Does it frustrate you when people call you "blind"?

The only frustrating part about it was that its actually them who are blind. Nothing annoys me more than a hypocrite. Otherwise, I couldnt care less what they say.

Exactly. This is such a pain. Everything they accuse us of, they are demonstrating those very qualitys themselves. They call us 'blind' yet we pesent them with FACTS in responce to SENSATIONALIST opinions they posess and they ignore them, once again calling us blind. It's just a loose loose situation.
I know what you mean, I will come back at this topic tomorrow as I gotta go to sleep now lol. But ur reading my mind.
Yeah, we're the one's that are blind when the people telling us we're blind are the same people that read and believe the tabloids.
in responce to the question in the title...

No, because they are the ones who are blind.
i feel sorry for them, they are so blind they can't even see that we are not blind.
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It more than frustrates me. I verge on tears when I hear anything bad about Michael these days. I often will make sure Michael isn't mentioned around people who are disrespectful or who like to make jokes. When I tried to explain some facts about the trials etc to people at my work I got called naive and an idiot.

Some people will never see the light. It just really saddens me :(
I remember on the day Michael's innocence was announced. I just wish the public knew what we knew. It just feels so helpless and I'm worried the truth will never fully be shown..

We've just got to keep on spreading Michael's message and the truth.
I clicked on his channel, turned out he was a Nazi. .

Those are people who will never change their opinion on Michael for obvious reasons. If the guy was a nazi, he would never change his opinion on MJ. Due to MJ's color. ---------------------- People need to just talk to open minded people and not people who already have an opinion on him. At least an open minded person can go and say, "Umm, maybe I'll ponder something." A person who already has their opinion set is not gonna change.
I think it's funny how some people view MJ fans as a bunch of raving lunatics, when it fact it's the haters who are the crazy ones. Fans can back up their arguments with facts from court transcripts and all haters do is resort to childish name calling.
I really despise it when people are like that. I tend to either ignore it or laugh it off, but when it's spiteful it really does get to me and I fight my corner.

Some people will never accept Michael for what he stands for. They're misinformed and refuse to be educated, or at least open to other people's opinions. It's a shame, but it's always going to be the case unfortunately :(
What i've also noticed is that when you try to correct someone about Michael they always put their fingers in their ears and go ''La la la la la''

I think that these people enjoy living in their little fantasy world and i think that if they did listen they would have to say three simple words ''I was wrong'' and i think that alot of people hate it when their wrong and don't like to admit it
Well nobody said to me before.. maybe in the future :(
But my brother thinks i'm totally crazy about Michael.. I HATE IT.. it made me so sad and angry.. My brother asked me: "You know he was gay?" and I said: "Do you really believe what media says , huh!? they don't know a shit about him at all and you believe it?" .. then he said yes :O .. and he likes his music but .... i dont know.. he think MJ and his family are crazy..

They don't see Michael as we do :(
it's already hard enough to deal with Michaels passing,
yet they still keep on going with bringing the fans down.
Who are they to say something like these things, they don't know anything about Michael, or about us, the fans.

I know it is cruel to say, but if i could shoot someone... it's them :blush:
They are such crap!
Generally speaking, public opinion is seldom worth listening to. The ones who stick by the Arvizos' story are largely pathetic human beings who rarely ever bother to research beyond what is spoon-fed to them. As far as I am concerned, anyone like that is blinder than the blind, since they don't make an effort to gain their own perspective and adopt that which is presented to them.

If anyone has ever been called "blind", I say, ignore whoever said so, even if it is family/friends. Facts acknowledge no relation.
My eyes actually get very fatigued when you read through the mountains of evidence that proves that Michael Jackson never committed the crimes he was accused of. I also use my eyes in connection with my brain to try and see behind the BS that some people put out.

Sometimes my eyes get a bit watery reading the horrendous amount of nonsense (it's eternal hayfever season in the media) this man had to suffer through, but it didn't render me blind, no. Just a bit heart broken. But thanks for asking...
My eyes actually get very fatigued when you read through the mountains of evidence that proves that Michael Jackson never committed the crimes he was accused of. I also use my eyes in connection with my brain to try and see behind the BS that some people put out.

Sometimes my eyes get a bit watery reading the horrendous amount of nonsense (it's eternal hayfever season in the media) this man had to suffer through, but it didn't render me blind, no. Just a bit heart broken. But thanks for asking...

Tis sad, it can sometimes bring a tear to the eye.
What makes me angry is when people who think that MJ is guilty will always bring up O.J Simpson. What the hell as O.J Simpson got to do with Michael Jackson anyway?
I know exactly what you're talking about, it makes me angry and frustrated too. The worst moment was when I was walking in town with a friend who didn't know I was a MJ fan. We haven't known each other that long yet and the subject had never before come up. I started to tell her all exited that I had bought some old Jackson 5 LP:s and she got this horrified look on her face like "How can you buy the records of a paedophile?" She said that she doesn't want to hear about me buying those LP:s because she hates Michael Jackson because he was a child molester. I tried to say that he wasn't at all and that she's gotten it all wrong. I tried to share my knowledge of the trial and all the accusations with her and told her what kind of research I've done on the subject and tried to tell her not to listen to the tabloids, that they are a most unreliable source of information. She just brushed me off and said: "I don't believe anything the tabloids are saying."

But I was wondering, what else was her opinion based on??? She tried to discredit my research by saying I shouldn't believe tabloids, but she didn't see that it's her that believes that bs if she believes that Mj is guilty!!!

That whole incident left me very frustrated and sad and I haven't really talked to that person after that because it made me wonder if I can be friends with someone who is that narrow minded and can hate a person so much without having the slightest clue of the truth.

