? This is a total surprise... no news a release or anything!

Then somehow I was able to see these people's TV screen over the fence and saw that it was a promo for Entertainment Tonight. (Why did I dream of that show again? LOL) The announcer lady said, "Tonight on ET ... a sneak peek at the new single and video from Michael Jackson!" They then showed some clips of Michael and... it didn't look like him! The "old" file clips were him, but not. His jaw and smile were totally different. I felt way confused.

Then... THEN... they showed a brief clip of the new video and Michael looked shorter, his skin was darker, he was quite chunky and... he was bald, as in shaved head! :bugeyed LOLOL... WTF?!!! It was his face, kind of, but a bit more looking like Tito. I was so confused. I thought... what in the freakin' world would make him decide to look like this suddenly?! Will he look like this at the O2? I hope not. Then I was torn up inside about feeling like a traitor because I didn't like his new look or his new song, lol. :doh:
the last couple of days ive had some weird dreams about michaels shows. I dont know if its sort of like a sign.. In the dreams i get dissapointed about something that happens at the show. One time i dreamt the stage was veeery little, that there was only like 50 people in the arena, another time that michael didn't look like michael jackson, and that he was going to premier a new single, which he sang live and it sounded... Awful!! Then he just left the stage and my mom and i was like "was that it?".. :mellow: In the dreams i always leave the concert in huge dissapointment.

I think the media and the people around me gives me these dreams, the media has done nothing but given the public a negative sigh of these shows, which in result have lead my friends and parents in doubt. They're all like "don't get ur hopes too high, it might not happen!" they tell me that all the time.. And im always like "pff, stop saying that. He will do the shows. Come on!!" but then in my dreams i begin to doubt :/
you know what ,i,ve had lot,s of dreams like that lately,it must be all the negativity we read ,then your subconcious mind is thinking about it when you are dreaming,i had one where there was not many people there and they didn,t even have the proper seats there that they have at the 02,they were just chaire scattered anywhere,and the tiers were all covered up,he still give a great show,and i shouted i love you michael,and he heard me and came to the end of the stage,where i was and said i love you too,i,ve had some wierd dreams,that are so far from the truth,
I had a dream after his death....

Before he died, he had promised to play basketball with his kids, in my dream...:no:
EXCERPTS FROM JUNE 20th DREAM ---- This morning I had a very odd & touching one. .... in front of us was a screen which was showing news clips from over the years. At one point Mary Hart from Entertainment Tonight was talking about Bad being released soon. I said, "Yes, I remember seeing this back then! I was so excited." You see, Michael seemingly wanted to know how I had felt about all these moments in time as they came up. He wanted me to explain to him what my emotions had been. ....
Then, without hardly even glancing at me, he said softly, "Do you want to come over here? .... Come here..." and he patted his chest lightly. I came close and he held me close to him while he read the contract.

I felt almost overwhelmed with emotion, realizing this was somehow comforting him and this is what he needed at this moment, as today's Michael had told me. I could hear his heartbeat and a few tears fell from my eyes as I said inside my mind to his heart something like... I love you so much, keep beating strong, please never stop, I love you sooo, sooo much...
Oh, Jesus.

Jesus. :cry:

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at that night i was dreaming that his face disappeared right in front of me. it was the one i have as a poster on my door. when i woke up and heard those news i remembered the dream. that was strange somehow..
That night, after we knew, so I should say the next morning since we were up all night... dreamt that Michael was off in the distance, wearing a red shirt and black pants like Bad era. There was a lot of water flowing around him on the ground, like rivers (I guess tears). There was news coverage somehow floating in the air near him about him, but it wasn't clear exactly what they were saying. I went to a house with white stone walls. We (my husband and I) were inside a room trying to figure out what had happened in that place. Something had happened here, but I didn't understand just what, but I felt very unfocused and empty inside. The ceiling was like a series of huge arches, reminding me of the inside of a cathedral. I was underneath one, looking out the window to an old, elaborate city made of stone. An earthquake began shaking it violently and a news lady was commenting on how this quake was destroying everything. I watched as the sky became darker and the buildings crumbled, huge chunks falling off and crashing to the ground, crumbling to dust. I noticed how strange that it wasn't shaking inside, just outside. Pretty soon there was almost nothing left.

When I was still half asleep I had thought, "Yes, L.A. should be destroyed now, completely destroyed by a giant earthquake. It would only be fitting. The world can't just go on." (Sorry, but it how I felt and I was only half awake.) I woke up completely and immediately realized it was my first morning without Michael in the world and I started crying... the beginning of the second worst day ever.
at that night i was dreaming that his face disappeared right in front of me. it was the one i have as a poster on my door. when i woke up and heard those news i remembered the dream. that was strange somehow..
I think a lot of people had dreams similar to that. People have mentioned them in other threads. :cry:
I had a dream that the magician who was going to be doing the This Is It concerts came into school to do a stunt that involved blowing up a cream egg. Just before it was about to blow up i saw Michael run across a corridor over head. He got caught in the flames of the explosion :cry: then I woke up and my mum told me the news :( i was devastated
I think a lot of people had dreams similar to that. People have mentioned them in other threads. :cry:

yes, but its really really strange. i didnt know anything and i was like wtf?! when i heard the terrible news and remembered the dream.
i mean, was that seriously like a message or sth.? but how could i know that??
it seems so impossible...
I had a dream with MJ past night:
He was in a big LIGHT...he didn't tell me anything,but only put his finger close to his mouth and said: Shhht :(
yes, but its really really strange. i didnt know anything and i was like wtf?! when i heard the terrible news and remembered the dream.
i mean, was that seriously like a message or sth.? but how could i know that??
it seems so impossible...
I think it was, yes. I believe in those things because they've happened to me, my family and friends so many times. I'm the "nutty" one they all tell their stories to, I guess because they know I won't ridicule them. Personally, I think you knew what had happened on some level on consciousness, to someone you care deeply for, and the dream was like a message, a news flash. We all knew, somehow, whether we were in a position to notice it or not at that moment. I know some people would think that's a bunch of phooey, but I don't.

