Don't wanna be negative or anything.. But, I'm just saying Michael might not have the stamina

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Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011

My friend works in a company in Sweden that is wildly known. The company sells "packages" for events, such as concerts and festivals. They arrange plane tickets, the concert ticket itself and hotel, etc. So, I asked him if he could hook me up for one of the concerts Michael is gonna perform. He told me, "Well, we had a meeting about that some days ago, the demand is high. But our men that works in London told us that Michael will not be able to perform 50 shows and therefor be canceled. And we can't pay back all the refunds if such a thing happens. The first ten shows will be history, after that it will go downwards. And even if he perform all the 50 shows, he will delay it but tell it when the time is right. That too would cost us money."

Don't give me the negative shit. This is what I heard from a source, my friend, that has a finger in the business.
I doubt thats true, michaels in fine shape, had a personal trainer, and is going to perform all the shows. Trust michael more then anyone
yeah but how does that person know he wont be able to perform all 50 shows? If MIchael is going to delay letting them know he wont be able to perform than how do they know in the first place?

I am concerned about his stamina as well but it's hardly official that he wont be able to.
I think the shows might not be that long or we might get a limited number of dance songs.

My friend works in a company in Sweden that is wildly known. The company sells "packages" for events, such as concerts and festivals. They arrange plane tickets, the concert ticket itself and hotel, etc. So, I asked him if he could hook me up for one of the concerts Michael is gonna perform. He told me, "Well, we had a meeting about that some days ago, the demand is high. But our men that works in London told us that Michael will not be able to perform 50 shows and therefor be canceled. And we can't pay back all the refunds if such a thing happens. The first ten shows will be history, after that it will go downwards. And even if he perform all the 50 shows, he will delay it but tell it when the time is right. That too would cost us money."

Don't give me the negative shit. This is what I heard from a source, my friend, that has a finger in the business.

everybody has a 'finger' in the business. why post if u don't want a response? these people are hearing voices. media voices. please don't take it personal just because they are your friend. they are making predictions, and they can't tell the future any more than anyone.

like the above poster said, have faith in Michael. those who don't wanna invest in it, it will be their loss.

but this is why i say, that aeg has michael's assets backing them, cus it's most people's nature to be afraid, moneywise, despite Michael's sterling success, for some reason. deep inside, they take it out on him for doing the rare thing, that he sang about when little(saw a vid on here somewhere) he sang 'i gotta be me'. and he be himself, stepping up to his musical standards. for some reason, industry insiders have more faith in artists with lesser sales than they do in MJ who has bigger sales. misplaced faith and misplaced lack of faith seems to happen more than it should.

i have to say, you didn't want to hear anything negative, but you are posting something that a lot of us would consider to be negative.
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SOOOO many rumours already!!

Keep the faith in Mike! He will make it I believe!
not excusing any negativity but one should anticipate a certain amount of it when posting something like this. especially at this time, when 'this one said that' things are flying everywhere. You obviously expected a bit, you mentioned it to begin with :lol: If you really didn't want any, you wouldn't have bothered posting something you already thought people were not going to respond well to.

that does not give anyone the go ahead to be rude or disrespectful to you ... everyone hear that ?? I am just saying, you could have avoided any level of negativity by chosing not to post something you already thought would provoke such a response.

Thank you for sharing your personal information with us :D Hopefully, Michael will prove everyone wrong and kick ass at all 50 dates.

the rest of you, happy posting and please don't give the mods anything extra to edit.
ew these threads make me wanna chuck. no one knows anything yet everyone talks about it in the media. waste of time reading how "this person" or "that person" thinks he wont have stamina. FFS. its his friggen job.
ew these threads make me wanna chuck. no one knows anything yet everyone talks about it in the media. waste of time reading how "this person" or "that person" thinks he wont have stamina. FFS. its his friggen job.

i think ur fairly on point with this. most people don't find a job they like, and it's easy for them to forget that Michael is doing what he was born to do. so they go by their standards instead of his.

My friend works in a company in Sweden that is wildly known. The company sells "packages" for events, such as concerts and festivals. They arrange plane tickets, the concert ticket itself and hotel, etc. So, I asked him if he could hook me up for one of the concerts Michael is gonna perform. He told me, "Well, we had a meeting about that some days ago, the demand is high. But our men that works in London told us that Michael will not be able to perform 50 shows and therefor be canceled. And we can't pay back all the refunds if such a thing happens. The first ten shows will be history, after that it will go downwards. And even if he perform all the 50 shows, he will delay it but tell it when the time is right. That too would cost us money."

Don't give me the negative shit. This is what I heard from a source, my friend, that has a finger in the business.

If this is true, all those managers did was buy into tabloid crapola. I wont' be negative, but that's what it is. Michael Jackson has been dying for ten years now. Remember in 2004 (at the age of 46) he yanked himself up on top of the SUV? I thought "Damn.. that's hard for me to do now, and I'm only a teenager".

