Don't you hate it when......

For Ladies - don't you just hate it when you tweeze your eyebrows, and sneeze? Every single time I tweeze my eyebrows, I get into a wild sneezing fit...
Yes! Only because it takes me so friggin long to get to sleep!

DYHIW you drop a bag full of shopping and everything goes all over the floor, and people watch? :mellow:
Yes, don't they say things come in threes??? Feels like THIRTY threes sometimes!!

DYHIW you've got plans for something and you get sick?
^:lol: at 33!

Yeah, especially when you were looking forward to it!

Don't you hate it when no matter what you do to try and make your hair look good, it just doesn't go your way?
I swear, I was gonna ask that one :toofunny:

Don't you hate it when you wanna watch a particular DVD, but it's scratched so much that it doesn't work?
Yes it frustrates me.

DYHIW one of your feet is itchy, right in the middle and it doesn't go away??
Yes! And no matter how much you itch it, it's still sooo itchy :lol:

Don't you hate it when you think something you want is installing on your computer, then it says it couldn't install? Grrrr!

DYHIW your computer tower thing makes rumbling noises like it's hungry? Shut up already! lol :huh:
Yeah..especially when I have an old computer...

DYHIW you lose your tweezers, and by the time you find them, you find out you got man-brows??
^ :lol:

I'm lucky and never have had to touch mine :happy:

Don't you hate it when you cant get comfortable?
^ Yes.

DYHIW it's the middle of the night, and you wake up to go to the bathroom, and are tired, but you can't get back to sleep...?
Ughhhhhhhhh, YES! Awful!

Don't you hate it when something baffles you so much? :unsure: I'm so confused about something right now :lol: really, really weird :lol:
Yes, that is pretty bad when others put you down all the time...but I always feel that I can show them just how much of a person I am by not responding to it and going down to their level...

DYHIW you're in a hurry, and driving - and the person in front of you is driving very slow? It's almost like they know you are in a hurry, and are purposefully driving slow just to aggravate the hell out of you?
I got another one - how about when you are in a hurry, and are driving...and you get to the highway only to find out there's a massive traffic jam in the direction you need to go???
Maybe their computer died??

DYHIW someone tells you that you can't do something?
^ Hell yeah. One time, my guidance counselor in high school told me I wasn't going to amount to much. And I showed her up big into I am going into nursing she was wrong TWICE...

DYHIW you're driving, and you hit every friggin red light that ever existed on the planet?? AARRGGH!!
No but I once almost ran a dog over!!

DYHIW you get an eyelash stuck in your eye?