I'm sorry for anyone who had to find out in the morning like that, though. That's so much of a horrible shock. (Not like it wasn't when finding out immediately when it happened :cry:)

I had a dream that the magician who was going to be doing the This Is It concerts came into school to do a stunt that involved blowing up a cream egg. Just before it was about to blow up i saw Michael run across a corridor over head. He got caught in the flames of the explosion :cry: then I woke up and my mum told me the news :( i was devastated
I would give anything, Luke, if your dream had meant nothing and there was no bad news waiting in the morning. I wonder just how many had dreams like this. I bet many. We're all so connected with each other and with Michael.

I had a dream with MJ past night:
He was in a big LIGHT...he didn't tell me anything,but only put his finger close to his mouth and said: Shhht :(
It could be beautiful in one aspect, though. He was in a big light. Wouldn't that light probably be God? That's how I want to know he is at this point... where he has no pain and no torment, where he can let go of regrets and worries, where he can know how much we all truly have loved him and always will. I wish that he sees and feels the outpouring of love across the planet.

Question... did he do the "shhhh" thing in a playful way, a way like he had a secret, or how? Do you remember anything else about how he looked? Sorry if it's painful to remember. I'm just curious.
I rarely dream about Michael. If I do, it's always him performing. but the night of his passing I had a beautiful dream. It was so real and yet so surreal. There was this crowd of people, fans waiting for Michaels body to be moved. He was laying on a stretcher as they were carrying him away. He was gone but had a smile on his face as though he had passed away happy and at peace. I felt joy as I saw his face. It was so beautiful because his smile was so gorgeous. Then he woke up. Michael wasn't gone, he was still with us. He said something but I can't remember what. When I woke up, I felt happiness only to realize that it was all a dream. I will take that dream as a sign that he's happy, wherever he is and he's with us forever.
I rarely dream about Michael. If I do, it's always him performing. but the night of his passing I had a beautiful dream. It was so real and yet so surreal. There was this crowd of people, fans waiting for Michaels body to be moved. He was laying on a stretcher as they were carrying him away. He was gone but had a smile on his face as though he had passed away happy and at peace. I felt joy as I saw his face. It was so beautiful because his smile was so gorgeous. Then he woke up. Michael wasn't gone, he was still with us. He said something but I can't remember what. When I woke up, I felt happiness only to realize that it was all a dream. I will take that dream as a sign that he's happy, wherever he is and he's with us forever.
Thank you so much for sharing this dream :)
This morning I dreamt that there was some weird thing going on with tickets, like in order to actually get your tickets (either from Ticketmaster or Viagogo) you had to go to some box office location with some kind of PIN/password and even then it wouldn't be guaranteed you'd get your original seats. ... So it was like trying to be in line, hoping for tickets all over again!
Please see quote. That was a dream I had on June 21st. And then there's this from CNN today:

"About 1.6 million fans registered for a chance at fewer than 9,000 tickets ....A random drawing will follow. The winning registrants will receive an e-mail Sunday....The e-mail will assign the selected registrants a unique code and direct them to a designated distribution center."

Sorry, but I know me and how so many of my dreams come true in some way, I don't think this is just coincidence. Combine that with the one from the night before that, about watching MJ's history in many clips from over the years on TV and telling Michael how I'd felt at each of these moments, and later being held against his chest crying, asking his heart to please never stop, keep beating strong. God, it's so eery. So the course was set by then? No turning back? God :cry:

I remember this dream quoted above. There were huge crowds of people in a long, long line. We'd had tickets and then it was like "oh, you don't have tickets anymore!". So we had to take a piece of paper with the PIN code or password and stand in line at (I think more than one) location, like a box office location, to get tickets and it was totally unknown what seats you'd end up with. So if you'd had front row for an O2 show, now you might end up in the balcony or something. The other part was about being at the "O2" and the stage was being put together, but without any seats where A2 was supposed to be. They told me a catwalk would be there instead and that the other people who'd had seats there were split to the sides. Well, the part I didn't write was that those sides (in front of the stage on either side of the empty area where A2 would have been) had barricades and chain-linked fences with crowds behind them. You couldn't get close from behind these fences and barricades. I thought, what a weird way to do this. (Would that be the crowds being kept away from Staples? Will there be a catwalk in front of the stage on Tuesday?)

I am so upset. I had no idea what these dreams meant at the time. Or that they meant anything... :no: Why did they have to mean this...
i was reading this thread searching for somethin...but i found that some of you had dreams about Mj's death without knowing ..like when he gave someone black flowers, wearing complete white suite and saying he is now with his best friend, the album with many songs but without Michael on the cover and someone saw him singing thriller then saying the darkness fall.... were these signs about losing him, i'm confused i want my faith back ,(