He's out strolling and strutting, waving and acting like his normal self. So what exactly is the issue here? Despite all the sensationalism and obscurity, the dude has been in the industry for 40+ years, and he knows his limits. He has the added benefit of being at ONE residence too instead of hop-scotching the globe and suffering from jet lag, fatigue, etc.
i feel ya damien :yes:

it is what it is...come july, one way or another we will know for certain. until then, i am sending all the positive energy i can, in michael's direction.
on't give me the negative shit. This is what I heard from a source, my friend, that has a finger in the business.
and? thats his opinion. its as relevent as anyone elses. doesnt make make him know anything more abut mjs health cause he works in a travel agent business.
When a person is doing what they love, they have all the energy in the world to do it. It's not Michael's problem if people want to doubt he can do it. He will just carry on regardless.
Michael has managed LOTS of dates in the past, plus he had to travel alot.
That would have been tiring but he performed brilliantly.
With This Is It, he only has to stay in London.

Michael will amaze us
dont give u the negative shit, but u come post a negative thread w/o any concrete evidence. how stupid do u sound? And how the hell wud they even know such a thing when michaels black ass is in LA rehearsing lol and they are in london,unless they have some super vision that can see across the ocean and thru walls i suggest they shut their traps
How can someone say this if they don't even know how the show is going to be? Like it has been said before, he doesn't have to travel, he has enough time to get the energy back for next show... Michael has been doing this all his life. If someone CAN do it then Michael is the one.
its someone irrelevent opinion. the same as everyones else why the poster makes thier"source" out to have some inside knowledge i dont know.
Plain and simple. The people working with Michael are professionals, and would not book 50 shows if they did not believe he could do it and Michael would not have allowed 50 shows if he did not believe he could do it.

He knows what hes doing, Michael Jackson has been performing for over 40 years........I think ill choose to believe based on his judgement as opposed to someone who hasnt performed one day in their life.
This is not Michael's fault but the Company's who's feet are getting cold because they don't wanna loose money. They legitimate there decissions with rumours and personal fear.

This has nothing to do with MJ. What you post sounds like they have (the man from london lol) had talks with MJ in which MJ has assured them that he would postpone and cancel several dates after the 10th show because he is not able to do them all LOL which of course is rubbish.

Because of all the rumours regarding MJ's health, however they have been dismissed, they take the fright at some shows being cancelled and them loosing money.


this is my opinion
Lol! Such a silly thread!! Are we falling prey to tabloid fodder too? We should know better than anyone not to subscribe to this stuff. Why is the poster passing his source off as original?
**yawns** I think it's going to be HILARIOUS when Michael shows EVERYONE who keeps saying
"Oh I bet he's not even going to do the concerts." "He hasn't got it in him." "He's washed up." etc that YES he's still GOT IT. It's just been a while since he's done anything like this, so people have forgotten that THERE IS A REASON he's still here, that MILLIONS OF PEOPLE are fans of his, that pretty much EVERY "music" act out now try and immulate him. And he's going to REMIND them of that.

Just wait...then when people don't have this negative crap to say they'll go back to talking about "how strange" he looks or acts. It's a never ending cycle.

He will do EVERY LAST SHOW. Just watch and see. This IS MICHAEL JACKSON we're talking about. Not Usher or Justin Timberlake. So all the negative nancies can go kiss off.

Reality check people. People who are 50 aren't going to be able to do what they could when they were 30. I hate it when people on here say someone is being negative when saying MJ might not be able to complete the shows. Is MJ not subject to getting old and the laws of nature? If we were talking about any other artist, it would be ok to question, but since we are talking about our beloved MJ, how dare we question anything? MJ is NOT immortal. MJ is NOT forever young. MJ is NOT the same as he was 20 or 10 years ago. The sooner you learn that, the better.

I hope MJ can complete the shows, but if he can't I will surely understand. I know MJ isn't superman.
hes not 75 either. ppl go from one extreme to the other.
speaking generally. some act like 50 is 75 cause they are a teenager and think anything over 30 is old. theres enough artists like bruce springsteen etc who seem to have no prob.
speaking generally. some act like 50 is 75 cause they are a teenager and think anything over 30 is old. theres enough artists like bruce springsteen etc who seem to have no prob.
I've never seen Springsteen doing the dance routines that MJ normally does. Have you?
u dont have to do full on dance routines to have a high octain performance. ive worked his shows and seen him close up for over 2 hours and its hardly easy. this whole thing comes from tabloids. when theres no real evidence that mj isnt fit enough to do the shows.
Reality check people. People who are 50 aren't going to be able to do what they could when they were 30. I hate it when people on here say someone is being negative when saying MJ might not be able to complete the shows. Is MJ not subject to getting old and the laws of nature? If we were talking about any other artist, it would be ok to question, but since we are talking about our beloved MJ, how dare we question anything? MJ is NOT immortal. MJ is NOT forever young. MJ is NOT the same as he was 20 or 10 years ago. The sooner you learn that, the better.

I hope MJ can complete the shows, but if he can't I will surely understand. I know MJ isn't superman.

Well, Michael most likely won't be as energetic during the show as he was on the Bad tour... that's for sure... he's 50, not 30 anymore, but like someone said, I'm sure they've taken it into account when planning and creating the show!

But to say that a 50 year old man is not capable of doing 27 shows in almost 3 months, with a break of 3 months and then doing another 23 shows in another 2 months is a bit pushing it! He has 2 days of rest, sometimes more, between every show! Tina Turner at 70 was doing back to back shows on her recent tour... sometimes 3 nights in a row! And she did fine!

I've never seen Springsteen doing the dance routines that MJ normally does. Have you?

No, but doing 3 hour shows with constant guitar playing and 100% live singing at almost 60, year in and and year out, is also nothing to sniff at!
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