Don't wanna be negative or anything.. But, I'm just saying Michael might not have the stamina

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My friend works in a company in Sweden that is wildly known. The company sells "packages" for events, such as concerts and festivals. They arrange plane tickets, the concert ticket itself and hotel, etc. So, I asked him if he could hook me up for one of the concerts Michael is gonna perform. He told me, "Well, we had a meeting about that some days ago, the demand is high. But our men that works in London told us that Michael will not be able to perform 50 shows and therefor be canceled. And we can't pay back all the refunds if such a thing happens. The first ten shows will be history, after that it will go downwards. And even if he perform all the 50 shows, he will delay it but tell it when the time is right. That too would cost us money."

Don't give me the negative shit. This is what I heard from a source, my friend, that has a finger in the business.
I don't get why did you post it? To keep people from going to shows? If Michael is not able to do all shows, he will cancel or postpone some. It happened before. I am willing to risk and take any chance I can to see him. None of us knows what might happen. We have so-called swine flu pandemic, some shows might be cancelled because of that. So??? If you are not willing to risk you may stay at home.

My friend works in a company in Sweden that is wildly known. The company sells "packages" for events, such as concerts and festivals. They arrange plane tickets, the concert ticket itself and hotel, etc. So, I asked him if he could hook me up for one of the concerts Michael is gonna perform. He told me, "Well, we had a meeting about that some days ago, the demand is high. But our men that works in London told us that Michael will not be able to perform 50 shows and therefor be canceled. And we can't pay back all the refunds if such a thing happens. The first ten shows will be history, after that it will go downwards. And even if he perform all the 50 shows, he will delay it but tell it when the time is right. That too would cost us money."

Don't give me the negative shit. This is what I heard from a source, my friend, that has a finger in the business.

I'm sorry, but why would some people in Sweden know better than the people who are actually dealing with Michael. Randy Phillips said he would trade his body for Michael's anytime.. and a fan who have just been to L.A. said that Michael is rehearsing 8 hours a day.. so I can only say jävla svenska :)

this is the sort of thing that you should let go in of the one ear and let it pass right through the other...
pfffffft... here we go again. Cant we all just keep the faith in our man people -


Now excuse me while I go and read something worth reading
Yes the man is 50, I AM AWARE of that fact. MADONNA is 50 and look at all the crap she does during her shows, and she's been constantly touring now for the last 5 years or so. I and MOST OTHER FANS are not expecting the same shows he did back during Victory or even BAD, but the man still has it and for people to go all negative and's VERY irritating. And I truly believe because he hasn't done anything like this in awhile people have forgotten how great of a performer he truly is and so are doubting his abilities.

He's going to show EVERYONE that there is a reson HE IS THE KING OF POP. I have no doubt. He's going to bring it and when he does it's going to be funny seeing all the nay sayers become completely speechless.

Think whatever you want, I can't stop you, but when push comes to shove Michael IS still MICHAEL FRICKIN JACKSON THE KING OF POP, 50 or NOT and he will give us a show that we will NEVER FORGET.

Reality check people. People who are 50 aren't going to be able to do what they could when they were 30. I hate it when people on here say someone is being negative when saying MJ might not be able to complete the shows. Is MJ not subject to getting old and the laws of nature? If we were talking about any other artist, it would be ok to question, but since we are talking about our beloved MJ, how dare we question anything? MJ is NOT immortal. MJ is NOT forever young. MJ is NOT the same as he was 20 or 10 years ago. The sooner you learn that, the better.

I hope MJ can complete the shows, but if he can't I will surely understand. I know MJ isn't superman.

your beloved Michael Jackson? i don't think so. most of your stuff is negative.

and, i gotta break it to you. not everybody does fall under the same rules. MJ doesn't even look like anyone else. he does look preserved. he is unusual. he has kept his youth. there are anomalies. he outdances follow up generations. he kept up with Usher at MSG. he outdanced NSync on MTV. he was born with this talent. and the earth doesn't subscribe to flat out averages, as much as you might think. nature is not in a box. there are unusual circumstances. but whether you believe all this or not, really doesn't matter. MJ said himself the importance of the mind. fortunately, your state of mind won't affect his state of mind.

Here is the most real reality check of all reality checks. everything that happens in YOUR life, depends on YOUR state of mind. what you think cannot affect what Michael does, and what Michael does won't affect what YOU think. in other words, he might move mountains, but if you decide he did not, there's nothing that can change what you think. that doesn't change the fact that he moved the mountain. that's it. that's all. that's a wrap.
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Yes the man is 50, I AM AWARE of that fact. MADONNA is 50 and look at all the crap she does during her shows, and she's been constantly touring now for the last 5 years or so. I and MOST OTHER FANS are not expecting the same shows he did back during Victory or even BAD, but the man still has it and for people to go all negative and's VERY irritating. And I truly believe because he hasn't done anything like this in awhile people have forgotten how great of a performer he truly is and so are doubting his abilities.

He's going to show EVERYONE that there is a reson HE IS THE KING OF POP. I have no doubt. He's going to bring it and when he does it's going to be funny seeing all the nay sayers become completely speechless.

Think whatever you want, I can't stop you, but when push comes to shove Michael IS still MICHAEL FRICKIN JACKSON THE KING OF POP, 50 or NOT and he will give us a show that we will NEVER FORGET.


Reality check people. People who are 50 aren't going to be able to do what they could when they were 30. I hate it when people on here say someone is being negative when saying MJ might not be able to complete the shows. Is MJ not subject to getting old and the laws of nature? If we were talking about any other artist, it would be ok to question, but since we are talking about our beloved MJ, how dare we question anything? MJ is NOT immortal. MJ is NOT forever young. MJ is NOT the same as he was 20 or 10 years ago. The sooner you learn that, the better.

I hope MJ can complete the shows, but if he can't I will surely understand. I know MJ isn't superman.

I hope you don't have a ticket for the show, since you don't believe in MJ, you should stay at home...

dont give u the negative shit, but u come post a negative thread w/o any concrete evidence. how stupid do u sound? And how the hell wud they even know such a thing when michaels black ass is in LA rehearsing lol and they are in london,unless they have some super vision that can see across the ocean and thru walls i suggest they shut their traps

(i'm with you for the 100th time man lol)

so, isse - this friend of yours - is he a psychic? i need one to see whether i will pass the exam that i had today it was hella diff!
A friend of my family's ran 2-3 full marathons a year when he was still around 55 years old. He's now over 60 and still runs one full marathon a year and goes running regulary. I'm just saying.....
he will adapt the dance routines around his fitness if you know what i mean, he ain't gonna bust a gut every night if he can't do it. he's gonna pace himself. i have all the faith in him!
He can do the whole dangerous performance asleep...
I continue to send my postive thoughts and energy to Mike who will need it.
Tina Turner at 70 was doing back to back shows on her recent tour... sometimes 3 nights in a row! And she did fine!

^^wrong she got sick and had to postpone shows

I understand your point and your concerns. Anything can happen to anyone. Things can change in one day.
Despite that it isn't neccessary to discuss that before there is a real reason.
Tina Turner at 70 was doing back to back shows on her recent tour... sometimes 3 nights in a row! And she did fine!

^^wrong she got sick and had to postpone shows
She postponed 1 London concert and 1 Sheffield concert... out of how many overall?? 90? People can get sick, that has nothing to do with age!
Ok there are some nasty posts to one another in here and I have no time to babysit a thread that is going in circles. Michael will do what Michael will do. We can't change it we can only enjoy what is presented to us or deal with it.

I'm going to close this with a reminder - please respect others.
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