Donny Osmond enchants fans with tales of Michael Jackson on Dr.Phil (video)


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Valley Stream, New York
Watch the VIDEO to hear more stories about Michael.

Donny Osmond enchants fans with tales of Michael Jackson (video) - National TV |

Donny Osmond appeared on The Dr. Phil Show yesterday and he enchanted fans with tales and stories about his good pal, Michael Jackson. The talented singer has been a star for almost five decades and he talked openly about his childhood, career, triumphs, and struggles. The candid interview was an intimate look at Donny Osmond and how he has survived unimaginable highs and crushing lows throughout a long lived career.

During an interesting chat with Dr. Phil, Donny Osmond explained that he and Michael Jackson met and became friends when they were both 13 years old. After presenting an American Music Award together, the two decided that they were hungry, so they piled into Donny’s limo and ordered tacos from a nearby Jack in the Box. The two opened the moon roof, stood up and enjoyed their tacos while cruising the Sunset Strip. “That’s one of my best memories of Michael. We both laughed our heads off,” Donny told Dr. Phil.

Michael Jackson and Donny Osmond remained friends throughout the years. In 1988, the two met up and Michael played a demo of “Thriller” for Donny, who instantly knew it would be a huge hit. Because his own career was floundering, Osmond asked his pal for some advice to get it back on track. Michael Jackson advised Donny to change his name because it was poison and squeaky clean. Interestingly enough, Osmond released his album “Soldier of Love” with no name attached to it. It was a hit and months later Donny revealed his identity. That album got Donny’s derailed career back on track.

Donny Osmond revealed interesting parallels between his life and Michael Jackson's life.

Both teen idols were very young when they were pushed to the forefront with big expectations.

Both families had nine children.

Donny and Michael were the 7th child in their respective families.

Donny and Michael's mothers share the same birthdays.

Michael’s mom plays the clarinet, Donny’s mom played the sax.

The two child stars had so much in common that they remained friends throughout their lives. Donny Osmond was crushed when he learned about his friend’s death. He said to Dr. Phil, “When he went off to superstardom, the pressures of the business got to him.” [just like Donny did]
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"Michael Jackson and Donny Osmond remained friends throughout the years. In 1988, the two met up and Michael played a demo of &#8220;Thriller&#8221; for Donny, who instantly knew it would be a huge hit."

- No wonder Donny knew Thriller would be a hit if MJ played the Thriller demo for him in 1988 :)
What a nice story. Donny and Michael were really good friends. But what I find funny about this story is that in 1988, the two met up and Michael played a demo of “Thriller” for Donny, who instantly knew it would be a huge hit. But "Thriller" was released and was already a huge back in 1982, so why did Donny say in 1988? In 1988 the "Bad" album was already out and a huge hit too. Mustof been a mistake, who knows. Anyways good story.
My mistake, Donny said mj showed him the "Thriller" demo just before "Thriller" came out which was 1982, it the article of this story that said that is occured in 1988: "In 1988, the two met up and Michael played a demo of “Thriller” for Donny, who instantly knew it would be a huge hit". Must of been a typo, we get the point though, nice story.
I did not even know that he still had a singing career, and the pressure of the business did not get to Michael, but what did was greed and persecution of certain key figures. Michael was in the business since childhood and knew what the life was about.

Chosenone Ha I know exactly what you mean.
He also spoke about MJ in an interview with Andrew Denton in 2006.

ANDREW DENTON: Can you explain, when did you realise that the Osmond name was not gold anymore, but was the opposite?

DONNY OSMOND: Well in the early '70s I was playing stadiums, you know big auditoriums, arenas and stuff like that. This was about 1984 maybe. I was playing a half-filled gymnasium, high school gymnasium. That's an awakening experience. You look out there and say, "Okay, I've got to do something differently here. I've got to reinvent myself because it's headed to a dead end real fast." I honestly believe that every career goes through that.

ANDREW DENTON: Not in the way it happened to you. I said in the introduction that yours is one of the most remarkable show business stories, and I'm going to go there because, as I said, people need to understand where you came from to see how you got there. You didn't just have a slump in a career, your name became show business poison. Correct?

DONNY OSMOND: That's right. I'll give you a quote. Michael Jackson, when 'Thriller' was just coming out, and he just showed me a video that he was working on, 'Thriller', and I thought, "Whoa, this is so cool. The public is just going to go crazy over this." I turned to him and I said, "Mike, how do I get my career back on track, like you've done?" He said, "You've got to change your name. Your name is poison," as you mentioned. That hit me like a tonne of bricks because really that is your soul, your name, that's who you are, you know. I said, "Well you should change your clothes," and I think he thought I said nose, but I - sorry. I hope Mike's not watching right now. But it's true, he said, "Your name is poison, you've got to change it," and I considered it.
The pressure of being lynched got to mj. nothing else.
He is a good guy and good friend, but that joke about MJ's nose was not funny and totally unnecessary.
It seems that when it comes to Michael Jackson , it's very heard to be 100% nice SMH !!
That joke about Michael's nose is so old and tired, I can't believe people are still making jokes about that. Like, seriously, why? Do they really think they're being clever and funny and original? We've heard the joke a million times now. It wasn't funny the first time, and it's not funny now.

