does it matter to you ?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
i was talking to my sister and she was saying how good she would feel if someone gets the blame for michaels death. ok ok i know he would be and should be still with us if it were not for foul play but to me it doesent even matter if they get the people responsable ill still feel sadd everytime i here his music and still feeling his death if they do ill feel the same way! it changes nothing to me ill hurt anyway and his family will too. in clossing i just feel like it wont bring my michael back so i dont even care anymore but what do you guys think ?
of course Im gonna always feel sad about Micheal but knowing that the ppl who killed him are getting what they deserve will make it easier
Micheal never got justice when he was alive at least he could get it in death
I am devasted Michael is gone and I think I will always be sad without him but the people involved in his death should be punished. They have committed a crime here and taken Michaels life yes they should be made to pay. Why should Michael's life have been taken at the had of another and that person not be punished. No I am sorry but all those involved in Michaels death must be punished it is only fair to Michael and his family. Justice must be done.

The fact that he died unecessarily makes this more heartbreaking, if it had been natural causes it would still hurt but we have the additional pain and anger to deal with because of the way he died.

So someone being punished might bring some closure and help us move on. It won't bring him back but he deserves justice, he got precious little of that when he was alive.

Conrad Murrey killed him, the question is why, was he so incompetent that he didn't know those drugs would put his life at risk, if so he should not have administered them, or did his actions go beyond wreckless, giving Michael whatever he wanted for the money, or was he paid to do it.

These are the questions that we need answers to. Once we know, we do have to move on, it is hard, but in time we will.
i understand how you feel.i mean it will make me feel alittle better knowing that people are paying for what they have done,but bthe sad reality is,michael still won,t be here.
I understand how you feel - even if someone gets convicted over Michael's death, it won't bring him back. No 'unringing the bell' here.
But to know that at least justice has been served would help me deal with this.
I really, truly do want a thorough and fair investigation, and the perpetrators to be punished.
The fact Michael Jackson's death is now recorded as 'at the hands of another' tells me that somebody else is responsible for his death, and that person needs to be brought to justice.
Dr Murray is the most likely person to be accountable but the slow pace of the investigation makes me think nobody will go to jail. What took the police so long to conduct those searches?!?! That was just poor police work IMO.
When the stories of drugs in MJ's system started to circulate in the media there was a wave of negativity across the internet because people began to feel that Mike was just another 'druggy' death and that he brought it on himself.
If somebody is convicted of killing him (or at leats of contributing to his death) then there will be a strong justification that MJ was not entirely at fault. Hopefully he will get more sympathy from the public and his death won't be tainted by the drugs so much. Of course, MJ might have requested these drugs and may have even threatened Dr Murray but at the end of the day the doctor should not have agreed to use them. He should always have said no because it was not in Mike's best interest to treat him in that way and so the Doctor went against his oath.
It won't bring it back, and if anything it makes it worse that he died because of someone else, and not by natural causes. However, it is definitely important that the responsible people are brought to justice. Multiple people are under investigation, so I don't think it will be only Murray.
it kinda doesn't matter to me but he deserves justice FOR ONCE!!! if not in his life then in his death...
of course it does! what kind of question is that?
michael was killed that makes me angry beyond words I'm angry as much as I'm in grief
and I want Michael's name cleared, I want them to know he was looking forward to the future he was happy and they killed him, AEG killed him with their greed and Murray killed him literally
the media practically danced on his grave making our grief even worse I want them to eat their own words when the truth comes out. after that we will go back to our grief because like you said, the pain will never go away, but the truth needs to come out I can't accept what they did to Michael
of course Im gonna always feel sad about Micheal but knowing that the ppl who killed him are getting what they deserve will make it easier
Micheal never got justice when he was alive at least he could get it in death

I agree with that...
Yes, it does matter. The people responsible for taking Michael's life need to pay for what they've done.
Michael's murderers should pay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
of course I will never get over this loss but the perpetrator should not get away with taking MJs life. I still don't understand why there is no arrest, this fact makes me sadder everyday.
it DOES matters.
he has suffered enough in his whole life. Now he is dead and those greedy people wins?
i will be REALLY MAD if no one is getting down on this!
I'm like most of you writiing here. What difference will it truly make, will it bring Michael back to us, no?

Yes justice may be done. But then again, like everything else with the law and how it's run, it could just flip on us and turn ugly and say Michael did this to himself, he demanded it or something stupid like that. Or they can't get enough evidience to make this concrete and prove it. Or the doctor, who is now whining and saying Michael bullied him into cruel. I don't know...I got a bad vibe about this mess, that these doctors, and the main one, will just get a slap on the wrist and walk away free, just because something is messed up with the evidence. Hopefully I am wrong...but I don't know...I got a really bad vibe
The fact that he died unecessarily makes this more heartbreaking, if it had been natural causes it would still hurt but we have the additional pain and anger to deal with because of the way he died.

So someone being punished might bring some closure and help us move on. It won't bring him back but he deserves justice, he got precious little of that when he was alive.

Conrad Murrey killed him, the question is why, was he so incompetent that he didn't know those drugs would put his life at risk, if so he should not have administered them, or did his actions go beyond wreckless, giving Michael whatever he wanted for the money, or was he paid to do it.

These are the questions that we need answers to. Once we know, we do have to move on, it is hard, but in time we will.

I agree with you. Michael didn't HAVE to die.

If it were a natural cause....nature deciding it was enough and stopping his heart, or even if Michael himself had decided to take pills or whatever and end his life, then I would have been able to cope with it better than I have so far.

Now, knowing that all it took was 1 moron who didn't pay attention and let Michael die, is something I am having a hard time dealing with. In my opinion Michael deserves justice. I don't want the world thinking he was an addict and that's what killed him. It's not like that... because apart from the fact he was taking stuff he wasn't supposed to take, he died because someone failed to pay attention to him and monitor him.
Michael will never physically be back, but he lives forever through his music and everything he did for the world. As for does it matter for me? Yes! ANYONE who kills another person needs to be brought to justice.
It matters to me a great deal. No, it won't bring him back. Unfortunately, as much as I would like to, nothing will. :(
But, the people who did this need to pay! They shouldn't be allowed to get away with it. I'm tired of people hurting Michael and getting to live their happy wonderful lives, and especially this time when they took his precious life. People should be held accountable when they take anyone's life, and there are people involved in this who purposely took Michael's life. If they get away with it, it would be a travesty. It would be adding insult to injury. It's just like anyone else who has a loved one who gets killed by someone. They want justice, even though it doesn't ever bring the person back. It does help in the smallest of ways to know that they are not going to just get away with it.
I'm like most of you writiing here. What difference will it truly make, will it bring Michael back to us, no?

Yes justice may be done. But then again, like everything else with the law and how it's run, it could just flip on us and turn ugly and say Michael did this to himself, he demanded it or something stupid like that. Or they can't get enough evidience to make this concrete and prove it. Or the doctor, who is now whining and saying Michael bullied him into cruel. I don't know...I got a bad vibe about this mess, that these doctors, and the main one, will just get a slap on the wrist and walk away free, just because something is messed up with the evidence. Hopefully I am wrong...but I don't know...I got a really bad vibe

Well, of course they will try to say that. It's their only defense. But it's stupid beyond belief. First of all, doctors cannot just prescribe or give medication to anyone who just asks for it. So he would still be in trouble if he tried to use that excuse. Second, Michael "bullying him"??? That is laughable. He can try that, but I don't see who would believe that. I'm getting mad just thinking about it.
the thing is how would you feel if someone killed your family member, friend? wouldn't you want them to pay.
your going to be sad about the death either way. but you have to look past that because 1. people need to be caught when they do something wrong, so they wont do it to others. its the right thing to do.

2. these people need to get it in their heads they cant simply do things like this and need to know they will pay for it when they do.

you cant look past things like this that are serious.
even if this doctor gets a slap on the wrist, you have to still take a chance. you dont let things like that go.
Matters. I am not only hurt and sad.
I am also FURIOUS .


Michael was KILLED, he was left to die. No one deserves that, especially someone who did so much for others.

I want Justice for Michael.

I want everyone responsible to pay their crime.

It's like the saying: "God don't like Ugly", and God's Divine Justice will bring punishment to the people who are guilty.

Michael deserves that.
This is like asking if I want my father/brother/husband/child's murderer caught/tried/convicted.

Michael was more than some man who could sing and dance. He was more than some handsome face on T.V.
There are not enough words to describe or explain what he means to me or I how I feel about him and will always feel about him.

His murderers must pay the ultimate price. They must be laid at our feet and judged just like Michael. They must be convicted just like they convicted Michael. They must be punished just like they punished Michael.
i was talking to my sister and she was saying how good she would feel if someone gets the blame for michaels death. ok ok i know he would be and should be still with us if it were not for foul play but to me it doesent even matter if they get the people responsable ill still feel sadd everytime i here his music and still feeling his death if they do ill feel the same way! it changes nothing to me ill hurt anyway and his family will too. in clossing i just feel like it wont bring my michael back so i dont even care anymore but what do you guys think ?

What kind of question is that? Are we children, little boys and girls? For adult person it MATTERS. It is why I am here in MJJC. I can listen and enjoy his music without being a part of this fan club. Michael was killed and people who took his life away have to be punished. No question about that.
i was talking to my sister and she was saying how good she would feel if someone gets the blame for michaels death. ok ok i know he would be and should be still with us if it were not for foul play but to me it doesent even matter if they get the people responsable ill still feel sadd everytime i here his music and still feeling his death if they do ill feel the same way! it changes nothing to me ill hurt anyway and his family will too. in clossing i just feel like it wont bring my michael back so i dont even care anymore but what do you guys think ?

The thing is that the reason why MJ died is not only because of Dr. Murray, but because of the US healthcare system. So yes if he gets punished then that sends out a strong signal to americans, that they have a system that kills people.
I want justice FOR him. No, it won't bring him back of course, but it matters, it matters a lot. And not only that I wanna see those personS being brought to justice, I'd also love to see them suffer really bad.:evil:
honesltly i dont know. I want those who murdered Michael to pay severaly and never see the light of day again. yeah it will at least give Michael the justice he deserves and never got while alive. aquitals or no aquitals he was still treated like dirt and now that he is gone he deserves real justice. It wont bring Michael back and i wish to god it would but at least michael is at peace and he cant be hurt anymore. As devestated as iam over michael's loss and the many tears ive cried and will continue to cry for michael i know that those responsibable will get whats comming in hell.
It matters very much.

I will not ever recover from this. If the people who did this pay dearly for what they did then maybe it will help a little. I know they will pay eventually, but I pray to God they will pay here on earth too. I mean everyone that is involved not just Dr. Murderer.