Does he have to ??

First and formost...No question is a stupid question...the only question that is stupid is the one you don't ask..!

If we think about it...there are truly logical answers to the questions we seek...

1.) It is a known fact other celebs do not have the Pandemonium that Mr.Jackson receives.

2.) Sun glasses are to elimate all the flash bulbs going off, it tends to blind/hurt the eyes, Mr. Jackson is only trying to protect his sight/eyes.

3.) Mr.Jackson comes in contact with so many people in public that it is very easy to catch a cold, get a sore throat, the flu, Therefore, when he is trying to execute/finish important projects that he is busy working on, it is pertinant/very important to protect his voice at all costs..! Even though people thinks its weird/strange...

3.) As far as the silly costumes...Are you absolutely sure that Mr.Jackson was the person in the silly costume (s) or was it to deter the media, paparazzi, public?

Therefore, for so long now society has had such a misconception about Mr.Jackson that they do not realize he is more normal than most have ever given him credit for...

Heal The World~~~Education Is The Key!


Cute post. :happy:
Especially the last part. "Therefore, for so long now society has had such a misconception about Mr.Jackson that they do not realize he is more normal than most have ever given him credit for..."

That is so true. :yes:
Re: Do he has to?

:agree:I think some people are overreacting! This fan has asked a question and shouldn't be attacked the way they have!

I agree.
Whether Mike wears a disguise or not I think he will be recognise. However the disguises arent affecting me personally so should I really care, I guess not cause the only reason I dont like him wearing say what is it those "burkas" or whatever is because I would prefer to see his face in a picture, whether he wants to show his face or not is up to him I have no choice in the matter so I'll just have to accept it. lol
Calm the hell down

err i was very much calm. i dont really like

Sometimes I think its too extreme.

the judging

Should he wear so many disguises?

us telling him what he should or should not do

Why he has to wear all that,when other celebrities aren't. He will be mock by ppl whether he is in disguise or not. right?
The surgical mask is OK but sometimes Michael is being covered too much.

Why he can't be like other celebrities...just go out wherever,whenever.

and last but not least the complaining

sorry if i came off as not calm and i seemed like i was attacking the starter of the thread cuz i really wasnt :)
MJ is not like other celebrities. HE is more popular than most celebs. He also has never been able to go out in public without being recognized. i mean the man cannot even shop without being photographed or harassed. Yet you still ponder the question why he has to wear those "silly" disguises. Well MJ can wear what ever he damn well pleases. I mean seriously is he hurting anyone? No, he is only in disguise so he can have some peace and quiet while he shops, or tries to enjoy normal activity. How does him wearing disguises affect you?

I am sorry if my post seems offensive, i am just tired of people complaining about every little thing MJ does. It's like nothing he does is good enough for his fans. Now we criticize him for his disguises. Whats next? We are gonna criticize him for his lipstick shade?
MJ wearing disuises doesnt bother me, he cant go any where without someone bothering him he is just trying to make it easier for himself - and yes gisselle2323, he CAN wear what ever he damn well pleases
It is NO ONES'S business what Michael wears therefore, people should not get all worked up over it.
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In a way I understand when people wonder why Michael does this why he does that...but on the other hand it is TRULY annoying and irritating when they ask all these questions and then go "can't he be like everyone else?". Well, if MJ were like everyone else...he wouldn't be as successful as he is today. He is unique. Period. And I am unable to understand why people, instead of cherishing it, always end up judging him and critisizing him. It's just beyond me. Why shoudl everyone be and behave the same way? Why? As long as they are not hurting anyone...why can't we let people be and go on with our lives? And not just in Michae's case but in general too? Just a thought.

OKay. End of rant. :lol:

To answer the question about the disguises and does Michael HAVE to wear them? No...I don't think he HAS to. His life doesn't depend on wheter he wears one or not. But Michael might prefer to wear them to have at least some privacy. (Try on what Michal wears to see how it feels. Put on a scarf a cap over it and'll realize you feel like you have your own space and since peopel can't see you you feel safer and like you have more privacy. I realized how good that actually feels when I made the pics of me "disguised as MJ". Try it and I think you'll be able to understand MJ better...!) And there are enough other celebrities who put their jackets over their heads when they go somewhere or have hoodies on and the hood over their heads and sunglasses on. A lot of other celebrities DO try to hide too. And every person is different. Be it a celbrity or a normal "joe". If other celebrities don't feel bothered by the paparazzi or people harassing them...then that doesn't mean NO celebrity can have a problem with it. And there are differences between celebrities too. I am sure it's easier for Jack Nicholson to go out than it is for Britney or Michael for example. But anyways...the point is...every person is different. What doesn't bother one can bother another and vice versa. That's the way it just is in life. And I wish peopel could be a bit more open and relaxed and tolerant of other people and not judge people if they are different.
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try walking in his shoes for just one day and then go back here and ask this silly q.

I am tired with all these shoulda woulda coulda thing....
I mean it....
Michael can wear whatever he wants, and I hope ne never ever changes his style just because some of his fans disapprove of it. Maybe Michael feels the most safe in his disguises. Maybe he has fun wearing them. Maybe he just likes the way they look. I don't care what his reasons are; it's what he likes to do, and no one should try to change him.
If MJ is wearing a disguise he is obvoisly going to create attention but then alteast people are going to think its just some weird person AND NOT Michael Jackson, that way they stay away from him.
BUT there's been to many photographs of him in the scarf and sooner or latter its actually going to be a means for the public and the media to IDENTIFY him becoz he wears it so much.
I definetly know that if ever I bump into a skinny man who is wearing a scarf around his head, I'm going to investigate just to make sure it not my mentor coz I know he goes out like that.
Re: Do he has to?

:agree:I think some people are overreacting! This fan has asked a question and shouldn't be attacked the way they have!

I so agree with you... and these so called fans always do that on here, they can be down right venomous in their attempts to protect MJ from people who are just discussing, exercising their right of free speech... it is disturbing to me how they act... I don't see anything wrong with being objective, there is a difference between being objective and being rude or malicious.. I don't think the person was being mean at all, just wanting to breech the topic of MJ covering himself... Which by the way I completely understand why he wants to cover himself... I happen to know a lot of people in the city that I live in... and sometimes you just want to leave the house and not have to talk to people on the street... I would like to cover my self like that but then I am afraid of being mistaken for MJ. LOL
Mike probably doesnt wanna end up like John Lennon.
The thing with these "disguises" is that they make him look more like MJ than if he goes out looking like himself. If he really wanted privacy, he'd go for a "real" disguise where people would not immediatly see it's him. So I tend to agree with whoever says his disguises are attracting more attention than anything else. I can totally see the need for sunglasses, maybe hats and scarfs and such, but I also feel that most of the time he disguises himself in a way that makes him look totally ridiculous. He's kind of inviting the press to write nasty things. It's his decision after all, but I still say his clothing style is extravagant enough and he shouldn't change it, because he is MJ and has his unique style - but the disguises are too much, they should go.
why cant a member be allowed to ask a question and simply get an answer to the question that was asked ?? I am gonna start speaking to everyone the way some of you choose to speak to one another and see how you like it :chichi:
its his choice not something he has to do, it is what he prefers. as you say press are gonna say whatever no matter what he wears so he might as wear what he feels comfortable in. comfort for him might be different than for you. since he consistently chooses similar type disguises, if that is what you wish to call it, it would seem he is more comfortable wearing them than not.
I totally understand him. I mean he needs his privacy and the media really goes too far. He knows what to do.
I think Vegas is the #1 place for Michael to go if he were to want to go out as himself..

though he'll create attention.. Vegas seems to be easier on him than Cali was...

I guess Vegas attracks so many different type of people.. Michael is not so... 'different' in peoples eyes there.