does it matter to you ?

They need to realize what they did and how devastating it is. I still don't think Murray gets it. He really don't understand what he did. If I ever see that man in person I will lose it. I will never, never get over this. I have never felt a pain like this. They ripped him away from us. I still can't wrap it around my head, I mean WHY?

It makes sick just thinking about it.
No. It won't bring Michael back. But it will prove to me that the justice system isn't as biased as I think if somebody is sent down the river for this.
If they can't arrest the murderer(s) and throw them in prison forever for killing my sweet beloved Michael. Then I am going to wait and let God served the ultimate justice. I just hope they enjoy spending an eternity in hell. I know that will never bring back my beloved Michael. But all I really want is justice for Michael. Because that is what he deserves the most.