I guess the rest of what he said was nice, so I'm not angry at Donny or anything, I just don't like it when people make fun of Michael's appearance.
Dr phil is a hater anyway. donny has said nice things about mj before and supported him over vitiligo. but personally i wish everyone would just shut up regardless
Yeah the jokes need to stop. They are hurtful and not necessary at all -_-
Yeah the jokes need to stop. They are hurtful and not necessary at all -_-

I guess they will always slip in a negative thing to show the media they are "with them." After all these people need to go back on these shows to keep themselves current. I always wonder why they don't make jokes about people like Cheer and Carol Burnette who had extensive surgery done. Oh and how about Barbara Wa Wa. I guess it is not cool to make fun of them.
I appreciate hearing nice stories but the jokes not needed. It was one of things that hurt Michael in his life. People judging and making comments about his looks.
That was a low blow Donny. That joke was so lame...I expected more from u. Still like ya but, how disapointing! SMH
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The Topic IS Donny and his words spoken on the Dr Phil show.
That Joke brought in was not meant to be mean in any way. I see no reason to focus on that when Donny has so much nice things to say about Michael. Was it even even necessary bring that into this thread just for the purpose of attcking Donny over something so trivial that has not caused any harm to MJ.

(it was NOT a low blow from Donny it was said teasingly and light hearted most can see that. )

Donny is a good guy and was a friend to MJ and Is NOT the enemy in any way.
Please Let's not turn this thread into another rant thread and treat him like one :(
We are better than that
I feel there is no need for all these "so called friends" of mj to be making jokes bout his appearance whether they meant in a light way or not.
^^ But Donny did NOT make ANy derogitory remarks about MJs appearance. where did you see that ? Apparatly people dont get the joke or they are making up crap. Donny was making light that he was the one who told MJ to change his nose becuase Mj told him to change his name. Thats All period .. He diidnt say anything bad about MJ's appearance at ALL. That joke is harmless and said in a light hearted way not to demean or hurt Michael. How can we know this, Becuase of the whole purpose and context of his conversation was to show love and respect for MJ not to harm him.

We need to look at the whole context of peoples words and not take one line or sentence out of context of what someone is trying to say. To think that after all he said good about Michael, Donny is thinking and now to close I just need to bash my friend MJ and say something very direspectful to hurt him is taking his words and joke out of context ..
That joke is harmless and said in a light hearted way not to demean or hurt Michael. How can we know this, Becuase of the whole purpose and context of his conversation was toshow love and respect for MJ not to harm him.
I think that since people, fans, have heard so many jokes about Michael, they tend to clump every joke, no matter how lighthearted, into the same category. Mean and harmful.
I guess it's just hard for some to distinguish between the lighthearted jokes and the mean
and distasteful jokes. I joke with my brother and call him "big head". And I love him dearly.
He knows it's not meant to hurt him.

Back on topic....The advice worked apparently. Michael knew what he was talking
about. Donny got a hit song out it.
Yes it was hard for Donny he said he almost ended his music carreer. He didnt change his name per say but released his album without his name which helped it to be promoted by the radio stations . Michael's advice was right that his Osmond name was poisoned as far as selling music at that time.

I dont think that they were real close friends as they got older but Im glad that they did keep in touch over the years and that Donny cared enough about Michael to offer him a Safe haven if he needed one. He always speaks very well about Michael.
I will admit that I am sensitive at times when it comes to Michael. You hear so many mean things over the years that you get defensive. Every time I hear or see a title of which person is talking about Michael now I hesitate to look at first because I think it might be bad.

For the most part I have only seen Donny say good things about Michael. He got to know him when Michael was young so he should know and understand the kind of person Michael was.
I still like Donny. But, to me the joke was low and I'm allowed to have an opinion without being lectured on every thread. So yea back on topic MJ gave Him Good advice!
I only hope that joke didn't bother Michael if he did watch that show !
Well the only reason I said the joke wasnt necessary is because we all know how Michael felt about his appearance and I understand if Donny was saying it "lightheartedly" but i just hope it didnt hurt Michael which it might not have since they kept in touch. So Ill let this go cause I know Donny is a good guy and because I dont want to make this thread into an argument. :)

But yeah I liked the part where they went to go buy tacos from Jack in the Box now Ill remember him whenever I eat tacos from there. :cheeky: