Domestic Violence over Michael Jackson

Ok I thought this was gonna be a sad story...and i would be upset over it...

:lmao: Not really what i expected. lol...omg...people are silly...esp. this guy. my my...:lol:

and I stopped focusing on pp. calling Mike the P. word anymore. They say that because they dont have anything else to say about him. I feel more sorry for them!

Thankyou for the laugh.


Now you know we should not be laughing about this! hehe! and I only laugh cause they are alive and well and nobody died. But yeah...people should not talk about MJ in a bad way. Especially with him not being here with us now. People real sensitive and we have been holding in stuff years.

I had one of these moments today. The Two Ghetto goverment workers I work with kept saying "Hee Hee" and they have talked about MJ bad in the past and they don't like me.(Never done nothing to them but be nice). So sometimes they do stupid stuff to irritate me. I think they are not worthy to say Hee Hee. I been stressed so I took light threw something against the wall to make a bang! and sho enough they shut up. lol. I don't codone violence but I'm sticking up for MJ now!

And of course the boyfriend in this case was prob jealous! People need to realize just how beautiful and sexy MJ was :wub:
Eh I still think that both of those people have had problems before Michael Jackson, and the media only chose to run this story so they would have hits on thier site and plus it makes it interesting. I still think the fight was dumb though. But the guy was a drunk.

You been hit by you been stuck by a Smooth Criminal …
I would hate to be in a situation where my boyfriend/husband hated MJ and it resorted to that.... how terrible :( I feel for that woman :(

Then again, if the boyfriend/husband was mine and he called MJ that, knowing I was a fan, I'd probably knock his teeth out :ph34r: sorry :p
What i really hate is when a MJ hater beats up an MJ fan no one takes hardly any notice but if it was the other way around then it will be on the front page of every newspaper the next day with an headline like ''W*** J**** crazy fans out of control''