Domestic Violence over Michael Jackson


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Man gets jail for battering girlfriend
Felony domestic case pleaded down
Express Staff Writer

John A. Kocalis A Ketchum man has been sentenced to 30 days in jail after pleading guilty to a misdemeanor charge of domestic battery.
John A. Kocalis, 54, was originally charged with felony domestic battery but the case was pleaded down to a misdemeanor in accord with a plea agreement with the Blaine County Prosecuting Attorney's Office. A misdemeanor charge of intentional destruction of telecommunications equipment was dismissed.

Sentence was pronounced in late December. However, Kocalis was given until April 5 to report to jail. According to court records, the jail sentence was delayed to give Kocalis time to undergo pending back surgery.

Magistrate Court Judge Jason Walker also placed Kocalis on 24 months probation, ordered him to pay $717.50 in fines and court costs and to undergo counseling. He is ordered to abstain from alcohol consumption while on probation.
Walker also authorized work release for Kocalis once he begins his jail sentence.

The case against Kocalis dates to Aug. 28, when Ketchum police were called to a disturbance at a residence on east River Street. Deputy Christopher Burks wrote in a probable-cause affidavit that officers found evidence of an altercation at the home, including broken furniture and a disabled telephone.

Burks wrote that Kocalis was bleeding from a cut on his right index finger knuckle and that the girlfriend had swelling and bruising on the left side of her head. Burks alleged in the affidavit that Kocalis struck the woman "with a closed fist to cause her injuries."

According to the affidavit, Kocalis and the woman lived together at the home and their fight that night started over a disagreement about a Michael Jackson movie.

"Kocalis said he told [his girlfriend] the movie was stupid and Michael Jackson was a p********," Burks wrote in the affidavit.
Burks didn't report on how the fight escalated from there, but wrote that Kocalis told him he was "defending himself." Burks also reported that Kocalis "had a small bump on the backside of his head."

- Have you ever had an argument about Michael with someone you know, a friend or family member? Has it ever turned physical? or could you imagine being in a physical fight about Michael?

I had big arguments with my dad during the trial (you can imagine why) but I've never had a physical fight.

...and we already have one moronic comment on the article.
This is insane. I've had arguments with my ex boyfriend about Michael during the trial but it never got physical.
hmm.....I would of done more than that to him...:lmao:.....thanks for the post...
hmm.....I would of done more than that to him...:lmao:.....thanks for the post...

I know right! :lol: when it comes to people talkin' crap about Mike, I have to control myself or I could just tell them off and walk away. Otherwise I would kick their ass! That's probably not a good thing, but ehh w.e. People learn not to talk badly about Michael when they are around me then. :yes:

His girlfriend, excuse me ex shoulda' bish slapped his ass. :lmao:
When i was at school many moons ago i got punch in the face for being a fan and because i stood up for the man i adore but i did fight back,i would do anything for michael,since then i have got into many arguyments with people as ppl seem to think its ok to slag michael off or say nasty things about him but i will always stick up for him no matter wat xoxo
Ok I thought this was gonna be a sad story...and i would be upset over it...

:lmao: Not really what i expected. lol...omg...people are silly...esp. this guy. my my...:lol:

and I stopped focusing on pp. calling Mike the P. word anymore. They say that because they dont have anything else to say about him. I feel more sorry for them!

Thankyou for the laugh.

I've felt like punching people upside the head!!! But I'm a lover not a fighter. :yes:

I'm with you I feel like punching haters too, but in the face. Damn that guy to hell for this. These MJ out ther like him are complete total retards they are.
Sure I've had plenty of arguments with people when I've been defending Michael, I've even stopped being friends with people because of what they've said about him, but I'd never resort to violence. :(
I have a feeling that this wasn't entirely about Michael. They clearly have other problems and this argument probably just spurred it on.

And this...
He is ordered to abstain from alcohol consumption while on probation.

To me, suggests that he has a problem with drinking too. :mello:
^^ I agree, I think that the Michael part may only be a small part of it. And there may have been more arguments and violence between that couple.
Michael fans are everywhere! You don't mess with Michael fans!

I don't feel sorry for that guy. It was his own fault.
happy to know that his girlfriend is a michael fan. yay! thank you for stood up for him.
Oh.... well... call me silly, but I really don't see any funny in this situation. This is terrible. This kind of violence is terrible, especially when it comes from your boyfriend/houseband/fiance/partner/what-ever-you-call-the-person-you-love.
I am very sorry for that woman, I really am. I hope she is better and, most of all, safe. I can understand we would do so much for Michael, but c'mon!! No one should be hit like this for defending Michael!!! MJ wouldn't be pleased. And if that man is able to hit her woman this way out of a fight about a movie... geeeeezzzz... what else can he do when it comes to money, for instance?

Terrible.... I am really sorry for that woman and I hope she will leave this person.
I've noticed that when it comes to MJ arguments it's usually the anti MJ people who will get physical, start screaming their heads off and resort to childish name calling

and yet the people who support MJ are the crazy ones *Sarcarsam*
thats terrible, this is exactly the type of person haters are, If they honestly believed they were right they wouldnt do things like that, its pathetic

I know. Your post is really good. Makes sense - somehow those people who are always calling Mike a "youknowwhat" are usually full of some anger, hate, frustrations... You'd think that a person who supposedly hates "youknowwhats" is protective towards children. But these people are just hateful!
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Man gets jail for battering girlfriend
Felony domestic case pleaded down
Express Staff Writer

John A. Kocalis A Ketchum man has been sentenced to 30 days in jail after pleading guilty to a misdemeanor charge of domestic battery.
John A. Kocalis, 54, was originally charged with felony domestic battery but the case was pleaded down to a misdemeanor in accord with a plea agreement with the Blaine County Prosecuting Attorney's Office. A misdemeanor charge of intentional destruction of telecommunications equipment was dismissed.

Sentence was pronounced in late December. However, Kocalis was given until April 5 to report to jail. According to court records, the jail sentence was delayed to give Kocalis time to undergo pending back surgery.

Magistrate Court Judge Jason Walker also placed Kocalis on 24 months probation, ordered him to pay $717.50 in fines and court costs and to undergo counseling. He is ordered to abstain from alcohol consumption while on probation.
Walker also authorized work release for Kocalis once he begins his jail sentence.

The case against Kocalis dates to Aug. 28, when Ketchum police were called to a disturbance at a residence on east River Street. Deputy Christopher Burks wrote in a probable-cause affidavit that officers found evidence of an altercation at the home, including broken furniture and a disabled telephone.

Burks wrote that Kocalis was bleeding from a cut on his right index finger knuckle and that the girlfriend had swelling and bruising on the left side of her head. Burks alleged in the affidavit that Kocalis struck the woman "with a closed fist to cause her injuries."

According to the affidavit, Kocalis and the woman lived together at the home and their fight that night started over a disagreement about a Michael Jackson movie.

"Kocalis said he told [his girlfriend] the movie was stupid and Michael Jackson was a p********," Burks wrote in the affidavit.
Burks didn't report on how the fight escalated from there, but wrote that Kocalis told him he was "defending himself." Burks also reported that Kocalis "had a small bump on the backside of his head."

- Have you ever had an argument about Michael with someone you know, a friend or family member? Has it ever turned physical? or could you imagine being in a physical fight about Michael?

I had big arguments with my dad during the trial (you can imagine why) but I've never had a physical fight.

I'd walk away.