I actually went home and cried after that.

It doesn't bother me so much, if someone I don't know and don't feel close to, says stupid or mean things about Michael. Because such people are not important to me, nor are their opinions. But it matters to me what my friends think and I would think that they respect me enough to believe that I am not a lunatic for liking Michael Jackson. That I am actually an intelligent person who knows how to read and do research on subjects that interest me. A person who is capable of forming my own opinion.

It bothers me that someone who says she is my friend can think that I am stupid and blind and that I could ever in a million years worship a paedophile. I don't have this same problem with my other friends. They don't think less of me for liking Michael Jackson, even if they don't like him so much themselves.

But this one person is now a real problem for me, I can't really feel secure and trusting with her anymore. I don't really know what to do.

Many other friends of mine have become interested in the facts after I have explained some things to them and named a few sources. They want to read about it too and are appalled at the media for portraying Michael so wrongly.
Yes, it does frustrate me when people call me "blind" or "delusional" for defending MJ. Usually the people who bash him are completely unaware of the facts, and if you tell them they just dismiss it. You cannot win with them. I swear one time I was arguing with someone on the internet and I showed him the facts of the court transcripts and autopsy report. His response? "Those documents are fake". And with that, the argument was done. When I told him I had read the FBI files regarding Michael Jackson he was like "yeah right, as if you have access to these things muhahaha" until I showed him the link to the documents from the official FBI website. His response? Complete silence, he just moved on to the next argument. That's what I mean, you cannot win with them. Nobody likes to admit they're wrong, esp. not mentally disturbed people who like to imagine MJ molesting little boys despite all the evidence that speaks against it.
Those people want Michael to be guilty. So by them wanted Michael to be guilty then that means that they actually wanted those kids to be molested. They are the real sick ones.

I think that some people's hatered for MJ blinds them from seeing any logic. Any normal human being would be happy to learn that Michael was innocent because then that would mean that no kids have been hurt.

Also while some people whine and bitch about Michael the real child molesters are still out there
This past semester at college, I was hanging around outside with a bunch of friends, and somehow the subject of our discussion led to Michael. Now most of the knew how big of a fan I am, but one of them didn't. He said "Oh I think the guy is a phenomenal entertainer, but what did he molest like 30 kids or something?" At that point I was infuriated at the lack of respect and the obvious lack of information, and when I tried to present the FACTS to him, he would say "I don't care, I don't wanna hear it" and cover his ears so he couldn't hear me.

These people don't want to know the facts. They want to know what they already think they know. These are the "blinded" ones, not us.
This past semester at college, I was hanging around outside with a bunch of friends, and somehow the subject of our discussion led to Michael. Now most of the knew how big of a fan I am, but one of them didn't. He said "Oh I think the guy is a phenomenal entertainer, but what did he molest like 30 kids or something?" At that point I was infuriated at the lack of respect and the obvious lack of information, and when I tried to present the FACTS to him, he would say "I don't care, I don't wanna hear it" and cover his ears so he couldn't hear me.

These people don't want to know the facts. They want to know what they already think they know. These are the "blinded" ones, not us.

Wow just wow

I think that alot of people don't want to listen to the facts about the trial because then they would have to say three simple words. ''I was wrong'' and some hate to admit they are wrong
A lot of white people are very racist too in within their subconscious mind because of the state-owned media conditioning. Every time they turn on the news you never hear anything positive about certain races. Black people are stereotyped as uneducated criminals and prostitutes on the news, Brown people (people from the Middle East) are stereotyped as terrorists. Mexicans are stereotyped as lazy and become scapegoats for economic problems. The state is using the media to try to demean these races to attempt to rationalize their racist belief in White supremacy without coming forth and saying it out loud. People take this media stereotyping into their subconscious mind, and when a Black person is accused for a crime, they immediately believe that they are guilty even when all evidence points to their innocence, they will subconsciously believe that Black people are all automatically criminals and liars. I'm a White person who hears a lot of people making racist jokes about other races, or they will complain and say stupid **** like "We should bomb those muslims" or they'll say "Black people are like monkeys", you know idiotic racist **** like that. The reason people refuse to accept the possibility that people like Michael Jackson, OJ, Kobe, R Kelly etc could actually be innocent, because they have that racist mindset which they have been indoctrinated with.
I've been accused of "sweeping the truth under the rug," in defence of Michael. Oh, the good mind-beating I gave to the poor, unfortunate bas--ard who said that to me. I am many things-- sadistic, unsociable, eccentric, whatever. But one thing I am not is ignorant. If I support someone/something, I have a reason for doing so, and I know the facts of it for certain.
you know...I have heard a lpt of ppl say.." oh, just let them talk, they are ignorant."
I can"t do that.
Few days after 25.6 work I got into a fight.
My heart was broken and I was in a state of shock, you can imagine how I felt.
I bought a magazine that had MJ with his kids on the cover. I was carrying it and one girl (she was about 21 years old then ) said when she saw the magazine:
" Will they stop writting about that paedpphile...I am glad he died !!!!! "
I bet my eyes turned red at that moment and I bet I had a scary expression on my face because she took few steps back when I turned to her. ( all of ppl around me knew how much I love michael )
I told her to shut the f**** because she knows absolutely nothing about MJ. ( the only song she knew about was Billie Jean. ). I asked her did she know he was found NOT Guilty..did she know how Michael cared about the world...the environment..animals...justice in the world...poor people...etc. I said a lot of things.
She was just standing there with a stupid look on her face. She knew nothing.
I never talked to her again. Whenever MJ is a subject..if ppl don"t know a thing about him...I talk in his behalf.